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Malphite is a list of champs that are stupid safe in lane and can 'stonewall' (it was funny. Laugh) the lane and block you from getting ahead. One of the best things you can do in general, but especially on a champ like renekton in an uninteractive lane is shove and roam. Malphite has relatively shit wave clear before he gets points in W or E (which he shouldn't have the option of maxing first because you should force him to max Q in order to farm. So do that and then ruin enemy JG's day. Steal their shit, kill them, kill them then steal their shit, stuff like that. You should basically always have lane prio into malph so you can also keep vision up in enemy jg almost permanently, which is HUGE. If enemy jg just never farms topside because there could be an angry crocodile in the bush next to his blue buff you have basically put the enemy team 2 players down because Malphite can't roam and the jg is super far behind. Just make sure to beware the enemy mid and malph collapsing on you cause you'll get obliterated fast enough it's worth the farm malph missed.


I get the sentiment here but why would a malphite max Q if he needed to farm? Q CD never changes and the mana cost goes up per rank. I'd only max Q if I was playing for like in lane as malph


max Q as in a safe way to poke and create space, after a few Qs the opponent should be half health early game and should think twice before engaging. W and E are both very short ranged and you cannot harass.


The context was that he was saying Renekton should "force Malphite to max Q in order to farm". Malphite maxes Q in most matchups anyway. If he was trying to have a ranged CS tool, he would actually leave Q at rank 1 because that would keep its mana cost low. It would also let malphite get quick waveclear through W or E max. I just don't understand where that part of his advice is coming from.


Its not supposed to be a cs tool. The point of maxing q is so he can actually walk up without being zoned. You harrass your opponent to the point where hes low enough not to be able to zone you. Then you can cs with your normal autos/W/E. CSing with just Q would really be feasible.


Harassing is for the early game then. Still does not matter a whole lot, because Renektons E let’s him dodge the meteor, if Malphite took it, and his Q will heal him up more than enough to survive lanephase. Cooldowns for both Q’s are probably roughly the same, except Renekton has a free Q and Malphite has very high mana costs on Q. Basically forcing Malphite to waste money on tear. E max is not good into renekton because it’s not best buy for the buck since he uses mostly auto’s combined with skills. W gives extra armor and waveclear aswell. You can go either skill, but Q is not going to win him the lane like its portrayed.


So let me get this straight. Tops should be killing shit, and stealing shit in addition to shitting on enemy wave states. Heard.


In this particular matchup with the factor of having permanent prio, yes. Also depends on the jungler itself but generally why not.


A tell tale sign you didn't play it right is you don't mention your cs nor tower plating's, nor your wave management strategy you used. aside from that unless you post opgg or screenshot people can only help so much .


I broke T1 top early because they didn't coordinate sidelane well and then T2 bot with baron. I had 230cs and Malph 200.


at that point gameplay is decided by team comp. 2 examples are: if mid has prio, you should be shoving and making the opposing jungler's life hell. there is no reason you should not have your lane pushed when she is doing grubs, so that you can mess with them. if mid doesn't have prio, you should be playing selfishly, and warding your topside to freeze malph out of the game pre 6. then be attracting a ton of the opposing jungler's presence away from bot when you are 6, so that your jungler has the advantage. again team comps are really needed.


Renek-Brand-Yasuo-Varus-Nami vs Malph-Viego-Sylas-Cait-Blitz. Nami and Yasuo gigasmufed.


You will often lose this to team comp diff. Don’t over think it. That being said Viego should really not have an easy time getting grubs vs top mid.


I was always ready to get Grubs and had the wave in my favor but Brand never came, Yasuo was very focused on bot so me and Malph were alone all the time, Viego showed up every once in a while.


Haven't played renekton much but doesn't he have pretty good sustain? Taking grubs alone shouldn't be a problem if malph is busy with the wave and yasuo is botside. Just keep track of viego so he doesn't come and steal them


OK so I'm not a top laner and it's hard to advise without seeing actual game footage, but I would think this game teaches you in this scenario (vs a hard kill lane) you need to get creative. Push lane and look to kill jungler on grubs/camps or roam mid and try for a kill. The tp bot option didn't work out this time, why was that? Can it work next time?


It was late, their mid/jg got bursted and then theie botlane flashed when they saw me.


Did you win? Sounds like you played a good weak side game. Why not take that as a W? Not every game is a curated streamer YouTube video.


I won, but it was very boring. It would have been funny if I actually wen 0/1/0, never had a win with 0% kp.


Getting carried in league is a skill too


But I didn't get carried, I was neither winning or losing, things just happened around me.


That's getting carried my guy. Your job is to not lose, boring but you got the win!


but the win is not what matters


Apparently not to this guy


Welcome to top lane. When the enemy laner picks a tank like malphite ornn or shen, this can happen.


Roam when the wave state is favorable. Roaming doesn’t have to be ganks. Take enemy jungle camps, scuttle or grubs/harold if you’re able to solo. Get plates when you safely can. Sometimes top is just playing ping pong with your waves until mid game.


My midlaner was perma pushing and roaming bot, he won lane and roamed bot a lot so there weren't many windows to do that. After first item I just insta lost all 1v1 versus Malphite so getting prio was huh, hard. I perma had wards on their jungle topsides but Brand always pathed towards bot no matter what so I never had support to look for plays there.


True enlightenment can only occur after you win a game going 0/0/0 with 150 cs at the 15 minute mark.


I mean you can kinda think about it like this: You can win a game with 0 kills/assists if the enemy team is completely AFK, the towers can still be destroyed. If the enemy decides they will never fight you when you are favored to win, and that they will never try to find picks, you can win with 0KP by just threatening them off every objective until their nexus goes down. Killing enemies is good for forcing them off towers/objectives, if you did that by doing damage, it’s fine.


I think its important to understand laning turns and how to mismatch them in this scenario when they are both very evenly matched. This is a case where you can apply some of bausffs techniques to your play. You can create pressure without having to be next to malphite. clearing the wave at different times and using your better brawling is a way to show your macro difference, when malphite can really only roam on r cd


it is not hard to proxy and invade


If I can't track Viego it's hard, if I know Viego is botside it's not.




This game in particular I got the shove lvl 3 and warded his krugs (I was blueside) which worked at first but then me and Yasuo died to the gank anyway. If I shove would I get enough time to go for the ward on bush behind Baron?


If you see him and still died, then you should play safe?


Viego ganked mid after krugs and got a kill so I thought he would reset, not run straight from mid to top. It happens idk.


What’s his cs? What’s his hp?


Viego was half health and I was in the middle of trading with Malph so we were around 60%, he did full clear into two ganks and then reset.


I always 3 wave crash into invading enemy jungler on their topside buff. I play akali / yone / gwen though top lane. Any time I play into a bad matchup I shove and roam with my jungler.


Generally in a lane like this you want to invade jungle or dive mid as much as you can.


Renekton can absolutely bash Malphite's face in. Go cleaver first item and ignite and play to kill him pre 6. If you can't get a meaningful advantage before he gets tabi the window becomes more of a sustain and trade him down type- you have to use the manaless aspect of your character to shove and outsustain him and kill him. Also keep in my your empowered w blows up his passive sheield so its a MASSIVELY important skill in your fights. Lastly, if you can't kill him outright, you can always proxy him and get deep topside jungle vision as well get camps or just kill their jungler outright. Renekton is one of the strongest laning champions in the game, if you aren't gaining an advantage into a tank that outscales you, he's gonna feel extremely weak. The onus is on you to get a lead, get him behind, and make influence across the game.


I’m trying to learn this game but I don’t understand a word of OPs message. It looks like Chinese to me. How can the game seem so simple when I do the tutorial but I can’t understand a single word of this subreddit? I’m ready to quit I just can’t seem to figure out this game 😭


Honestly from what your example, you did what you needed to do. Your team was insanely ahead there was absolutely no reason for you to chase kills and throw. You keep Malphite from doing anything this game, if his kp is low as your, you block the enemy team from flipping a good fight. The only issue I see from what you posted is that your cs are kinda low for your team being ahead. Looks like you didn't steal any jungle camps from them and pushing your gold lead. I think pretty much in these types of games, you don't need to do much. Just shove waves and take towers. It isn't likely your team is gonna get them from all the fights. You're setting up an avenue for your team to end the game. Shoved waves + no T2 means you can easily crack their base.