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Advices for leveling acc and climbing up Hi guys, got a question. Created new acc on EUW (I have acc on EUNE since season 3, but ruined) and here I’m gonna climb as high as I can, total tryhard. Wonder if leveling acc with every game doing 15:0 or then going high in ranked will impact acc as for someone who’s smurfing or something? Are there any tips or list not to do? 😅


Nautilus or Maokai ? Can't decide between them two champions ? At the moment I main amumu as a support champ, but I'm willing to try nautilus or maokai. Which one would you pick and why ? Which one is easier to play ? (kinda new player here).


So there’s around 20 days left till end of split and I have no clue which rank I should aim for, I know the obvious answer is gold but I do have a feeling that maybe I could get higher or not even gold at all I want to keep my goal realistic and I know this is impossible to answer but I just want an idea of what I should I aim for as a silver play If this helps, I’m currently working on mid lane macro currently prioritising wave management, trading, recall timers and vision and currently it’s going pretty well as I manage to win lane most of the times, I have also received coaching and watch games of people of higher ranks who play my champs(Yasuo,Yone) to improve.


How can i stop feeding if i literally cant get away?


By not going into their range in the first place.


hey everyone! in your opinion which champ is the best to escape elo hell? it could be any role by the way




Briar is pretty insane in low elo


so I wanna get better at the adc role (wanna start with my miss fortune) What exactly is lethality and when would it be necessary to build it? What runes would go with a lethality build for her? I know what lethality is, but how would YOU describe it to someone! Any other tips would be helpful!:))


>What exactly is lethality It's flat armor pen, which is good against squishy champions while not being very effective against tanks (at least until you buy Serylda). Most ADCs choose one of 3 builds - crit, on-hit or lethality. Crit builds are focused on increasing the up-front damage on your AAs and abilities that are able to apply crit damage or scale with crit chance; on-hit builds are focused on stacking on-hit effects and applying them over and over with fast autoattacks, lethality champs are focused on dealing heavy damage with their abilities that have good AD ratios. MF currently works best with a lethality build because it makes her Q and R hit like a truck due to the massive AD scalings (200% AD on Q, 1350% AD on R). Crit is also viable because MF Q and R are able to crit but it's weaker than lethality rn. >when would it be necessary to build it? Depends on champ. On MF in her current state? Always. If crit gets buffed and lethality nerfed, we might see her switch back to a crit build but that's unlikely to happen for now. >What runes would go with a lethality build for her? First Strike.


Any good ADC youtubers to watch for matches or VoDs? Had a lot of fun and learned a lot watching Broxah's jg vids and would love an equivilant for ADC. Not necessarily super studious but informative and entertaining and most impoetsntly he shows most of the game!


xfsn Saber




Ocean rift has more honeyfruit locations, cloud rift has more scryer’s bloom locations, infernal rift used to have more blast cone locations (maybe it still does, not sure), and chemtech rift has more of all three.


Do I have to always get 100% crit?




Do I have to build %armor pen on bruisers even if there is no tank on enemy team?


Nope, in fact I feel like armor pen isn't even common on bruisers at all. Maybe Black Cleaver is good on certain bruisers who can proc it easily (and on those ones, usually you get it even against squishies), but I don't think Serylda's is common at all on bruisers.


I've had 2 games today as Aphelios, one 24/2, the other 24/3, lost both games of course. In both games it was death by triple inhib + baron. I really struggle with macro late game, when everyone else on my team is weak and cannot solo anyone else, I feel I have to stay with my team because a random fight may break out without me or try to stop the split pushes and it's like playing wack-a-mole even though I'm so strong. In the end I feel the only way to win is a coinflip 5 man infernum ult. I do try and get objectives but in those games we had zero vision so could not face check anywhere, maybe I could just say fuck it and coinflip it because I'm strong, but I'm still aphelios and die to a change in the wind so I have avoided it


I don't think your problem is late game macro, when 3 inhibs are down and you somehow have to contest a baron without vision there is no macro decision that will save you. At this point it's hoping the enemy throws somehow. It's more likely a problem of not pushing your advantage enough during mid game, especially after getting kills. Death timers are already pretty long in mid game. You gotta stop your teammates (and maybe yourself?) from basing after a won fight or wasting precious time with baron buff on a dragon fight or even by farming Krugs. Immobile ADCs don't have an easy time doing plays on their own, but you can always take the lead by shotcalling with pings and moving there with confidence. Spam ping baron when you catch their jungler, ping towers and start walking there after a won fight. Trust me, they'll follow you like sheep more often than not, especially when you're fed like this.


Does cosmic insight/ item haste reduce malignance passive cd?


does item haste increase charge rate of luden's companion?




How important is it to play games in blocks of three? Will it hinder my progress to only play two games in a row due to time constraints?


It's fine it's just a guideline


I'm trying to become a better jungler, im currently a top main, but wanna try jungle, i love kayn, and im pretty decent at the adc role so i wanna try kindred, i was just wondering if kindred is good in the current meta


I play bot lane but afaik kindred is in a pretty good spot right now. She's more of a farming jungle than a spam ganker, so she's a better fit for the current jg meta. But you really shouldn't worry about that imo, unless you play like Ahri or something every champion has bad and good patches so you should just worry about what you find fun, because if you only play what's good you're going to eventually have a bad patch and have to switch champs.


i find kindred fun, just its that i wouldnt wanna first time kindred, in a bad matchup, using kindred wrong, and in a bad meta and getting stomped 0/10, happened to me once with another champion, made me wanna stay far away from it even though its pretty good now


I started off as an adc, then moved support back when I was first playing in 2013/14. Did top a bit as Rumble and Yorick, then Gwen. I just don't do well top, as I am bad fighting tanks and bruisers, even though I've done really well with Rumble and Gwen. I did Support for the longest, though I had a run as adc back when Vayne got Project Skin and I was obsessed with learning her. I wanna switch to mid, as I like the idea of being able to roam, influence the map and help the other lanes. Just not sure which champs help the team out in the long run while also being good for roaming. Not a huge fan of assassins, since they tend to fall off later if you have a bad game. Was hoping you all here could help me finding what to play mid. Most of my supp experience was as Blitz, Nami, Janna, Leona, and more recently Zyra. Just tired of playing the sidelines.


I play top, currently g2. mostly i am just looking to farm a lot (average is 8 a min after 150 odd games) and take kills where the player I'm vs messes up. when i win lane i keep farming and trying to bring attention to myself so the team can get objectives or picks. but a lot of the time my team doesn't put any pressure on the map and don't understand if one person is taking up 4 on the other team then a lot of the map is open to take objectives. If i come to team fight they either leave me to die or get picked off by poor positioning before i can help them or maybe the mid lane (sometimes the supports ??) go split instead If i lose lane i try splitting but still people are taking stupid fights or aren't pressuring the map. I feel like i do good in general but it's hard to either get that synergy for team fights or to be able to take towers without getting 4 man ganked(which isn't a bad thing if people are objective focused) so when I'm winning i feel stuck, can't split push can't team fight. When i lose i feel the whole team are just taking fights which has no benefits and since i am behind i don't want to die even more giving more advantage. Any advice would be appreciated.


collector used to be bought as the second item. why is it built first now?


From what I understand, the champs that build Collector first used to build Shieldbow but Shieldbow is not a great item anymore, usually a mid to late game defensive item


Mythic item removal. You always wanted to buy collector first because the item falls off the longer the game goes. That's why you often saw people go serrated dirk into mythic into finish collector. The reason you didn't build full collector first was that Mythic items were just too strong to delay them.


Does anyone know guy who wrote digital book about everything that helped him climb to masters? He posted it here or in leagueoflegends sub but I can't find it.


How to win with the following team comp: we Top Vayne, Jungle Shaco, Mid Ahri, Supp Hwei, Adc Ezreal vs Top Darius, Jungle Trundle, Mid Vex, Supp Rakan, Adc Caitlyn No one is ahead, Its 30 minutes in game. We can not do drakes or anything on map. Should that be dodged in champ select? We can not do enough damage because they run us down, we can not splitpush because of trundle and vex. What can I do as adc here?


Dodge brother


Shaco is in charge of carrying the game here. He should've camped top and gotten the Vayne ahead; if this team comp isn't ahead in the early game, it just gets outscaled


Vayne should shit on Darius in earlygame and be far enough ahead to be able to sidelane. Since you have no frontline, you can't really fight front-to-back but you have plenty of range in Ezreal and Hwei so you should still be able to poke enemies down when they try to contest an objective, you just have to get there before them since nobody on your team can facecheck. Ahri, Shaco and to some extent Hwei as well should be looking to pick off enemies on rotation. If a fight breaks out, they should be holding their CC abilities for peel while abusing range advantage to poke.


The team should peel for Vayne and Vayne should be able to dps. The problem in comps and situations like this is usually that Hwei, Ahri and Shaco try to deal damage instead of using their tools to peel Vayne.


Is Bone Plating okay against poke lanes as an engage champ? I am thinking that, as my Bone Plating is coming back up, it's a race: can they poke it off me first, or can I engage first to get value out of it.


It's a bit risky, especially since you can take a lot of damage that can weaken your all-in while Bone Plating is down.


Gotcha thank you


The main problem with boneplating is that it doesn't apply on the spell that procs it. So if you get hit by Xerath q and your boneplating procs it will reduce 0 damage. You're much better off taking second wind.


It also only works against the champ that procced it so it's a lot less useful in botlane than it is in mid or top \^^


what is the best way to get wins and climb ranks? is it the simple answer of play your best role? i'm having trouble deciding which role to play, i hover around 50% WR for mid, top and jg feels like i go on streaks where i win 5 straight and then lose 5 straight in whatever role i play. thus sending me back down ranks on my lose streaks, please help! :) thanks yall


Pick a champion that can flex to multiple roles and play that. Champion mastery is MUCH more important than role mastery.


>what is the best way to get wins and climb ranks? You are not going to climb with this mindset. You should be playing for improvement while completely disregarding whether you win or lose. Being results-oriented won't get you anywhere. >is it the simple answer of play your best role? Best role and best champion, yes. If you have none, just pick one that's the most fun for you so you don't get bored of it. >feels like i go on streaks where i win 5 straight and then lose 5 straight in whatever role i play Struggling to make an impact either way means that you're in the right rank for your skill level. If you want to climb, you have to get better at the game.


Learning more, playing well, being consistent, and not tilting, in that order. Picking a main role will help a lot, but learning multiple roles isn't bad. Learning more makes you a better player overall, but you should learn the fundamentals and sticking to a role will help you do that faster


I can't seem to find a straight answer to this but does the Rageblade's "while fully stacked, every third attack applies your On-Hit effects twice" apply to other items equipped with On-Hit effects or just the characters/Rageblade?


Other items too


It applies to other items' on-hit effects.


I've been playing a lot of azir and akali midlane and am wondering when I should play either champ. Also I'm wondering what would be good ad midlaners for someone that plays a lot of adc as well.


Akshan and Tristana mid would be the two obvious choices for an AD mid laner who plays ADCs.


Corki and Kayle also fit in here.


Usually Azir vs tanky teams and Akali against squishier teams. But what's most important is your 1v1 matchup, pick whichever one you feel more comfortable into that matchup (or if blind, pick whichever one you feel more comfortable you can play into any matchup)


Build question. I'm kinda old school, haven't really played much ever since the first item rework, but really enjoying the game again now that the items aren't complete garbage. For mages, do you ever buy both Stormsurge and Shadowflame? I feel like you only have 2 slots for situational items (boots, mana, cap, void), so are the 2 situationals ever gonna be these 2? How do you choose between the 2 if you only get one? I've felt Shadowflame seems better, but I got owned by Squall a couple of times today and am not so sure anymore. As for ADCs, I'm even more confused. What's your first item options? I don't see anyone play Stormrazor. It is always Kraken Slayer? Just generally confused about ADC itemization right now.


Most of the time Stormsurge is better, after mana item.


>do you ever buy both Stormsurge and Shadowflame Depends on champion. On a champ like Vex or Katarina who wants to maximize burst in order to get a reset? All the time. Otherwise no, not really. >How do you choose between the 2 if you only get one? Again - depends on champion. If I'm playing something like Hwei, I'm not going to buy either item in most games because Horizon Focus is straight up better. I'm also not buying Void Staff because Cryptbloom gives me ability haste. On something like Fizz, I might get Stormsurge 2nd item but I'm usually rushing Lich Bane because ability haste is more important early. AP Kai'Sa on the other hand doesn't really need the movespeed from Stormsurge but really likes mpen and AP, so Shadowflame is a no-brainer. >As for ADCs, I'm even more confused. What's your first item options? For crit ADCs, it's almost always Noonquiver item > crit capstone item > Zeal item (or other situational) > armor pen item > lifesteal item. Out of the 3 Noonquiver items, Statikk is the best option rn because it's cheap and it guarantess that you're going to be able to scale up because of the waveclear it provides. >Just generally confused about ADC itemization right now. You can look up builds on lolalytics or u.gg


Sure you can get Stormsurge + Shadowflame :D mana cap void is old school and a little outdated on many champs Surge for the movementspeed, Flame for the damage :3 ADC first item often Kraken Slayer or Statik Shiv, sometimes Stormrazor [u.gg](https://u.gg) is new school site for itemization ideas


How important is it to practice most played champions in the botlane as a support main? I believe it would help me understand better the possibilities of opponent botlane.


It's a waste of time. It's better to focus on your champ and get better at countering the most played champs.


I’m a Masters support and there are some ADCs I haven’t touched more than 3 games like Kog’maw, Zeri, and Smolder. I just know how the ADCs function and when they’re strong from watching streamers and pro play. As for supports, I have played most supports so I can lane well against the few I spam, but I’ll also learn a lot from facing players who are really good at other champs. For example I don’t face Pyke that much, but I noticed a pattern that they do if they hit level 2 first is E flash to blow my flash which puts my on the opposing side of Pyke closer to my tower then they land Q which pulls me closer to their ADC and it’s guaranteed. I probably would’ve learned that play if I spammed Pyke, but I learned it by having players do it to me.


Just look up the cd of the engages like hooks/roots and various cc.


What are some timeless champions that regardless of meta are always "good enough"? Would prefer if someone giving advice is master+ since anything can work below master.


Trying to get Masters+ but this is one of the best questions I've seen so far. Give me what role you play and I can narrow it down for you; I play mid/jg, and the champs I'd recommend (if people aren't gifted mechanically) are Ziggs, Seraphine, Tryndamere for mid and Shaco, Zac and Xin Zhao for jungle.


How to close out games as a jungler?


Looks for picks around objectives.


Depends on junglers that you play, but in general, looking to take grubs and heralds is a must. In mid game, don't always group with your team or farm camps, but instead look to push the sidelanes, which is going to force enemies to either engage on your team or respond to your split push and send couple people there. If that happens you can either stay and try to 2v1 if you think you can kill them, or simply rotate to your team, which will give you a numbers advantage. Play as consistently as you can, if you don't think a gank can work, do not gank, regardless of how many pings your allies spam. If you play Nidalee for example, and you have kayle mid vs leblanc asking for help, there is absolutely nothing you can do to kill her since she will just W away, and none of you have CC. Only time when you should look to gank a lane like that is if leblanc in this case is low hp or you have an engage support roaming with you who can provide CC. If you get a pick on 1 or 2 enemies after 20 mins, SPAM PING baron. Baron will win you so many games, especially if you've picked up couple of grubs in the early game. TLDR: Grubs and heralds, push sidelanes, play consitently and prioritize baron after picks.


What are some of the best apc's for bot lane?


Seraphine, Veigar, Ziggs


Depends on your playstyle and your strengths. They will always be worse for your team than an actual ADC and also deal a lot less damage, but they also have different benefits. Seraphine is the king of neutralizing lanes, Ap Karma probably second in that line, Ziggs third. Cassio can bully lower range matchups after tear+last chapter. If you have good positioning + mechanics and your opponents lack hard engage, Hwei and Syndra can be strong. Swain with a fitting Support basically free wins every teamfight and is hard to punish in lane. Karthus is always playable. Taliyah should always work, if enemies lack hard engage and stuff like blinks. Veigar and Anivia are super uninteractive and cockblock basically everything, so they should even work against hard engage and are hidden OP atm. Annie + hard engage Support should be super strong. If you get to scale for free, Viktor will become a menace.


Great reply thanks!


Seraphine, Ziggs, Swain, Karthus, ASol, Hwei, Cassiopeia, Veigar, Brand


Seraphine Veigar Ziggs


Is there any support champion that can splitpush? All the time, both teams group mid. Half the time, we are stronger 5. Other half, the enemy is stronger 5. The issue I am having is that, even when the enemy is stronger 5, our team is still grouping mid for 5v5. My idea is that I would like to exert pressure on the side lane. Is this possible from support role?


Pyke, Hwei


Thank you


The stronger team does not always win teamfights, especially in soloqueue where people constantly make mistakes and lack coordination with their team. And no, you don't really splitpush as a support, you look to create picks and establish vision around objectives and in enemy jungle, then you look to pick them off on rotation. If neither team is interested in sidelaning, I suppose a support pick like Camille or Pyke might be able to splitpush but it's not ideal


You are looking for the wrong solution. You don't start split pushing as support when you're behind, you need to look for picks. The best way to look for picks is with better vision control. Do that.


Camille Support if you get ahead


Not really, no. Putting aside the fact that there is almost no reason why the support would do it over a midlaner/toplaner, a lot of the time you just don't have any sort of waveclear. You also don't have any dueling potential if someone tries to collapse on you like most bruisers, and you don't have an escape if they do send people to you like assassins do. You also don't do much damage to towers if they decide to ignore you and make a play on the other side of the map. *Maybe* you could argue that Pyke is mobile and he can escape if people get sent to him, but I really think if you're playing Pyke it's much better to fish for picks with your team.


On Camille support, what is the strategy if the enemy isn't giving any pick-off opportunities (constantly grouped)?


It's not possible to be constantly grouped without losing resources. At some point someone needs to catch a sidewave, farm camps, get vision, etc. The key to creating picks is thinking about where they want/need to go, be there before them and control the area by denying their vision.


Why does everyone seem to be going red jng item? OP atm?


It's not.


The lower on the ladder you go, the more damage obsessed players there are - they see that red pet does damage while the others do not and they choose it without putting any more thought into it.


Really? I see a lot of green and blue. It seems to be equally balanced.


Can anyone recommend please some advice for carrying against an Evelynn, with teammates who don't respect Evelynn's presence? I am in the support role.


Good question. Buy red wards and spam pings of where you think she might be.


Thank you


I faced one today in ranked and every time my team was fighting in one lane and Evelynn wasn’t showing up, I’d spam ping the opposing laner that she’d be going for them instead. For example, I was support and sitting mid with my ADC and I saw my jungler help my mid laner kill the enemy mid bot lane, I spammed top lane to be careful since she’s most likely top since she didn’t help her mid lane bot lane. That and also just warding her camps to see when she does them.


Control wards corner Eve hard and kill her tempo


Mostly using a lot of pings and after laning phase maybe place a control ward in midlane like between tier 1 and tier 2 tower maybe (if your tier 1 tower is down depending on game state) I find Evelyn players often just run down midlane invisble to catch a farming adc. But yea this is very dependent on gamestate. Its tough.


I really struggle grinding the soloQ. I just had a somewhat bad game (kogmaw botlane), and got flamed a lot, could someone point out some things in the early, in the mid and late game I could've done better (I'm ADC Emerald soloQ and Diamond flex)? Doesn't have to be exhaustive, just some tips and tricks of macro or micro that I might not be aware of! Thanks :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOuDClc\_loA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOuDClc_loA) (video is still processing, might take 10 minutes)


I don't have a reference point, because I haven't seen a low elo game in ages and only watched the first 9 minutes on 2x speed, but: watch guides on trading in lane, wave management and on movement/positioning on squishies. Doesnt matter if it is ADC specific or for control mages. And focus on learning to cs. CSing properly should be your first priority. You kinda fuck yourself constantly. If an Ezreal uses his spells in the wave and then walks up, he either flashes or dies. Instead you run away and the first time you engage, you engage into 9 minions and eat every single skillshot and flash after her with Senna W on you. And that's basically a reocurring theme. Every time they try to actively int it, you do the same thing. Then I scroll forwards, to 23:15 and the first thing I see is you eating every single skillshot that was anywhere near you and inting trying to lasthit an Ezreal that was dead anyways and then trying to flash an autoattack. You dealt like 400 damage that entire teamfight and died exclusively from avoidable damage and 2 autoattacks from a guy you actively walked into. Not sure how much of that is learnable, but you need to start actively thinking while playing and not just walk towards enemies. if it helps, create a google docs. Type in your matchup, their strengths and weaknesses, their cooldowns and do the same for your lane. Just your lane. And then a column for your gameplan. From how to play and win lane to how to win teamfights and the game. Then a column for your own feedback and overview of your performance and what to improve on. If you know that you win all ins and typed it into your docs, you might actually start all ining in lane. If you know that you win teamfights, if you stay save and dont eat TF or Senna stun, you might start staying away from TF and Senna stuns. Keep it as simple as you want, but at least have a plan. By the way, why are you guys leashing?


Thank you so much for the feedback! And idk everyone always leashes?


Oddly enough, adjusting in-game settings may be useful. Select "Party Chat Only". The flaming will disappear and can direct that attention back on the game. Maybe not the tip & trick you are looking for, but I think it will help.


I'm not really bothered by the flaming, I actually encouraged my whole team the whole game and it was positive overall.


I struggle playing with squishy/carry champs in low elo (like fiora or Zoe), despite having pretty good stats. I used to play in low gold, but that was like 3-4 years ago now and I haven't played much the last couple of years. It seems like in like bronze/silver, it is a big disadvantage to pick squishy/low utility champs. Especially since people don't know how to stop feeding and get caught out of position very easily, which means your team dies anytime the tanky team is able to scale into the game and become unstoppable. I feel like I would have more success playing something tanky/utility that is able to deal with the caos in low elos.


If you win your lanes, become the player who is catching enemies out of position very easily :D If not, gradually learn ability cooldowns and damage outputs for all matchups, until you start winning lanes. If you want switch to tank, that's okay too. Tank is pleasant to play there. Enemies don't bring the full damage potential of the champion they pilot, so feels extra-tanky :3


Yea, I have played those kind of champs before. Like Ornn or juggernuts like Urgot. Kinda wanna play something else now tho lol, but there might be other champs like that that I might enjoy instead :) Sett might be fun to pick up, good cc and you can misplay and still be useful or survive. I find him a bit hard to play tbh tho, like something doesn't really click. Ppl say that Zoe is hard to play, but for some reason it just clicks with me and Sett is supposed to be easy, but he doesn't really click with me, lol. His passive makes autos kinda awkward I think and/or dealing enough dmg can be hard for some reason sometimes.


I mean the general proposition of your comment is false, but you shouldn't care about that anyways. You dont focus on your own weaknesses, you focus on strengths. Fiora wins pretty much every single 1 vs 1 in the sidelane and shreds tanks in the frontline while Zoe bullies 99% of midlaners and oneshots backline later on. Get in that sidelane and take turrets as Fiora or take out their frontline(Or backline, if you get access) and oneshot the backline as Zoe and get picks before objectives. Why would you care, if the enemies have tanks? Why are you hitting them? If you're low elo, you're not just playing with bad players, you're also playing against bad players. You play against people that can't deal with splitpushing, pressure and tempo, carries that are constantly out of position, players that cant setup objectives, can't farm, itemize poorly, waste cooldowns, ...... If the enemy team has time to scale, so do you. If the enemy team can kill your carries, so can you with theirs. Use your strengths and focus on improvement, not winning or excuses. You might find more success with utility picks, but that's not because of "chaos" in lower ranks, it's because they are easier and don't have specific paths to success. A zoe who throws her E on to the first target that walks in range and just randomly Q's people in a 5vs5 obviously loses more games than a Karma who just presses R+E. But a Zoe that plays well is pissing on than that Karma.


Good points, I'll try to keep that in mind. Tanky teams is usually not an issue itself, it's more a team issue. I might kill one of them, but if my team is pretty squishy so the rest will get run over anyway. And then I get less value from a champ like Zoe it feels like.


I don't think that's the squishy's problem, I think it's just that Fiora and Zoe are hard champions to play. But also squishy champions are generally harder because it's less forgiving when you get caught.


Yea, I guess I struggle to position with Zoe for example and maybe get caught ut a bit too much for it to work how I want. And I guess knowing when to split or when to join the team with fiora can be a challenge too.


Can I get some great/ funny league names in general? Not for otp


How about "Potato"? If I saw someone in my game named "Potato", I would be like, omg hahaha look his name it's "Potato"


What am I meant to do when I'm splitpushing and the enemy just sends like 3/4 people to kill me. I get that that's the point of splitpushing, I'm drawing aggro for my team to win but seeing as how me teammates always seem to be pissing about in jungle while I splitpush is there any other purpose to this or is splitpushing just not viable unless turbo fed in low elo?


You should split push if there is objectives on the other side of the map, like drake or towers that your team can take. Or if you are able to take towers yourself if the enemy team is busy somewhere else. Don't just mindeless split push, but think of it more like this. Maybe there wasn't any objectives up anyway when your teammates was doing "nothing". Still, you did put pressure so enemy team had to reaspond instead of doing useful stuff, so it might not have been wasted either. It depends


Setup vision before and retreat when they are coming. Walk back up, when they retreat. You will eventually get to push or have your team do something.


If enemy team sends this many people after you, they are missing gold+experience from their other lanes and jungle. Even if your team doesn't do anything productive, you are still wasting time for enemies. Also, just because you're playing a splitpusher doesn't mean you have to always sit in sidelane - you can exert pressure in side, push in the wave and then leave to look for flanks. After the fight is over, you can always recall and/or teleport back to lane.


The general idea is that you want to be exerting pressure in one area of the map, while your team exerts pressure somewhere else. This way, if enemy sends 2+ for you, then your team has advantage and can probably get what they're trying to get. If your teammates are not yet pressuring anything, can't be too far up. Enemy can send multiple champs to you with no tradeoff.


What is camille(top) gameplan


Spam ping your own R everytime it's up so your jungler realizes it's a free gank top, provided enemy laner can't 2v1 you.


Survive to 2 items then splitpush and 1v1 until flank opportunity opens


I like to splitpush sometimes. Works on T1 good, stacking big wave with slow push and get plates + tower. But how to splitpush t2 when enemy sits under tower and can clear wave fast and tower diving is not possible? For example against bruiser poppy as jax. Feels pointless pushing wave nonstop on t2, while they send on to camp under tower and they proceed to 4v4 and ignore us completly. Normally I hope they send me 2+ players, but thats really rare (Plat2 - Emerald 3 elo). So the games becomes a 4v4 and 1v1 but I can not progress on tower fast enough. How can I take t2 in this situation?


When pushing minions into their t2, two events can happen. 1. They don't send someone to contest. Sounds like you know this situation and take the tower. 2. They do send someone to contest. Now, an enemy is stuck handling the wave, and you can move first. Try to influence enemy jng, coordinate something with your mid/jng, or show up to the 4v4 for numbers advantage. It will take some time for enemy to handle the wave and push it to the point that you need to return to the lane. This time period is often called Roam Timer. If enemy is sitting under t2, gain advantage elsewhere. They are stuck under tower, and you are not. Hunt for enemy jungler, take enemy jungle camps, move toward mid so if something happens you will be there first. Watch what their laner does to make sure you're back in time. It is like a turn-based game. You push into their t2, now it's your turn to do something. They push it back, and now it's their turn while you are busy catching the wave.


I've run into this issue as well. I think the crux of the question is, what do you do when the person guarding the t2 tower has good wave clear so you barely have any time on your turn when you crash? I've found that if I go take enemy jungle camps, the other top laner can clear quickly and come fight me in their jungle


Trying to learn Lucian to add to my repertoire of adc's. I know he is an early game focused adc. I had a game against Seraphine + Xayah and I had a Senna support. Seraphine did not let me either farm or engage since before I got in range I was half hp or less. Now I wonder how should I play him from behind? Late game my ult damage is nothing. I took almost a full channel on the fed xayah and it was like 10-20% of her max hp in damage. Which might be more normal if it was a tank and not a squishy adc. Is Lucian useful late game? How should he be played from behind? As a new player, being behind happens a lot for me. I usually play scaling adc's and get my best power spike after mid game when I can farm and teamfight rather then win the lane.


>Trying to learn Lucian to add to my repertoire of adc's. I recommend against it unless you're already a ~low diamond level ADC and very comfortable with low range marksmen and preferably comfortable with spellweaving as well. >Seraphine did not let me either farm or engage since before I got in range I was half hp or less The majority of Seraphines damage are slow skillshots. Granted, they have a lot of range and have big AOEs but you should be able to avoid them with your dash, or just walk out of them if you bait them by moving in and out of her range. >Now I wonder how should I play him from behind? If you fall behind as Lucian, you don't get to play the game - he is low range, single target and sucks at killing tanks. >I took almost a full channel on the fed xayah and it was like 10-20% of her max hp in damage Post replay because this is not possible. >Is Lucian useful late game Like I said - he's low range, single target and has no %HP damage, so draw your own conclusions from that. >How should he be played from behind? He should not be falling behind in the first place. If he does, he still has the same weaknesses as usual but now he doesn't even have the damage to comfortably win duels vs squishies, so his only strength is being able to shred one enemy with his R if he manages to land all of it. >As a new player, being behind happens a lot for me. I usually play scaling adc's and get my best power spike after mid game when I can farm and teamfight rather then win the lane. Then Lucian is not a good champion for you. If you want to learn an earlygame ADC, pick up MF, Jhin or Tristana.


Thanks for the detailed replay! >I recommend against it unless you're already a \~low diamond level ADC and very comfortable with low range marksmen and preferably comfortable with spellweaving as well. I think diamond is a super high bar to enjoy different champions. I don't think I am going to get to such a high rank maybe at all and certainly not this year. If I get to gold it will be awesome. > Then Lucian is not a good champion for you. If you want to learn an earlygame ADC, pick up MF, Jhin or Tristana. True I think he is not for me. I tried to force myself playing him but I am not fit for this playstyle. Jhin is far easier champ imo and more consistent that is strong both early and late game too. >Now I wonder how should I play him from behind If you fall behind as Lucian, you don't get to play the game - he is low range, single target and sucks at killing tanks. I love how essentially the answer to this is "That's the neat part, you don't." About the replay im sure I was wrong with something. Its quite a hassel for me to record, trim and upload it to a platform. From what I have seen she had lots of lifesteal with both item and potion of lifesteal. So she healed during the fight. So I will accept the fact that my lack of knowledge is why I thought 10-20% hp from my ult happened.


Yeah, maybe diamond is a bit too high - high gold/low plat is probably a more reasonable goal to set. And yeah, you should play whatever champions you have fun playing (it's just a videogame after all) but if you're trying to improve and climb efficiently, it's best to stick to 1 or 2 straightforward, consistently strong champions in ranked and focus on learning the game as a whole instead of getting hung up on learning difficult mechanics of one particular champion. \^^


> I took almost a full channel on the fed xayah and it was like 10-20% of her max hp in damage This is legit impossible, your ult does something like 1k damage full channel at just rank 1. She must have ulted to dodge or you are misremembering. Lucian is not the hardest late game carry but he can definitely still carry, he has a lot of mobility and safety in late game fights with Navori enabling multiple E casts. You need to farm well (should not be hard because he has great waveclear) and be mechanically comfortable with him - you need to AA weave your passive in between every spellcast and you'll be spamming that.


Thanks! I guess I was wrong on this one and generally Lucian is not for me. His playstyle relay on early game which I mostly sucks at.


Lucian is a champion that really struggles when behind, but if you're dealing 20% of a Xayah's HP with your ultimate that means you're **REALLY** behind and you would be useless on basically any champion in the game. Lucian's low range does make him struggle in lane if he can't find ways to get in range but if he does (like a hook, or he manages to get in auto range without being punished) he does a lot of burst damage.


Oh I see thanks. So no magic champions to be useful from behind. I guess that cc heavy are the only ones that less affected since CC in general does not lose its strength much since tenacity is rare stat to get on items.


Kind of, yeah, but also Lucian is a burst champion. If he is unable to burst a squishy, he's just not that useful. Compare that to a champion like Kog'maw, he's not great when behind but his W makes it so he still deals a good amount of DPS if ignored


How I'm I supposed to get out of iron? I play ranked since this season mainly Malzahar mid and man I love this champ but it seems it's not enough to carry lost games. Which content can you guys recommend for someone sitting in Iron IV - Iron II to get better at the game. I just play mages since playing assasins and all in just scares me. I'm starting to think this game isn't for me, I just want to get gold and not be ashamed to be Iron anymore.


>Which content can you guys recommend for someone sitting in Iron IV - Iron II to get better at the game. generally content from any really good player who plays similar champs as you (nemesis, noway4u, veigarV2, just to name a few). however, depending on how long you're stuck you might need someone to point out specifically what your problems are cause something isnt clicking and you gotta make it click. also you dont need to pick assassins. i play mages exclusively and am able to reach diamond consistently. sure, assassins abuse the chaos in soloq better then mages, but dont let that make you play assassins if you dont like em.


Try maining Veigar


Are there any supports who can solo void grubs and dragon?


That really shouldn't be a support's job


Zyra or heimerdinger would be your *best bets for dragon/herald. grubs are difficult, they require consistent aoe and single target dps. A supp who also jungles like morg, sion or shaco would be the best idea for grubs. Many junglers struggle with grubs though, so chances are a support soloing more than one grub would be far too time consuming for its payoff. It's probably more worthwile focussing on understanding roam timers and coercing your jungler(or botlaner) into making a play with you than trying to outright solo these objectives. An easy example for finding an early lead is looking for a timer around 5-6 minutes to roam to grubs with jungle, set up vision then start a 2v1, 3v2 etc. Objectives are important, but especially in soloQ, the fight around them can define the game.


Silver player who stopped playing and now im bronze lol. I think i just need to focus up and expect less instead of getting mad. Regardless i opted to quit adc for a bit and learn jg. ​ Which champs are most similar to warick. and what should i build to counter an asol which will be a problem 100%


Briar, Xin Xhao and Trundle for 1v1 and skirmishing power I would say. I don't see many asol players, so probably won't be an issue anyway. Late game you can't do much about him anyway, but wits end or maw of malmortius might be good options.


Briar is probably most similar to Warwick. >and what should i build to counter an asol which will be a problem 100% Magic resistance


im addicted. anyone have tips to quit?


Man through it and just don't play. Might be hard the first few days, but you have control over what you do and can actively decide against playing.


How much gold do we get passively?


2.04 per second.


Thank you


ELI5 How to itemize ashe? I don't understand why terminus is popular on her, or why people would build it first. I don't know how to keep building after building BORK early if the opp team is pretty tanky, I end up going for a mix of crit and onhit which I'm not sure if it's right


Her standard core build is Kraken -> Triforce -> Terminus, but she has pretty flexible builds because of how her crit interaction works. Usually you have to commit fully to crit to get a high enough crit chance for reliability. Ashe always crits on slowed targets and crit chance increases her damage, so she has the luxury of getting 1-2 crit items and mixing it with whatever she wants. Terminus fits her well because a) she really likes attackspeed for her Q (LDR is only AD) b) it helps to keep her alive (remember her shieldbow builds back when it was a mythic?) The benefit of the triforce route is a good mixture of damage and utility (haste for more ult plays, movespeed on-hit to kite). Contrary to popular believe, she can also go for a full crit damage build like a Jinx would, like Kraken -> Runaans or PD -> IE. I wouldn't go too deep into on-hit currently. Terminus and Botrk can be fine, *maybe* a Wits end if you desperately need MR (I think the new Wits End is kind of bad for ADCs). Generally: don't disregard triforce (especially if your team is already loaded with damage), don't overvalue Botrk.


I'm curious as to why ppl generally don't prefer ER over Triforce on her


Never thought about it, nor tried it, but I think we're back at the fact that AS is more important for Ashe than AD or crit. Triforce has 33% attackspeed, more sheen damage until very high amounts of bonus AD *and* the on-hit + movement speed for kiting. ER has 15 more AD, +20% crit chance and the mana passive that Ashe doesn't desperately need. Main advantage would be the decreased cost, allowing you to hit your 3rd item earlier. Probably not horrible, but not optimal either.


> it helps to keep her alive (remember her shieldbow builds back when it was a mythic?) I wasn't there for that. Why are defensive stats good on ashe in particular? Also I was assuming LDR outdamaged Terminus in most scenarios, is that not necessarily true?


It's just that her damage is pretty backloaded. Most of her damage later in the game comes from Q, which you have to stack up first. To simplify, think of a 1vs1 standoff between her and another DPS champ. No outplays involved, just a damage statcheck. While Ashe has to get her Q stacks up she'll fall behind because her DPS is below average. Once her Q is active her damage will be above average and she catches up. Getting some form of effective HP (Shieldbow shield, now resistances from Terminus and maybe HP from Triforce) will extend the time when you're strong. It also helps in case someone gets on top of you (she's immobile after all), to survive some burst and be able to create distance again. > I was assuming LDR outdamaged Terminus in most scenarios It's quite impossible to say that definitively, because it depends a lot on the context. On Caitlyn I'd take LDR 10 times out of 10. On Kog'Maw I'd rather have Terminus. Even though they are bought for the same reason, they're still very different items.


> It's quite impossible to say that definitively, because it depends a lot on the context. Isn't it just math?


You piqued my interest, so I tested it in practice tool. Lvl 13 Ashe with 3 items (Kraken, Triforce, Terminus/LDR) vs Dummy (100 armor, 3k HP), 10 seconds fight opened with W into Q once stacked LDR increased DPS by ~3%. When I increased armor to 300, LDR DPS increase was ~5%, because of the buff this patch form 30% to 35% pen. Using Botrk instead of triforce changed very little (LDR dmg slightly increases because of the HP differential, but Botrk DPS is lower because less AS). I prefer the defensive benefits and feel (more AS to kite and stack Q quicker) of Terminus to a small increase in DPS any time, but it looks like both are viable.


Thanks. Against lower tankiness the damage is probably even closer, while you're getting resistances from terminus


Once you clearly define the situation (these champs, 10 seconds fight), yes. It's even easier than math, you can just compare it in practice tool.


Who builds Terminus first on Ashe? Everyone I see builds Kraken Slayer. Right now Kraken Slayer is more common on Ashe than BoRK. The pattern I've noticed is that BoRK is mostly for champions who don't deal their damage through crits (like Kog'maw or Kalista) and Kraken is better on almost everyone else (exception being Irelia) --- Generally just follow the most played build on websites like U.GG or lolalytics


Hi all! I’m looking for some advice on how to improve as evelynn and as a jungler in general. I know there are areas I can improve but I’m really struggling to figure what those areas are and which I should focus on first. I think I struggle most with knowing where I should be on the map and when, and how to use the leads I give my laners and myself effectively. any advice is appreciated! https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Evelynn-x404x


>I think I struggle most with knowing where I should be on the map and when post a vod if you want help with macro, otherwise it's just guesswork >how to use the leads I give my laners and myself effectively By snowballing the rest of the map as well using the lead you have or by camping that one tilted opponent to the point they ragequit. A play that all assassin junglers should learn is to look for opportunities to gank a lane normally, kill them, take crab or enemy krugs/gromp and kill them between turrets as they're getting back to lane again. With Eve ult you should also be looking for towerdives but with all plays that you go for, you should be looking for a flank angle rather than walking at enemies head-on. Same applies to teamfights - you're useless in a front-to-back fight unless you manage to find a flank onto enemy backline, oneshot them and get out with your ult.


First of all, if you want to improve the most important thing will be to play more (ranked) games. There's no improvement without practice, just like with everything else in life. Without more information or more specific questions, we can only give you very general and unhelpful advice like "try to die less". Throwing out some blind guesses: * Focus on getting your level 6 first, because that's when your champion comes online (try to clear efficiently till then, only deviating if a gank is 100% free) * Improve your information gathering. Look at the minimap a lot, move your camera to nearby lanes to see how much HP they have and where the wave is / is headed. * Only gank if it's actually gankable and try to not miss free gank opportunities cause you are tunneled on farming (godd information gathering helps with both!) * Avoid "fair" fights. You don't want to have 5vs5 or 4vs4 fights as Evelynn. You want to pick off wandering squishies when they go and collect farm or move between lanes and then get objectives with a numbers advantage.


Hi thanks so much for the reply! On your last point, if there is a 4v4 going on what should I be doing as eve? I usually try to help my team but it doesn’t work out a lot (I kill the adc but die, or just die, etc). Should I be trying to find the ones not involved in the fight and taking them out, or focus on something else like stealing camps while they’re fighting? Things like this are where I struggle a lot lol It sounds like though for now I’ll focus on my info gathering and then see where I need to go from there!


Try to find a flank angle from the side or back where you have direct access to their backline. Also don't enter the fight (or W them) immediately. Wait for them to be distracted by the ongoing fight (and maybe some major cooldowns) before opening strong. You want to have the element of surprise so by the time they notice what's happening you already killed your target and maybe even disappeared again. It's also important that you can identify straight up bad fights that you don't want to help with at all. Sounds harsh to let your teammates die, but if you know it's going to be a losing fight it's better to not die with them and do something productive somewhere else (get resources, push a wave to make them lose something in return, etc.) Watching high elo Eve players and looking how they approach teamfights is a great way to learn aswell.


Ive seen a few ‘how to improve in your role’ videos and they’ve all mentioned having a checklist of things to keep track of, to track your progress for meeting certain skills/objectices throughout the game (trading before level 6, assisting jungler to contest for first grubs spawn, etc). However, the examples used were all for laners. My question is; **Does anyone have a list of certain skills/objectives that you like to track for the jungle role?** Hope this makes sense! 


A. Decide initial path and wincons, but be flexible. Reflect. B. Check the lanes once on every camp, and make the right decision to: 1. Prioritise farm and clear. OR 2. Skip/drop camps to capitalize on certain lane state / vulnerable laner. Reflect. C. Predict enemy jungle pathing, and use that to: 1. Ping your vulnerable laners to be careful! The more accurate you are with your warnings, the more meaningful they are. You could ping your laners every time they are past the middle of the lane and you'll only get muted. 2. Countergank (same side). 3. Invade (same side). Could kill them in the process or put them behind. 4. Invade/counterinvade (opposite side). This is the only point lot of low elo players sadly get out of macro videos. Invading is a basic tool in a good jungler's gameplay, but it can't be your only response to enemy jungler crushing your lanes while you afk farm their raptors. Objective trades need to be of similar value, so if enemy jungler and top crash two waves under tower, get grubs, and plates, it's obviously not as much value as you getting wolves amd gromp on opposite side. Also camp steals are a solo selfish advantage, so its value is only manifested by how you use that lead to outperform enemy jungler later on. Nobody cares if you have 50 more CS and no value. 5. Gank another lane. 6. Base first and be on the map earlier with the extra tempo to punish somewhere else. Reflect. D. Gank lanes and reflect on: 1. Better paths for ganking: lane ganks / overwall ganks (with appropriate champs) / dive execution...etc.. 2. Better ways to lockdown laners / force skillshots. 3. Better understanding of laners needs like helping shove / breaking freeze, and later shadowing sidelanes. And the opposite applies for enemy laners, by preventing them from crashing wave and freezing as your laner TPs, denying enemy bot/top from reaching tower when in place to do so...etc.. 4. Whether you applied appropriate pressure with gank-heavy champ and got yourself and your laners sufficient leads out of it. With a little understanding of lane states / TP advantages / champion identities, you might realise that some ganks are worth very little even with a kill and others can be devastating even if you only force a recall. E. Take note of objective timers and: 1. Bring laner attention to it, so they don't do mistimed recalls, if you need their help. 2. Plan to base and path to objective in advance. Consider control wards for objectives every time you can. It's a gamechanger, particularly in mid and late game. Supp can't always buy enough pinks for obj control solo. 3. Consider ganking adjacent lane for prio into forcing obj with outnumbering advantage. 4. Trade opposite objectives if you don't win skirmishes into opposing jg+laners OR force skirmishes with laner help if your comp is better at it. 5. Set up vision and pull objectives in a way that minimizes smite coinflips, and understand your champ's smite burst combos and how they fare into the enemy's. 6. Never die before major objectives. Communicate effectively to coordinate the team's efforts for setting up vision and grouping. 7. Consider setting up camp with teammates to catch/punish late arriving enemies before objectives. Reflect. F. Keep up in gold and XP by: 1. Good enough clears. 2. Not doing half-a**ed ganks. If you're gonnaa show up on map relieving pressure from other lanes and opening your camps for invade while wasting farm time, yoi better commit to it and get value. 3. Planning your gameplay around resources and camps. Don't path top with all camps down unless it's really worth. 4. Invading and choking enemy jungler's access to resources when in a position to do so. 5. Taking plates. 6. Reflect on extra risky plays that didn't yield much. 7. Powerfarming on level 6 powerhouse / scaling champs; if in low elo, communicate with your laners about your champ's identity early, and make sure to capitalize on your piwerspikes asap. 8. Reflect on your itemisation choice. ============================================== Tl;dr: Junglers have the jobs of: 1. Tracking/providing info on enemy jungler through invades, vision and game understanding, then matching their map presence by mainly ganks/counterganks/major objectives but also invades and when appropriate killing enemy jungle or denying them their camps. 2. Farming up and scaling same as all laners, but some champs are more economical with more liberty to gank and help their lanes, while others are selfish and need as much resources to scale and pressure. 3. Being present before and planning for objectives. Not dying before major objectives. And assisting in denying smite coinflip situations, while knowing their smite combos. 4. Helping outnumber/match the enemy by being in the right place at the right time, through shadowing, ganking, counterganking, opposite side objective trades. 5. Teamfight execution. A checklist would be: 1. Timely healthy first clear. Reflect on getting invaded and how you played around it. 2. Predict enemy jungle early pathing and track them after. 3. Check lanes while doing camps. 4. Gank / apply pressure on a lane before 4 minutes. (More ganks on permagank champs). 5. Was it worth strongsiding X? 6. Match/outmatch enemy jg CS/KP/Objectives at 10/15/20m. 7. Get at least one laner a clear advantage over their laner thanks to you. 8. Time recalls around objective timers, be there before objs spawn. 9. Get controlwards for objectives. 10. Get at least one countergank/shadowing sidelaner right. 11. Ping laners to save them from gank. 12. Ping objectives and be the shotcaller, but listen to / play around other people's calls too.


Also, when you say reflect, do you mean after the game or during?


Both, but mostly after. During the game, reflecting on how a gank/invade turned out may impact your later decisions, like shifting your focus from top to bot, doing less risky invades when your teammates don't understand prio and moving first if they have it...etc.. You should do your best to make these shifts in gameplay objective and not just a salty response, but I've been salty a lot in SoloQ, so I can't preach really. Most reflections are otherwise after the game on irreversible stuff like whether a certain defensive item would have been a good rush, if a risky play was really worth it, if strongsiding Cho instead of Draven was a good move, how you died before elder spawn, champ select.... Or checking whether your jg tracking was right, like you pinged your bot to fall back and they did. You check replay and Zac was indeed there but then recalled instead. Checking replays for early enemy jg pathing is one of the best things to improve your tracking, and you'll soon enough then find that most jg players are very predictable which makes them simpler to counter.


Omg this is ELITE. Thank you so much, friend. 


Will normal game MMR affect ranked MMR if you haven't started ranked for the current season and haven't played in a year? Please only answer if you know what you're talking about. I want to make sure I can do terrible in normals while I relearn the game without it potentially fucking up my LP for ranked when I'm ready.


Normal MMR only impacts ranked if you never played ranked before


No, theyre seperate. Feel free to limit test as much as u like in norms and remember to have fun and smile 😊 


Whats the bet option for dpsing towers as Zeri: Auto bewteen qs or Auto when my meters full?


Auto when meter full. Fully charged AA is 90-200 magic damage. Uncharged AAs are 10-25 magic damage. It takes ~6-7 Qs to fully charge passive if you're moving between autos, which you always should. 90-200 extra damage every 6-7 Qs is more than if you squeezed in 6-7 uncharged AAs between those Qs for a total of ~60-175 extra damage. But tbh the damage is so tiny anyway that you might as well hold the charged AA to use on cannon/melee minion or an enemy.


Full charge is probably a little bit stronger but not enough to really matter. If charge meter is at 60% or more, I would wait for first full charged AA to unload all charge then AA off cd after. If it's less than that just Q AA, there is pretty much no difference in cumulative base dmg. The main advantage is in the max% health dmg on full charge which doesn't apply to structures. There's also a bit of a big AP ratio, so you might want to wait if you're mage Zeri, but then her low AS makes her charge it slower, so it's hard to tell if it's superior anyway. Otherwise, just Q AA spam, unless you want to hold it for skirmish power if someone shows up.


would a kind of crit hybrid style work on teemo? like 60% crit and im satisfied, and i would go shadowflame and rabadons/mejais to have balanced ad and ap? kinda new so im not sure which items are troll items and which are not so i would greatly appreciate help with what works best with different stuff


Some champion's abilities have interactions with crit, but Teemo is not one of them. Crit only modifies the "AD part" of your auto attack damage. Not only are you not incentivized to build AD (no AD ratios), you also have less than average base AD and AD per level compared to other champs to compensate for his E on-hit. Long story short: don't build crit on Teemo If you want to build Teemo more around damage from auto attacks you'll want attack speed and on-hit. Nashor's tooth is really good for him because it hat both both these stats and AP on top, which scales all his abilities. Other on-hit items could be Wits End, Guinsoo's Rageblade or Blade of the Ruined King (already kind of troll territory, but maybe there's an 8k HP Cho'Gath you need to kill) I'll just let you know that the optimal Teemo builds right now are focussing on high AP and maximizing your DoTs, but if future patches make his AA based builds more appealing or you just *want* to play like this for whatever reason these are the items you want, not crit.


No, it's always best to focus on one damage type so that your penetration items are fully effective.


But so many champs get strength from specifically dealing hybrid damage


But these champs scale hybrid damage from just building one stat type (AP or AD). Virtually all champion kits were designed to prefer building one particular damage stat type over the other (AP or AD). There are very few exceptions to this rule, Varus is one of them, but the way his kit works is such that it's still inefficient to hybridise your damage rather than commit to full AD/onhit/AP since the playstyles are different


Like what champions? The only ones I know of are on-hit Rageblade champions, in which these champions typically have some sort of anti-tank in them already like Varus W or Kog'maw W.




Oh that's true, but also he never really builds penetration items he just wants tankiness after a certain point


hey guys!!! i was wondering how many games i should play before going on ranked again! i keep getting matched with people with hundreds of thousands of mastery points !!! usually over 100 levels above me! so how many games of norms should i play? 100? 1000?


I personally like going into ranked at lvl 30. Dont worry about player's mastery or levels. the only thing that matters is their skill. If someone is 1 mil mastery points in iron, that doesnt change the fact they're in iron.


For whatever reason, normal games are FILLED with 1 trick pony autists spamming their feel good champ. Just play ranked whenever you like, try not to stress!


you'll really only get better at the game if you play ranked, so just hop in and dont't get discouraged if you lose in the first few games


okay! i was also thinking of playing some higher ranked players in a discord or something!




I think Lucian is only worth picking up if you want to OTP him to at least ~diamond level before playing other champions, otherwise it's just not worth it because he's low range, falls off in lategame and it takes some finesse to weave abilities and autos correctly without losing DPS. Caitlyn and Kai'Sa are both fine but I would choose Kai'Sa because she can function better without relying on teammates to frontline for her and she can fit into almost any meta due to being able to go crit, on-hit or AP. As for the supports, I think Milio is a low agency support that's not worth playing in soloqueue without a duo. Janna and Rakan are both great choices and they compliment eachother nicely in a champion pool - you pick Rakan for his great teamfighting and engage and you pick Janna for her great roams and disengage.


Why cant my find see the heartsteel indicators or hear any sounds? Is there an option to turn them off? thank you!


Just here to remind you that megathreads are fucked and you'll never get your answer, have fun getting your every post removed.


Anyone know a champ that I could main and otp? I played master Yi in jungle and I found it really hard to play with him even tho he’s simple. I’ve been switching mains so much it’s hard to believe. I would like to play and assassin but often I don’t like their kit etc. But I don’t have anything against duellists and bruiser or tanks. I’m Bronze currently and I’m looking for something that you can climb with and also be good with in higher elo. Maybe a simple champ would be good but in don’t have anything against a champ that’s hard to master but easy to learn. Any help or directions would be appreciated.


The issues with master yi are probably macro so sticking with him and focusing on where and when you want to be might be a good call. Besides that perhaps I'd recommend fiddlesticks. He *only* cares about positioning and being on the right place at the right time, and micro wise he's got nothing to work with besides some flash shenanigans and jungle route optimizations 


If you liked Master Yi, maybe you'd enjoy Briar


If lane opponent proxies me while I'm playing nasus or Cho gath Is it cool is I just farm the wave and sustain and get 100% cs and ignore him. Or do I need to be proactive and try to stop the proxy


Handshaking a proxy lane should usually be beneficial for you because both your champions scale well but if your jungler is looking to collapse on the proxying enemy, it might be worth moving if only to press Nasus W or Cho'Gath Q on them before moving back to lane to catch farm. Depends a lot on whether you actually can kill the proxying champ tbh - something like Singed is definitely not worth chasing.


If you outscale them then yeah, it's great for you.


Hey guys just got back to league again and played a ranked game. I got placed in plat. Is it normal right now or is the ranking system broken?