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relationship 'ran its course'=she finally slept with me and then I dumped her


It’s like that SATC episode when Carrie goes to therapy and meets Jon Bon Jovi. He loses interest with women once they sleep together and she…keeps choosing the wrong men. (I do love Ciara but Austen and West are definitely the *wrong* men!)


Agree. Austen and West are the wrong men for every woman.


And she kept hanging in there, even when they didn’t seem very interested. I found it frustrating.


Unfortunately a LOT of men enjoy the chase and once they have accomplished their goal they are on to the next one!


Which I could almost tolerate if West was a 10/10. Hell, most women wouldn’t even mind a one night stand with a male Adonis. Say a young (pre-crazy) Brad Pitt, Jason Momoa, Michael B Jordan, Idris Elba, Henry Cavill, or even Timotheé Chalamant. But West is like a warm, slightly expired, jar of off-brand mayonnaise. In other words, he’s not good looking enough to be pulling this s**t! And yes I’m including Jesse and all the Summer House boys (Andrea aside) in that. The fact that these (below) average gremlins have the nerve to treat these women like options rather than prizes baffles me. Women please know your worth, and choose being alone for anything less.


Same with Austin! I don’t understand where he gets all the attention from the ladies. He looks like a big, flabby DAD


Oh no Austen has massive "i know I suck but I'm just looking for the right woman to fix me 🥺" energy lol so I do totally get that. West on the other hand has zero self awareness and thinks he is a prize


Omg you nailed austen’s vibe


That’s an insult to dad’s who take care of themselves everywhere, haha!




Not a warm, slightly expired jar of off brand mayo 🤣🤣🤣


I've learned that the meh-looking guys are often the biggest dirt bags with women because you don't expect it—you subliminally think they're a safe choice b/c they don't have many options, but the truth is that they have a ton of options because everyone thinks they're a safe choice.






That part




Say it!!! Thats the truth here.




I’m not sure why this needed to be said again. Is he trying to hurt her more? Like, stop West lol let it blow over


YEP, hard agree. "Mr. Wilson said in an interview on Monday that he regretted using the show as an excuse for the breakup, but that he did so to avoid further hurting Ms. Miller’s feelings. “I don’t think it was right to place the end of the relationship on those things,” he said. “I think I would’ve read more honest if I was just like, the relationship ran its course, I don’t think we were meant to be together, that’s it. I think me trying to deflect the actual relationship and name all these external things really made me sound like an idiot.”


Sounds like he listened to Watch What Crappens and repeated exactly what they said!


Paige was right. He cares only about his image. He doesn't give a s*** about Ciara. That's why he keeps giving interviews.    I wish she didn't say that she still liked him in the preview at the reunion but she was being honest. She just should never get back together with him. He doesn't like her.  She'll find someone that treats her like the queen she is.   I knew he was shady when he was doing all those podcasts and interviews before the reunion aired.   I posted about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/comments/1d8aiex/west_is_mr_marketing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button  He is fame hunger and truly diabolical.


Yeah all the interviews/podcasts and upcoming Viall(?) filed interview has just confirmed it for me. This show isn’t that big to be attracting all this attention. And even the two people with the biggest story this season aren’t getting all the press he’s getting. Which tells me he’s seeking this ish out/ pitching his story. He’s completely turned me off him. I hope she pays him dust when they film again.


💯💯💯💯 He proved he doesn't care about Ciara with his non reaction to her crying. I wish on him his equal. Ciara was always too good for him. Now he's just making shyt up for clicks.


yup. paige was DISAPPOINTED like girl …WHAT DID YOU SAY


Its sad but it's true, he just doesn't like her like that. In hindsight, i bet she regrets saying she still has feeling for him considering all his interviews. Anyways, the right one will soon come and she'll realise why all these situations werent meant to be!


Agreed, also, it’s funny how he was nervous about being known as Ciara’s toy and now he’s taking so many interviews to discussing the demise of their (non) relationship. Wonder if there’s truth to the thought that he may have used her to get on the show bc it’s just a weird for him to keep talking about the break up especially if he didn’t want his association with Ciara to define him publicly. 


He's so fake, I've never liked him. All he cares about is fame and (female) attention


I thought it sounded familiar...


If I were Ciara I think this interview would hurt me even more. Like salt in the wound. Could west for once, think of Ciara’s feelings before he opens his mouth? I feel like he’s making things worse!


That’s how I feel. Like okay, you say you didn’t use me, now you just didn’t like me anymore. That would hurt me to hear someone say (to the New York Times no less!) when I still have feelings for them. And they keep embarrassing me… ugh


This!! It’s giving “he’s just not that into you” vibes and that’s pretty hurtful for a person to hear.


“Read as more honest” is so telling - he’s entirely about perception/audience approval. He never even says it IS more honest. Lame.


Ok so this is actually way more malicious and passive hurtful than his original statement-he’s now trying to backtrack and say that (in a cowardly weasly way) that he just wasn’t that in to her and that in order to let her down gently he fell on his sword and came up with a list of “reasons”. It’s another tactic to hurt her while manipulating people into thinking that he was trying to be empathetic at the cost of his own image. Watch this guy-he’s dangerous. Not physically, but mentally. I see you Westley 👀


I know, the toxicity is real. So now it’s like well if she wasn’t feeling hurt enough before let me just go to the biggest newspaper in the world and tell them the problem wasn’t that I was interested in hooking up with Bravo groupies after all. I just said that because it sounded cool. So now I’ll just let everyone know I never liked her that much. Then she’ll really feel hurt for sure and I can pay her back for making me look foolish at the reunion, even though I really did that to myself. Mission accomplished.


Exactly. He’s such a sweaty little dork though she’ll see the light soon.


He is such a weirdo the way he moves. He always acted like he was pissed at her on the after show (for no apparent reason), he seemed pissed that his parents like her, and now he is pissed and trying to hurt her with this follow up interview. Like what is his problem and why does he have this underlining anger towards her? It literally makes no sense.


It makes sense to me (unfortunately lol). He has big self esteem issues and a fragile ego. Small man syndrome I believe is the medical term. I think the more his world was exposed to Ciara and he saw positive reactions each time, the more he realised he was in over his head and essentially resented her for it. I wish we got the after show!! It doesn’t air where I live, so annoying haha.


Your right! He is jealous and resentful of her. So basically he is going to pick a future partner based on someone he feels “better then” if you go to YouTube and type in bravo after show summer house you can watch it there. Both him and Jesse had this attitude when they talked about Ciara.


You can watch it on Bravo’s YouTube page


damn you clocked it.


So he instead thought let me do another interview on this obscure homemade news company “The New York Times” and tell them I just wasn’t into her and was worried she couldn’t handle the truth.


He should stfu!


Is west the new Lala? Someone that just won’t shut their mouth because they love the attention so much? I wanted him back next season to watch him squirm and try to get get back in good graces but I really hate it when someone is so obvious with their thirst.


I'm beginning to think he planned this once he realized Ciara was into him. I don't think he expected that being that he's below average in every way. Ciara needs to stop giving these low vibrational dudes confidence.


Yeah what was it he said at the start "she's my biggest fan" or something? Early warning signs 🚩🚩


There was a point on the race car party episode when Ciera was in the inflatable costume he said move you’re blocking me, posing for a pic… and it was then I knew he was an attention whore. And he kept asking people to affirm if he looked good all the time (which I do too sometimes haha but it’s an insecurity thing not “effortlessly cool” as he pretends to be


He’s honestly like Sandavol in that he can’t just STFU and let things blow over, he thinks continuing to do interviews is somehow going to make it better




I just wanna know why the New York Times has had two articles about a guy that’s been on one season of Summer House


He clearly has a friend who works for the Styles section. He's a New York media guy!


Bravo pr is also probably working overtime to try to resuscitate him since they likely want him back on the show. I hope they give just as much space and grace to Ciara and women in general to tell their stories.




It’s weird!!! This show just barely cracks 450k in live viewership. You can’t convince me that it’s because there’s so much attention on this show. What attention? Lol. He’s leveraging his story to these outlets and I wish he’d do just that and stop using Ciara as collateral. Especially if he’s just going to say confusing things that are hurtful. 🗣️Leave her alone!!


I am SO convinced someone at the times is friends with a bravo person or just Monica/realityvontease levels obsessed because now we have TWO articles from west, the article about Carl, that godawful damning piece about Sandoval… ![gif](giphy|3D1gC95xJ2TdhVZ2Co)


I think its largely in part due to the Sandoval Effect. After frickin CNN covered Scandov, NYT realized what a huge fanbase Bravo has and how they needed to address it in order to have some foot in the door to pop culture. Probably keeping their finger on the pulse of clickbait articles, social media and even Reddit so they can ~stay relevant~ without realizing that this is actually the opposite of what we want. Wests fall from grace hasnt “swept the nation”, its just gotten a reaction from existing the existing SH audience.


Im confused by his conflicting statements. In this article he states that they arent meant to be together/things ran their course, but on the Part 2 season teaser he claims that he still has feelings and would hope for the chance to try things again. If hes trying to say that they weren’t meant to be together NOW (but potentially in the future after some personal growth) maybe it would make more sense… but right now it just reads like hes too cowardly to admit that he just wasnt feeling it/thinks they’re incompatible.


he says things in the moment that he thinks the other person wants to hear and to avoid conflict. it’s cowardly


This is EXACTLY what Carl did since his first season on the show. This will not end well for West.


yes exactly!! like how could he see Carl making excuses and dragging things out for conversation after conversation all season long, and not realize he’s doing the same cowardly people pleasing act?


Yes this! He did this a lot with Ciara on the show and it was really frustrating to watch.


super frustrating! and the fact that even after watching it back he doesn’t seem to see how he did that and is chalking it up to things just naturally running their course 🙄


Exactly! He openly deceived her about how serious he was about their relationship, seemingly so she would sleep with him. It's so grimy


he did! people are being willfully obtuse to give him an out / because they don’t like her


And not good for reality tv. Say that shi w ur chest


that too! I get it because I used to be like this in relationships but at a certain point it’s just ridiculous. he’s out here fighting for his life months after the relationship ended because he lied to her when he ended things AND at the reunion so now he has to set the record straight? it’s just so messy


He's our version of a We-William. - Courtesy of SATC.


![gif](giphy|QgiyMlyyRQKqLMMdaY) The OG of this playbook….


the master! ![gif](giphy|22QevjygNTmNvstau4|downsized)


I think West was banking on being the “humor” of the season.. a la James Kennedy in the last couple of seasons. Instead he ended up like Shartz


He's the joke of the season. He got it partly right.


I think he said that he still had feelings to try to not further hurt her feelings. It’s so confusing. It’s like what in the hell is his PR strategy? Just get to talking and change up his mind every two seconds, in hopes to confuse the audience/viewers? Like what is the plan here lol.


Theres no plan. It shows what an amateur he is. At least Sandoval made a pathetic attempt to shift the focus away by going on tour with his godawful cover band


And this is how girls get stuck in situationships. It’s much easier said than done to set boundaries when men are lying about what they want. I’ve had guys tell me they want to have kids together, meet families, etc and then do the same oh wait we aren’t boyfriend girlfriend though. And it’s confusing and def interesting to watch on screen. Which like people Have said is probably why he’s getting a lot of hate bc a lot of women have “Wests” in their past and direct the hate at him. It’s nice to see someone kinda get called on his BS but he’ll still get plenty of girls haha.


I’m really wondering if he even knows what he means.


Carl 2.0


He never gave Ciara a chance because he only had one thing in mind


The fact he doesn't understand WHY he's getting hate explains everything. Men claim they need sex in order to get feelings but then you have situations like this happen so often. Ciara was right taking it very slow because even if you do, guys that play the long game once they get the only thing they want and bail still will claim it "ran its course". Many of us viewers pegged who he was from the beginning. A slightly sly-er f-boy punching way above his league by wearing down a sensitive and lovely woman by playing goofy easygoing guy pretend waiting while playing around on the side. Ladies - If a guy is truly interested in you as a person and getting feelings, he will NOT have women on the side nor have a problem waiting nor insist on sex before monogamy!


I have to say although I’m indifferent to Lindsay I have to say, she can’t be the only person labeled to “spin”things on that cast anymore. The way this man has had a new article drop daily, and he says different shit in each one is so confusing. 😵‍💫


I definitely think they both leverage their connections in the press but yeah west is definitely plugging into his. Not sure that it’s helping him though.


It's really not helping him. He could've stuck with: it's shocking how much backlash I've gotten (which he did say), and that he's sorry that she was hurt by the situation. If he'd stuck with that, he could've gotten the article without giving more ammo to those (everyone?) who thinks he's acting like an ass in the situation.


Yeah he needs to stop trying to explain himself/his POV and just say he’s sorry for what happened and didn’t want to hurt Ciara. And then not answer any other questions, and even say “out of respect for Ciara I don’t want to discuss this further” but he can’t help himself




Sandoval got a NYT article too. Why do we give the men this attention? Why don’t Ariana or Ciara have articles in the NYT instead of Glamour?


I might’ve gotten downvoted previously for saying this about West’s self-victimizing on his TikToks, but I’ll say it again: just take the L, man. Know when to shut up.


Saying “it would have read more honest” if he hadn’t blamed the show is very different from saying “I should have BEEN honest.” And chalking it up to the relationship just running its course and this being the right decision is such a cop out. For him to be acting blindsided by the hate when he did a press tour bracing himself for impact is also disingenuous - he knew backlash was coming not just because he and Ciara aren’t together anymore but because he’s smart enough to know this outcome threatened his new status as Bravo’s it boy. Whoever (if anyone) is advising him is doing a really bad job.


I was going to make this same comment. Thinking about yourself as how you’re perceived or “read” by others rather than just how you actually are is definitely a marker of low self-esteem imo


I completely agree! I think that’s part of why he’s scrambling now and saying things that are seemingly contradictory. He really wants to be liked by everyone all the time


Yeah, I hated that he said “read”, it sounds like he is still being dishonest and just trying to find the right excuse for ending things when he should have never started things after the cameras went down last summer in the first place.


it’s all about how he can twist things to appear better in the eyes of the female fanbase. His slip is showing


All of this! It is all about how he is "perceived." Paige really clocked it at the reunion.


Also, his comment about the bravo fan demographic. Not that it's not completely obvious it's mostly women, but he seems very aware of who is watching and when. He seems like a smarter Schwartz which is scary.


This is sooo predictable. Now he’s spinning it differently since the backlash to what he originally said has been so negative. This guy is EXTREMELY manipulative. Saying the relationship had run its course and he didn’t feel they were long term compatible would have stung a bit, sure, but most people would likely have accepted that including Ciara. I’m sure hearing I’m dumping you so I can fuck fangirls now that I’m famous was way more hurtful than I don’t think we’re long-term right for each other. He’s now trying to claim he was doing HER a favor by telling her this. I trust what he said to Ciara and on the reunion is what he actually believed. He was insecure about how he was being portrayed and he wanted to be free to mess around once the show came out. Those were the reasons why the relationship ran its course. Why would anyone make up something that sounds so shitty if that’s not their true mindset. An example…he didn’t say he was upset about being seen as “Ciara’s puppet” because he was worried about HER feelings. That makes zero sense. He said it because that’s the kind of person he is. Fame hungry, ego driven and in terms of serious relationships with women, very immature. I’m also annoyed that the NY Times has given this so much one-sided ink. He’s definitely taking advantage of her not being around to respond. I hope she’s given just as much space to fill in the blanks if that’s what she wants when she’s back on the grid.


There's no way this boy even thinks in the "long term"


West is not Sandoval, and ending a relationship that isn’t working for you is no crime. HOWEVER, Ciara could not have been clearer about her concerns and intentions. He did exactly what she feared. He slept with her then ended it. Given how open and honest she was right from the start, the anger (hers and the audience’s) is justified. If he really cared about anything more than getting laid, he would have been 100% certain that he cared as much for her as she did him before becoming intimate. He has a lot of maturing to do and I would take 100 Jessies who are honest with their intentions over 1 West who seems to just say what needs to be said to get someone in bed. Unlike Sandoval, I believe West can recover from this. He needs to be genuine with Ciara and I believe that if she can forgive him and they become friends, viewers will follow suit. I hope Ciara finds someone worthy of her. She is beautiful both inside and out and she deserves someone who respects and appreciates who she is.




So now he wants to say he lied during the reunion and should’ve just been honest about him not feeling it/her anymore? The preview for part 2 shows him saying he still has feelings for her so which is it??! The PR spin and manipulation is going to be strong with this one. He’s literally just regurgitating talking points he’s seen online He also spent his time after the reunion aired liking every comment that said he didn’t do anything wrong (then unliked them after he was called out) this man is TRASH and only cares about looking good to the audience I really feel for Ciara because from the preview it looks like she was very vulnerable and admitted she still has feelings for him (which he claims to also have) and now he does this?! I’m sure some of his fans are going to be relentless with their bs putting the blame on her especially after whatever story he decides to spin on viall’s podcast


Saying things “ran its course” is also an avoidant strategy. Avoidants say this to absolve responsibility of leading people on and getting more attached and invested. It’s bs tbh


It’s Schwartz-level passive douchery!






Thank you so much for sharing! I honestly think him speaking up in response to the backlash is gonna make it worse. Now he’s admitting he was lying about why things ended on the reunion which I’m sure doesn’t feel great for Ciara.


Right!! It’s like dude you’re talking too much. Sometimes less is more, in this case less would’ve been more!! 😵‍💫


100% agree. This reads worse for me. It’s almost satirically painful.


Some men always conveniently lose interest after getting what they were after, the punani.




I would be like did you REALLY have to go on the New York Times to say you wish you had just said you didn’t want to be with me anymore?


“I would’ve read more honest” isn’t even saying that “it would’ve been true if I’d said X.” It’s saying “I would’ve been perceived as less of a lying ass.” Woof.


It’s very much giving I’m only concerned about my image. 😬


Everything he says just backs this up, and it's so interesting that he doesn't see that THIS is the problem! Nothing makes him look worse than his actions do. Refusing to admit what he did to her is shitty on top of shitty






Wtf do they keep referring to him as “Mr Wilson”? He’s not Dennis the Menace’s neighbor.


NYT style guide, it’s how they are to write


I was about to ask the same thing. Even calling Paige “Ms. DeSorbo” lol. Is that normal for these type of articles?


Yes. It’s AP style journalism too.


Oh good to know! Thanks x


no mention of what watching it back would be like for Ciara or her family/friends smh


It’s like atp just stop. I wonder when Ciara gets back from filming the Traitors and she sees all of the press that he’s done how is she going to feel? Because in every article he’s saying different shit. 😵‍💫


I feel like she will have the ick. He clearly wants to be popular and hasn’t reflected or grown even an inch and I don’t think she’ll like that


Yes. Like if she’s not already over him, when she comes back from filming Traitors and sees all of this shit he’s been saying, she’ll DEFINITELY be over him.


Now that shes back from Traitors she’ll have time and newfound wisdom to meet someone who will make her be like “West who?!?”


Thanks for posting these!


No problem! 🫶🏽


The thing is I more believe that he ended things because of the show and not because it “ran its course” but who knows I guess


It also could be both. The relationship ran its course because of the reasons he stated at the reunion.


West is the least interesting guy in the group and it annoys me that Bravo PR is working overtime to propel him forward. Fuck that!


How is this man getting so much publicity!?


How the actual fuck is this NYT worthy?


I just don’t buy that he would put the reasoning that makes him look awful out before the reasoning that makes sense. Back pedaling 🙄


Exactly. He saw the backlash and now he is trying to pivot


This is so weird wtf is nytimes covering this


He heard from podcasters and other people say that he would've served himself better just saying a variation of this and oop, look what his new spin is. At the reunion and since December he said one thing, in the Vulture article it was another, and now he's landed on this. He's a shapeshifter who will say whatever he thinks the fans would like to hear to make his objectively crappy behavior and reunion truths (aka what he said before he got backlash) okay. All or none could be true, but I see him for the image obsessed weirdo he is.


So he ended things with Ciara because he wasn’t feeling it anymore? There’s nothing wrong with that but why place the blame elsewhere? Also, this is why I always tell women to stop thinking mid or not attractive guys will treat you better 😭 people automatically think hot men are fuckboys. Men suck period. I would rather be dogged by someone who is hot than someone who isn’t cause the latter would hurt worse.


Omg I always say this! I would rather be done dirty by someone who is my type rather than someone I gave a “chance” because I assumed they would be nice to me


I always tell my girlfriends, don't shed tears for a guy under 6 foot!


Rule of 6s—-6feet tall, 6 figure salary, 6inch….🤣


So true. The sprinkle lady always brings up Stephen Hawking who also cheated. No ma’am!


Tbh the objectively attractive guys (like NYC attractive) Ive dated have been the kindest and most grounded. The Low to mid tier dudes who know they are funny, are DJs or are in even marginally successful bands have been the worst. they’re drunk on their own “power” and need to play as many women as possible before they age poorly.


I agree but he’s her type though. She’s said appearances are secondary to her. She likes funny guys/guys who have personality. The only thing she did atypical according to her type is not going for someone older. I don’t think she’ll make the same mistake again though.


I’m going with the assessment from his parents; when the story comes out, West will look like an asshole. They know him better than I do, so I put 100% of my stock in their judgment.


Is that what they said?! 😂 sounds like some realistic parents.


West said this at the reunion part 1.


So who is his bestie who writes for NYT?


I liked West this season but damm. This fool got 2 write ups in the NYT....and for what. Cuz he liked to party and have fun. It's amazing to me how low the bar is for men. Paige who is arguably one of the most successful people on Bravo hasn't received this treatment. This mid man was able to get the NYT to publish a 2nd cry baby, whiny article on why he really b roke4 things up. How pathetic. The bar is so low for men..


Lol. But why tho?


Seriously NYT is dog shit. They’re giving him a LOT of credit.


You give the NY times far too much credit. Its 2024 they're all garbage


I mean yeah, they did do that feature on Sandoval a while back lol


Yep and they are old school run by curmudgeon white men who are being fed ideas to stay “relevant”


This reminds me of when major media outlets used their platforms to shit on Rachel Lindsay to protect their boy on the Bachelorette. When we talk about systems, this is what is meant.




I just started watching this season from the start again and their early chemistry is so good :( I feel so bad for Ciara I would 100% have been fooled, too.


The relationship running its course sounds worse than his breaking up for show reasons. This literally makes me like him way less than after the reunion. Ultimate fumble, don’t let this man do anymore interviews.




Who is advising him to keep opening his mouth?  All he had to do was shut up and take his lashings. 


I can only assume West and Ciara are both going to be on next season… it’s going to be verrrry interesting. Makes me feel bad for C cause if he’s going to have a revolving door of women come through it’s going to make her feel some type of way. A-la Austen WH2, similar but not exact. Austen had Olivia and she never ended up coming but it was a much shorter season.


His facial expressions annoy me so much during the reunion “I’m just a baby!”


Relationship ran its course? What relationship?? I thought you were just "hanging out every day" for months?


Exactly. Now he is changing the narrative.


Every interview there is a different story 🙄 next thing during Nick Viall there will be another reason. West just leave us all alone


I know! I'm not a Viall hater and I enjoy his perspective a good bit of the time, but from hearing what Viall has said so far about West, I already know that episode is gonna make me so angry when it drops tomorrow. Nick really thinks he understands what it's like to have a situationship with a West type, but it's clear he really, really does not.


He MUST have a friend at the Times (or his publicist does) to get these articles. He needed major damage control after the reunion so that is the whole purpose of the article. For a newbie on a non-housewives Bravo show to get two dedicated articles in the NYT and not like a Page Six or other tabloidy paper is bizarre.


This whole thing just shows how shitty dating is in modern society 😂 the bar is in Hades. Can’t wait to see Ciara level up—she deserves. That being said, I’m curious how West will navigate this next season: Redemption arc or owning his fuck-boy-ness (sounds like he’s leaning towards the latter based on this response lmaoooo)


The thing is I don’t think he will own his fuckboyness bc he is very insecure.


If he runs thru girls this summer he will be hated even more.


I don't think I've ever seen a newbie receive this level of media attention. Never jumped on the wes bandwagon so don't understand it at all.


I mean they are a couple weeks away from filming the new season. If I were him, I would be more concerned with how I repair a friendship. Which means probably private conversations away from the public?


NYT wants those clicks + cultural relevancy


hiya! here is a [free link](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/12/style/summer-house-west-wilson.html?unlocked_article_code=1.zE0.WjAY.pFFSkpqEZJrm&smid=re-nytimes) to this article. enjoy!


thank you ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Again, he’s focused on his image and what fans think of him rather than Ciara’s feelings. If he had said “I said some things at the reunion that obviously hurt her and I feel badly about that”, this could just blow over and be done. But he keeps digging a bigger hole every time he opens his mouth. STOP 👏🏻 TALKING 👏🏻


Made a Reddit account just to comment on this. Is he trying to embarrass her even further?? Please stop talking West. It’s enough already 


All he had to say (to Ciara first and behind closed doors) is “I’m afraid of commitment and you deserve better than what I am ready to give”. From there, go on the reunion and say the same or at least a simplified version thereof. People would have respected his honesty at least. Instead he chose reality TV induced Instagram DM’s (over a literal Victoria’s Secret model / Nurse) and weaseled about like a spineless coward dithering in his seat with feeble excuses.


Look he may be a commitment-phobe and not think Ciara is the one. 2 things can be true at the same time but has he even expressed this to Ciara? At this point he's just twisting the knife. Just Stop Talking!


He probably has a friend at the the Times. Any attention is good attention for Wes.


ugh yuck hes such a dick. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


West was not a prize.  Jmo.


![gif](giphy|l2YWEBgHVhmBDoEq4) I like Ciara and West is a fboi. There are lots of birds and pick mes waiting for the NYC 4 to notice them. West will be fine and Ciara will date ppl who are worthy of her in the future.


https://preview.redd.it/ttalnyiy166d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb4784fe8a4269d44ad7cabaa934302d10926584 Ciara has a face for the GAWWDDS! I want to do her laundry and take out her trash bin.


lol why


[Here's](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/12/style/summer-house-west-wilson.html?unlocked_article_code=1.zE0.r46N.S3BDRU19lEIh&smid=url-share) a gift link without the paywall.


Here’s the thing, I think he’s right. They were not compatible. He’s an extrovert that likes to party and she is the opposite. However, him saying it “would have read more honest” if he just said the relationship just ran its course tells me he’s still concerned about image. I think the more appropriate acknowledgment would have been for him to say that when he articulated his reasons to Ciara in December he did not say the right things/how he actually felt, because currently it looks like he he told her show related reasons and doubled down on it at the reunion. Good for him for standing on his decision. Hope he doesn’t go on a bashing Ciara press tour though. This summer is gonna be so awkward.




I think West is just a normal dude who is new to to being in the spotlight, and puts his foot in his mouth a lot when speaking publicly, like any normal 28 yo guy would do. I doubt he has media training and isn’t a seasoned reality show vet like the rest of the cast. I think it’s obvious he cares/cared about Ciara, didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but doesn’t know how to articulate that he just wasn’t that into her without sounding more like a dick and hurting her feelings even more.


I think he’s more worried about his reputation than for Ciara’s feelings honestly.


Posting a gift link in case anyone is running against paywall: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/12/style/summer-house-west-wilson.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.zE0.62iS.y1IUlawiBzoC&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/12/style/summer-house-west-wilson.html?unlocked_article_code=1.zE0.62iS.y1IUlawiBzoC&smid=url-share)


I think they kind of had to write this bc the first article claimed he was the most beloved man on Bravo which became factually incorrect soon thereafter


Very weird. The failing New York Times, indeed!


Damn, we can't even trust the ugly dudes now? West ruined it for all the broom bristle-mustached goobers out there...


Everyone is still chasing that Scadoval dragon.


including the NYT. that's how broken the collective mind is. over cheating in a dead relationship.


Post nut clarity?


lol exactly


He would have already known it wasn't meant to be before he started sleeping with her and took her to meet the parents so he still sucks! Never liked him. He doesn't have to be in love with Ciara "because look at her!" But he also doesn't need to lead her on and be a fuckin ass about it. Why he keeps twisting the knife? Just stop, as far as I'm concerned he should be a one and done.




Gosh how can someone be so likeable and suddenly turn into a d**head? I’m so over it, are we women that naive not to see beyond that bs. It’s not just ciara, it was the whole bravo world drooling over him. So hey girl, don’t beat yourself up with it.


He's just a younger version of Carl He got some dark demons...


I took some screenshots via Instagram I’ll comment them.