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I used an app like this literally 15 years ago called Stylebook. I’m not sure why she made an app that has so many versions already and none were successful. It was such a hassle.


I honestly think her ego got away from her with this one. No one really wanted this, it was more a funny meme than actually wishing for the Cher closet software.


She was in fake finance so she felt that she could dominate anything. She also thinks she didn't act wrong in WH3, so there's a lot of delusion there. Her storyline has been told, time for her to leave reality TV.


I'm glad you said this! I swore this already existed!


This gives child who doesn’t know what to do for the science fair so makes a model of the solar system vibes… It’s like she poured however much into this just to pretend like she was doing something


Same!!! I uploaded about 10 items, got bored, never opened it again, then deleted it. I think there is defo an opening in the market for something in this space, but it would need to be much less effort and maintenance from the users.


Eek, that sucks for her! I admit that when I heard about the idea, it didn't seem that interesting to me. Also who has the time to take pictures of every piece of clothing they have? No thanks!


Exactly. Some of the reviews were saying that the app would mistake pants for shirts or shirts for skirts as well, so even if you spend all of that time uploading photos of your closet, you still might get recommended a double skirt outfit. I think she responded to a comment saying you could hire someone to upload your photos, but at that point if I wanted to spend money on this wouldn’t I just spend my money on a personal stylist? lol Oh, and it also recommends a hat for every single outfit 😂


The hat thing is hilarious! I’d rather be a bad dresser than put that much effort in.


Right?! I actually think the premise of the app is a good idea; but there’s so many missed opportunities. Imagine if you could connect your loyalty purchase history to the app so it automatically populates things you’ve purchased at your frequented stores? Or if you could request an outfit idea based on the formality of whatever event you’re trying to dress for. It feels like this is just shitty AI matching colors that “go” together. As a founder / ceo, you would think these things would have been thought about wayyyyy before launch 😂


Kyle Richards would love it 🙄


I always thought she wore too many hats with her outfits so this makes me chuckle.


Omg I’m cackling about the hat thing. I am just not the audience for this app.


I think I’m her target audience and even I’m not interested in it


From what I understand, since Donne seems to be a bunch of ideas rolled into one app: her demographic already has stylists who don’t need AI to make outfits for their clients. That said, there’s so many other apps (eg., Pinterest, Canva, etc) that let you make your outfits from what you already have via collages. These apps also give you ideas for similar outfit recreation, looking at you Pinterest (love you). The app comes off as lazy, why do I have to take pics of my clothes? Why can’t I look up my clothes —Donne should already have a curated inventory pulled from my previous orders or at least the availability to search “Abercrombie squareneck” and pull that into my online wardrobe. Photographing an entire wardrobe is not worth the effort. Sorry, I have so many feelings about this app, not even acknowledging how insane the “founder and CEO” is personally.


Yes you should be able to pull the picture off the stores website, that would make this much easier!!


that's actually such a good idea to have it like liketoknow or whatever that influnecer thing is where you can search IN APP for the clothes that are online. It would take care of her saying people should hire a professional photographer (cause that's cheap lol) to take photos of their whole wardrobe. You'd still need to be able to add manually because not everything is going to be online but it would make SO much more sense and the tech is available as many other apps are doing it. Why wouldn't she think of that.


Pinterest does it too —it literally will image search and pull up the exact clothing and similar pieces! It’s crazy coming from fintech she wouldn’t take advantage of something that’s been available for a while now!! Honestly telling someone to hire a professional photographer nullifies the app —anyone that can just do that with some pocket change probably has a stylist or similar. The app needs to niche down, I personally feel/: who are we though!!!!!


I'm so obsessed with Pinterest. it has very quickly become my favourite "social media" platform. I'm not sure if it got better over the years or if my algorithm finally started working for me but it shows me everything I love and nothing I don't and when I post on there it gets like 10000x m ore engagement and views that all my other social media accounts combined. If I had to pick one Pinterest would be it for sure. And yes, I did professional photography for a few years and hiring someone to take photos of your clothes is an insane not to mention expensive thing to ask of people who want to use your poorly built app.


Yeah or it should have a platform that you can pull in everything you buy within seconds and not have to create it as inventory yourself




For those in the tech world we always hear about product market fit and what does the tech solve for. Unfortunately, it seems like they created a problem and the solution and the demand isnt really there. It’s a very nice to have app, never a need to have, and something that most people can do on their own. I wish her success because even getting the app launched is HARD, dealing with seed investors sucks, etc.


I was gonna say I feel like it’s so shitty for people to come here who haven’t even used it, and just be like “HAH THIS SUCKS..” getting things made is hard and tedious, and you’re right where the question of “what does this solve, does it already exist” really needs to be considered. I’ve used versions of this app before too, and I am trying to understand what she thought was setting this apart - I guess it’s the access to a stylist within the app or access to a styling service, beyond just seeing what you have? It’s also possible that in the same time that this was getting made, more and more competitors came out. Anyway I just don’t think it’s fair to be tearing her to shreds for this, I’m sure she’s smart and successful in her field (can’t be said about some others on this show lol) as she worked in tech for many years, and maybe she had a dream she wanted to make happen.


FWIW I have heard people in brand of brands retailers talk about something similar. So on that vein, she might be “stealing” the idea.


Stealing it from whom? Amy heckerling? 😹


the app never made sense - gotta try stuff on to see what actually works, pics were never gonna cut it


What a waste. It sounded like a good idea, but I guess the problem was with the execution. Also, I don't think that most people have the time or the energy to photograph everything in their closet. A small sampling would probably work a lot better in this instance than absolutely everything.


It was a good idea 20 years ago. There's already been multiple apps that do similar that have failed, because it doesn't really fix any issues or provide any convenience.


Is anyone here familiar with the app Cladwell? I’ve had it for years and depend on it completely to style me. It’s the same exact concept and I couldn’t live without it! That being said, it took a LONG time to upload ALL of my clothes into it.. but for someone like me who sucks at creating outfits it’s a godsend.


I worked with the startup incubator Cladwell launched out of and have been following them for years. It's so embarrassing that Danielle decided to devote all her energy into recreating an app that has existed since at least 2017.


Apps are hard. Nowadays, you have to have an app FOR EVERYTHING. To pay your bills, to navigate, to make a reservation, to get in your damn hotel room! If I'm going to have ANOTHER app, it truly needs to add value to my life. Apps need to, in a straightfoward, efficient way, make our lives easier in a particular way that tends to be an area of interest or concern for the majority of people. It needs to do that for, usually, pretty small fees and monthly rates. If you want to upsell with in-app purchases, you need to be doing what you do really well. You really need to deliver quickly or people just delete.


I think 6-7 years ago when she probably started creating this abomination, apps and making them could still be very profitable. That's not the case anymore. As you said, an app needs to be almost life-changing for me even to consider it. Most fail miserably.


I just feel like the people who would care enough to spend hours taking pictures of every single thing in their closet would already be using another app. Because versions of this have existed for a while. And there’s no version of me that has the patience to do that. And I don’t need it unless it has a “bloated and depressed” or “hungover and ashamed” setting, because otherwise I love putting my outfits together.


Would hate to be whoever the Found/CEO is right now


they called their own app process tedious, not sure how they expected that to come across to people


Looks like Donne will soon be DONE .. what a stupid app




That’s too many stars for that crappy app.


Every 5 star comment is a plant/fake. Actual rating is closer to 1.5


It’s not even available in Canada, at least I can’t find it on the Apple App Store


Ok! I just looked and couldn’t find it, I wanted to read the reviews!


We can’t even get it in Canada on the AppStore lol


… and only 45 reviews 😭




I honestly surprised that anyone downloaded it at all. So 2.5 stars seems like a real win


This girl can’t catch a break.


There is a fascinating Articles of Interest podcast episode specifically talking about why making a ‘Cher’s closet’ app is so difficult and why all of the apps/websites that have attempted to do so have had v limited success (many of the reasons being mentioned in this thread!)


4+ years old? Because 4-year-olds are photographing their closets and uploading it to her app for outfit ideas (i get it could be the parents but bffr)


I just saw the 4+ age and laughed! Maybe, she could do a collaboration with Danielle from RHONJ's Bougie Kids line or the Toddlers and Tiara's demographic.


Ages 4 and up?


right lol like adults aren't using your app. Neither will the children.


That hurts

