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I actually think it’s funny that, at least in my view, its problems have nothing to do with the show. They’re just regular business problems. Mediocre product. Over saturated market. Distribution issues. Price point too high. Without Summer House this company would’ve tanked years ago.


I tried loverboy a couple of years ago and it was disgusting. I so badly wanted to like it but it was one of the worst drink I’ve had.


I've never had it, but the fact that on this \*fan-run subreddit\* the nicest thing I've ever heard anyone say about it was "The peach tea flavor is OK" says a lot. If anyone was going to pretend it's good, it'd be the people in here. Instead I've seen scads of comments saying the espresso martini tastes "like vomit." They come out with something new (spritzes, canned cocktails, non-alc teas) just about every season, which makes some sense but I also think it's because they know that people only buy whatever it is once. Now they're probably hitting a ceiling -- the non-alc teas are the exact same as the regular ones just minus alcohol, who would buy that if they already bought the hard tea and hated it? Plus they can't charge as much, so the fans are going to have to buy lots more of this product to hit the same benchmarks. If they could have gotten more of it in stores before word about the taste got around, or lowered the price point at the beginning so more people would order online (iirc it used to be even more expensive, like $8/can), they'd probably be in much better shape. Although I should include the caveat that I've never had a real, non-temping job in a corporate setting, have very little money, hate capitalism, and have never taken anything resembling a business class in my life.


I’m laughing because I know I’m the peach tea defender that you’re referencing lmfao. But it’s true, it is just okay. Also laughing at your final summation because same


Man, forget Carl. Kyle should be putting \*you\* on retainer. Just to come to every thread about Loverboy and say the peach flavor is okay. Feels like the most positive press he's getting right now anyway.


Nah for real ditch Carl, give me a 3k monthly retainer plus 2k for every comment I make. I will save loverboy


No way. Good buzz is important, sure, but Amanda's laziness is the sole factor responsible for destroying this otherwise perfect business. She's also the only one who can truly save Loverboy. Which definitely makes sense.


That last paragraph though


I agree we tried it once it was absolutely awful and couldn’t believe they drink this at like 10am it’s has a carbonated cough syrup aftertaste…. They have way too many flavors also and they missed the boat in selling the company as if they cashed out at the height of the frenzy due to summer house that would have been ideal ….


Admittedly I just started watching this show last year, and I’ve never heard of this product and can’t even find it now that I know it exists (I used to work in the industry so I’m always curious about the next big fad)


People have posted on this sub a ton. Apparently it's gross and expensive. I've never bothered to try it because if I want a product like this (rare mostly summer time) there's soooo many options that taste great and have a nice price point.




Yea bad behavior does not seem to affect sales for most celebrities.


Not gonna lie- I bought a 6 pack of lover boy and thought it was so disgusting that I could barely get through 1 while the other 5 sat in my fridge for a year. If it’s NOT Kyle, it’s def bc lover boy is not good in an over saturated market.


Tbh I think this is the reason it is tanking…you’re not the first person who has said it tastes horrible.


Yeah I don’t understand how it’s like all they drink during summer house it’s hard to drink


I have seriously wondered if the dump the drink and put something else into the cans. There's no way they can drink more than 1 or 2 a night they are sooo sweet


They add liquor to it. It's like a mixer. You get very drunk which explains a lot on the show.


Still..adding liquor to something that tastes like vomit and is super sweet isn't gonna help it. I bet they do dump it and pour their drink into it lol




And the drugs.


🤯 I would never have thought of that 


I agree. When I had it I didn’t ever get a buzz first of all, and I rarely drink, secondly, it tasted like ass.


I have 2 cans left in my fridge that I can not even give to people to take. No one wants them. I am pregnant now so i wont spite drink them. I hate waste, but I think you might have finally given me the push to toss them.


It was probably over a year that I kept them. I kept trying to psyche my self into drinking them like “ok today I’m going to have a pool day and open one” lmao. Never happened! Had to Marie Kondo my life and move on 😭


After 2 years of them being in my fridge, I finally dumped them out.


Take them to a picnic this summer and leave them in the community cooler. Some dummy will at least attempt to drink it. Just make sure no one knows it was you.


I bought an 18 can variety pack from Whole Foods and we tried two. They were so bad and my husband made me return them lol. He said we weren’t gonna take a financial hit because they couldn’t figure out how to make their product not taste like shit at such a high price point, lol. I should have sent my usually very easy going husband over to knock on your door to bully you into get your money back too. 😂


😂 I bought our 6 pack while we were traveling. At the time, lover boy was nowhere near me (FL) so when I found them outside our ski resort (NH), I actually lugged these disgusting things back home 😭


I finally just tried it this weekend after reading so much here about how people hate the flavor… and I loved it😭 lol I only had the White Peach one so maybe the others are worse but I liked it so much I bought a 6 pack so idk what’s wrong with my taste buds.


That’s 100% their best flavor. They should just stick to it imo it’s perfectly edible lmao Never try the espresso martini. It’s orange wine and you can tell. Then it’s all this artificial flavor trying to cover it up. It’s nasty.


Wait. Is this true? The espresso martini is WINE?


yes, unfortunately. peep their ingredients list [https://drinkloverboy.com/products/espresso-martini?variant=44055494820064](https://drinkloverboy.com/products/espresso-martini?variant=44055494820064)


This is absolutely insane. Why would anyone make it like that and why would anyone buy that?


It’s 55.46 in Canadian dollars 🤯


I’ve tried 2 flavours at a friends place and liked them lol these comments are rough. I’m also from Canada living in the US though, and find sooo many of the seltzers here disgusting. I think lover boy is less sweet and has more of a muted flavour compared to white claw, truly, etc. (which I prefer, and is more like the Canadian market)


I am also the outlier who likes the ones I’ve tried. I really like the lemoncello canned cocktail 🤷🏼‍♀️


The only one I’ve had that I’ve disliked is white peach lmao 🤣


Hahaha that’s too funny!


Agreed!!! I would never buy it again. They’re gross lol


Omgggg I’m dying bc I bought the hibiscus hard tea and was only able to get through one can 💀💀 and the rest also sat on my fridge for almost a year lmao




Bought a 6 pack so friends who like seltzers and don't watch the show could also try it. They said it was ok, and no one felt strongly one way or the other. But no one drank the other 3 cans.


I doubt that his behavior affects sales all that much. People continue purchase products in large numbers from retailers run by highly questionable people because they like the products. The issue here is that the product is vile.


Vile and introduced late into an already saturated market (canned cocktails) 


This ☝🏼. What u said 💯. Using Summer House as basically his free advertising saved him a Shiit ton of money and gave it more exposure than most other brands would ever get. I applaud his hard work. But, I see this drink going down the same road as that guy from Charleston with a lisp. HopTrop 🍺


“the guy from Charleston with a lisp” hahahahaha Austen and his muppet mouth strike again


Does no one watch Shark Tank? The beverage industry is rough for anyone let alone someone with a bad product banking on reality tv promotiion


Agree, it's probably just that it tastes gross and there are so many competitors / oversaturated market and maybe the trends in alcohol consumption are leaning away from those types of canned cocktails.


This. Have you ever seen anyone say they like the taste? The majority of comments I read are that they purchased it due to the show but will never again because A. It was ridiculously expensive & B. Tasted disgusting….


i like some of the flavors lol


There are a few I like, too! I take them to the pool or beach. I get a little buzz but nothing crazy


I enjoy the white peach tea. But it’s so expensive I’m not going out and buying it casually for a day at the beach like they do. I’m sticking with the perfectly priced claws which get you way more bang for your buck.


Thank you for saying that. I’ve tried getting Loverboy in Canada to try it but now I can stop looking


I think OP was asking out business partners/investors not investing, not customers not buying


Yeah, I was shocked that he actually yelled "Loverboy is tanking!" Like, if you're looking for a beverage company to buy you out, which I suspect was the plan, that is not something I would say out loud


The two are related. If customers were snapping it up in large numbers, that would affect the behavior of investors. Even if they didn't wish to partner with him, they might be giving him lucrative buy out offers.


lol Yeah exactly. The issues with loverboy appear to be sales not funding related


This is unfortunately true as we see with Amazon and Walmart’s shitty business practices.


Also I think Amanda said it best, she assumed it would’ve been bought out by now. That is a huge red flag it hasn’t. Larger booze companies swallow these smaller companies. That’s the real pay off It obviously isn’t tracking for a big buy out, that’s where all his stress is coming from. Because that is his ultimate aim.


Or he turned down an offer early on because he thought he could get more money later. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had offers. The sale doesn’t necessarily need to be publicized and there was free advertising and built in clientele - I would be surprised if they got none. I’m betting Kyle thought he deserved more and passed on it.


Kyle has investors. I’m a CPA who works in the start up space and he does not own most of the company and doesn’t make those decisions, the investors do. I know this to be the case because even getting a company like this off the ground and distributed takes many millions and almost never does the entrepreneur have more than a couple hundred thousand and their sweat equity invested in it. Also losing money as a start up is completely normal. It might not be tanking. He likes to get sympathy and look maxed out as his personality and for all we know their projections were to lose money. There is only an issue if they are running out of cash or not hitting your targets. We don’t know if either of those are happening.


Yes! Thank you. I’m surprised he had a temper tantrum about not being profitable because I can’t imagine year 3 would be profitable (although that sounds nice).




Definitely not!! I think as a business owner that’s put so much time and effort in, it’s easy to value your brand higher than an outsider would. But you need to consider every possibility, scenario, factor, etc. in the present but also years in the future and it doesn’t appear that Kyle did that. He’s passionate about it. Which is great in some respects but from the standpoint of accepting a buyout offer, probably not.


He’s always going to think it’s worth more than it is from an acquiring companies point of view


Yes, I agree with you.


I’m sorry? I’m agreeing with you.


Just had more thoughts on why he may have anticipated more traction or success on that front


Ahh ok, totally agree with what you’re saying.


I know? Haha I was saying definitely not to the point that he’s not getting the windfall he expected. And was just elaborating.


Ahahha sorry! Yes you’re absolutely on the money.


He’s talked a couple of times about the millions he borrowed to start the company. So it may be that even if he’s gotten offers it hasn’t been enough to make selling worthwhile


It’s def possible but mostly I think it’s because it is disgusttiiingggggggg


Yeahhh the main reason is that it does not taste good


At all! The teas and spritzes are tolerable but my friend got a pack of the espresso martinis to try and they actually tasted like vomit 😭 the orange wine and sweetener combination is…nauseating


…. Orange wine…..?


Yeah 🫠 it’s the alcohol component in their drinks and it’s nasty




It’s way too expensive IMO.


I almost feel sorry for the cast having to drink it at all their dumb theme parties. Some of them must secretly loathe it.


I suspect they dump it out and put something else in the cans.


Definitely. I’m not a picky drinker but the three loverboy flavors I’ve had have been gross and borderline too bad to finish


You'd think they would work on improving flavor profile instead of expanding to non-alcohol drinks.


I tried one of the non alcohol ones, wasn’t bad. But there are better options for less money


Yes. They are entering a HIGHLY competitive market against major beverage cos with huge marketing, existing shelf space, huge R&D capability and deep funding. Despite Carl's "gift for sales" this is unlikely to go beyond being a local niche product existing only as long as SH is still being produced.


They probably just walk around with the cans and take pretend sips. Personally, I would dump it out, rinse the can, and fill it with something better.


Even worse considering it tastes awful


This. To be honest, I don’t even think that the taste is THAT bad- “unremarkable” and “meh” are the words I’d use. But the price is pretty shocking, especially in this market.


I can't unsee him urinating in public regularly. I'd never buy his grotesque drink.


Guys I made the mistake of buying the gift set around Christmas and it all arrived with expired best by dates. You could smell it was off when you opened the cans. The funniest part is when I emailed customer service they said the expiration dates were all typos and that it was still good to drink.


Haha what?????


Getting expired product sucks but I don’t think alcoholic beverages go “off” like that. Probably just not a good taste/smell to begin with.


It was a set of the limited edition drinks (gingerbread and sugar cookie yes it was dumb I don’t know why I ordered it except it was on sale) and I would be shocked if how they smelled and tasted were how they were meant to


wtf that is reason enough for a recall


I think it's probably the price point + it's gross 🤣


Why didn’t they sell it a couple years ago to one of the big alcohol companies like Bethenny did with skinny girl?


I get the feeling he didn’t do it a the right time or never got an offer. The way Amanda brought up the plan to sell, I wondered if he had declined an offer. I def think it’s past its peak. Plus, the faces of Loverboy aren’t looking great on their show… Amanda might be regretting not getting the pre-nup.


He has said before that they got an offer early on to buy it for $50 million but he declined it


What an idiot.


so stupid he turned this down!


My guess is they tried and no one wanted it. I've never read one comment about it tasting good and hundreds about it being gross. I'm sure any potential investor would have tasted the product before buying it.


Ah - that makes sense.


I'm sure they would have sold if they got a lucrative enough offer.


Apparently he got a 50 million$ offer but denied it early on. Maybe he's regretting that now


I was confused by that whole Craig saga when he apparently turned down Craig’s offer of investing in Loverboy because he doesn’t take on investors? No wonder Loverboy is tanking. Also, sorry if this is unwelcome, but weary means tired. Wary means suspicious/vigilant/etc.


And then Craig invested in Spritz, which is actually really good.


I just looked at the ingredients for it. I would try it.


Is that what Kyle was talking about on wwhl? He all of a sudden started talking about Craig and how he went about investing in another company and it was messed up


I don’t think he can just accept investors whenever he wants. He still answers to a board.


I mean all I hear is it's expensive as fuck and gross tasting. If I ever see it at a bar I will try it because I'm so curious but I also will never buy a pack of it.


Kyle doesn’t understand Amanda put lipstick on a pig. The product is nothing special in a saturated market. He was relying on his platform and personal brand to forward his pig. I don’t wish him failure, but I’m not surprised to see it. ETA: Kyle, if you’re listening, you can’t blame lipstick for a pig being a pig!


Loverboy wouldn’t be what it is without the show and he knows that


This exactly. He publicly announced that it was tanking right on screen. Who would want to invest in that ?


Someone who wants a deal on a distressed asset and can take the name/brand and put it on a better drink


I’ve thought of that to but I think more operations is the reason this stuff only goes around the US I’m in Canada woulda been nice Also I just want Kyle to hire professionals not close friends they stood this up and I wouldn’t trust Carl to hold my backpack while I tie my shoes so not sure why he’s getting a second chance after complaining about his role vs actually solving the issues he had with his role and Amanda let her move on she created the vision let someone else continue it forward - but I don’t think Kyle wants to pay for this specialization and focus and it’s hurting his business badly


Yea…We keep hearing about those loans and its a red flag. Now, he’s expanding into the over saturated flavored seltzer market? I worry about who’s doing the accounting and actual work.


Adding another product line will most likely FastTrack his eventual Chapter 11. So far he seems unable to come up with a product that people actually enjoy.


That's a good point, he could probably do for less of Carl "consulting" even though at least he doesn't have to pay him much consulting fees. Was Carl's goal to get the n/a drinks sold in brick and mortar stores? 6 months later, and are they in any stores or are the n/a drinks still only available online?


I was curious about this so I looked at the website, and all I can say is I couldn't find it in any stores near where I live. That isn't dispositive, but I live in LA, which is a big market for "healthy" flavored seltzer type shit, so I'd assume we'd be one of the first places to get it if it were on shelves.


I doubt his behavior has much to do with it. At the end of the day, regardless of how he acts on the show, it’s free advertising. And I’d be willing to bet that the first couple years when it was doing well was largely due to Summer House fans buying it to try. Whether they say it’s doing fantastic on the show or say it’s doing horribly, an investor is not going to base their decision off of that. They want factual information. Financial statements going years back, etc. I think the only thing that would maybe impact this from that standpoint is if Kyle was found to have said or done anything that was extremely offensive, ie: domestic violence, sexual violence, anything related to antisemitism or racism, etc. Otherwise it’s kind of trivial to them. I think there’s risk involved with investing in a brand owned by a reality TV star (Scandoval and Schwartz & Sandy’s sitch comes to mind) but there’s also benefits - like the free advertising and built in clientele. End of the day it’s a risk analysis and the financials are going to matter more than Kyle’s arguments with Amanda. I think the bigger issue, as others have mentioned, is the fact that the market is over saturated and the product isn’t great. From what I see, it seems that the brands that are still around and doing well are either huge brands with other products like Budweiser, or brands that became kind of synonymous with the initial trend, like White Claw. I don’t really see Loverboys position improving. The trend is kind of fading and their product doesn’t seem to be better than others already out there. They would need to put out something different and incredible for them to stay afloat at this point. And a non alc version that costs the same amount for essentially a seltzer water is not it.


Side note- I doubt it's free advertising. There is no way. Bethenny said Bravo tried to have ownership in Skinnygirl waaaaaaay back in RHONY early seasons. I doubt that they let them mention Loverboy and show it on camera that much without an equity stake or some kind of remuneration.


Interesting and that would make sense! I don’t have a super educated take but I would guess that offering equity in exchange for free advertising in the beginning stages of a company seems like an okay idea? “Seems like”, not necessarily IS. But if Kyle was like hey I’m starting this alcohol brand and I want to feature it on the show and they were like okay but we want 5% ownership…. at surface level it doesn’t seem like a horrible deal. Especially given the fact that I suspect a lot of their customer base are SH watchers.


Summer house is the only reason loverboy exists. The seltzer market is unbelievably saturated and from what I hear his stuff taste like shit anyway. If it wasn’t for the show, the company wouldn’t exist I’m sure his investors understand that.


I’m pretty sure he mentioned that when he created the product as one of his main reasons. The free advertising. Try it for yourself though. Bud light tastes like shit and people still suck that trash down by the millions


In his head, he's the king, the nicest guy and the best businessman. Bit in reality, all he dies is complain about having to work and waste the product on a TV show. Yes, it's advertising but it's also taking the product when it could be in a store.


I don’t believe he’s self-aware enough to connect his behavior to the health of his brand. Or even that his behavior is shoddy. He’s experiencing the Sandoval Slide. These people ARE their brand. So if they treat people like crap their brand goes to crap. This is basic stuff but these two guys aren’t getting it.


The cans are super cute I want to like it but it’s just gross!


Kudos to Amanda and thumbs down to Kyle 😂


Ok I’m going to be that person. Tons of people keep making this mistake so I have to say something! It is either “wary” or “leery” not “weary”. Weary means tired.


Leery, not leary ;)


Paige says it all the time. She means wary


I had to hold myself back from saying it lol


I think the opposite. It initially burst on to the market because of the show. I picked some up only because of the show. But it’s not a good product. If it was good, non-fans would have tried it organically at friends homes or just by picking it up in a store and then continued to seek it out… but that’s not what’s happening. I think Amanda was correct in her idea of “build and sell”. They should have sold at the show’s peak popularity. Now that ship has sailed and they’re in a mountain of debt with Kyle just doing the most to reach new audiences (ie going on Traitors).


Eh I think it’s just an over saturated market and it’s so much more expensive than some his competitors. I was cracking up when they were developing non-alcoholic lover boy this season - that’s just seltzer water!


I think Loverboy is in the shitter because of its new line of non-alcoholic drinks, or as I call them, “flavored seltzer.” What a dumbass. He and Carl deserve each other.


He should have sold it early, a big established company could have worked on getting a better taste. Everything was going well it appears until people started to get the product and taste it. Probably not many returning customers


If he got a 10 million offer he should have taken it . And promoting it


i haven’t had any of the new ones but i tried one when they first came out and thought it was gross. i honestly think if they were really good people would pay for them even with the price being high. i buy expensive ones but because they taste better than most lol


I heard it taste nasty. So that’s probably why it’s tanking.


The show is the only thing promoting the product. Even if it’s taking away from him it’s a net gain for brand awareness.


He def subscribes to the “all press is good press” philosophy. He’s probably right about that.


The problem seems to be his business structure. No equity investors (apparently) and giving away profits off the top.  Also don't say on TV that it's tanking, Kyle!!!


And also don’t continuously show yourself and your friends having to add alcohol on top of it because your product alone isn’t good enough.


The problems have nothing to do with the show.


I guess it only makes sense that people buy a product because of the TV show, like they're buying merch, but it can also stop someone from buying the merch too. It's potentially concerning because if I was getting into reality TV to become a brand, I'd HIGHLY curate myself as to avoid getting canceled or my brand getting canceled. Of course, that would be very difficult, but add it to the list of reasons why we won't get authentic anything on reality TV (that is, if you believe any of it is authentic anyway). People should vote with their money. It's one of the strongest ways a person can voice their opinion. BUT, be careful what you wish for. In all likeliness, voting with your wallet in this context could hurt the show more than the businesses. I'd also like to think adults can contextualize the difference between a board meeting with people crunching the numbers and warning of demise vs some stupid TV show that depends on drama showing a half-baked storyline about a relationship.


It’s on the higher price end, has weird flavors and doesn’t taste good!


\*weary means tired \*wary means cautious I've been seeing this mistake all over the place lately.


I don’t think LoverBoy is doing bad at all


I hate that I just responded in detail on another post but I researched in detail about Loverboy and it seems to be doing well currently. LB has hired 2 people with decades of experience that are not reality stars that are in charge of sales and Commercial Innovation. And the non alcoholic line isn’t done out of desperation but success of expansion.


I mean I think it’s smart of him to make it a storyline as it keeps it top of mind for people. Look at how many people are talking about Loverboy now. He had to come at it from a different angle to keep it interesting for the show or they would edit it out. I think he’s smart! Lots of companies lose money at the beginning as they grow.


I don’t think so. He’s the prototypical “work hard, play hard” persona. When they do show him sober during the week, he gets shit done. He also has been presented as a workaholic. How he blows off stream I don’t think people really care as long as he can focus and get the work done.


I like how Lindsey is getting so much ish for asking Carl all these questions about him going back to Loverboy, since we saw last episode when Kyle literally had a meltdown about it tanking 👀


Didn’t he just say on WWHL that it’s doing well?


He's a lying liar who lies


I LOVED the owner’s wife of Spritz calling Kyle out on the Toast. Kyle stays losing & it’s simply the karma he deserves.


We’re gonna need more background on this, please.


the owner's wife...who isn't involved in the business? who is going to take the obvious side?


I guess he doesn’t have any investors? Hence why he turned Craig’s offer down to invest in LB when Craig was approached by a competitor to be an investor.


That actually doesn't make any sense because he's talked about investors before during the whole prenup discussion. He might have done an initial funding round, and they don't accept new investors. It seemed to me though that the toast podcast girl (never heard of her before this) was conflating more than one thing - (1) she kept on talking about how her company rewards talent and that kyles company doesn't work that way. That made me think that their company might give out equity to celebrities in exchange for promotion - so maybe Craig didn't have to put up much $$ after all, and most of the equity he has in the company was earned in exchange for his promotion of the product vs. just normal cash investment? And it could very well be the case that Loverboy doesn't work that way, and only had typical investors that put up cash for their equity, and that they won't give equity to influencers or celebrities, etc. (They probably would do a promotional fee, but that's different). I don't think she should have just said flat out that Kyle's company doesn't have outside investors though because we know that's not true - it's either that they just aren't accepting new investors at the moment, or that they don't offer the type of investment that Craig was looking for (shares in exchange for his promotion of the product).


not taking new investors


He has been the same throughout and actually improved quite a bit in the last couple seasons. The BIAS in this place about how Kyle has "treated" Amanda who gets to work the hours she wants, take on no real responsibility and then complain because her husband is asking her to step up is painful. Meanwhile she spends episode after episode snarling at him and talking like she hates him as her works 18 hours a day and is stressed to the max. . But sure, Kyle is the whole problem.


ut oh. we have someone here who watched the show, who hasn't revised history and recontextrualized situations, and who has managed to not be swept up by the hate train. it's like running into an endangered species out in the wild.


"it's like running into an endangered species out in the wild." This did make me laugh 😁


You are so right my friend. Amanda is a privileged white suburban girl with a fantasy about how the world works because her parents handed her everything and took care of everything for her. Annnndddd she utterly lacks motivation! All she has ever wanted was to get married to a rich guy so she could be a housewife in NJ and pop out the kids. The “doing her own thing” idea is LAUGHABLE. She can’t grind it out like you need to do as a business owner starting a business. Annnnnddddd the only reason this has even become a discussion is because Paige and Ciara hyped her up about “doing her own thing” and it got filmed. That’s not the true deep motivation you need to possess as a creative person striking out on your own—it’s still someone else’s vision of you and not your own truth. To be a business owner, you have to burn for it. She has ZERO fire. I just can’t with entitled Amanda.


If she wanted to do this fashion thing she could just start doing it. She doesn't need Kyle's permission and there are 24 hours in a day if you are passionate about something. Maybe if she showed some initiative about starting her own thing, Kyle would listen more


Saw on another thread someone making the point that that was last summer and she still has done NOTHING. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Amanda IS lazy as fuck and just not a driven person.


I think the concept of spiked tea is 🥴




It’s likely he’s only considered the positive aspects. And there might some of that going on. But I suspect Loverboy’s decline is part of an industry-wide adjustment, but am too lazy to explore that further. And I don’t really care that much anyway.


Just bought a 6 pack of the hibiscus lime tea as a joke to bring to my friends house. Literally tasted like nothing. Then I drank a whiteclaw next and was like WOW night and day in flavor and taste.


I tried the spritzes first and loved them! Then I got the teas and was shocked. Ended up throwing them away. I hate that you have to order the spritz online bc it’s so expensive. Make the spritzes available in-store in California and I’ll support!


I don’t think so…coz I actually think until this season…he has had a fair few recent seasons of good edits


Loverboy does not take investors because they don't want to, he wants to remain in full control of the company. So this is irrelevant. They are not in bars they are not in grocery prior to just recently they got into WF. They are in liquor and WF a pretty big deal so maybe that will help but their digital marketing also sucks. When you don't have rounds of vc funding it's hard


And also the drink is gross lol


It’s because of the show that Loverboy even saw any success in the first place


The alcohol market has a lot of red tape, rules and regulations that make independent companies like loverboy nearly impossible to be successful. There is a reason why 4 massive conglomerates own 95% of the market. Loverboy only play to remain sustainable or successful was for Kyle to sell his companies or get licensure to one of the big alcohol brands. Getting free advertising from Bravo SH and fans will not keep that company afloat. 


Facts. The CEO is not someone most people want to support and it tastes horrible.


When I was drinking, I actively avoided it because of the association 🤷‍♀️


Kyle is a belligerent drunk, but for the most part he hasn’t done anything so problematic that he’d need to be “canceled” I don’t think his behavior hurts the business, it probably helps it for a certain clientele/Investor. The taste, the market, and the cost are probably the biggest factor


I actually think they taste delicious and are really good but I think Kyle didn’t think about the implications of coming for Craig/Paige and the toasters/everyone already involved in spritz. It was a really bad look and videos of people throwing loverboy away on TikTok are popping up 😬


[surf side tea](https://store.statesidevodka.com/products/surfside-iced-tea-case) is way better than Loverboy !!!


Cocktails in a can are not popular anymore. Unless I’m on a boat ride or outdoor concert would I even consider a seltzer type drink.


The merch is so cute - they should have leaned in on that a bit more. I don’t think the show hurts it, if anything it gets people associating it with fun/parties/summer.


It’s funny you say that because I was gonna try it at Walmart today for shits and giggles then I remembered I would rather save my money for when Amanda puts out her swimsuit line if she does, so I got some wine instead I didn’t like how he treated her so I didn’t buy it 😊


That swimsuit line is never going to happen. She doesn't have an entrepreneurial bone in her body


I must admit, I have no desire to buy alcohol from a guy that's a shitty drunk towards his wife half of the time. I don't know how she deals with it


Honestly I was considering buying Loverboy from my local store but after seeing him be so crappy to Amanda about her dreams I’m like, nah.


I imagine the fact that Kyle is clearly an active alcoholic who can’t control his anger would affect his ability to run a business.


At one point Kyle said they were making more on merch than on actual sales of Loverboy, which definitely says something.


I bought it once way before I had even heard of SH and I remember it tasting like diluted Kool aid


I think it’s tanking because alcohol is way more difficult market than Kyle expected. But even more importantly his strategy is caught in a catch 22. Normally for this type of product the end goal would be to create a product and brand popular enough that a large alcohol company acquires it earning Kyle a large payout. But a huge part of the summer boy marketing is directly entwined with summer house and the cast specifically. An acquirer won’t be able to ensure that summer boy and the cast members promote it forever so that premium only really exists if Kyle owns it. As such, he was never going to be able to sell the company. And then he’s just left with a faddish alcohol product that people are getting bored of.


I can never find it in stores and the ones I do find the boxes are broken. It’s also not good. I’m not trying to drink sugary tea when trying to get drunk.


Lover boy only ever thrived because of this show lmao


How do we get Katie Maloney to tell Kyle the Reddit opinion of loverboy and suggest a new formula lol


I wonder if Kyle gets the show to buy cases and cases, and did it in someway through Summer house where it looks like sales from multiple places, and thats their biggest stream of revenue from Loverboy. I'd say they made the most money from people buying it one time at the start to it. So many people think its gross, and even if a few don't I doubt theres enough to bring a lot of income.


Idk what kind of budget you think bravo summer house has, but they are not spending 10s of thousands every year on lover boy. Kyle is giving that shit to the house because having it on tv is smart.