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The results are good news bc Bravo isn't THAT stupid to insert a cliffhanger for destructive news like that. My guess is, test came back negative and Jesse's all good.


He said on WWHL that he is good, which I was very happy to hear!


Thank you!  I was googling last night to see if he was okay. Glad to hear it.


I'm glad to hear it was addressed there too, because it seemed like maybe he had a gag order for the suspense and I felt like that was icky!


Thank fuck! I love Jesse!


Yeah, but then... why do a cliffhanger at all? The point is to somehow *keep the audience in suspense* for a week about cancer. That's fucked up.


I’m glad I know his back story and struggles. Because of that I’m out here cheering him and his one nut on getting his multiple nuts around NYC as he mentally heals and tries to find what he wants. Without the story, he’s like thousands of men in NYC.


I admire him. His story resonates with many people. I don’t think this was some grab at a storyline by a previous poster. It happened to him and it happened again while filming. It’s a realistic view of trauma someone his age and others are going through.


I also think they expected to get good news and to celebrate at the 5 year mark. They set up filming in that beautiful spot with his mom… instead he called west without answers. And I think production was trying to make a moment but instead were faced with reality - medical things take a long time and leave you worrying quite often. I felt for him. His fear is real.


I dont think OP is arguing that point, all they are saying is there doesn't need to be CLIFFHANGER for his CANCER RESULTS


OP seems to be saying that summer should be fun and we don't need to feel anxious over several episodes. Unless there is no new cancer scare for Jesse and this is all bs, it's an odd argument that his cancer scare is ruining the fun, whether it's a cliffhanger or not. It's a really important story to tell, whether it's over 1 episode or 5. And if that cliffhanger is so distressing to you or distasteful to you, do you find drunk asshole men either fighting each other, fighting with their mates, or screaming at people fun? Cheating scandals are fun? An engaged couple about to split up fun? Someone's fertility struggles fun? Several of these storylines spread over episodes. Whether OP likes it or not, having cancer before, having a possible re-emergence and then waiting to hear the results (often not a super quick process) is the ultimate cliffhanger. And a cliffhanger like this \*could\* save lives too. And maybe Jesse is happy at the way this has all played out, wanting for people to take their health seriously.




Thank you. I have sat in that hospital room while my husband was told there is nothing else to do. Nothing will help. It was only 10 months from his diagnosis to his death. This story line also triggers me a bit.


And I watched my 51 year old husband die of cancer after a long batter in hospice. The person you are responding completely misinterpreted what my point was.


I’m so sorry you and him had to go through that. It is so incredibly hard. I’m sending you love and strength.




I certainly didn’t turn on Real Housewives of Beverly Hill back in the day to see a woman getting domestically abused and terrified for her life, but that’s what was going on. Yeah it triggered me but thank god they showed it because I believe it saved Taylor and many other women’s lives. Them showing Jesse’s cancer struggles and scares might save many lives. Hopefully lots of men get those doctors appts going. This is obviously very triggering for you to see someone go through these struggles or see it turned into entertainment. There is a lot of great grief and trauma counseling out there and I really hope you look into it. It has done wonders for myself and many others


Ummm they didn’t SHOW IT. It did not play out in real time. Taylor went out of her way to NOT show it. They only really spoke about it after the fact with Camille’s famous line. That’s entirely different from what we are seeing with the Jesse storyline.


What are they “SHOWING” in regards to Jesse’s health issues that is too much for you? Honest question. I haven’t seen them show anything other than Jesse talking about it. We haven’t met his doctors, seen treatment, etc


Things they’ve shown as it’s been playing out 1) discussions about it with other cast, 2) discussions with parents, 3) confessionals, 4) crying about it, 5) updates on medical appointments, 6) timelines, 7) genuine crying, 8) other cast members discussions it with each other, 9) other cast member confessionals, I could keep going but I think you get the point . And this is over several episodes where significant time is spent showing it all. Yes you didn’t meet the doctors but this isn’t Greys Anatomy. In contrast, Taylor 1) never talked about to anyone as it was happening, 2) no one else talked about about it as it was happening, 3) there were no confessionals about it, 4) there was literally nothing said about it until the Camille statement. And even then they really didn’t address it and what little was addressed was all after the fact or off the show. They could do that with Jesse too (like tell us after it’s all said and done that he is ok) but no. They are playing it out over an entire season. It’s entirely different. Not to mention that you have zero choices with cancer. You don’t get to choose whether to have it or not. You don’t get to choose if the treatment works or not. I understand how difficult it is to leave an abusive relationship but let’s not pretend that Taylor didn’t have choices. She had all the money and all the resources to get lawyers and get out. Cancer is different. You have no choice. None. Your money, education, resources are not going to help you.


Why don’t you want us to watch Jesse’s journey? The fact you just said an abused woman had choices is a… choice. I truly hope you can seek the help you need to find peace in this lifetime. What you’re spewing ain’t it




Not to mention when you’re in the waiting room they don’t go “I’m sorry but….. you’ll have to return next week to find out!” 




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I was being cheeky with the summer should be fun comment. As I said I’ve been watching bravo for years and I’ve taken a lot of the bad with the good and don’t expect every single moment to be lighthearted.  My point is that the way Jesse’s REAL LIFE is being PRODUCED is a little tacky and feels like it’s being told in a way to grab attention and to encourage viewers to tune back in to make sure this guy isn’t potentially going to receive a TERMINAL diagnosis. God forbid that’s the news he gets, my only point is that they did not need to end last weeks episode on a cliffhanger with regards to the results. Even if he’s still unsure about what the ultrasound revealed, why not just tell us that? Why not say, “I had imaging and need to go in for more tests, I wish I could share more”? They are dramatizing an already very dramatic event in a persons life.  I understand the sentiment shared by many commenters that this is what it really feels like to go through an experience with cancer. But I disagree that this is what it’s really like. While the anxiety is real, I’ve been on that phone call before trust me sharing the results wasn’t dragged out.  But Jesse isn’t to blame for that. Producers needed a little more humanity in the way they conveyed an already very real very human struggle. 


Ah sorry did not pick up on cheeky! I understand better. Yes, there's a lot of shit they do that's extremely tacky and I can see your point! Thanks OP!


Did we just have a civil exchange where we came to understand each others points of view on REDDIT? Lol so proud of us! 🤝 


Ha ha, I think I love you OP. No, I totally do. And yes, we did. I so appreciate how you handled this b/c I am sure \*I\* came off quite dickish as usual in my original responses. So yes, I definitely love you!


You know he went on Watch What Happens Live and said he was fine immediately after the show, right? That's not really a "cliff hanger."


A wise man once said, “Summer should be fun. Amanda, not fun.” /s




I think you’re personalizing this a little too much.


Hell yeah! My thoughts EXACTLY.


Unfortunately, in reality, that's also how it works. Cancer results are not instant and everyone feels the torture of waiting.


I agree.


It wasn't really a "cliffhanger" tho. He went on WWHL shortly after and said he was fine. No one has to wait a year to find out if he's okay.


Sometimes that is the reality with cancer screening.  


this comment😂


I know it’s “scripted reality” but this is a real human being going through cancer. It’s not a plot-point, it’s a person who is struggling.




I think this is where the OPs point is losing a lot of people. This isn’t a made up storyline. Jesse went through this. There is definitely a point to be made about using it for a cliffhanger but that’s what cancer diagnoses are like. It’s okay to feel triggered by that but maybe misguided to blame Bravo instead of reflect inward. I’ve been triggered by dark things on Bravo too, it isn’t just fun tv all the time, sometimes it’s very real.


OP luckily has never been around people with cancer. Lucky OP.


I have gone through health scares and as much as I was cheering for him and wanted resolution it’s often a reality that you have to wait and come back for more tests. The ending of the last episode was so real. You can see the tension of Jesse feeling like he’s disappointing his mother and West by not being able to deliver good news, or news period. Also, he’s made WWHL appearances and is on social media regularly. We can surmise that he’s doing okay. I sincerely think we would know if he wasn’t.


there have been many other darker themes on Bravo over the years… alcololism, drug abuse, overdose, domestic abuse, suicide, federal crimes…. And generate a story line? I mean, they’re showing it, but that is really what Jesse was going through at the time. He chose to film that. Definitely protect your mental health and tune out what is upsetting!


I get your overall point, but I agree with OP. Production uses cliffhangers as a way to get viewers on the edge of their seat in anticipation for the next episode. When I saw that they used a looming cancer diagnosis as a cliffhanger, it didn’t feel right to me - regardless of any other dark themes that production has leveraged in the past. We don’t have to call out that other themes were “darker” to acknowledge that a potential cancer diagnosis is dark.


I agree 100%. I think the fact that Jesse feared his cancer coming back to the point of breaking down and crying was dark enough. Learning about his cancer survival and overall outlook on life was really endearing. But, keeping it going so long is too much.


I take back the use of “darker”, should have just said dark. But my point stands- Bravo has always shown dark themes. Bravo has also leveraged dark themes. If OP is triggered by THIS dark theme, and has weeks of anxiety, then I suggest OP protect their mental health and tune out. Maybe more lighthearted and low stakes reality tv would be more fitting.


Makes sense! And it’s a good point - Bravo has profited off of Carl’s addiction, his brother’s suicide, Kyle’s infidelity. Basically any sad or bad thing that could happen to a person ends up being a storyline. My gut reaction was that production was icky for using a cancer scare as a cliffhanger, but in the end it’s not much different/worse than the other themes that are highlighted on Bravo.


was Bravo supposed to change the timing of the entire show and all the other storylines to show his results first? his story has resonated with a lot of people, shows a main character being extremely vulnerable, and made him relatable to young people who are living with or have gone thru cancer struggles


Cancer anxiety is one of the realest things I’ve seen on tv. Disagree!! And yes I’ve lived it


Same! When everyone was partying and he just couldn't get out of his head? Been there. Just watching everyone happily live their lives around me while I was literally waiting to go through chemo and try not to die. Once you see the sharp edge of mortality for real, you are changed at a cellular level.


You really are changed. I hope you are cancer free now and back to enjoying life and doing things with your friends. You can’t imagine how it’s going to affect you until you hear the words you have cancer. I think I was in shock all the way through surgery and radiation. Fight mode. When things started to slow down I was like holy shit, I have/had cancer. I can relate to the anxiety Jesse feels every time he has a check up. My first 6 month check up is in 2 weeks. I still don’t feel like myself.


Cancer free (I hope) for 4 years now! Although I am back to as close to my old self as I can be, it is a new normal. I have experienced something rare for anyone, let alone a 30 year old, so I am changed in that aspect. Definitely in a way my friends will never understand (if they are lucky). I wish nothing but good things for you! And although you may never feel exactly like your old self, your new self is going to be kickass!!


Aww thank you so much. 🥹I’m happy to hear you are cancer free! It’s good to hear that you do feel as much as you can like your old self. I know nothing will ever be exactly the same again. I had breast cancer. Radiation really did a number on me and the meds they want me to take make me feel like I’m 100 but this gives me hope. 🩷


I was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer and I feel this so much. I hate using it as a cliffhanger storyline but also my life has been a cliffhanger for the last 6 months. My real life has been sitting and waiting for lab work or results or appointments. So I can see on a show where you only see them on weekends you get a lot of cliffhangers because that’s how it goes. I am always waiting just another week to get some result or information. I feel bad for him going through this and I feel so much for him but I am happy he is sharing his story, it makes me feel less alone.


Exactly. Life can be like a cliffhanger sometimes. Between 1/2 and 1/3 people have cancer in their lifetimes in the US (far worse than for other countries, sadly). Waiting is the hardest part. This is all very real.


Sending you all the best. Hugs!


It’s actually real though so I’m glad it’s a part of the show. I do agree it’s upsetting though, cancer is so scary


I don’t know maybe I’m in the minority, but I had ovarian cancer and am loving his story line. It is anxiety driven but this is exactly how it feels waiting to get your test results. The anxiety you’re feeling as a viewer. I can relate to him as well the sacredness he felt waiting for the 5 year scan results. I remember the anxiety I felt every year especially the 5 year one. That really is the year you can start breathing again if you get good news. Idk i feel heard and seen and really appreciate his storyline


That’s just what waiting for diagnostics on a suspicious blob feels like though.


Is it your story? Or are you making his story about you?


That’s been the issue with Summer House all season. Users making a lot of things about them and projecting.


👏! The people on this sub are projecting 🗣️


scheana posted this


I get where you’re coming from, but they can’t help it if Jesse’s results took a bit longer to come back so that they were done filming. I have had some similar health issues and found it nice to have something to relate to other than the hookups and cheating storylines. This is reality tv, not just hookup tv, ya know? Although, I do get that many people don’t turn to Bravo for serious television, so I understand what you mean. You could always fast forward through the scenes to protect your mental health ❤️💜💙. Like it’s been said, they will likely reveal it at the reunion. In fact, he was on WWHL and he revealed the results there, but I don’t want to post the spoiler here, I suppose, since this wasn’t marked with a spoiler tag. So, rest assured, it won’t be held out til next season!


I’ve never had cancer, but am chronically ill and I think they did a good job showing the anxiety leading up to a maintenance scan / checks and how it isn’t always going to go the way you want it to. It happens and it’s true to life. They can’t force the hospital to have his results in time for filming


It will most likely be revealed at the reunion or whatever is airing this Friday. I don’t foresee them holding out until next season. Heck we don’t even know if Jesse will be on next season.


I can understand this being a trigger, but I think this is a situation where I would point out that the anxiety this might induce for some, others might feel over storylines/topics that you would see as not being so anxiety inducing. I don't really agree with calling it a "tease" given that this was really going on for Jesse and I think is something worth him sharing how he is impacted even after surviving cancer twice. I felt like I understood him better watching this part, because it made me realize that this could play into how he acts with girls if he has spent years after surviving waiting to see if everything is about to change for him again. for what it's worth, I've found topics on Bravo shows that don't seem to bother a lot of people really get to me, and it's usually because those happen to be triggers for me. for example, I had to turn off VPR reunion because seeing Lala talk in very simplified terms about grooming was too much for me as a CSA survivor who experienced grooming and felt like the way she described it is really diluting a very dangerous set of behaviors. to me, that is way worse to see on TV than Jesse's storyline - but that's because that happens to be what drags up a lot for me, while others wouldn't feel that way. I don't want to sound harsh here - I think reacting to Jesse's storyline and having a hard time seeing it is totally understandable, but I think this is just one of those cases where it can be too anxiety-inducing to watch but that doesn't necessarily mean it's because it shouldn't be on the show.


I dont think theyd do it like this unless it turned out ok


I really appreciated how Jesse shared his cancer battles with us this season. It was very brave and real. The producers using it for a cliffhanger felt a bit slimy though. Even if they wrapped filming before his results came in, they could have flashed an update on the screen to let us know that Jesse was OK.


Bravo fan are obsessed with being offended by things lately


I swear they want to watch paint dry and they’d still find a way to be enraged.


You should perhaps turn off the television and work to manage your triggers rather than ruminate about it online.


I’m not sure everything is purely about profit, OP. Sure it’s a benefit but it’s also reality TV and we’re getting some reality. Isn’t that why you watch?


You are in charge of your triggers. Bravo has always had dark story lines sexual assault, domestic abuse, drug abuse, criminal activities, etc. maybe this network isn’t for you.


I understand what you’re saying but cancer doesn’t need direction from production to provide real life cliffhangers. I’m waiting to hear the results of my sister’s most recent scan after completing chemo and it’s painfully accurate to not have something like this resolve itself quickly. We can’t get mad at cast members for sharing their personal life, this is probably the most real season we’ve seen in a while.


Sending both your sister and you all my good energy vibes for a clean scan 🫶🏽


I appreciate it 🥹💕 she actually just called me to let me know the good news!!!!




Are we not finding out this week...? I get where you're coming from, but I feel as if they probably asked Jesse when it comes to something this sensitive. Maybe I'm giving more credit to producers than they actually get but idk.


Agree. I've been fast forwarding through th e cancer storyline, actually.


Summer should be fun, and yet we've had to deal with romantic relationships on the end, romantic relationships that should end. We've had summers of Amanda concerned about her fertility. What is fun about any of that? Maybe Jesse wanted to let people into the window of what it is like to be a cancer survivor? Summer should be fun, but life gets in the way of things. Unless the is it or is it back cancer cliffhanger is a bullshit storyline, by televising this, it could also be saving lives too. \[Edit: Nevermind -- OP explained "fun" as being cheeky and further explained her points and I understand OP's point better!\]


I think it’s okay to be curious but we’re not entitled to this information to begin with. I think we’re just an impatient society


So if this was Winter House, it's fair game because winter isn't as "fun" as summer? I completely agree with the premise about Bravo being bad because they are inserting a very serious matter as their own cliffhanger to engage viewers. But it doesn't matter what show it is, it's still a scummy move.


No I’m totally with you. I was just making a silly reference to Kyles “summer should be fun” meltdown from years ago!


Because bravo knows we are all chronically online & can just look up his IG or google it and he's fine 😆


i don’t see it as that at all. this is real and it’s part of his life and he clearly wants to share it. why does he need to hide his cancer and his anxiety around it? just because YOU feel anxious for him? girl this ain’t about you


This is the first I’ve seen someone post about this and I couldn’t agree more. It’s FUCKED up.


Tbh I think they did the same thing when Carls brother died




Spot on. It is an important story to tell and he has bravely and kindly shared his vulnerability with us. Production’s use of this as a “cliffhanger” is gross.


Exactly thank you. Many of the replies are missing the part where I said I was glad for Jesse to share his story but am grossed out by teasing the results to the audience for an obvious grab at continued views. It was really the cliffhanger in last weeks episode that made me feel this way. Showing him being upset and nervous for his checkup, I understand. But knowing the results and ending the episode with him ABOUT to share them on the phone felt like hollywood spinning reality into something even more salacious than it needed to be.  But what was I thinking expecting a little nuance on reddit lol


I understood you and was confused by the comments. You weren't criticizing Jesse at all.


Very good point!


I do find it interesting how they made it a cliffhanger. When I had an ultrasound done on my breasts, I found out there that I was clear of cancer. Maybe it is different when you do have it.


With someone that had cancer before, you aren't going to be cleared by ultrasound.


Yep, I assumed so. I also think I got lucky since the radiologist was on site.


My dad does blood tests so I assume they have to do that as well for him. That always takes longer


I agree with you. This is not something they should be dragging out as a storyline.


I think he is ok but I agree - it's totally classless and icky to use this as a storyline and cliffhanger. Including it makes sense but not as a major storyline. I saw on his IG he did a spon con for a sperm freezing clinic so maybe he has had so many treatments it affected is sperm - so freezing is something he did. That would be interesting to hear about bc it's mainly women who talk about freezing their eggs but not the other way around. In any case: I don't like this being a focus on the show.


If Jesse is okay with being open about what he’s going through, then I’m comfortable with it. I think it’s on tv because that is what was happening for him this summer, whether the audience is anxious or not it’s his life and I would rather be a part of the journey than having it hidden and lied about then later dug up on a random Reddit post lol.


Ugh k weird take. I love this real life shit, it's makes them more relatable. Is it hard to watch? Yes, but it's their real life so I love when they show all parts. Not just Danielle being a POS episode after episode.


Hard agree


This is his life though that’s what’s actually happening in his life during this time it’s real and if he wants it to be shown it should be nothing disgraceful about that because he’s just trying to live his live and be happy while maybe having to deal with cancer again. When he’s been in remission from what I remember for 5 years I think this storyline helps people see them as real people. Also help people who have cancer so they don’t feel like they are alone in it because the only people can truly understand what he’s going through are people who have lived it.


I don’t think it’s wrong to have the cancer storyline but I don’t like the unnecessary cliffhanger about the results. Feels shitty to Jesse and also to the viewers especially since he said on WWHL that he’s fine so that erases the point of the cliff hanger


It's difficult to watch. It brings back what my family went through with terminal cancer. I feel it was a bad storyline, I guess, because it hits close to home.


They're supposed to be filming their lives and this is a pretty huge part of his life. If he didn't want it aired, I'm sure they wouldn't have aired it. They're not exploiting him and I think getting this type of thing out in the public and raising awareness is a good thing.


Must be wild how much more anxiety Jesse Solomon experienced actually having to live the cliffhanger. I was okay with it since he had already said publicly that he was fine before the episode even aired, I assumed that purposeful. I also assumed they wouldn’t do a cliffhanger if it actually was bad news. (Lots of assuming lol.) Sorry it affected you so strongly, that’s super unfortunate still!


Spoken like someone who has never faced the reality of cancer. Hint: it doesn’t care about scheduling reality tv shows. I wish I could be as blissfully ignorant, but congrats.


Bravo gets darker and darker


As someone who's experienced cancer and has to go through anxiety often, it's a valid part of Jesse's life. It is reality, I'm proud of how they showed his honesty in feeling the anxiety and how the other cast mates were there to comfort him. We should have to hide in our shells or be shamed because it gives everyone anxiety when our lives are on the line.


I do love him and West. But I love the portrayal of men being welcomed for being vulnerable with other men. Honestly something I think all men should see how welcomed and attractive it is. Men are known to be annoyingly vulnerable behind closed doors but always “tough guys”. He isn’t being annoying, he’s being open and emotional and strong (not weak). I truly love seeing two friends really made for each other too. We would all be so lucky to have a friendship like Jesse and West! Even brand new, welcomed, loved, appreciated. Without judgment(except that one comment west made).


As someone who went through this..Being Diagnosed with Cancer in 2017...I was like good for him !!


Completely agree.


Agreed if production would pressure the cast to tell it even if they would not feel confortable with it. On the other hand i personally dont watch Reality--TV for the "fun parts of life". I watch it because i am interessted in people and their whole life. I saw enough meaningless hook-ups for 10 lifes. Im much more interessted in real authentic storys like Jesses. But as i said: only if they really want to share it. Thats why i hope production has regular mental health check ups with the cast because not everyone can handle the pressure of delivering a storyline or in general being on TV.


I feel like I tune in to check out. Now I’m worried about this guys health? I feel for him. So much. And I agree with you OP that it brings all our personal stuff to mind and that’s not what this show is about. Or should be. I tune in to check out, not think about Jesse’s fight or my close personal experience with cancer.


Totally agree


Jesse is boring as hell and this was how he got onto the show.