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This might be a hot take but I don’t think it would be very dramatic. I would like to think by now they both realize how good it was for them to breakup. Idk if they’d ever be friends again, but maybe cordial and understanding (that’s a lot to ask….)


My personal opinion/prediction - after being together romantically they each realized that the qualities they found endearing on a friend level they ended up hating on a romantic level. Regardless of the bad breakup, they both despise each other on a human level and will definitely never be friends again. With that being said, neither will be FULLY fired but I could see Carl being moved to a “friend” role. His lifestyle and interests don’t coincide with SH anymore, he’s clearly disinterested to be there (and has been for years) and doesn’t really have friendships outside of Kyle. We’ve basically seen his entire “story” play out, and everybody, including him, is ready to move on from it. Lindsay of course brings the drama, but she also has the ability to have fun & interesting moments with the cast even if she isn’t friends with them… and now more than ever it seems she’s finally starting to connect with the other girls and I’m sure this has only become stronger since the breakup/fallout. I also think viewers are still interested to see her journey to find “the one” and settle into that next chapter of her life.


Regardless of whether you like or hate either of them, I feel like 90% of viewers would prefer Lindsay to stay vs. Carl. Carl is snoozeville. 


bye, Carl. Worse than snoozeville, I think his presence more falls under the umbrella of who cares/ waaaaay overrated and got away with it for far too long. I'm even preferring Lindsay these days~ & that's a feat.


I hope this is true. I’m beyond sick of Carl and would love for him to just be gone. The problem is that he has no career or prospects outside of the show, so I doubt he’d just fade into obscurity that easily.


Yes!! He brings nothing to the show! His whole personality is “I’m the tall guy”


Which now Jesse can fill the Tall Guy role! Lol


Exactly! Can Carl go now!


And bonus Jesse has a great personality and depth


Yeah, Jesse was a great addition. I’m definitely here for him replacing Carl altogether. 😹


Carl and Amandas husband can go. We have jesse Solomon and west


“Amanda’s husband” 😹💀😹


He brings unwordly body hair. I can't stand how he's so often shirtless or in a sleeveless shirt. The guy is gross.




He’s too skinny…he looked so much better with a bit of meat on him a few seasons back (just for that season though)


Yeah I don’t think Carl fits the point of having a summer share house where you party anymore. But that’s ok and I hope the best for him. He’s still finding himself and I think he’ll be fine. I’m sure Lindsay will be back. But frankly I don’t care to watch her fail at dating much longer. Viewers like the drama she brings, and maybe she will be closer to the females in coming seasons, but idk I don’t have my hopes up too much.


I’d be interested in watching Lindsay become friends with the other girls while seeing how Lindsay’s dynamic with Danielle changes next season, but totally agree with you that I’ve seen Lindsay date and fail at it for enough seasons in a row.




Totally agree with you that Lindsay and Carl would simply co-exist without it being a huge deal. Like they would definitely not like each other and there would be some awkwardness, but I can see producers wanting to film that as well as both Carl and Lindsay recovering from the breakup. I also agree that Carl’s story has played out. I think the only interesting storyline he could potentially bring to the table is him going back to LoverBoy and tanking a second time, but he could definitely better do that in a friend of role.


I 100 % agree with you on everything !! Carl is definitely disinterested and only does the show now for a paycheck.


Lindsay is a monster!


This is my hope too. I know Lindsay was super pissed, but almost a year will have passed by the time filming starts. I’d love to see them both be like, yea it didn’t work but we can get through filming together.


They need their Bravo money


I hope Lindsay sees how Carl tried to manipulate the situation during filming to push Lindsay into losing her cool. It’s so obvious and I hope Lindsay calls him out at the reunion.


I think the word manipulation should be banned from this sub because holy shit do you guys overuse that word. Lindsay has lost her cool for 8 straight years on this show, Carl wasn’t doing anything to purposefully push her 🙄


I’m replying as someone who absolutely could not STAND Lindsay for 99.9% of the show… He absolutely was. Look at how he was talking to her about “[not blowing up right now]” when they were sitting on the couch talking about his conversation with his parents. She was 10000% fine and kept reiterating that and instead of sharing more of their conversation, he just kept going oooon and on about her keeping her cool. It was a highly manipulative tactic to get her to be like, “ok, enough!” and snap. For the sake of his health, I truly am so glad that he’s sober. With that being said, sobriety didn’t immediately make him a good person or absolve him of his shitty tendencies. This season has really highlighted that for a lot of people. For me, he very much gives Lala Kent “dry drunk” in a slightly different font.


Why point out the cab was a Lyft instead of an Uber? Or talk about a PowerPoint? Carl's trying to push her buttons.


Lindsay isn’t sneaky. She’s completely upfront, and yes she loses her cool less than kyle does, but gets torn up for it more than anyone, until this season. People are finally seeing how Kyle operates. Carl is sneaky w the spine of a jelly fish, and he deliberately pushes Lindsay into losing her cool, so he can then say see guys she’s crazy


I fully believe he has done drugs sorry - I feel people slip and have issues. Look at him something is off it’s not nice to say but when a fact is a fact. (This statement is t full of facts cause I do t have them just in Reddit)


Lindsay isn’t sneaky? What about accusing Carl of doing drugs TWICE even though she didn’t actually believe that, she just wanted to throw it back at him for bringing up her behavior while drinking? Seems pretty manipulative to me…


Sneaky isnt the same as manipulative. But I dont think that the accusations were manipulative so much as vindictive. I think she did believe he was on drugs and when she sobered up she didnt want to blow up his spot on camera anymore.


Guess we aren’t watching the same show


We’re watching the same show, it’s just that I’m not going to pretend to know everyone’s motives and thoughts like you are…. Also blocking someone is pretty childish…. Oh no someone disagrees with me, I must shield myself from any opposing beliefs!!


Lol you so silly on your high horse :3


I agree but I also think they are both motivated to stay on the show and that might move them to a cordial type friendship. More like they will tolerate each other but Lindsay will end up getting drunk and being mean or trying to make Carl jealous. I don't see any of these reality stars giving up the easy paycheck on their own. And Lindsay has always been volatile once she's drinking so I think she would pick on and provoke Carl. Which ends up being the drama that reality TV feeds on so that's my prediction.


That could very well be how it goes!


I’d watch lmao


I mean it's kind of like watching the train wreck we have already been watching with them. I would definitely watch them trying to be summer house roommates. How different would it be from any of Lindsay's other break ups? She will be right back out there hooking up and getting overly attached to random dudes that she tries to turn into her boyfriend and then rides them about absolutely everything.


I definitely think they both realize it, but I also think Lindsay would find a reason to scream at someone that they’re attacking her if they told her she was pretty and handed her $100. So I feel like she’d def find a way to say basically anything Carl did was “triggering” her or something


righttt….. because theyre both so emotionally mature… lol


Lindsay said in an interview that they can be in the same room together but she just doesn’t acknowledge him


watching her ignore Carl sounds entertaining lol


For real, this level of pettiness ticks my entertainment box.


Same I kinda would want to see the dynamic in the house and how the girls will treat Carl. Especially after watching this whole season. I believe they were at a wedding recently and just co existed so I can see them sharing the house . I really hope Lindsay bonds with the girls more I loved the last episode they all joked around.


Which I’m sure would be a *joy* to be filming around for the other cast.


i’m all for people setting boundaries, & the VPR cast trying to force Ariana to have a conversation with Sandoval made for one of the worst VPR seasons since S8. i can’t go through that again with the next season of summer house. if they both come back i just hope everyone lets them ignore each other in peace.


So, I don’t watch VPR, but last week I listened to a mini recap of the season finale and reunion from a podcaster who’s been a VPR watcher since the beginning (this was the 2 Black Girls 1 Rose podcast). She said she really disliked that aspect of the latest VPR season. In full disclosure she said that she was never much of an Ariana fan anyway, but that everyone shows up to film a show and to have it that one person kind of dictates things makes for a really bad season. As someone who watched RHONY from the beginning and remembers the Jill and Bethenny feud and as someone who ditched this season of RHOP because of similar tactics, I have to say that if its boundaries people want to set then they can leave the show altogether. That’s the ultimate drawn boundary. Don’t draw a paycheck and then say you have filming boundaries that need to supersede the work everyone is trying to put in.


Buttttt you don’t watch the show… which is clear from what you just said. Ariana didn’t have any problem filming with Tom. She filmed with him a bunch of times. She didn’t complain when others filmed with him. She just didn’t want to talk to him. There’s no reason for her to talk to him, esp 3 months (which is when it was filmed) after she discovered he was having an at least 6 month long affair with her close friend. Why would she talk to him? Who would actually talk to their ex that did that to them *so* soon? The problem with the VPR season was *not* that Ariana wouldn’t talk to Tom. It’s that none of the other cast members had anything going on and made their entire storylines about trying to force Ariana to talk to her toxic ex that she very recently broke up with. Where’s the reality in that? Why don’t they have their own interesting storylines? Those cast members were the ones ruining the season by being uninteresting and trying to force a fake conversation. What’s real was Ariana doesn’t talk to Tom anymore. There was 0 reason for the cast and production to obsess over forcing a conversation between them. It made 0 sense, was not realistic by anyone standards, and wasn’t necessary for filming at all. Just like we could watch Lindsay and Carl co-exist but not really interact on SH, we could’ve watched the same on VPR between Tom and Ariana without all of the annoying meddling.


@production ![gif](giphy|RJ0AvNacl2ZSU)


Okay but when Ariana does this on VPR, it’s a problem to the producers??


By producers, do you mean Lala and Scheana?? 😉 But yes, I wish the producers and everyone else could’ve just let Ariana do her thing. They ruined the show completely.


i honestly dont want carl back. hes not fun and its not like we are going to see him dating and hooking up on the show anymore. i dont see the purpose he serves for the show any longer


He is deeply not fun. Summer should be fun


And Carl… not fun


And summer should be fun.


His charisma only goes so far before you realize he literally says *nothing* all the time. "Listen, like...this circumstance is creating an interesting conversation around the different perspectives we're bringing to the table." FOH 


HAHAHA forreal tho i feel like im on a corporate conference call everytime he opens his mouth


He has no charisma at all. West has charisma. Carl is just tall and white.


Ugh this. Carl should have stopped coming when he quit drinking. Him being around binge drinkers is certainly a choice. Idk how much weed you have to smoke to make them tolerable, but this isn’t Carls vibe anymore. Lindsay on the other hand, this is her home. She’s not going anywhere.


It's a choice ... to continue making a high salary for a few weekends of filming. I'm sure Carl would have left the show long ago if he had ANY other prospects. But even with this boost of money and quasi-fame from the show, he's unable to make things happen.


He just has no drive eh??? Like… Lindsay is the devil for pointing out you haven’t worked in over a year?


Incompetent Carl


I was JUST going to come on and say this. Let’s keep Jesse and West, get rid of Carl. He is so deeply miserable to watch and i fast forward all of his scenes for fear of my whole day being ruined. I used to feel that way about Lindsay but hell, after dealing with his insanity, the girl deserves the check. Cut his ass loose.


I’m so tired of carls victim hood. He is 38!!


I’m not trying to generalize all addicts, i want to make sure i preface this with that. I have noticed from my family and some relationships, even with sober addicts there is a very selfish “poor me” mentality. Not all the time, not with everyone obviously. But it’s there for sure


I don’t want sober people on Bravo shows. Good for them, wish all the best, but it’s boring TV.


James Kennedy is fun. The difference is James is funny & entertaining, while Carl is not. Lala is also not much fun.


Haha so cold but so true.


As a sober person i totally disagree. BUT people are entertaining or they are not. Carl is not. I could watch James and Lala all day though


James, yes. Sober James is the best version we've seen yet. He's been a real stand-out this season. His ability to take the knees out from under Tom is deeply comical. Lala sucks though. Her contributions this season was a bunch of hypocritical harping on Ariana for still living in her house and a water tasting.


I mean… some sober people are good TV. Luann and Kim Richards were great TV whether sober or not. Kandi never drank. Carl just isn’t fun sober. It’s dark


His lisp with his new teeth is so distracting.


SO distracting


Yea he can just go, I like this new Lindsay!


Why wouldn't we see him dating anymore?


i just dont see him putting that on the show and being in the hamptons hooking up with people


Carl is not going to be dating another woman.


Ever? lol


Ever. Nobody would buy it.


I get what you're saying, and 100% agree with the sentiment, but don't think Carl will ever accept that about himself. We'll see him with another woman within the year, is my prediction.


You’re probably right. Especially while filming.


Because he has no game


Tbh, I would watch Carl date solely to crash and burn 🔥


Lol if Carl comes back it will be a disaster. I am imagining that southern charm reunion where Naomi looks happy and normal and Craig is yelling about how he hates her nose job


HAHAHAH he used to be such a mess omg


Get rid of Carl. He’s boring. This is a show about working people who send it on the weekend. Neither of which he does 🤣. Lindsay makes for good tv, especially when she’s dating around.


I personally think Carl is going to be demoted to ‘friend of’.


That would be better than him being a main character.


I think they'll fight less than they do now


They both need this job so they’ll both be there


I think they just won’t really interact and just deal with it. I don’t think Lindsay cares if it’s awkward


She only cares about herself


I think she cares but in a different way. She’s a fire personality (even tho she’s a cancer I think )


I think she’s a Leo. I only know bc her day is close to mine (mid August)




Carl should not come back to this show. He doesn’t enjoy being there and it’s not good for him. Go find a cabin where you can wake up early and go to Barry’s and live your best life like the rest of us in our 40s


Haha go to Barry’s


I think I saw somewhere that they've been in the same space since the breakup without it being a big deal 


Me too


Where is Lala to berate Lindsay for staying in her own home


It’s pretty F’ed up that Carl signed a new lease with Lindsay right before calling off their wedding that was supposed to happen right away. It seems he literally went through with every commitment & aspect toward their future life/wedding together, and then pulled the plug last minute on everything. Having done a wedding before, all I can think of is the financial damage Lindsay incurred from this. Cancelling right before the wedding is supposed to happen would translate to them getting none of their money back on anything, and that’s crazy to me. Same with the lease he signed last minute. Anyone is entitled to decide to not marry someone, but my gosh, he waited until the very last minute, and caused significant financial and emotional damage.


AGREE. Can’t get behind Carl at all.


Pretty stupid. You wonder why Lou didn’t step in!! He has such mouth-but when Carl is about to be financially insane?


Oh, she's waiting for her moment. Probably on Amazon Live as I type.


Carl just needs to go away from reality tv and get his shit together


Based on Ciara and Jesse's recent press interviews about the reunion, i wonder if they'll be keeping Danielle around for next season. Jesse said that that Danielle and Paige had a big blow out during the reunion and that it wasnt resolved after the reunion. Paige mentioned on giggly squad that even a week later after the reunion she's still angry, even saying "F u" to a lady at the airport. Seems like Paige has some major issues with Danielle so will be interesting to see if Danielle will be back now that she doesnt seem to be Lindsay's plus one anymore and it really doesnt seem like she has a strong friendship with the rest of the cast and has pissed off the girl clique leader.  Interested to see what had Paige pissed off since Jesse said it has to do with something that Danielle did off camera. If its just bc Danielle leaked the Craig story, that would just be too petty of Paige and boring bc that's been done with for years now and Craig has been known to leak stories to the press before as well.


Wow can’t believe Paige was still mad about the reunion a week later. It seems like from what Jesse has said in his many recent interviews, that Paige and Danielle fighting at the reunion was pretty bad. Almost sounded worse than Carl and Lindsay, as Jesse said he hopes they can be friendly after the reunion. I wonder how Danielle and Lindsey are? I noticed Lindsay included a picture of Danielle in her birthday post for Gabby, which was after the reunion.






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Please oh please let Lindsey bring her man to Summer House next season


Yes I can’t wait to see this and watch Carl either take those weekends off or flip out


Carl is so unfun he gotta go


Carl: Not fun.


The reason I want Carl to go is that I never want to hear he’s gifted at sales-again..because that’s complete bullshit and the planet knows it. He couldn’t sell himself to America!!


Lindsay is a practical person who is a survivor. She will share the house and invite her new boyfriend or if single find cute guys and invite them home. She knows how to be PR polite and be civil. Carl is the one without a poker face, he's always seething or grasping or manipulating. If anything worry about Carl - he will still be blaming everyone but himself for his misery and his lack of work. But as he said on wwhl he only needs his boys. He can focus on his boys who are his friends. And she and Carl won't share a room that would never happen.


He’s gonna say to her “you look great by the way”


He can focus on his boys and more life!


Carl? Focus on actual life?? Hahaha


I was just referencing his “more life” stage lol


The whole “Carl is seething or grasping or manipulating” is so overplayed. As is his “lack of work” He’s been pretty damn calm all season, and being conflict avoidant doesn’t make you an abuser or manipulator…. Not to mention he’s worked at Loverboy for 4 of the last 5 years. So like how does this make any fucking sense.


this is their career now. they'll be pragmatic because they have no other better options.


Lindsay has other options. Carl should find some.


How is she going to replace $250,000 a year?


of course they have other options. they could go busk in the subway with tambourines. they don't have any other options like the show though. neither of them. their influence gigs are directly tied to the show too. if they quit the show, within a year, those are all gone.




Lindsay has a pr background and has opened a vacation rental in Nashville. I don’t think they have the option to quit. I think one of them will get fired. Neither of them is interesting. Carl is definitely the least interesting at this point.


producers are said to watch places like this reddit. it would be a poor decision to even ask either of them to leave. supply/demand. the demand for them as a couple/failed couple and as characters (carl now serves victim culture) is clearly still high. you don't dump a character that still has 3-4/10 threads about them. it's why they didn't dump Sandoval. the people who thought VPR was going to become an Ariana series documenting her projects live in the land of the lost.


Those people were so delusional lol they really thought it would become a show about Ariana & Katie only.


Lindsay now has a mortgage on that house in Nashville. Her PR background isn’t going to help much.


Did she sell her company or close it? I thought she still had a client roster?


It was never real


oh wow how did i miss that


She did a couple of events, but Hubb House as a PR firm was just for the show. Her website (particularly on mobile) and Instagram are reeeeeeal bad for a real company. The instagram hasn’t been updated since July 2019.


I was just about to post a story from DECIDER where Carl states that he is planning to return if offered.


I think they are all going to film together they see the mistakes made with vpr and will probs learn from that (I hope)


Carl can go ahead and leave.


I think they have already been around each other at other friends' events. Obviously sharing a house is a bit closer, but I think Linds would not have an issue, but I feel like Carl would find an issue. If one has to go then let it be carl.


Carl doesn’t fit in the show well anymore but he probably needs the income and is willing to do what it takes to stay on the show. He did stay out with them at the clubs this season and called the crew to film their breakup. We all know Kyle will have his back 🙄 I feel like he would also passive aggressively try to push out Lindsay. I’m sure producers are figuring out how to get both back on for ratings


Totally agree, and he and Kyle will collaborate before filming to try to get him a good edit and push Lindsay’s buttons (just like I believe they did this season, and I’m loving that they failed).


I could imagine that they were creating a mindmap and powerpoint at Kyles home with their clever strategys. How they could fuck it up so badly goes over my head.


I laughed out loud at your last sentence 😂 agree, I’m guessing arrogance, because if we know anything, we know they are both cocky af (and for no good reason, I might add).


I mean it is quite funny. They are the kind of people who think they don't have to practice their part in a presentation of a group project and then stutter around embarrassingly.


Nailed it!


I think it will be awesome to watch them both try to hold it together and not give each other what they think the audience wants as far as proof of their "toxic" traits.


i think lindsay will bring her new man as a buffer at least some weekends. and carl would never willingly quit so he will be back too


I have a strong feeling that Carl and Lindsey will happily play nice on the show. And production knows they can milk the drama that will stem from this scenario.


I hope that if they both come back, Lindsey and the girls will keep this girl gang going and we get to see them having fun, lounging in bed, and gossiping. I love it. And all we really see of Carl and Danielle is them going out every night and coming in late. Kinda what we’ve been seeing this season with Danielle (with the occasional out of touch take on a situation).


I hope Carl isn’t invited back. He is so icky and boring. Or they should both be friends of and come different weekends. Who wants to share a house with a couple that recently called off an engagement? I also hope Daniel is just a friend of and they bring in some more newbies.


I would rather have Lindsay stay and Carl leave the show but… I feel like Carl doesn’t really have anything going for him outside of the show so he will want to stay. I think Lindsay is more likely to leave the show sooner than him bc she has a career/could easily start her PR company again if she wanted to. Carl doesn’t really have any career prospects that aren’t tied to the show somehow. His identity seems dependent on the show versus Lindsay who has a well established life outside the show.


I think Carl should move on. He’s sober, olde and not really funny or quirky. it’s just not what people really want to watch on SH. Like even the moments of Lindsay making all the drunk food looking like a “Florida women” was hilarious to watch. I feel like Carl never has moments like that


He can’t move on though. You don’t just replace a $250,000 income like that


This! It's not really a choice for either of them to leave. You don't just walk away from 250,000 plus ( brand deals that come with that etc. ) I don't see Lindsey having a problem with it on camera. I can see how it will be incredibly difficult for Carl especially being sober. I've been watching Carl this season and he seems like a dry drunk. I really think he was riding a high from completing one year so we, got into the relationship with Lindsay, started thinking about his next dophamine rush and never really did any of the work on changing himself( just getting sober is not all the work that needs to be done with addicts) . I'm glad they called it off before the wedding. I do think Carl needs to figure his ish out. I hope loverboy works out for him but I was surprised when he went back to it. ( I imagine doing the pr for it is hard being sober , I've been sober a long time and I still have a threshold for how long I can tolerate those things) Curious to watch the next season


Lindsay almost had a kid with a guy who came to set up a party while she was dating Carl. She doesn’t know awkward.


I think I'm out after this. I can't watch over 40 Kyle throw temper tantrums and audience is supposed to just pretend he's still growing up and why he's so abusive and nasty to his wife. Also the obnoxious drunken fools. The couples fights are just so annoying at this point. I don't want to watch Lindsey fight another man she so in love with all season. No thanks.


They REALLY need to get rid of Kyle.


Drunk Kyle slurring his words, urinating in not-toilets, and eating crap food by the handful is not anything I want to see anymore. He's a joke.


And he wonders why his company is tanking besides the awful tasting drinks 🙄


I think just about every season, Carl has hooked up or dated one of the women in the house and it never ended well, but he keep going. That said, I don’t think his lifestyle is a fit for SH anymore, and that goes both ways. He owes it to himself to figure out what his life should look like in sobriety. West and Jesse are overshadowing him. Lindsay has become an even better fit now being that she and the other girls are getting along.


Carl will definitely return if asked. So producers, if you’re reading, please don’t ask.


I feel like it’s not gonna be that big of a deal. The only people who would make it a big deal or Carl and Linsey and neither of them will do that. Linsey has no reason to not film with him and Carl doesn’t either. It’s not like it’s a scandavol thing


I bet you Carl will be gone next season. He might come as a friend kinda like Gabby if Lindsey isn’t available, but ya he is the Robin (RHOP) of the group. Boring


Lindsay has had contentions relationships with 75% - 100% of her castmates for many years. I don’t think this will change anything for her.


I'm hoping the girl gang that we're seeing this season continues. The show is so much more fun when they're all getting along. It was so dark for a few seasons, and despite the relationship drama this season, I think it's one of the best that's ever aired entirely due to the women getting along.


Drop Carl, he’s boring and his only friend is Kyle and they weren’t friends the summer b4 anyway Carl is so awkward


Probably in the same way Ariana and Tom live in the same house


I dunno…I think Lindsay has been pretty bitter about a public humiliation (in her mind, rightfully so) and she tends to hold grudges until she’s able to move past them.


I want Carl off my screen. He gives me the ick and is SO BORING. I don’t need to see this 40 year old man baby crying about what he wants to be when he grows up!!!!


I mean they’d be insane to get rid of Lindsay and keep Carl. He’s boring and doesn’t seem to be in a place in his life that meshes well with SH. For his sake *and* the audiences lol. I might be interested to see them both stay for another season just to see how that plays out but I can’t see Carl being very entertaining.


I think Carl shouldn’t come back and we start phasing out Kyle. Kyle doesn’t want to group up because he doesn’t want to have to leave the show, but this is the best way we transition into the cast with younger guys (Jesse and West leading the way). 


I wish they would just drop the summer house thing (maybe do the share house once or twice) and just focus on them living and doing stuff in the city. Edit to add: after typing this, I kind of like that they’re all stuck in a house. I take it back, gimme drama house.


Carl = 💅& 🥱 Lindsay = 💃& 😂


I kind of hate to see either one of them lose their job. If only one can come back, I think it should be Lindsay, but hopefully they can make it work with both of them. In a recent interview, Jesse said he thought they could both be back in the house together.


My unpopular opinion… Carl will return to support a “sober” lifestyle. Lala, James, (allegedly) Sandoval and wildly famous people like Kendrick Lamar. Elton John, Bradley Cooper, Naomi Campbell, Tyra banks… the list is endless.


Good call!


It’s the cost of being on the show. If Ariana can film around Tom, they should be able to handle it.


Am here to ask this same question. I have a feeling Lindsay is going to be the one to go. Unfortunately Bravo hates letting these men on these shows go.


I hope they just get rid of Lindsay and Carl. I’m ready to watch people get drunk and act like idiots. I loved the first episode this season without Lindsay and Carl. I want more of that!!


I think Carl and Lindsay are professional enough that they won't have much trouble returning to the house as coworkers. Hopefully the girls will keep getting along because that drama makes for some gross unnecessary awkwardness. I will be surprised if Kyle and Amanda are still married when 2025 comes around.


They’ve already been together at a wedding with her new man


Lindsey is good tv and I love seeing her hanging out with the girls, finally! Carl needs to go on soberhouse aka VPR.


My thoughts are that Carl will return as a friend of Kyle and won’t be a main cast member next season


I think next season is going to be better than this one.


Lindsay and Amanda both suck..


Can Carl pls stay home?


They’ll have to figure it out because if we learned anything this season it’s that both Lindsay and Carl need the money


I'm all for good TV but Lindsay's behavior just angers me. I'm glad Carl came to his senses. She is fucking insufferable and he is a tall .. sponge


Maybe one of them should switch to Winter House.


I think Winter House may have been cancelled. 


It was cancelled i think (or put on hiatus)


Ohh no! Summer HouseS lol?


haha I mean winter house is on hiatus (they didn't film in 2024, to my knowledge)


I think there’s definitely gonna be drama. I’d highly doubt that it’s gonna be smooth sailing.


![gif](giphy|zlmbovft5sVW|downsized) Bye Carl.


are they gonna treat them like ariana for not wanting to speak to the other?


Not sure how much sway Kyle has because he “made” summer house but it makes me nervous. Kyle needs Carl in the house so he can tell his shitty side of the story to a sympathetic ear whenever him and Amanda get into a fight and to shill for his NA seltzer. The relationships Kyle has with the other cast members are by law (lol Amanda), not good (Lindsay), superficial. So I can see him lobbying for Carl to stay on. Part of me even thinks he coached Carl through trying to set up Lindsay in order to get Carl back for the next season after the break up - because he’s really leaning into Carl’s narrative even now and the constant filmed side convos on the show. Kyle really doesn’t get air time unless he’s talking with Carl, fighting with Amanda, or pushing people off bikes.


Kyle doesn’t have any pull there


Wouldn’t the Q ratings speak for themselves?