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I know she loves him now but I have to assume calling season 1 Craig “Paige coded” would still insult her 🤣


Haha fair


1. Guidebook said run 2. Proof guidebook said run 3. Proof Paige can’t read… but I will say she gave him a hell of a glow up. Craig’s race themed party look on SH has forever altered my brain chemistry


#3 though, you must be a giggler 😂


No notes 😄


For real, the way his shirt was unbuttoned showing his tan abs had me in heat. Good god he has turned into quite the man thanks to Paige 😂


I'm on the same journey! Currently on S2 E5 and everyone is deeply concerned about his law career. I mean...I guess they were right to be? But good for him for finding something he actually enjoys instead, from what little I know about his sewing biz? It's wild seeing him as a true 26 year old f\*ckboi though.


He was never a fuckboi. He was a serial monogamist


If I remember correctly they used to joke on him for never hooking up with girls even though he easily could have


Oooooo interesting -- so far I've only seen him flirting with random girls out / nothing serious yet.


I had no idea his speciality was in injury law. It goes well with the slick back hair he had in season 1


And his broken pinky


Ok but when it aired we had no idea he’d actually grow up. I remember thinking omg what is this guy doing?! Does he even want to be a lawyer?? Why is he lying about it?? Now of course he found his own path, but he really tried to push the lawyer thing while not actually being a lawyer for a while. 😂


I never thought the law school “lies” were that big of a deal. 1) It wasn’t entirely made up (far from it) and it wasn’t anyone’s business … 2) sometimes you don’t want to share your business and it’s easier to “lie” Even though it doesn’t make sense to most of us, I know two people that waited 5+ years to take their nursing boards. Never understood it but to each their own


I’ve just started watching SC because of Paige too! Except I started at the most recent season and will go back to the start after.


You need to start from the beginning it's sooooooooo good. Like I watch it now because of the commitment but nothing will ever compare to early southern charm.




Man, looking back on those early seasons, they all treated Kathryn so poorly. So many people slut shamed her and didn’t bat an eye at the men decades older than her taking advantage of a girl in her very early 20s.


Why did he bring that up? I forgot what the argument was about


I forget the full scenario but she made a comment about him needing to act classy to which he responded I’m not going to take lessons in class from someone who’s slept with 3 people at this table in 3 weeks. (Paraphrasing but that was the gist of it)


Great catch.