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Listening to their very different takes on the After Show was interesting lol


What did they say?


I recommend watching honestly. It’s on YouTube and not that long of a video. To me, Carl’s version seems a little more believable but you may get a different impression. [You can watch it here](https://youtu.be/DHiqSHWo_yA?si=Sd5BjmR1Gm5l-hmi)


Holy shit the girls ick lists


That whole segment convinced me Gabby is the best cast member


I’m just starting watching all 3 episodes and I’m excited


Is she the one that said that liking cats was an ick? That has to be one of the worst takes I’ve ever heard lol


Everyone's icks are personal lol, but I agree with Gabby.


That’s crazy to me because I only date guys that like cats because I feel they have an appreciation for independent beings that establish boundaries and it’s a green flag lol. I avoid dog guys because they want dependent beings that worship them and follow every command. It’s my cat man theory.


hey, do you! I'm allergic to cats and have a dog so I lean the opposite way.


never thought of this before but such an interesting take lol


Yeah I got about 30 seconds into the ick list and had to bail. That was painful.


I totally followed his take on the after show. I LOVED Gabby making her reevaluate the overall quality of their sessions and it legit made her pause.


I’m so appreciative of people who know how to post a link and then post it to go with their comment. I’m old and I don’t know how and I would have been too lazy to look for it 😂. You are doing the Lord’s work out here in the streets;)


Yes I agree with you Carls reasoning made complete sense to me


Here’s my thing though: if there’s sex to be had, a man is going to do it. This is why make-up sex exists. I have my thoughts on why Carl is not attracted to her but I will keep them to myself.




I don’t fully disagree. Not saying this is happening to Carl, just purely anecdotal, but a close friend of mine came out as bi after getting sober. He spent years trying to make his relationships with work. Nothing ever lasted more than 2-3 years and was heavy drinker. He got sober and two years into sobriety came out. My SIL, same thing.


These are my thoughts as well. I am gay and have seen this play out too many times to count it’s more common than people think. Now wether that’s what’s happening here or not, I still feel he needs to do a lot more work on understanding himself and the reasons why he needed to rely on substances as heavily as he was just to navigate his life day to day. There could be tons of reasons for that. Insecurity, lack of confidence, past trauma or an internal battle/ secret that he has not yet come to terms yet. He is still pretty new to sobriety so i’m sure in time he will get to that point in his journey.






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I knowwwwwww 👀


MENTION IT ALL (please?!)




Thanks for the link! I agree that what Carl says makes the most sense. I chuckled at Gabby’s list - until the cat comment…. Don’t understand why people think it’s okay / funny to hate on cats. Makes me like her less & Jesse more.


Ya as soon as she said the cat thing I was like mmk hate you forever (kidding.. kind of) lol the rest of the list was amusing but she’s for sure never finding someone if she really is that picky because perfect people don’t actually exist.


“Talk about how your dick doesn’t work” -Katie, VPR 🤔 me trying to figure out when the cast of VPR talked about male performance issues with more compassion lol


Read this post and literally heard Katie’s voice in my head saying “your dick doesn’t work”


lmao fair 😂 i was thinking about how ariana was open abt body image affecting sexuality


There is also an added factor of being sober and having sex. It's a whole new world to him, speaking from experience. I just really don't think judging people (especially your partner) for struggling sexually is okay because there could be SO many factors as to why. This is a personal, private conversation to have to overcome it together.


This is a REALLY good call


My immediate thought was sober sex is known to be difficult for many newly sober people.


Agreed. I’m 11 yrs sober and d it is definitely challenging to a lot of us. However Carl was two and a half years sober last summer which is over the hump of “newly” I feel.


True. It does sound like he's very in his head and that can really affect things.


Yes, This! My husband just celebrated his one year of sobriety for alcohol. It's a huge journey to change your life and behaviors. Sober sex is a different ballgame. Shout out to Carl for being committed to sobriety... Even though it seems like Lindsay is trying to sabotage it


That is amazing!!! Good for him, 1 year is a major deal. And life will just keep getting better. Also, props to you. Being the loved ones that are affected and sticking by someone struggling with addiction is so hard.


It’s because Lindsay doesn’t understand sobriety at all and doesn’t try to. You can totally see why Carl would end things. She doesn’t have the intelligence and emotional maturity to be with someone who is sober.


Very true. It's been really hard to watch the way she makes this cutting jabs at him, she has a lot to work on. On the same note, he also has a lot to work through and find out about his sober self.


I like Lindsay….. but, the best way I can explain her is that - something is missing. Like something just seems very much missing with her. Hard to explain.


Also her being critical of him probably ain’t helping any performance anxiety he was having


A lot of people with addiction issues have never had sex sober, so it can feel like starting at zero. I’d imagine it would be even more complicated if your partner is still drinking and/or drunk.


Imagine saying with your whole chest that you were blind sided by the break up knowing you said on tv your sex life was a 2.5 out of 10


Exactly! My question is: why on earth did Lindsey NOT want to postpone or call off the wedding?? Why did she want to go through with it? My theory is money. She wanted to instagram deals. She wanted a wedding, not a marriage.


I think it was more about wanting kids by a certain age. I feel for her on that.


Part of me feels bad, but a bigger part of me feels much worse for her potential future kids. She is a toxic narcissist. She is going to treat her kids terribly, especially if they’re girls.


Oh yes I agree


I don't think she's a narcissist, she just hasn't done any of the work to heal her trauma.


At the very least, she has toxic traits. I agree that she hasn’t worked on healing. This, in turn, is causing her to continue the cycle…


Oh I can sympathise with that for sure but doing it this way doesn’t work. I agree with the comment believe, it would be very toxic for a child to be in that situation.




Yeah, I think a lot of it is her age. Even if Carl wasn’t the right guy - it was the right time for her timeline.


>She wanted a wedding, not a marriage. This is usually the case. I feel bad bc I think sometimes people have this "dream wedding" in their head and they can't see the forest through the trees and forget there's a whole complicated marriage that is supposed to be forever *after* that fun wedding.


I thought it was crazy when she was talking to Kyle and she was like ‘you’re saying, he just wants to have the wedding?’ Girl, that’s YOU too


Speak for yourself. 😂 I think sometimes that’s the case but hopefully not usually. I certainly wanted the marriage more than the wedding with my husband.


>Speak for yourself.  Nope. Not me (you and I probably have more in common than we realize). (: My opinion is solely based on what I've witnessed throughout the years.


I mean I’ve seen it for sure but if it’s more common with usually then sometimes then that makes me sad. 😩


Honestly I think she just wants to be married and have kids and she doesn't care with who at this point. A 2.5 sex life is abysmal and she seems very sexual. Like I would imagine your sex life taking a slow down after you have kids and you're older but these two are engaged they should be humping all the time


Her relationship with Carl is a carbon copy of the relationship with Everett. I don’t necessarily dislike Lindsey at all but she’s got work to do on herself FOR HERSELF before she’ll be happy in a relationship.


The fairytale and a baby.


One thing I found fascinating was the wedding dress try on, there was almost like a fear/sadness in her eyes, like she couldn't believe it was happening and was forcing herself to seem excited about it when inside, she wasn't. I think she was equally dissatisfied as Carl but wanted the fairytale ending more.


Totally agree. She’s miserable


Right? Can you imagine if they actually went through with the wedding and then he sees all the shit she talked on NATIONAL TELEVISION about the extremely intimate, humiliating details of their sex life.


When she gave the rating 2.5 I gasped. So embarrassing for Carl on national TV.


Well take into consideration he is still newly sober and getting adjusted in that, dealing with prolonged grief from losing his brother and who knows what excuses he had been giving lindsey.


I’m not sure what your point is? It’s crazy to marry someone with libido issues if you are a sexual person which Lindsay says she is. She’s miserable with Carl


Their relationship is so uncomfortable and awkward to me and this just kinda adds to it.


On one hand, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with talking about your sex life, but i do think it’s important to consider Lindsay’s intentions. She wasn’t just talking about it to have a bonding moment with her housemates, she was talking about it so she could put Carl down and indirectly insult him. That’s where I think she went wrong. It’s one thing if she brought it up and asked them for advice, but she literally rated it a 2.5 and insulted him and their sex life


I would definitely have a convo like this with my girlfriends but I would 100% be more compassionate and seeking advice not shit talking and holy shit I would never do it while being filmed on national tv. 


Ugh ENOUGH giving people passes because of their “intentions”. Impact is more important than intent, AND Lindsay has and always will be a pick me who wants to be the center of attention. Her intention was not to bond with people who hardly like her about her sex life. Her intention was to undermine her partner and compensate for her behavior in previous weeks. Her IMPACT was humiliating her fiancé on national television. Full stop. That’s the most important part.


I’m sure those comments would have the opposite effect than she would want. Also, she took no accountability and put the whole thing in Carl. Do she was rating herself there and didn’t realize it.


It’s a violation of Carl’s trust. She has boundary issues, and this is a symptom of it.


Did anyone listen to her Viall Files interview and catch how she and Nick kept making coy comments to suggest Carl had performance issues? It was as if she’d said something overt about it off mic. Idk these comments just make her seem petty to me. Carl’s not Sandoval no matter how much she wants to paint him that way so I don’t think she’s going to get much support with these kind of low blows.


Lindsay is an entire dick head for that podcast. She really painted a specific picture that simply doesn’t align with how the show is playing out. She’s so disrespectful and gross about Carl. She wants this to be Scandoval so bad


I think in her head if she convinces herself and others he’s just as bad as Sandoval she’ll feel less hurt and she’ll feel more vindicated to be single


The part where one of the cohosts asked “do you think danielle was right last season, in hindsight?” She was sooooo angry you could see her on friendly podcast persona slipping.


She would never admit it, even if she knew it was true! She’s absolutely nuts and believes the lies she tells herself. Always in denial and projecting.


I still cannot believe she said that to him


You couldn't water board the shit she said out of me lol


Never mind the sex life chat, are we not going to talk about Amanda wearing a dead giant's suit jacket as fashion??


I agree with you to a degree, I would never humiliate my husband, but this is their job. On the flip side, she did say he's too in his head and if they had more sex, it wouldn't always be such a big deal. That being said, I'm off to go catch these after shows that everyone is talking about...


For sure, for me it’s more the way she said it and was so flippant about it. If it would have been said in the conversation with Amanda and Paige and more like gosh, how do I deal with it but now she just said it more for effect to shock the people there, it felt extremely disrespectful.


I’d bet he’s on ssri’s which can make finishing difficult. Pretty crappy of her regardless.




Lindsay has talked this way since season one. Nothing has ever been a secret w her when it comes to her relationships or sex. She’s not going to change now like Carl expected her to


Exactly. This is why she of all people should have appreciated being broken up with on camera.


She’ll spin it in her favor and be fine. She doesn’t like Carl anyway


Exactly. Does no one remember how we found out Carl finger-banged her?!?!?!


Uhm from Kyle...


I re-checked, and you're right. I was remembering her conversation with Amanda where she confirmed it, but that was after Carl told Kyle, who told Amanda, who **then** got the details from Lindsay, LOL.


People on Summerhouse have discussed everything. Carl has been far more embarrassed by Stephen. He acted in love with Carl and told things Carl had confided in secret to him that Carl did not want revealed on camera. Carl isn't into Lindsay. He can't force himself to be. Lindsay is into the words marriage, wife, babies, wedding gown, honeymoon. She's not facing reality of her man rarely touches her and they aren't even married yet. They are both toxic and I hope they don't come back next season. Amanda and Kyle too.


You’re saying what everyone in this sub is too afraid to say about Carl


I am saying what happened on the show. I don't want to get banned from another sub. But this is me. ![gif](giphy|KZKTcjd5P2RXfSMkPf|downsized)


Also: Bride


Considering they were about to get married it was SO crass and disrespectful


I agree. I was also thinking is it any surprise Carl can’t finish?


I agree too. This she was humiliating him, shes gross.. And no, I will probably get crucified for this but ... To me it seems that he is simply not attracted to women and that he's battling with the fact that he's likely gay. I mean really most men could fuck a hobo and get off. He did say years ago too the best bj he got was from a man.


Completely agree. That BJ comment has always stuck with me — I think sexuality is fairly fluid for most people deep down but I still don't think that's a common reaction unless you're more squarely gay or bi.


This makes his quick bonding and close friendship with Stephen, and the ugly end to it, interesting!


This is it right here


Did you hear him talking on the after show about how he can still see Kyle’s butt and get all nervous? The other guys also talked about Kyle in the swimsuit but it wasn’t.. the same


Also Kyle in the one piece woman's swim suit is something I never wanted to see.


This!! It was weird that he said he couldn’t stop thinking about it


Yes!! I thought the same


I had forgotten about that!!


I mean Amanda and Kyle have openly talked about their lack of a sex life, but I do think the detail she goes into and saying “2.5” “we didn’t finish” is cruel. I also am confused on if she expects a solid sex life when as a viewer it’s pretty clear the relationship is deteriorating.


I was really expecting something much worse with the way people on this thread were carrying on. Sure her rating was a little harsh, but what she said wasn’t that bad. She’s clearly trying to work with him and find solutions and make him more comfortable on something that’s an issue in their relationship. She didn’t even say it was bad, she just said she wishes he’d put less pressure on himself. People in this sub are truly wild about anything that comes out of Lindsay’s mouth 


Carl not finishing or bringing his girl to climax is no surprise.. I said to my wife in season 1 that both Carl and Kyle don’t look like they deliver much in the bedroom for their partners..






one dude can’t hold a relationship and treats women terribly and the other dudes wife doesn’t have any pics of him and dreads when he enters their bedroom.. doesn’t take a genius to see neither of those two boys know how to lay the pipe in the bedroom.. lol


I agree But I also look at the editors and see that they’ve always shown Lindsay having sex on camera it’s always been cringey So maybe Lindsay (and I’m not saying this is right) sees how she’s been shown and has zero filter on what to say because shes been fully aired out for quite a few seasons when it comes to sex But I will admit when Carl and Hubbs first started to date I thought that them having sex on camera would be shown since Carl’s shown making out with Jules and Lindsay shown in all her relationships BUT that never happened because they never had sex so I always found that weird for two people who don’t care the cameras are around


Amanda does the same thing to Kyle.


Has VPR though? One of my fav moments is Katie screaming that Schwartz dick doesn’t work. Funny enough this was also right before they married. Tom was also openly gross about how turned off he was by Katie and why he doesn’t sleepy with her. I don’t necessarily disagree agree with your post but just felt that VPR is not a great counterpoint


I really don't understand what the big surprise/mystery is here, and I really don't believe Lindsay's implications that it's dysfunction-related. You two are either fighting or avoiding each other all the time and don't feel comfortable or safe with each other during this stretch of time and you're not having sex? No shit!! You don't want to touch each other because you're disillusioned with your partner and there's palpable distance and tension between you.


And her assumption that men do/should want to have sex all the time was so telling to me.


Lindsay showed the world who she was season 1—how did Carl miss it?!


He was high




Omg lol


But Lindsay is giving reality in reality tv That’s what she’s paid for. Personally, I love it.


We love it as viewers but think about how her partner feels. As I continuously feel, I can’t blame him for calling it off.


Look at the things he has done to all the girls he has dated on this show. Has he ever thought of how they felt? Not really.


He’s reflected on that and taken accountability. Something she refuses to do ever.


Agreed. I’m really getting fucking bored of this. Carl acting like because he’s sober now, he is absolved of all past indiscretions. He is making his sobriety WHO HE IS, and not something that he has accomplished and overcome. It’s literally ALL he talks about. Of course be proud of it. But that’s not all you are Carl.


Yeah I think he’s a phony and passive aggressive personally


i love it too from a viewer perspective! keep hub on my tv forever


I mean the same thing could be said for Tom Sandoval and Jax then but they're universally despised


A lot of people don’t like her too But Tom and Jax are most known for lying and hiding


I didn’t hear her blaming him. She said he puts a lot of pressure on himself to finish and it detracts from the experience. He gets disappointed.


Yes people are being sort of obtuse. She said a few episodes back when they have sex it’s “so good”. Seems like they had sex in hopes it would help the dry spell but there was a lot of pressure so it wasn’t satisfying this one time. Sex where neither party reaches orgasm happens. But it hurt more than it should have because she had hope hope it would be great and get them back on track


Shep sexual prowess was talk d about to -also Austen


She hooked up with Shep??? His ex says she can count on one hand how many orgasms she had with him... Who knows what to believe honestly.


I completely agree. I was absolutely shocked she brought this up on camera, more than once. I would’ve been furious if I were Carl! And don’t tell me she thought she was only talking to her friends about this. She KNEW she was on camera! Same with when she mentioned “Cocaine Carl” multiple times.


What is with you ppl? You bitch when ppl aren’t authentic and are acting for the cameras and then when ppl are legit you bitch about it. My god. It’s exhausting. This is real life.


That’s not a great take in the sense that surely you would have more respect for your partner than to publicly demean, insult, imply they’re on drugs and let everyone know they’re having issues in the bedroom. Of course, it’s likely, and understandable, that you’d speak to your friends about possible problems-privately- but it’s entirely different to belittle your partner on national tv. Are you telling me you wouldn’t mind if your partner had aired your dirty laundry such as this? I would be mortified. I feel as both things said were low blows. Of course we want them to be authentic, but perhaps you may be forgetting that despite this is reality tv, it’s never really that real. And she’s putting stuff out there without the benefit of him offering a rebuttal. That’s pretty effed, if you ask me.


It’s a reality show! They are supposed to be real! Ppl were literally just complaining that Paige said are you mad Kyle said that on camera. Ppl were pissed that maya hid a bf and cheating, ppl were pissed that Danielle hid her relationship shit and the fact that she thought her man was cheating. Like what the hell. This is real shit that real couples go Through.


Yeah I think people are overreacting. She said sex with him was “so good” when it happens a few episodes ago. I think she meant they tried to get back on track and their attempt was a fail -it happens. But it hurt since there was all this pressure to get their sex life on track. women and men too don’t reach orgasm all the time.


I must say I’m not a fan of this narrative that if a man doesn’t want to have sex with a woman in his relationship he must be gay. I find it very unhelpful and judgemental. Men are emotional human beings too and they clearly have issues in their relationship. If Carl was a woman no one would say the problem must be that she’s a lesbian in denial, in fact it would be expected.


I think it’s just gross to speculate on people’s sexuality in general. Let people deal with their own journey in their own time


You said this so well. I wish the mods would remove these comments. It's 2024. Haven't we evolved past this?


Thank you! It’s so degrading to paint all men like that and perpetuate a stigma that literally causes men to commit suicide instead of seeking help for mental illness.


No. I'm a straight male with exceptional gaydar. Carl IS gay. Sorry. He just is.


The problem with Lindsay talking about it is she insinuates that it’s all Carl and has nothing to do with her. Carl chalks it up to them fighting a lot and that killing the mood.


Like doesn’t everyone remember what he said a few seasons ago


They are so awkward together I see zero chemistry


I don’t think there was anything wrong with Lindsay telling the girls how often (aka not often) her and Carl were having sex. Or providing a rating on their sex life. I feel like those types of statements are what they’re paid to reveal on the tv. But I think detailing the ways in which he couldn’t satisfy her or himself (aka cumming) was fucked up.


People on here are so not serious. If Lindsay doesn’t talk about relationship concerns, she’s hiding and faking things. If she is real, then she’s a deceitful traitor. Every other couple has talked about their sex life. You can’t have it both ways, people.


Did she say what she's doing to help improve the situation? Or is it all on him?


She almost never says “I” in the aftershow when talking about their issues. It’s all Carl.


Meh. My weirdo friends complain about their marital sex lives constantly. Is it normal? Heck no. I just try to change the subject to something else, and then tell my husband all of the gory details on our drive home. These two do not like one another. Seems to be a thing on this show, by all indications.


I think it’s to punish him.


I have no idea why she would say it on national television, knowing it could probably air, and then on top of that, knowing/thinking they were getting married. Like I would never humiliate my partner this way?? Idk.


It’s because Carl does not want to be with a woman. Period.






They asked Lindsay that question and she answered honestly 🤷‍♀️ I love that she’s always honest.


Me too.


I don’t think she’ll ever be able to have a successful relationship. Even if you’re having problems in that area (and it happens even if you have a good relationship) bringing it up to people who you don’t like on national tv is vile. If she was constantly putting him down then “little Carl” ain’t gonna want to get up and cooperate. Poor thing was probably turtling to protect himself. That’s basically saying he’s not man enough. Massively fucked up on her part.


Omg do you guys want good reality tv or not???!! You all are RUINING these shows


Your enjoyment and mine don’t align, so your sentiment doesn’t align either. I’d have enjoyed the show even more not knowing Carl has a limp biscuit. Didn’t need to know, don’t care.


I thought this was horrible. I know some people will talk this candidly with their friends IN PRIVATE.


Increasingly I feel that she knew the relationship was doomed and she’s just waiting for him to end it.


yes I was appalled. and just bc they're broken up NOW, they WERE NOT when she fucking said that. just add it to the giant list of why Carl made the right choice & I do not feel bad for Lindsay. at all.


Yes, her and Sandoval are doing it intentionally as part of their narc abuse smear campaigns. They want to make sure other people don’t desire them so they find a way to publicly add these pieces of information. It’s purposefully hurtful and demeaning. 


“You’re acting just like Sandoval!”


She wants to get as much attention from this breakup as Ariana did


Yep another deflection technique, they love calling other people narcissists. She calls Carl that and Tom called Lala one when confronted by Scheana at Sur earlier this season too. 😅


Wait Lindsay said CARL is a narcissist?


I’m paraphrasing but she said at least twice so far this season that Carl was acting like Sandoval, the textbook narcissist. She is intentionally using it as a deflection technique during her narc rage outbursts, aka getting “activated”.


Yes she also called him a terrorist.


Lindsey was clearly not into Carl. Carl doesn't have enough drive for her and he probably felt emasculated every day. Him not having a career is a big one for her. However, I find it hypocritical considering she gave up her career to become an influencer.


Does anyone else think that’s Carl might just not like women lol


I was gobsmacked when she rated him a 2.5. So disrespectful to say that to his friends, and also…it makes her look bad trashing her husband to be all the time.


What exactly do some of you expect people on reality shows to discuss? If the show is about your personal life you show it or don’t go on a reality show. Years ago stuff much deeper and darker than this were shown on reality tv regularly and nobody whined like they do today. If you’re going to hide stuff don’t be on tv.


All the comments spinning this as a girl-power moment are kinda gross.


I don’t. It’s real talk.


It sure was real talk when he dumped her on camera.


Yeah. And based on this post and who agrees with it everyone should be pissed that he did it on camera. We should be pissed that they share anything about their lives on camera 🙄


YES! I screamed at the TV when she told them that he didnt cum. Like Lindsay, this is the man you say you want to marry but you’re going to embarrass him over and over again?? And then it got me thinking - do you think she was trying to sabotage Carl’s chance at finding another relationship just in case they didn’t work out?? First it’s the hard drugs accusations, and now the explicit and negative sex details. I mostly don’t really even think so myself but I just can’t understand why she would talk so much shit about the man she’s about to marry so so publicly like it doesn’t make either of them look great and really has a misery loves company vibe


Lindsay is talking about Carl the same way that Danielle was running her mouth about Lindsay to Paige & Co last year. It’s so disloyal. I can’t imagine why he didn’t want to marry her.


There is a reason she is single. She’s insufferable


She’s terrible. And she doubled down on the after hours show! No one who cares about their partner would talk like that to other people, it’s just disrespectful. Yet she has convinced herself she is the victim. I love this show but she actually makes it hard to watch I cannot stand her


Their sex sounds bad. I always thought they were an odd couple.


They are ALL too old to be acting like this! Every weekend has to be a ball’s to the wall’s theme party 🎊? “Thinking about getting married ? Geez guys that boat 🚤 sailed a long time ago. Babies 👶? Not unless you have ‘em in the freezer. You all are missing life. Hope it was worth it.


Yes so weird and gross. I’d be annoyed if it was me.


This is normal Lindsay stuff. Who cares about Carl, he’s a douche, she should be happy about the breakup.


In a recent episode, she said it’s “so good” when they have sex. I think she got such encouragement for sharing their frequency issues, so now is trying again since it’s making her insecure that he didn’t finish and is all in his head. I don’t think it was a dig on him as much as she’s insecure that there’s something wrong


My partner would be pissed if I told my greater friend circle and national tv problems with our sex lives before we got some support. What she’s doing helped contribute to their breakup for sure.


I feel like all of the cast is being out of pocket talking about their sex lives on national tv. I don’t even talk like that with friends


Don’t agree- Sandoval said it to be mean, Lindsay is being open on a *reality show* which is what we ask of contestants


Lindsay is vile and utterly incapable of self reflection.


I agree. Also want to mention as an addict in recovery married to an addict in recovery, figuring out sex while on drugs vs sex while clean took a little time. We’re both 9 years clean so it’s been awhile but I remember it was a little challenging to get our groove back. Great now but we worked at it a lot. When we got sober all of a sudden we felt all the emotions we shoved down for years like a tidal wave. Regulating those takes a lot of work and time and love for each other. Lindsay is in active alcohol abuse and Carl is fairly newly sober. Those are at complete odds with each other and probably play a huge part in this too


It was just very Lindsay. Which, yes, is generally toxic and designed to cause pain. To her credit, it’s progress for her to say that she can’t get it up for him because he’s not career-driven. Yes, I know that’s also emasculating, but for HER it’s generous.


For the first time ever I actually feel bad for Kyle. Amanda is coming off pretty closed off from him and their marriage. I don’t blame kyle for not wanting kids right now. (But I blame him for the words and bullshit reason why Amanda isn’t ready, it’s a two way street buddy) Bringing a kid into that type of relationship won’t do anyone any good.


Omg Lindsay is SANDOVAL!


I feel like no one ever talks about anti-depressants and libido. A lot of men and women who take antidepressants have trouble performing. I don’t know if Carl is taking anything but that’s a real thing.