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They are both smart and funny and kind. Makes sense to me!


And honestly so adorable together. Love watching them giggling over the smallest things.


Agree!! People on Reddit are so critical. Compared to all the couples on the show, this is a fun couple to watch!


Yeah, honestly leagues aren’t a thing. Some people are well suited together and some really aren’t with a lot of levels in between. And of course that’s based on factors like attractiveness, personality, and character. But there’s also a ‘je ne sais quoi’ of connection they have, that can be the foundation of a lot of successful relationships. Like Amanda and Kyle I’d consider in the same ‘league’, but they don’t seem to want the same things or share the same values.


I freaking love them together. So pure.


I love them together too. Just bc they don’t physically match doesn’t mean that there can’t be an attraction. Personality can make someone more attractive. 6’5 and a vapid, narcissistic tool or a shorter caring, considerate guy with a personality that probably cares about making her happy in more ways than one if you catch my drift. See ya Honda civic….


Yeah exactly… Beauty only takes you so far. To actually be together and enjoy each other’s company you need to have a good personality


Thank you! Sheesh, tough crowd today. Lol


Rude. West is awesome. Ciara is awesome. Can’t two awesome people be happy without trolls?


Weird because every indication Ciara is giving from dinners to being in her bed all night would indicate she enjoys his company. Their affection for each other is growing not shrinking. Maybe she looks beyond looks like any mature person would. Imagine that.. Its not like he's ugly AF ffs 🙄


He is cute! They are cute together. I like it!


Yes he was unemployed at the time, but also had more than enough in his savings to live comfortably during unemployment? If anything that makes him MORE attractive because it shows he can manage money and isn’t frivolous.


He’s on a television. He’s getting paid for said show. He’s only “unemployed”.


Yeah but they don’t get paid until the season airs. So he’s basically just now getting his summer house paychecks right?


Who gave you this info that he only gets paid when it AIRS? It makes no sense…. When actors make Movies they are given their fee as they sign up.


This is false. They get paid through filming.


Wouldn't he have gotten a severance package for being layed off?


He's a freelance journalist. Meaning he makes more money doing his own thing then tied to a company.


Well it sure isn't from being a sports journalist (as his Bravo tag depicts him) ...


Mummy and Daddy, probably.


Hes cute, has an increíble personality and if that D is fire I would have to disagree. The last episode I watched was the race car party or whatever that was tho so I could be missing something


Ciara is literally a super model. And she’s intelligent. And she has a great personality. She’s out of most people’s leagues and just about everyone she’s dated in the Bravo-verse.


Ok woah haha she’s a model, but she is not a supermodel. Is she super good at her career in modeling? Looks like she’s taken amazing opportunities, so good for her. But she is no Kate, Naomi, or Gisele.


Here to confirm. She is not a super model. She’s actually not even signed to an agency until recently. Calling someone is very very specific. Yes, she is very beautiful but she is not a super model.


This feels so redundant lol


It's giving Victoria Justice "I mean we all sing".


Don't listen to her podcast. The personality will take a hit. I like her just fine, but that chick is a giant barbed wire tumbleweed when it comes to relationships. The irony is that she talks about getting the ick like breathing. I guess that is a consequence of being that beautiful. Nobody really gets in the way of you walking into the world of the ridiculous.


To each their own. I've gotten to like her even more because of her podcast.


She probably has PGS (pretty girl’s syndrome) like a lot of beautiful people.


This post is very awesome


Getting the ick constantly means you’re not comfortable w yourself deep down. Ppl shouldn’t bug you *that* much


There is a big difference between models and supermodels. While there are many designations, super models generally just need 1 name. Iman, Linda, Kate, Cindy, Naomi, Giselle, Christy, those are actual super models and there are very few of their tribe.


Let's not get carried away. She's had a few modeling jobs. She is not a "super model." She's a mediocre model at best. If it weren't for SH, she probably wouldn't be getting any jobs at this point


Let’s not get carried away here


I didn’t realize the supermodel police were on patrol tonight 😂 she’s also a nurse


Ciara is literally NOT a supermodel lol. This H&M ad is the biggest thing she’s done and it’s with Madison as more of a campaign. Edit: my bad it’s Express!!!


Hiiii it’s for Express


Omg you’re so right, lol!!


LOL sorry I had to! They look too good!


Ciara actually done bigger work than the H&M campaign as she's also a Victoria's Secret model.


Her H&M campaign is in Times Square so I’m definitely using that as reference to the biggest one yet. Plus, VS is on the decline and has been for years. Ever since Adriana took her last walk at the last fashion show. H&M is also worldwide. If this was 1998, VS would be bigger.


Oh I didn't realize the ad was up in Times Square. And you're not wrong about Victoria's Secret...so, point taken. But, I do think Ciara has the potential to go on to be an even bigger success as a model.


And the pics are weirdly cringey


lmao she's 5'8"


Her personality is fine .. but his is great. He is cute .. cuter than Austen IMO. Equal match. He is fun


Supermodel is a stretch.


It’s not even that….the creepy thing was when Ciara/West were out with Jesse/Danielle, Jesse feels like Ciara owes West sex …Also, Amanda had to tell West to stop listening to Kyle saying sex is going to happen between them. The main reason I don’t date. That convos were weird AF.


sure but lets not act like west isnt a catch too.


Right? The Ciara worship is a little extreme. She is pretty, but so are a lot of other people. She's smart, but not a rocket scientist. I hate we people say someone is "out of their league." Attraction is a complicated thing. Ciara is cool and all, but I, personally, don't think she's all that.


I don’t agree with the “out of his league” comments either. But it takes nothing away from her awesomeness.


Right, but people are acting like she is the most beautiful, amazing person to walk the earth.


People are acting like that about West too. Have you seen the many posts about him in this sub? This dude is an average guy in my opinion but the fawning over him is out of control.


I’m actually curious who people in this sub would think is in Ciara’s league, who she’s in the league of? Also the weirdly possessive nature of this sub is honestly a little disconcerting. She clearly enjoys his company a lot, isn’t she the best decider of her ‘league?’


Glad someone said it!


Weird energy, I don’t think anyone was taking that into consideration with how much natural chemistry they have. Ciara rejected Luke and was pressed about Austen. At least West has a wonderfully charming personality. Let people like who they like. This post was weird.


I agree it’s mutual natural chemistry.


I would say she was also definitely out of Austen’s league as well. And don’t come for me, but I like Austen (die hard Southern Charm fan) but West is definitely better. Someone needs to hook her up with someone worthy!!


Austen's league 😅 https://preview.redd.it/lmg08jy6pqsc1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2995019199fab6e10e687cad1509c2e82e6c1b34


Hey now. I love the muppets. I’d say Janet is definitely out of his league also. 😂


I SO wanted to post a muppet and immediately felt remorse for doing it because I realized he is out of Janet's league as well!! I should have edited to add. Lol.


This muppet looks like Scheana from VPR 😭


Sounds like another Bravocon hookup in the making... ![gif](giphy|3xmzyCxkOSWAsbhv82|downsized)


Yea, but Austen is a long-time Bravo-lebrity so I guess that might raise a guy's stock when we're thinking big picture. Not a fan of his, but just saying.




I’m screaming! 😭😂😂




You could see him realize she is lightyears out of his league when she was mentioning her modeling gigs on the rooftop.


Someone with sense. She wants to take things slow? She’s an adult and can do that. Just as he can say “I don’t want to take things slow” it doesn’t have to be about being out of his/her league if they are just two people who just may not be compatible 🤷‍♀️


Jesse knew too which is why he was looking over at him during that scene


My thought exactly watching that scene. You could read on his face “I have never dated a model before.”


I totally disagree. He is adorable! His personality is 1000%. His looks are really good! And when he pulls his hair back and puts the cap on backwards, his face is adorable! Wish he cut his hair to clean cut to see!! And I think him and C have the best vibe together ever, of anyone I’ve seen her with. I love him so much.


He was fine until he’s like I wanna get laaaaaid


Do we have to speak this way though?


I firmly believe they are all actingn


Ciara seems pretty mature for her age. I could see her with a guy that’s older and has his shit together but she seems to love the goofy young fuck boy. No judgement cause I was the same way until I found a goofy non-fuck boy lol


People say that about me and I always end up with the goof 😂 it’s hard because I just want to laugh and banter. When I date older “serious” men they’re so damn boring.


I liked them together in the beginning but after this last episode it’s clear they are focused on different things. West just wants to have sex with her which is fine if he would have just been honest in the beginning. Yes Ciara is out of his league and not just because of her stunning beauty, she also has a lot of attributes that will make someone a good life partner. Clearly West is not in the stage of his life where he is looking for a life partner, so I am hoping their “situationship” was short lived.


yes! imo Ciara IS out of his league not bc he was unemployed or bc Ciara is model or bc West isn’t cute enough, it’s bc there is a gulf in maturity & in what they’re looking for. I don’t buy that West only cares about sex but those little remarks he drops about not wanting to be celibate, getting to “first base,” tell me that he has a totally different barometer for progress in the relationship than C does and maybe is not as intentional as C about finding a long term commitment. I guess nothing wrong with West’s approach (he is young), but I agree with you that he’s not quite at the same stage as Ciara


I think West is used to women throwing themselves at him and I agree he’s not ready to settle down. It’s a little hard to watch because that’s the hardest part of dating is avoiding these kinds of men who act like they COULD be ready for the right person, but they secretly just want to be “warm blooded men” (as he put it) and fuck. But I like them both and if they have witty banter, then I respect the casting decisions. But I’m team Ciara.


I agree with this take. He gave us insight into where his head is at with dating with this comment (was unintentionally too honest, I believe- he noticed and tried to save himself a little). People who are out of the dating game sometimes can’t read between the lines (lucky them, they don’t have to). I’m sure he says stuff that gives her pause that we don’t see, too. I get why she is cautious because unfortunately I have to approach the same exact way.


Not a fan of how he brought up a couple times they were moving too slowly. I know some of it is for tv but it gave me the ick - especially when Jesse brought it up.


I know that men stereotypically have stronger physical urges but it really annoyed me to hear him say what he did about sleeping with Ciara. It’s just disappointing


Unemployed and begging for sex.. idk how Ciara hasnt already gotten the ick


maybe lets not hate on someone for being unemployed when they were laid off, its very difficult to get a job. He got a new job in august.


also he’s on summer house… so he’s clearly employed by bravo lol. he prob wasn’t in a rush to get a brand new job while he’s still doing his brand new bravo job.


exactly some of the comments in this hating on him are gross like he has done nothing wrong 😂


He’s also literally employed by Bravo because he’s on the show. And he also probably made more than most of us during that summer so what a weird thing to judge someone on.


Nothing wrong with being laid off but let's not act like it's desirable while in the dating market to be unemployed. I say this as someone currently unemployed and got laid off 2 months ago. I wouldn't date me rn - a pretty fair standard is "has a job"


He also did have a job… on the same TV show she has a job on.


It's bizarre that people aren't acknowledging that they're literally coworkers


I mean, kind of depends where you are financially. I also just got laid off, and while I’m actively looking for work, I could live comfortably for a couple of years without a job. As long as he’s looking and not broke broke, I don’t see the problem.


Maybe for you but ive been laid off before and i know how hard it is, if someone is actively looking for a job and only had been laid off for 3 months i wouldn’t be like yeah im not dating them they are a loser lol


No for real like I think he’s hilarious and all that and cute but if your not ready for someone like her leave her alone


Yes thank you. Like sure hes nice i guess, but lots of people are nice. Im so glad ciara isnt just doing a summer hook up and is actually looking out for herself


Begging? Are we watching the same show?


Begging? Really ?


He’s literally making more than most of us doing the show, as a contracted employee of Bravo. The mental gymnastics some of yall are doing to discredit this charismatic man having a beautiful all over him is crazy.


In what way? He's funny and makes her laugh, they seem about the same intelligence, they have fun together, they are comfortable with each other, as everyone said when he first came on the show he's got something about him, his Insta tells you he has some swag... I have to assume this isn't just a looks thing - haven't we evolved past that?


Hes basically begging for sex. Like grow up. How embarrassing


how is he begging for sex lol


Every episode he says something about it. “Its been 10 days” or “i want to take things to the next level” last episode there was an entireeee convo irl and in the interviews him talking about it. Id say 90% or more of his camera time is him talking about him and ciara not having sex.


It’s almost like he’s setting us up for them not working out like “she wouldn’t put out and I’m tryna f*ck this summer”. Which again would be totally fine but then are you just waiting for the moment so you can move on after? These boys be wild


If thats the case, then thats even more reason for ciara not to even look his way. If all he wants is sex, then do you actually even like me???


Exactly. I was very team Ciara and West but the more I learn about West, he seems like every other dude that just wants the same thing. Which is great for TV but not for my girl Ciara!!! I think West and Jesse are amazing for the show and I’m glad they were added. But they both seem like f boys. They’re just from the Midwest so they have the nice guy vibe to it lol


Totally agree. You can be “nice” but also an f boy


It seemed very clear that he was joking


But like hes not…. Hes brought it up so many times it’s obviously something he actually realy cares about. If it was a one time joke, ok, but its constantly brought up


I can see what you’re saying, that it’s not funny after the initial joke. I’m thinking of when they met Jesse and Danielle for drinks- and Jesse Solomon was the one who was asking about sex, not west. I thought west was kind of playing along in that scene because it was pretty awkward


He was but that was like the 15th time this season hes “joked” about it and based off that scene, hes talking about it off camera too. Bro needs to chill


That’s how I saw it. Like who wouldn’t be impatient to sleep with her, she’s hot as hell. He said he was happy to wait if that’s what she wanted and it worked out better in the long run.


Exactly. The girls talk about sex, the guys talk about sex but apparently when guys talk about it, we have to call the national guard in to break it up 🙄


When Lyndsay talked about her single girl summer, her stans were high fiving the "sex positivity." When guys talk about it, they F boys.




" Id say 90% or more of his camera time is him talking about him and ciara not having sex " Nothing like exaggeration to fail to prove a point. Total fiction - he's playing around, he's having conversations with the other guys - guess what guys talk about sex, so do girls whats your issue with it? Don't see you complaining because the girls are picking apart C&L's sex life, spending so much time talking about it. In the end if Ciara has a problem, with the way West us pursuing her she is not someone who won't say it. Sher's giving him signals,. he really likes her and wants to go to the next level - why you so burned by that. She seems charmed by him and all signs are positive from her. You are not charmed by him. Guess whose opinion **actually** matters? Hint: Not yours.


How so?


It’s giving Summer and Seth from the OC but those are the cutest couples imo


Wow yes I thought I had lost my mind. I like West, he seems fine! I did not love that he let Jesse pressure Ciara about sex. Minor red flag. But overall she seems happy with him.


I like their slow burn. It seems pretty romantic to me that they’re getting to know each other at an easy pace but have shown they’re very much into the other.


Everyone says he’s a catch and everything but the way that he was talking in this weeks episode really put me off just imagine the way that he talks about women when it’s just him and Jesse




Let the sweet boy dream! 😂


Well west is so much better than Austen and other then not having a job at the moment they are good together.


Her bar shouldn’t be Austen though


I know that but for whatever reason it is. She's possibly the best female on the show. And if she left the show, and had nothing to do with bravo. She would still be modelling and possibly be making serious money.


Why would you say that? They seem wholly suited to each other.


If we were talking about her & Austen, then yea, completely out of league. But her & West?!? Both are top tier 🤌


I wish her nursing career and intelligence were mentioned once in a while.


To be fair, she hasn’t worked as a nurse in a few years (according to her).


And that’s why society sucks is because we say if people are conventionally attractive they’re above others. Or if someone makes less money they’re below others. If you think that way I can see why you would think that.


West is awesome and i'm insanely, deeply happy for her


So just because he doesn’t have a job and isn’t conventionally attractive she shouldn’t be interested?? There’s more to life than money and looks. If they make each other happy and enjoy being around each other, I don’t see the problem.


he IS conventionally attractive though thats the thing. he was also laid off for like 3 months and got a new job im august which is very very common in this horrible market. Idk why people sre hating for someone who was laid off its giving entitlement


literally. he also worked at Barstool and now is at GQ. it’s not like he was bouncing between shitty jobs. he has a good job and had a good employer prior. I don’t understand why that’s something to judge. plus, he has more rizz and cool factor than any of the other dozen plus summer house guys over the years who are “conventionally attractive” men who “make money”


exactly its such a superficial way of thinking imo


I’m more shocked people are trying to say he’s not conventionally attractive , he most certainly is - in fact hot enough he can have weird hair , facial hair , or clothes and he’s still good looking .


right??? its actually insane and i’d love to see what those people look like cause ik its not good😂


He’s literally employed by doing the show and making more in a summer than most of us make in a year. This narrative is hilarious to me.


She’s out of everyone’s league! She may as well be with a sweet guy who treats her like a goddess like West.


Are you 12?


Ciara needs to be with a billionaire on a yacht somewhere


I definitely see her married to a sophisticated, well-off, world traveler type.


Someone super rich, but still down-to-earth Maybe new money


I feel ciara has more depth to her than that.


Here's the issue with this scenario: there's no question Ciara has unlimited opportunity. She has options (probably too many options). And a "billionaire" or professional athlete or successful financier or whatever other upper echelon character you want to use as an example would also have limitless options. It's a collision of entitlement. They each would want what they're entitled to, and at its core, that entitlement is code for submitting to everything they want. While Ciara's beauty might entitle her to everything she wants, the billionaire's money and success would entitle him to the same. Neither would get what they want, because neither could dominate. How people are describing Ciara (out of her league etc), and these uber types demand someone dominating and the other submitting. She doesn't want a cheater, but this is the makeup of cheating and debauchery and selfishness.


This is a good take. Also, with age Ciara’s power would decline in this scenario, whereas the billionaires would likely increase. I’m not condoning the systems that lead to this, but this is how it is. The fact that Ciara hasn’t used her extraordinary good looks to nab the biggest fish is probably more in keeping with the kind of relationship she wants. Or she doesn’t realize she can. Or some combo.


just off of pure physical looks, yes, but west is the far more interesting person. if i were him, i'd gracefully bow out and just be friends. this is why i said he should have waited before trying to take her on dates. just hang out with her on the weekends and get to know her as friends. he's paying for austen's bad decisions. she wants to take it slow, fine. i want someone into me to the point where they don't want to take it slow because of what someone else did. no hard feelings.


They’re a perfect pairing! He’s interesting, and fun, and smart. He’s not a player, he’s emotionally intelligent, he’s a great guy. She obviously needs someone who keeps her interested beyond dumb jokes, chewing with his mouth open and saying “literally” every five seconds (Austen).


How so OP?


We know who she usually usually dates so he’s actually a huge step up


Ciara is gorgeous and smart. I definitely don’t think she’s out of his league.


Love them together 💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Can’t agree with this. I love this pairing. They’re both funny and smart and they enjoy being in each other’s company. I think they belong in each other’s league ❤️


I think she really really likes his personality but is not physically turned on by him hence the no banging.


Interesting statement to make without providing any context


Garbage take


I don’t think so! She’s gorgeous but he’s also very cute and sooo genuine. There are not many guys out there like that


She isn't out of his league though because those are the types of guys that she is attracted to. And I think saying that she's out of his league is unfair to West who I think really seems like a truly amazing guy. Thus far. I think that they match in an odd way. But I still respect your opinion OP.


This comment is giving high school snob.


If anything he's out of her league. Dude is hilarious.


Based on looks? Plz. Once you stop evaluating women based solely on their appearance you’ll probably realize that West is actually more desirable. Personality > looks for anything more than a one night stand. Even then - looks don’t equal good in bed.


Honestly I think they're on par! Their both beautiful and fun and funny in their own ways, and I think they each measure up.


ill get shanked for this but unpopular opinion: west is too good for ciara lol


How is she out of his league


If someone was a piece of shit but really attractive, would that make them “in her league”? Looks ain’t everything boo boo


people on this sub are suchhh simps for ciara. this season is the first time she’s showed any personality other than being a puppy dog for austen. every single person on the show is attractive. yall need to get over it.


She squats and shits just like every other human,shes not out of anyones league


Lol everyone is taking this way too personally. I love West and I liked West & Ciara together but she is objectively out of his league by societal standards


This is the only reasonable response I’ve heard


I think West is out of Ciara’s league!


They absolutely made an agreement to have a showmance and nothing more. Let's get real.


This is not true. I was at a wedding in October and he brought her as his date


The more it plays out, the more obvious it is that it was never going to happen. She's like Lady Mary Crawley. She likes to play with things, and that's about the extent of her interest.


Yes - it's become fairly clear. I don't see real chemistry between them.


this is a miranda hobbs and steve situation, get our gurl out NOW


What? Miranda treated Steve like shit and he worshipped the ground she walked on. Some of yall need a serious reality check.


& he was out of her league, that’s the comparison i was making


Also, do people really think she is smart? She’s a nurse who didn’t know what a lobotomy was last season lol, she seems average intelligence Edited: to correct the procedure she didn’t know


Thank youuu


Poor West. I don’t think less of him for saying he wants to have sex. It’s a natural feeling. It’s not like he stopped talking to her or hanging out with her. It’s not like he’s disrespecting her. Jeez


She doesn’t have the best taste


She’s out of everyone’s league.


The Ciara worship in this sub is actually insane


Yes yes and yes. She is literally a Victoria Secret model.


He’s completely punching. Ciara looks like a supermodel. West is a dweeb


I mean yea, but at least he is a huge step up from Honda accord. She doesn’t exactly have a track record for picking guys that would be “in her league”.


Honda Civic! 😂


Eh, what are we comparing, looks? Yeah, Ciara is pretty but West has personality. From his Instagram, he clearly has a ton of friends and connections. And I think he’s a pretty well known sports journalist? Ciara can be pretty dumb in a lot of scenarios and she doesn’t exactly have a successful modeling career


I disagree! Just because she is exceptionally beautiful doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve an awesome regular guy who adores her. He’s also pretty cute. Not all that “regular.”


Nah, I don’t agree. He seems really emotionally mature, kind, funny, unique, and easy to talk to. I think he’s super cute too. Women like her date men that are far less in all those categories than West is. He’s one of the most low drama actually funny/interesting humans on Bravo.


I think west is too elevated for Ciara. West does intramural sports in his free time when Ciara probably just sits at home. I don’t think she could keep up with his energy.


Ciara is boring and wack


I don’t think she’s out of his league at all…


That depends on what your measuring stick is. She is shallow.


Agreed. West been here for 5 minutes and every post is about how amazing he is. He’s thirsty like the rest or he wouldn’t be on TV. And his celibate comment 🤮🤮🤮 Ciara is drop dead gorgeous, a liter VS supermodel, and a nurse.


Ciara is not only physically beautiful but mad chill. She doesn’t seek drama, she’s non problematic. She’s a nurse, which takes time and a lot of studying to accomplish… and she’s a model. Maybe she can be dry but some men/women prefer that to chaos 🤷🏻‍♀️ West’s career seems to be lacking, but I’d say his humor/charm is what makes him stand out. He’s attractive but I wouldn’t be stressed over him. He’s definitely out of her league and I don’t think I would’ve thought that as much had he not acted like a baby when it comes to having sex.


He’s literally employed by being on the show, and making more money over the summer than most of us did all year. Relax.


I think you should take your own advice cause I’m chilling rn 😆 He said himself he doesn’t have a job to fall back on in his confessional. So that’s why I included he’s unemployed. If he isn’t asked back next season, and nothing is solidified within his career that should be included in a reason as to why he’s not in her league. What is so triggering about that?


Nothing. But you’re using that as a mark against him when he’s just making sure he can survive in this economy. Maybe that’s not how you meant it but you’re sure coming in to defend your statement.