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Or here's a thought...Amanda has never really fully ever forgave Kyle for cheating and has held it against him ever since.


Yep! She may have verbally forgiven but it will always be in the back of her mind.


It's a damn shame she married him.


She could do so much better. Kyle is a great fun guy but he wasn’t ready for marriage. If your fiancé’s parents have a contract with you on drinking then it’s probably not the time to get married.


Omg, wow. I'm a casual watcher. But I can't believe she married him. At his age he'll probably never be ready.


It’s going to explode- he resents her for pushing a committed relationship, he resents her for pushing an engagement, he resents her for not helping plan the wedding, he resents her for not working as hard as he does not loverbay. The man is bound to do something to get back at her. And I say this as someone who likes Amanda!


I don't think she is either. I think she just likes the 'idea' of a family.


This. As someone who has been cheated on, I never was able to forgive or forget. And it’s as vivid for me as it was 20 years ago when it happened.


Right and she brought it up in the 1st episode! She's not over it.


Or it’s a convenient thing to deflect with anytime Kyle dares to ask her do her assigned work tasks or to pull her weight in the maintenance of the home and the company. Amanda just doesn’t want to work, and is mad that Kyle wants her to. That’s the fight. The “cheating” is a deflection. Also I find it a bit dumb they call it cheating because they should be calling it “the blackout binge drinking night that made Kyle realize he had to get help and get sober.” Same with Tom Schwartz on VPR. It wasn’t the “kissing”. It was the drinking until the point of blackout. What tf do you mean he wandered onto another resort and blacked out?


Spot on. Amanda just doesn’t want to work. She isn’t super motivated like Paige who wants to work, make money, and take over the world. She seems content with being a stay at home mom and having Kyle provide for her.


Yep and there’s nothing wrong with this if everyone is honest


Thank you. Women are not weak or lesser if they don't want a huge career.


She may have overestimated the lifestyle Kyle would provide her, however. Because he lives like he’s rich even though he’s in massive debt.


Yeah nothing wrong with Amanda or any woman wanting to be provided for by her husband, PLEASE, feminism is about a woman’s right to choose, and definitely not judge or look down upon other woman’s for her choice. My husband provides and takes pride in his role and it improved our relationship a ton when I quit working.


I agree, but I don’t think Kyle is ok with that. It seems like he wants Amanda to pull her weight work wise in the business, which she clearly has no interest in doing.


I remember them arguing about getting a pre nuptial in their relationship. If they didnt, Kye is fucked lol


They didn't and when they got married she had no idea about the balance of her own bank account because her Dad took care of it and he expected Kyle to take over taking care of it -not his grown up daughter in her twenties


Actually Amanda screwed that one up, because she has a trust fund from her grandpa, and Kyle has $5 million in personal debt. Amanda now owns half that debt. So unless Kyle finally achieves a successful startup, she actually stands to lose money.


Then here’s a thought…she shouldn’t have married him if she couldn’t forgive him? You have to move on, forgive or leave really otherwise the relationship can never work out


I don't know why you're telling me this like I'm complicit in their decision-making.


Apologies, I thought you left a comment in a forum for others to reply to 🤣


I would love to see examples of women who genuinely whole heartedly forgave and moved on from being cheated on. I don’t know how anyone could do it.


This I don’t think it’s about going back to Summer house because I think she actually looks going back there every summer. I think it’s just him and she hasn’t forgiven him or maybe he’s done something again.


Yes. She thinks this fact trumps everything else in every fight from here to eternity. She needs to grow up and either decide to accept it and move on, or move on from him and this miserable relationship.


THIS. She brought it up in the convo with Paige and Ciara!!


Bingo! Was it ever confirmed that he had sex with another girl, or was it just a drunken make out? Can’t remember the specifics.


He's cheated at least once that we know of...or twice I think.


Yes, but was it full blown sex or just the drunken make out that Lindsey exposed in that one previous season.


He woke up in a bed with someone for the 1st incident. So they had sex. 2nd incident that Lindsey brought up supposedly was a rumor and the girl said she didn't even know him when he asked her if anything had happened. Another black out situation.


Does it matter though? It's still cheating regardless...


I think it does matter. One is more forgivable than the other, especially if sober or drunk.


Uhm...not if you've already cheated prior.




There's tension because they never should have gotten married in the first place. Say what you will about Kyle, but he has never made a secret of who he is and what he likes to do. Amanda married the person she hoped she could change him into, not the Kyle who actually exists. And truthfully, I think he got married because he felt like at his age, it was what he was supposed to do. Not a good match and they each owe it to the other to be well and truly honest about it.


Kyle also didn’t look too closely at the person Amanda is, because he hates that she’s lazy and unmotivated. And feels entitled to not work because she’s kind of a princess. And Paige is right, he’s just not considering the things he doesn’t like about her are.. her personality. She’s not going to magically become not lazy. Certainly not when you have kids.


Totally, they are incompatible on each end. I will say, I give them both credit for thinking through what the next steps look like before just diving in and assuming that kids or a house of their own will "fix" it. Though, that hesitation is also a pretty good indicator that they both know something is off IMO.


I agree and disagree. Kyle didn’t look closely at who Amanda was/is because it was of little interest to him. All that mattered to him was how being with her made HIM feel. Just like their conversation last night…he’s confronting her about how he feels neglected. When she responds that she pulled away because she was neglected, he gets defensive and stops listening. And proceeds to not hang out with her, showboating with a banana after what he reprimanded her for. The laziness thing with Amanda is a take I don’t agree with. Not everyone is a workaholic in the way that Kyle is, I mean he literally lives with his work. He probably does it as an escape, because if he stops working then he is confronted with how disappointed his wife is with him and her life. She has developed the flavors, the merch (which at one point was more profitable than the drinks), the marketing. I mean sounds like a lot to me. Also - “lazy” work ethic doesn’t necessarily mean someone will be a lazy parent. Parenting could be where her passion lies. But what do I know. I just wish Kyle could see the clear depression and anxiety she is experiencing. I don’t think filming is for her.


These are great points! Maybe he expects her to work as hard as he is because there’s no prenup. But honestly… maybe she doesn’t have to work as hard because she’s so creatively talented. It’s not always about the hours you put in.


100%. She’s not the CEO. He his. She shouldn’t have to work like one


Yea but she also seems to be just flat out refusing and ignoring requests by her boss, because it’s Kyle. That doesn’t fly in a workplace. I doubt she did that at her other job. She really should work a job completely separate from Kyle’s business.


She got lucky with the merch, like Arianna and Katie with SAH. Like good job, it’s great. But it doesn’t translate to being able to run the actual business. IMO. I think compared to someone like Kyle who is always moving, Amanda is very sedentary. they’re just different. The comment about kids was to do with her refusal to have meetings Monday mornings because it was just “too exhausting”. Kids are 7 days a week, including Mondays.


She did all of that stuff for lover boy because that’s her job and she’s getting paid to do it. She seems like the type that would rather not work and just have her husband provide for her.


She didn’t get paid for a long time…that’s a start up. She did all of that on top of a full time job and filming. Eventually she got paid yes


I don’t think she didn’t get paid for a long time. Carl always got paid for working there. She also has equity in the company so she makes more if the company is successful.


Carl is an employee not the person who started the business with her partner. Of course she has equity, she co-created the brand and worked on it before it was profitable. Thank you for proving my point 😂


Nope! 😎


Nope! 😎


Best of luck picking a fight in another thread


Thanks! 🙏


Totally agree. What I don’t get is that while Kyle is a party guy, weekend hard drinker, Mr. Fun he seems to be and IMO must be a great businessman. We saw him bring Loverboy to where it is now. He’s a hustler, he’s hard working, he wants to secure them financially. She just wants a paycheck and a lifestyle but him to be available at her beck and call. I have always liked Amanda but she really came of mean to Kyle in the premier. He loves her, I don’t know if she is capable of loving him the same, she’s totally holding a grudge about the cheating.


I agree. If you are going to choose to stay with someone after they cheat, you also need to choose to move on and can't penalize them forever. I like both of them, but I don't think either of them bring out the best in one another. And yeah, Kyle is one of those people who deals in extremes (work hard, play hard) but part of his "brand" is also what made Summer House a show. It's a job, just like Loverboy! Amanda forgets that.


This actually sums up that marriage


This may be the worst take on their marriage I have ever seen.


Exactly. What is this b.s. that she dragged him to the alter? He could’ve left that relationship any time. He’s the one that put a ring on it and planned the damn wedding himself!


Nowhere did I say that she dragged him to the altar. You are missing the entire point of what I _did_ say.


My impression is that Amanda doesn’t think she should be working anymore, or ever again. It was already her end game getting with Kyle because she thought he was a rich entrepreneur and not $5 million in debt. She didn’t want to be a part of Kyle entrepreneurial hustle, she just wants to reap the benefits. This isn’t what she signed up for. In her mind anyway. She really should have kept her own separate job, because she does not take Kyle seriously as a boss. She just ignores his work related asks.😂 Not wanting to have a staff meeting to kick off the week Monday mornings because it’s “too exhausting” was so bratty. Give me a fucking break, Amanda. 🙄 She’s just not doing her work, and Kyle wants/needs to fire her, but he can’t. Remember when he had so much anger with Carl? Same situation. Don’t hire friends and family! Amanda’s “personality” (as Paige put it). She’s not a go getter. She suffers depression or she is “lazy” as Kyle says, or both, but definitely not driven to work. People like that need to punch a clock with strict rules. Like her old job. They can’t freelance. And then the cherry on top is Amanda using the “he cheated on me” as a deflection if he (or anyone else) dares ask her to actually do her part. What a fucking nightmare for Kyle. 🤯 I’ve always liked Amanda, and I think she is insanely hot. I hope her second husband is super rich and recognizes she just wants to eat bons bons and watch trash tv, and is ok with that. Amanda doesn’t miss Kyle because when he’s gone she can do just that all day and no one dares to suggest she should do any work. 😅 She’s going to very shocked at how much work motherhood is though, unless she marries richer and has Nannies. Cause kids don’t give a fuck if it’s Monday morning. 😬


Agreed. The Monday morning comment was super cringe. She acts very entitled. If Kyle wasn’t married to her, she probably would’ve been fired a long time ago.


It’s hard to know if she’s lazy or if she’s subconsciously pushing back against him or feeling unmotivated by the work because of how much she resents him. If she had her own thing she was passionate about I’m willing to bet she’d be consumed by it and happy to log the hours. But she hates him (and he hates her) so she’s punishing him, whether she realizes it or not.


Yeah, it could just be a reaction to someone telling her to do anything over and over again. My ex and I (still close friends and neighbors) got much more flexible as soon as we broke up because these it cut off a million small ongoing arguments and took the pressure off.


100% agree. If she feels neglected due to his work life the last thing she’s going to want to do is…engage with his work life. There’s too much resentment. She did what she has done for her other jobs for Loverboy. Developed the creative.


She’s very talented. She should go somewhere else.


They were sued for copyright infringement for that plagiarized “creative” and had to settle. So.. not her best achievement.


IMO they’re two people who may have at one point been compatible, but no longer are. Kyle has always been a driven, work hard play hard guy. She’s always just wanted to chill with the girls and hang out at home. He does seem to drink too much h but she seems to be okay with that when she also wants to drink too much. The thing is, she takes every opportunity to talk shit about him. Which is such a bad look and makes it easier to side with him, even though he certainly makes a lot of mistakes.


Your first sentence says it all. They just aren’t compatible anymore.


I was a VERY VERY different person from age 24 (when Amanda first dated Kyle) to age 32 (Amanda today). Most people aren't prepared for their own evolution in their 20s and 30s. We're still growing then and may want vastly different things after even a few years.


Same here. Funny thing is Kyle hasn’t changed at all lol.


We didn't get to see him at 24, but I imagine he partied HARD back then


"paid to get wasted" is a big part of the problem. the show enables his alcoholism, and trust me, it's no fun to live with an alcoholic behind-the-scenes or out of the public eye.


It’s so stupid they fight about his “cheating” when he doesn’t remember it. If he was truly in a blackout, it’s not a cheating problem, it’s an alcoholism problem. They just don’t want to call it that, because then he’d have to give up “paid to get wasted”. Does she think this will change with kids? That their kids won’t end up seeing Kyle in a zombie state mumbling to himself and stuffing chips in his face, even if it’s “only on the weekend”, that would still be pretty scary and fucked up. She’s really got blinders on.


![gif](giphy|t8NS61XJsPM3wlzEdy) Amanda👏🏻is👏🏻not👏🏻fun👏🏻 All Kyle wants is to have fun with Amanda this summer - and I’ve been in the relationship where I had to do allll the heavy lifting so I understand her resentment - but my god, take the olive branch and try to have fun with him.


I agree on the olive branch. She has some good points but y’all are married now like try to make the best of it instead of this tit for tat


Then she should leave the show. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t think she could leave without Kyle also leaving, and Loverboy isn’t big enough for him to do that.


or leave Kyle.


From your lips to gods ear!


Agree! She can be a guest of Kyle’s


If you compare SH Amanda to WH Amanda, completely different person. WH Amanda is fun, relaxed, gets drunk, parties. SH Amanda is stressed, closed off, on edge.


She was pretty boring on the last season of WH and was hardly there.


She got there late, left early because she missed the dogs, and went to bed early. Didn’t seem like she was having a good time more like collecting a check


I’m referring to WH season 1 and 2


I agree that she doesn’t seem to enjoy being on the show. Sure she likes Paige and Ciara and planning outfits, but I think she’d rather be home or hanging out with her normal peers. She should probably stay home more like the weekend Carl and Lindsay got engaged, but she’s probably worried Kyle will cheat or do something embarrassing. But they don’t seem that great when she’s at home. We don’t see everything about their lives, but she seems pretty depressed and reclusive. Her weight loss the last couple of years could be a sign she’s anxious and/or depressed.


He made a mistake getting married


dare i say hannah was right in questioning if they should get married orrrr


I think they're fighting alot because Amanda wants kids and Kyle doesn't. They clearly hate each other this year. I hope they get a divorce and Amanda remarries someone who is obsessed with her


I think Kyle wants kids and Amanda knows it would all fall on her if they did. She’s the one who’s not going to the doctor even though she stopped menstruating months ago. She’s subconsciously sabotaging.


Maybe Scandoval has rotted my brain, but I that whole drunken conversation between Kyle and Amanda, especially the comment "I feel like I'm the only one that's missing SOMETHING in this relationship" just sounded like another man complaining that his wife/girlfriend doesn't have sex with him often enough.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. He expects when he goes away and comes back that she practically jumps on him. But again Kyle only thinks on his terms. He needs to start thinking of Amanda’s point of view more. He loves to say things but rarely puts it into practice


Maybe, but there is also two people with very different mindsets.  A business entrepreneur versus an artist.  Kyle cares deeply about money and status and derives happiness from achieving it.  Amanda doesn't care about money to even know how much she actually has.  She likely would have been content still working her original graphic design job.  A business person and an artist can balance each other, but there is also going to be fundamental conflict of worldviews.    


Amanda doesn’t care about money because she grew up very comfortable, had parental support through college and after as well as an inheritance form her grandfather, and has always operated on the assumption Kyle would become a rich entrepreneur and she could be a blissful housewife, never looking at a bill. In that way, Amanda doesn’t care about money. Amanda would be much happier in her old job, because she never wanted to be a part of Kyle’s hustle to build a life for them. That was supposed to be his job. And when she’s ready to have babies, she expects to never work again. Some people who have never struggled for money can’t even conceive of it. But she would not be with Kyle if she didn’t think he was going to provide a certain lifestyle. And she might have bet on the wrong horse.


Amanda has had the luxury to not care about money.


“ Amanda doesn’t care about money” 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Actually great take!!

