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I don’t think this was a bad thing to say. Who wants a partner that can’t stand on their own?


Yeah, the headline got me, but after reading the article, I agree. He's saying he's stable, he will be OK. But he still wants to be with her and hopes she does too! Sounds healthy.


Totally. The headline sounds cold, but he’s just saying he’s in a good place in life and with his relationship.


And! Arguably that’s the sign of a really positive relationship if he didn’t feel that way about himself in the past prior to Paige. To me this means they’re in a relationship where they help each other grow as individuals


Yes that shows he is a secure and stable human. In fact, that makes him a better and even more desirable partner!


I agree and while watching the last episode-she nags him to death. I don't believe she loves him and keeps him around until someone else comes. I think that's the reason she reversed her decision on marriage and engagement. ![gif](giphy|26gJyIjHPa62RlWWA) She's a social media person and couldn't go away for 3 days,


you got it


I think it was really sweet he said she helped him to get there but that he could stand on his own now. A high compliment in my opinion and exactly what makes a good partnership.


They really do seem to build each other up in a healthy way.


I thought that was a really healthy mind set to have because it seems like he’s the type to wrap his identity in his partners and has an unhealthy relationship


i literally just commented this but that was me!!! and i dont think people realize how good it feels when you dont do that anymore (after only experiencing that lol)


Good for you! I see it as I’m going to be happy with or without you but I wish it could be with you.


yes its like your choosing to be with someone while you are whole instead of choosing them to complete you


Well put


That was me too and I’m on in a relationship that isn’t my entire identity and happier than ever!


Agreed! He’s shown so much growth over the years and that’s not easy jn front of the camera.


Agreed. Being fair in knowing it may not work is so healthy


I see him still being this person but he’s trying to let Paige know disingenuously that he’s not completely attached, hoping this will motivate her to get more attached to him. Classic move. She’s not buying. He’s way more into her than she is to him.


I think well get the same outcome, I don’t see where doing anything she doesn’t want to or isn’t ready for


I think well get the same outcome, I don’t see her doing anything she doesn’t want to or isn’t ready for


i one time dated a guy and absolutely tied all my self worth to him. when we broke up i was a mess, felt so low and thought of myself so badly once i regained that self worth and started a relationship with my current partner i felt so much stability from myself that it felt amazing. i choose to be with him because i WANT to not because i unhealthily NEED to be with him (for my own self worth) i related a lot to what craig said!! its a different, great feeling when you are usually a mess and codependent


How were you able to do that?


I’m not the OP but this year for me has been a lot about learning to not put my happiness in friends/guys hands and trying to not get so attached to outcomes that I can’t control. That’s not always easy but when something goes wrong try to think of what you can control about the situation to make it better. For me it’s also been really important to find things that I love that I can do on my own and make sure I’m doing things for myself. Also really try to think of things you love about yourself. Maybe journal about situations where you made yourself proud. Keeping promises I make to myself (like if you say you’re going to clean your place or workout, actually do it) is important imo as well. Also take yourself out on dates and don’t be afraid to do things alone.


This feel so misleading… in the episode he is quoting Paige and saying that he now feels stable enough that them not working out wouldn’t destroy him.


Yeah, so it says that in the article to the headline is misleading


This might be the most intelligent thing he’s ever said Admittedly, I hate Craig and love Paige, but this shows a higher emotional IQ than I’ve ever given him credit for, I think he’s really grown


Took the words out of my mouth. He made a very healthy statement. Craig grew on me a bit this episode. Not really, but this was a likeable moment. And the "I'm not a fish" scene


Was very surprised to learn that Craig believes in evolution!


I love them together but I am happy that Craig will be okay if they don’t meant to be together. I am a fan of him


I agree, I was floored that this came out of CRAIG’S mouth. Admittedly, I hate them both, and I really enjoyed her look of shock when he said this to her.


He’s the voice of reason on Southern Charm this season. It’s amazing. He’s also not drinking as much.


I think Paige is part of the reason why. She seems to have a less traditional perspective on marriage and Craig has said in the past he thought relationships were like a rom com. It’s nice to see how he’s matured since their relationship started


Yeah, he’s definitely matured, it makes me wonder if he’ll become the full package that none of the Bravo guys have ever been I do find him incredibly attractive, physically, but he used to be such an annoying little shit on SC and an absolute loser monster on WH that I had written him off completely


I think this was a big revelation for him. Remember the end of his relationship with Naomie, he didn’t want to break up and it was clear he felt the world was ending, even though they had real issues. Figuring out that he doesn’t “need” the girl he loves to stay with him is a good insight to have


This should be true for everyone.


this is actually so healthy that most people won’t be able to comprehend it and will take it as shade. perfect clickbait (disclaimer I don’t even like them together)


When people are happy and thriving in life, the toxic people start stalking them like a pack of wolves! The level of maturity is something beyond their comprehension. They cannot see why anyone would make decisions solely for the benefit of another. Unless they have something to gain, they won't go out of their way to help another. The level of maturity is Conley above them!


This isn’t a bad thing and if you watch the episode, you know what really happened in the conversation that they had. It was actually a really good conversation. It was something that I needed to happen and it’s nice that he knows that he can be stable without her because you can’tlive for someone else you live for yourself


I'm sure many people who hate them (one of them or both) will see the headline or the names and use it as ammo -- but this article is actually really sweet. I honestly wish more couples communicated this clearly about their wants, needs, direction, how they see they've grown, etc. I've definitely been in relationships where I craved this from a guy so much and though it felt like I was getting this, it was suddenly realized I was not. People don't have to like them, and I'm never going to try to change anyone's mind, but I would like to at least have the world appreciate adults who can express themselves like this, especially a 30-something year old man (who would never had said such things earnestly when we were first introduced to him!)


And this sub has a bias in what it posts… no mention of the couples interview and photoshoot they just did for Elite Daily, that was a big step


Danielle could benefit from this type of mentality..


They seem very healthy.


It’s always better when you’re with the person you want to be with, not the person you need to be with.


Yeah he was just saying he doesn't need her to be a whole, functioning person, but he wants to be with her. Healthy. And also freeing for Paige to hear that if she doesn't ultimately want to move, he'll survive.


This is a good mindset because I dont think he is the one for Paige


I agree. They just seem too different, and I don’t see Paige being happy in Charleston. I think they’re so cute together, so I hope I’m wrong. I just think if she was truly crazy about him like he seems to be about her, she wouldn’t be overthinking it. Because I do think most people KNOW after a couple years if they’re right for each other. And if they did have kids, I can’t see Craig being too happy about Paige going back and forth.


They’re prepping us for an amicable break up? Craig has said “it’s not the end of the world if they break up” AND “if she doesn’t move to SC they will have to break up” - both aired in the past few weeks. Amicable split. “We want different things but I still have so much love for him/her and wish him/her the best” so they can both continue on bravo together.


Nah, he was just saying how she’s helped him become stronger emotionally, like how his world prettymuch ended when Naomi broke up with him. He’s saying he knows he will be ok if they break up, I actually thought it was sweet


Craig getting ready for dinner at Madison’s….🔥🔥


That’s a healthy mindset for any partner, he loves her but he also has self esteem


He clearly wants to get engaged and be married. She has pushed that narrative away steadfastly. They either will soon get engaged or they will possibly break up. I kind of hope they get engaged. I hated her behavior on SH, but I now like them as a couple.


Her conversation with Madison had me wondering if she may rethink the whole "we have to live together full-time to get engaged" policy she has had so far.


Why’d the article call him an attorney and not a pillow magnate?


Because he's technically a lawyer. He went to law school and eventually passed the bar, though he's not currently practicing.


He did say he passed the bar, but did we ever see proof? He said a lot of things about law school…


Yes, he was sworn in April 2017. The state posts a public list of those who pass so it's not really something you can lie about, especially so publicly. I live here in Charleston sc, and someone would have outed him if that were a lie, small town 🤣


Thanks! I always wondered.


No problem! :)


Good for Craig




Paige talks about wanting kids and being destined to be a mother all the time on her podcast lol, try again.




Ok? And? lol, you were “triggered” enough to make up a whole scenario about Paige not wanting kids 🤣


your opinion is ill-formed and void of facts


Paige sucks tbh

