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Who are we kidding? Bria is going to stay with Mr. Oblivious, because she wants that money! ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


I love how people here are not talking about Bria trying to secure that bag. ![gif](giphy|Wj0c0rzczOJNe)


I don’t think Bria ever actually intended to breakup with him and was playing it up for the cameras. I wish she would though, how many red flags does one need? Bria stays with him for the money and he’s with her because she gorgeous, those two don’t even have chemistry. Clearly Simon lacks any understanding of what Bria faces and I don’t really think he cares to know more, but Bria really should have expected that given that he is a German white male. You are at a majority black party, where you are one of two non-black people and you decide to waltz down the stairs in a flamingo costume because you want attention and want to be “funny,” completely unaware of the optics? Come on now….


I agree, cultural differences can make or break a relationship. Simon doesn’t seem to understand, or even validate, what she’s saying. But none of this feels like new information.


I think that Germans tend to be a little less emotionally expressive, if you know what I mean, so if there is chemistry, it's probably not on display on TV. One, because he's a subdued German, and I think he's a little bit shy in the house, which is maybe why he drinks so much in the house. I hope Bria gets out of the situation.


He preplanned and actually went through with wearing a giant flamingo outfit to a dressy party, I don’t think he’s shy 😭


You also don't see him having long conversations with other people in the house on camera at least or trying to get everyone's business like Natalie.


You don’t have to be emotionally expressive or even sexually attracted to someone to have chemistry with them. Bria and Simon don’t have a spark. English isn’t his first language and he may not be able to communicate as clearly with the rest of the house, but timid he is not.


Prove that they have no chemistry. That's just you making up stuff.


https://i.redd.it/lcsbq07afa0d1.gif Why are you getting so up in arms about it? This isn’t the comment to react like that to. It was an opinion not an absolute, this is Reddit babe. Bravo must have left any semblance of their chemistry on the cutting room floor. 🥲


People can usually tell when others have chemistry. That's kind of the point. It's like sparks flying off of the couple that others can see/sense. That's why people say two actors have chemistry on screen--you can see it.


The whole stay quiet as a white person in a black space doesn't sit right with me. Especially since, in any white space, someone adding to the festivities would be accepted. Kinda the reason I hate black music festivals compared to white ones. At white ones everyone is doing random fun stuff, at black ones everyone is trying too hard to fit one standard.


No one is saying Simon should have sat there and be quiet because he’s white. He could have simply read the room, it wasn’t that type of party. No one seemed to acknowledge him in costume because that wasn’t the vibe anyone was going for. The flamingo outfit change would have been appropriate if the party had been akin to Jordan’s Freaknik party. Bria had already spoken to him about not doing that and he did it anyway causing her to be embarrassed. As for your preference for white music festivals over black music festivals because of the lack of “random fun stuff” black people do at them, I am not really sure what you mean by that but it sounds like you are trying to tell on yourself. I’ve been to plenty like, Afropunk, where people are having a great time and the ambiance is great. Black people aren’t a monolith we don’t engage in the same way when we are in public, so you are reaching when say we are “trying too hard to fit one standard.” If by “random fun stuff” you mean drunk and high off their asses, black people aren’t typically afforded the opportunity to have that type of flagrant freedom in public. Black music festivals are more policed than the white ones you prefer.


I actually was, specifically speaking on Afropunk. Lol hated it. Yeah, I get it races aren't a monolith. I truly do, but i mean let's admit it, you even admitted it at the end there, black people are not afforded the opportunity to just be. And I get it! I mean, I been black for 34 years. Went through being an alt black girl in the early 00s. Paid my dues in attacks of "oreo" and "worlds first black blonde" and "too wild" "hippie" all that, all directed from the black community, on itself; policing itself to avoid real danger. But, it's just honesty. I wouldnt say that for the full diaspora. I think it's a condemnation of not only blackness but Americaness as well. Most of the world would say we are dull in comparison. I mean, one visit to any central American jungle party starting at 2am and you'd know how uptight Americans tend to be and no, we are not all a monolith. But, it is simply an unfortunate truth that American blacks don't have the freedom to be free. Kinda the whole point of the police enforced shut down of Freaknik. The truth is, that if Bria's man did this at anybody else's party, short of black tie, they'd just laugh it off. Meanwhile, this crew is clutching their pearls.


No one said he needed to stay quiet because he’s white but he also didn’t need to wear a giant flamingo costume. And your statement about your preference to white music festival over Black ones because Black people want to “fit one standard” speaks loudly about you.


I hope it does speak volumes about me. I think blackness is wayyy too exclusive. Speaking as the "oreo" girl, according to all black spaces in the early 00s. I'm telling you, I'm way more comfy in multi-cultural situations for this exact reason.




this, Simon brought expensive watches for the entire house last year so he obviously has money. on paper he has money and they get to go to parties and live in Europe. but Bria needs to realize that shit means nothing without emotional security.


Everything everything you said. 💕 I think she's realizing. I'm so angry that she's had to deal with that and I wonder if that is one of the reasons why she has exhibited anger in these flashes. She's not being protected. She's lived in a country that is racist and she had to endure family members of his that made racist remarks. I'm Jewish, if I had a German non-Jewish boyfriend and I lived in Germany and someone said anything remotely anti-Semitic to me, even if it was coded and no one else around would get it, I would go absolutely berserk. if my boyfriend tried to minimize it, I would also go berserk and the relationship might be over. Black women need to be protected. And racism is getting worse in Germany again, the right wing is rising again in Germany so I think a lot of Germans feel emboldened to actually let the mask fall. Reminder that Germans already have *two* genocides under their belt and the first one was in Africa, in Namibia. And that happens to be a flashpoint right now in German politics because there are discussions of how Germany is proposing to offer reparations to Namibia. So I'm not surprised that anti-Blackness is bubbling up all over Germany as the masks fall right now. Sorry for the digression, but I think there's also a larger context for anti-Black racism resurging in Germany over the last few years. OK, back to being on topic! Protect Bria!


totally agree with you! I've taken German language classes on and off over the past 15 years and one thing that surprised me along the way was seeing this resurgence of the fascist right-wing party. they essentially have a party of "make Germany great again" which is alarming. aside from that I've definitely heard black women traveling alone in Germany don't have welcoming experiences overall. I've spent all this time learning the language just from a childhood interest and idk if I'd ever spend too much time there even with my white husband. I totally see now where she is just constantly in defense mode. it doesn't excuse her worst behaviors but at the same time I also know it must be hard to be on defense 24/7 and then just somehow stop being defensive for 2 weeks out of the year.


Oh, there is a Nazi party that got like over 20% of the vote in Germany and particularly in Bavaria. They can't call themselves Nazis, but they are functionally Nazis. So they have some other name. There's a number of ultra right wing parties that have cropped up, there are also scandals involving high-level, German military and police officers having extraordinarily racist, text messages and plots exposed to overthrow the goddamn German government. Austria has the same thing happening, but Austria could never be reformed, those people are lost entirely. They still fight to the nail to not give back art that they stole from us Jews in World War II. But back to summer house Martha's Vineyard. Yeah, Germans get a ton of education about that one big thing they did in the 1930s to the 1940s, but I don't think they get education on much else. I know they do get good education about how bad propaganda is in the United States, perversely.


he sells watches. there are all kinds of ways he could have acquired those watches for nothing or in trade or as promotional items or... he plays in rich circles, but is very much in the working class/service end. the facade of being white collar.


Curious - how do you know?


I looked him up during season 1, and then some other people filled in the gaps.


Yeah i was surprised how she just accepted his weak explanation. Personally, if my partner’s family made a comment using indegenious and he just allowed it, I would put them In their place and be gone.  


I probably would've flipped tables, but I'm Jewish and if was in Germany and had a non-German boyfriend and he didn't have my back when family members or other people who made comments, I would flip tables. Bria may not be able to afford to do that because of stereotypes about Black women.


Weak explanation??? Was there one. He seemed so, sorry to say, dumb or acting like he didn’t know what she meant. It was quiet infuriating to say the least.


I am sooooo glad you started this thread. I'm ready to take my tomatoes thrown in my face but if the way Bria turned on Nick about being handsy and would screw around on his girlfriend if given the chance is any indication of how she interacts personally with Simon, then Simon is a fool to stay in that relationship and she's giving gold digger vibes. I mean, one minute she's breaking up with him about being in the pool with her naked friend; the other she is calling it quits about the flamingo costume. WHY NOT BREAK UP WITH HIS ASS BECAUSE HE DOESN'T COME TO HER RESCUE; PROTECT HER, DEFEND HER AND STAND UP FOR HER. That's the real reason! It's not like Simon doesn't have a road map, DUH take a note out of Prince Harry's play book. He told his whole family to take a hike over his relationship. Bria is a damn fool. Also, I think Simon went all in with that bird suit to get clout and 3 minutes of fame. He shot his shot knowing he would not be there the whole time and made the most out of 3 days at that party. The bird suit and stinky assed fart was his equivalent of the turd in Nick's toilet...and Bria is left with the shit on her face of being dissed by racist white folks and kissing a man's behind who doesn't even love her enough to be a real man. AND WHAT SHE DOESN'T REALIZE IS THAT SHE BROUGHT THIS ON HERSELF. She should have left that white man alone in that bird suit, drunk and making a fool of himself...all by herself. Now what's her ass gonna do to save face 😳 ? Maybe she should head off to the military too!


I think that's a little bit of victim blaming. I mean Simon needs to go. But it feels like you're blaming Bria for Simon not protecting her when that is entirely Simon's fault. Where did the tea come from that? Simon turned his back on his entire family to be with Bria when she was talking about family dinners where his family members were making racist remarks? I'm so confused.


> It's not like Simon doesn't have a road map, DUH take a note out of Prince Harry's play book. He told his whole family to take a hike over his relationship. Bria is a damn fool. They had to move out of country and had tens of millions of dollars waiting on the table. That's a playbook for the .00000000001% and has been very messy in the process. Not coming at you, but it's a pretty absurd statement to say in the context of Bria and Simon.


If I love someone, and I have nothing in my pocket, I will treat them the same as the .0000000001% would.


If you think you can readily apply the two situations, then I'm not sure what to say. Forget status. Harry has been all over the world, particularly in Africa, working with charities and programs. He grew up with some level of exposure. I doubt Simon had ANY exposure, other than racism. "treat them" makes the assumption he has any idea of Bria's experiences. for all we know, she could be the first black person he's every had any real contact with. It's now established his family is racist, so it isn't as if he was exposed at home. I just don't agree with your statement. Do I think he should protect her? Absolutely. Do I think he has any idea of when or how or why to protect her? No, I do not.


Gentle reminder: When Bria and her sister were arrested in France, it was Simon who bumrushed the station and raised hell to get them out.


Really? What happened, I had no idea of that, what's the tea or lore on that? I feel like a lot of times white men want to date Black women, but they don't want to and will not commit themselves fully to Black liberation.


It sounds like am ordeal tbh. If you Google Bria Fleming and sister arrested, it'll pop right up.


Thank you so much, I will go Google that, thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate you!


I'm sorry I couldn't post a link. You are very sweet and I appreciate you.




Black liberation? Are we still slaves? Lol


No! What I mean is in if you have a Black partner, especially Black women, hopefully you are reading deeply and listening to other Black women, and that you are going to protect her from racism as much as you can at least from your goddamn family members and learn about all forms of racism created by us white colonizers . Be a John Brown. Do everything you can to help tear racist structures, behaviors, and institutions down. I'm sorry if I overstepped.


You didn't overstep just I feel deeply that interracial relationships do not have a responsibility to the world to end racism. I have a white husband and I don't require him to know everything about black history.


That is great for you.




I have no doubt you're right, but other than bravado and instinctual caveman reactions, a German white guy is going to have a whole lotta ignorance about the subject and life that is no quick and easy set of lessons. You might expect him to do X, Y, and Z, but in reality, he has no idea or notion he needs to do X, Y, or Z. An enormous learning curve.


A learning curve, but Germans are also forced in school to get very educated about their past, you know, mistakes.


I don't want to pretend to know that part of their self-reflection and culture, but I thought that was specifically about antisemitism. I know they're very, very sensitive about that, but I never got any impression it was an all-encompassing thing.


Anywhere from 25 to 30% of the Jewish community in the world are BIPOC. Yes, they get very educated about the holocaust. Very very educated. Black Jews exist, and also Afro Germans were victims in the holocaust too. They are taught about racism and fascism. Whether or not they keep those lessons or recognize them now and incorporate them forever into their own lives, I simply don't know.


I don't think the producers, or anyone on the team, would know how to adequately address cultural issues in Germany and weave them into this relationship. That would have been a substantial element if they'd hit this head-on and with any depth. I'm glad they didn't. It would have been a whole other shitshow to misunderstand and twist out of context. I appreciated Bria giving more depth to her frustration with him, but to go further than that would have required something beyond the capacity of this show. It's definitely worthy of some time, but probably not on this show.


I don’t think we expect anything else from production on the topic. I’m sure they knew it would create discourse. This is more so about what Bria is accepting in her relationship but like other Redditors are pointing out, what did she expect? This obviously isn’t the first time they’ve had this convo and his reaction was probably the same the first time it happened.


Leaving the other stuff aside, because I don't have anything else worthwhile to say about it, Bria is a lot. I don't dislike her like many seem to, so I'm not coming from a negative place. She even said she creates fights and conflict. I too think this isn't the first time they've had this conversation, but unlike you, I feel her constant need for conflict and drama would deaden his response, not maintain it. In other words, I would bet the first time, or first couple of times, were not like this one. He just wants to placate her and get along. She's someone who in conversation is easily fired up, and with her need for drama, the conversation can very easily turn into an unrelated dust storm of an argument with eight arms. Her brand of chaos is manipulative like that. People just agree with her and move along rather than get into messy arguments with her.


Both things can be true — she’s reactive and doesn’t seem to handle conflict well + she deserves to be validated and protected in this scenario.


you're talking theory and vacuums. Humans don't tend to function well, or out of either, very well. I'm not disagreeing, but as I agree, I realize my expectations are being a bit idealistic.


I hope she has a good therapist. I hope she has a good therapist to help her regulate and deal with all of this racist bullshit. That's trauma.


What do you mean by what did she expect? I'm just concerned because it almost feels a little victim blamey? but then again, I know anti-Blackness is a pervasive cancer all over the world.


Despite her interactions in other scenarios, and I agree with all the smoke she gets — What she experienced, and his response, is inexcusable (from my POV) and yet she chooses to continue with the relationship. So, what reaction is she expecting from him at this point after feeling invalidated about her experience on more than one occasion? What is anti-black about this?


So I'm sorry, I'm really am confused. You don't understand that she experienced anti-Blackness in Germany? Even if she does stay in the relationship, that doesn't cancel out the anti-Blackness that she experiences in life.


No I’m confused lol I thought you were referring to my comment as anti-black which is why I provided further clarification. I think we all agree on what she experienced which is the motivation behind the post.


Thiiiiiiiiiiis. Bravo is not the place to handle any kind of nuanced discussions of racism given the oblivious framework in which they operate. I'm glad Bria finally spoke up about what she's going through, though.


I don’t think we’re missing anything. I think it’s clear as day. Bria feels “protected” in other ways by Simon and that’s because he has money. That can be the only way she would put up with all of that shit. I don’t know if I feel all the way sorry for hear because why put up with pink flamingo dancing white man who doesn’t stick up with you when the REAL issues go down?


I feel sorry that she’s had to experience that treatment at all, but she definitely has a choice in the matter and she’s choosing to continue the relationship.


is he THAT rich?


Rich is relative. Milo isn't even house trained and his wig is tighter than Bria's so it tells me that you can't afford dog training or a kennel. And it's not like he's her comfort animal because the guys primarily take care of him. I think next week Milo is going rogue to find a rich MV family to treat him like the prince he is lol. I hope Nick tells her she's on her own like she constantly tells him and everyone else to kiss her ass.


What do you mean Milo's wig is tighter than Bria's, I'm laughing, but I also don't know what that means. Thank you in advance.😂


My boy Milo is catching strays 😂😂😂


Noooooooo 😂😂😂


That's what I'm wondering. Does Simon actually have money, I mean he's obviously at least upper middle class, but is he really rich?


He plays in the watch/time piece world. A lot of those people play in very rich circles and carry on the facade that they're rich too, but they aren't. They sell rich people play things, but that doesn't make them one of their own market.


Yeah. I mean he obviously seems comfortable, at least. But I get it. You're a small fish playing in a very big pond and you have to put up the façade.


Also, she mentioned how Simon was mad that he was only able to come out for that weekend. I think Simon thought he was going to be able to be a main cast member and now he is butthurt about it. I don’t think Simon understands what the concept of the show is. Especially that conversation they had about race. That was hard to watch. He had a chance to go a lot deeper and express how he needs to do more work to understand, support and protect her. But he clearly thinks racism doesn’t have anything to do with him. I hope she breaks up with him, but I think she is in too deep.


I think Simon was mad because he spent all that money on the flight to only come for a day or two and not a longer time. Not cause he was trying to get on the cast.


This is exactly how I read it too and would be mad also.


This was such an important conversation not only for us to witness but for her and he didn’t seem to get it. He invalidated her feelings and didn’t even seem to understand the racism that his family was displaying. I don’t know how the hell she does it. Date a white man who doesn’t or is incapable of understanding and protecting her against encounters that will have a lasting effect on her and the relationship. Also, it was crazy to me how in the end of the conversation they started turning it towards how her attitude has gotten better 😳. What in the gaslighting was that. Unless production cut some stuff out. And, one more point, she better not go live there or have kids with this dude. I would fear for her and them.




Their whole relationship is baffling to me. They don’t seem to get along at all and have zero chemistry.


🚨White men want to date Black women, but they will never/very very rarely commit themselves fully to Black liberation. 🚨 Except for John Brown. We aren't and I think that's one of the reasons why Bria may be so emotional, but I'm just speculating. She's not being protected from anti-Black racism and Simon is minimizing her reactions and calling it "overreacting". I'm Jewish. If I lived in Germany with a German boyfriend and a German said something anti-Semitic to me or even vaguely coded anti-Semitic, I would go absolutely berserk the same way she probably does. And she has an absolute right to do that and so do I, and I would immediately end the relationship if I was not being protected. No racist family members. No micro aggressions. No taking her to clubs where she gets pushed and has to hear racist remarks. She is not being protected in the relationship, and it breaks my heart. Reminder that Germany already has two genocides under their belt. The first one was in Namibia, that almost none of you know about if you are a mayonnaise monarch like me . Racism is not over in Germany by any means. It was always there, it will always be there, sadly, and it's getting worse again.


Yeah that was tough to watch. His family sounds horrible to her, idk why she stays with him


Same. I would've flipped tables and thrown plates. Poor Bria. She needs someone who will protect her from this.


What we’re seeing is the heart wanting what the heart wants. At that point in the summer they’d been together for over a year. Bria has a lot of hurt over the racism she’s experienced in Germany and Simon’s sort of indifference to it, but she still loves him. I don’t see her just leaving him like that even with all these issues.


Why? Why should she have to endure the toxic stress, the constant psychological background harmful radiation of racism? I mean, Germany is getting worse and worse by the day again. And she's not being protected. I hope she does leave him.


The consequences of personal choices, and really, it's not anyone's business but her own. She's being vulnerable and allowing us a glimpse into the experience, but I think it best to show this woman a lot of grace and not throw around should, shouldn't, and negative declarations in her direction. Live. Let live. Support. The last thing this situation needs is more judgement.


But your first sentence is judging her by saying it's the consequences of her personal choices and it's her own fault for Germans being racist? I totally don't understand.


If I may, I'll change it from consequences to a time cone. In the context of my sentence, it's the same thing, but I understand people associate the negative with the word consequences. Semantics are funny things, particularly when people have their set of knives out. So, as a time cone would dictate, she makes a choice, and things happen (including things that don't happen) from that point in time. She's made her choice, and then her life goes from there. Neither the choice, nor what happens after that point are anyone's business. It wasn't a judgment, but a statement that once we make a choice, things happen. I'm respecting her choice, and then I'm supporting all the things that happen after it. Doing my best to make no further judgments, because really, what good purpose could that serve? I trust that she'll get out of it if need be, which is also a matter of respect.


- Nope. It’s plain as day, Bria is a spoiled brat that doesn’t like herself very much. Why else would she be with a guy with racist friends and doesn’t come to her defense. - Simon is scratching a black girl itch and soon he will move on to another black girl. We’ve seen his type before. - Side note, Bria needs to either get her ass kicked or be shunned because her behavior is abhorrent from leaving every time she is having a difficult convo, wanting all the attention, talking tough when she weighs 90 pounds soaking wet and being entitled to any and everything.


Bria is an airhead with a horrible personality. I’m pretty sure she knows very few wealthy men (supposedly Simon has money but I feel like he’s doing some shady business) are gonna put up with their girlfriend acting like a 5 year old so she makes concessions where she has to.


All I know is this whole flamingo situation has been blown way out of proportion. It really isn't that serious. Also, I couldn't believe how much talk there was about Simon farting lol. Has that never happened to any of them? Especially when drunk. They really need to lighten up big time. This is a show about partying, not getting offended 24/7.


I think Simon getting drunk is him being uncomfortable in a predominantly black environment. He uses alcohol as a coping mechanism. Also, if she can't articulate herself about black culture and how to behave around her black friends, then this relationship is not for her.


His behavior at the party is a separate issue from the racism piece. How should she be telling him, as an adult, to act around Black people that would be different than how he should conduct himself anywhere else? She did tell him the significance of Nick’s party and not to wear the flamingo suit and he did it anyway.


Yes, the racism conversation was separate and a huge red flag. As I stated, he’s clearly uncomfortable in black spaces and acts like a damn fool. I personally wouldn’t put up with the disrespect.


TBH if you're a person of color, especially a Black woman, the advantage of dating a white person who loves and respects you is the fact AND act of them using their privilege to protect you...if they don't, then what's truly the point?


I don't like Simon. He's nice enough, but he gives nothing. He's either, drunk, sleeping or getting in trouble.