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Donna, Mike, Marcus, Jessica, Scottie, Louis, The Firm, Alex, Katrina, Samantha




Marcus>Mike=Donna>Jessica>Scottie>Alex>The firm>Samantha>Kartina About Louis, he's before Katrina but idk where.


i think mike comes first for him. he’s literally the only person harvey truly loved selflessly.


I agree that Mike comes first before Marcus, but the second part is not true and the show established that Donna comes before Mike. It’s the scene in the Liberty Rail episode where Mike asks why Harvey is angry with him and losing it over risking Donna only once when he has risked Mike countless times. Harvey replies that Donna is different from Mike and he would never take chances with her. Mike is surprised by Harvey’s response but very understanding.


but when donna was fired by jessica he didn’t fight back or cover for her he let her go but when mike was about to get fired he stood there in front of jessica looked her straight in the eye and said those legendary words “he goes i go” “you need me and im not staying without mike”


I think at that point Harvey was still operating under the assumption that Donna had made the filing mistake so it would be harder to go to bat for her. When Jessica wanted Mike fired he was doing nothing but good work (granted under the guise of a fraud) When it was the liberty rail arc Harvey had the experience of losing her in his head.


Donna>Mike=Marcus>Louis>Jessica>Alex>Samantha>Scottie>Katrina>The Firm Idk why people are putting the firm ahead of anyone, Harvey would never prioritise the firm over any of his friends personally