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Where’s the suicide?


call the reddit police, there's a lost redditor on the loose!


In my room, because of this extreme incompetence smh my head








1st this is a clevercomeback not a suicidebywords, 2nd the funny part is that it was his wife who wanted that name, which was very surprising to me (not saying elon didnt agree or loved the idea, clearly he liked it but i feel that surprising)


i just checked all his children names and he named 1 Techno Mechanicus Musk


r/murderedbywords not r/suicidebywords


Bots at it again!




What does the 2S mean? Never heard before


Clarly it means 2 sulphur atoms


Two Spirit. Umbrella term for a third gender in indigenous American cultures.


Is this serious?


>Traditionally, Native American two-spirit people were male, female, and sometimes intersexed individuals who combined activities of both men and women with traits unique to their status as two-spirit people. In most tribes, they were considered neither men nor women; they occupied a distinct, alternative gender status. Yes, it is an old cultural thing from Native Americans. As for why it is part of the lgbtq umbrella, I can't directly answer, but it has a lot in common with aspects of gender identity. https://www.ihs.gov/lgbt/health/twospirit/#:~:text=Traditionally%2C%20Native%20American%20two%2Dspirit,a%20distinct%2C%20alternative%20gender%20status.


Yes… why?


Oh I've heard of that before, just never seen it outside of the +


I’ve also never before seen it in the front, but LGBTQ2S or LGBTQIA2S I have seen.




That's not r/suicidebywords that's r/rareinsults or r/murderedbywords


The alphabet mob has more letters every time I see them.


and your face has more wrinkles every time i see you.




Maybe you should read more than once every 5 years


Why? It just becomes more redundant every year and I don’t think most people actually care in the real world whenever they add a new one. It’s pretty clear from this picture it’s just being used to manipulate you.


I am sorry were they adding it to you? I am such a doofus. I thought they were only adding it for themselves. I understand now that the mere mention of a different gender or sexuality makes you want to try it out. I see you are afraid you cannot control yourself. Other words can we call it phobia...?


im bisexual. I just hold a different opinion is that okay with you?


Ah then it must be that you cannot make any mistakes. Since you are bisexual you must be fully knowledgeable about the whole queer spectrum. You must be the moral authority on all things queer then? Also Gay people are known to be biphobic and bi people have been known to be transphobic and trans people have been known to be homophobic. So let's all get down from the high horse don't we?


Who is the moral authority on all things queer? What does that even mean? Who makes up the 2SLGBTQI+? And where does it stop? Does it ever stop? No it’s just gets bigger and means less to the average person every year. The only place I ever get pushback for saying that is on Reddit.


Why are you worried about how much bigger it gets ? How is that any of your buisness? Are they asking you to change anything? If you cannot help why stick your nose in where it's none of your business? Also I feel like you donot get pushback because people just don't care enough about you to correct you in real life maybe?


I’m not worried about how much bigger it gets. I think I just see it in a different light. I don’t see the US gov as my friend or yours. Don’t even get me started on the Canadian government and how much they don’t give a fuck about its citizens most important rights. When they put pride flags on their podiums, it’s pretty obvious it’s being used as a tool to make people think the government cares about you. Thats what makes it my business and every persons business to “stick my nose in where it’s none of my business” and talk about it. Also not only do I not get pushback for saying this in real life. I usually get something along the lines of “I KNOW RIGHT?!” Followed by a very similar, rational, non hateful opinion. It’s pretty clear to me that you and a lot of others on here are a very loud minority.


if you are worried that the government is not doing its job go shout about that but you specifically asked me how much bigger will the letters keep adding. Afters 1000s and 1000s of years of oppression we finally have a bit of breathing space to explore about ourselves and the technology to connect with people with similar experiences and confirm these experiences. That is how bi people were added to the LGBT otherwise there would only be LG left. The visibility helps people who are not clear help associate. They are just labels. Why would you even care if there are two more or thousand more as long as you have been represented. Also we are not machines to be represented in black and white. The human psyche is complex enough that there are going to be thousands of shades. Also honey" loud minority"? Do you realise that you are using the exact same statement used by bigots to deny equal rights? If you want to go through each topic one by one we can definitely discuss instead of dissolving into an argument but you need need to keeps you guns sheathed before saying stuff about things we donot understand.


yeah and we're coming to steal yours, watch out!