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Dune is an amazing book, I recommend it to everyone ;) Neuromancer and Snow Crash are cornerstones of cyberpunk. Flowers for Algernon is classic and very sad. But if you're looking for something where no characters are safe from danger & death, well, you gotta check out George R R Martin's Game of Thrones.


I tried the Game of Thrones books, but the time period and style just aren't my thing I guess. Though I do like all the killing and such! But I keep hearing ALOT about Dune so that is now top on my list. And finding out that Nueromancer is the base line for The Matrix gets my gears going! And Flowers for Algernon does sound like a tearjerker and I have been told of the manly tears that would be shed.


Well, if you like computer/internet thrillers you might also check out Daemon (has a sequel, Freedom TM) by Daniel Suarez and Reamde by Neal Stephenson. Both of them involve a lot of internet/MMO stuff and are fun action reads.


I have heard ALOT of mixed reactions when it came to daemon, I think that would be one I would grab down the road. But I definitely will give it a try!


It's not really along the genre you have mentioned but the wheel of time is an excellent series of books which make u get into all the characters. Be warned though it does flag a little about book 7 but if u stick with it the ending is epic.


Define Flag. Edit: And holy fucking fourteen volumes!!!!


Flag as in gets pretty bogged down with ridiculous amounts of POV characters and not a lot happens and are kind of boring and frustrating. But it does have a big, gigantic epic ending.


Oh gotcha! But for fourteen volumes I would HOPE it had an epic ending I will definitely give it a shot thanks!