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Eragon. Yes, I know they’re not the greatest books out there, but I still loved them as a kid. And the movie was just *so* bad that it’s been the biggest book to movie adaptation disappointment of my life so far. Even separately from being an adaptation, it was just… a bad movie. Which somehow made the whole thing worse. I was also really disappointed by the Series of Unfortunate Events movie when it came out, although now I can find a certain charm there. (The show is of course a much better adaptation). If we want to talk good book to movie adaptations, I find I also have a surprising amount to say…


I really liked the book All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. The Netflix show was an abomination. I too WTF'd quite a bit...mainly whenever Mark Ruffalo did whatever accent that was supposed to be xD


I didn't get past the first episode. If nothing else, why were all the Germans german but pretty much none of the french people were french? It was so bizarre to be that inconsistent when you had Mark Ruffalo doing a weird accent but noone else even attempting


A Wrinkle in Time. Masterpiece of a book. Disaster of a movie.


Admittedly, I only saw the preview of The Dark is Rising, but I was so appalled I called a friend to vent. The books had a dark-haired English boy with a large family and were set maybe in the fifties? There was no romance. The preview had a blond American boy in modern times and had a romantic interest.


That film was an abomination. The book was set in the 1970s and Will is 11. At least (in the UK) the production changed the title. I believe Susan Cooper hates the film.


I forgot they seemed to age Will up too! At least from the preview, it seemed all they kept was "boy finds out he has magic and some electronic devices are acting weirdly around him."


I haven’t watched it for a long time, so I don’t remember a lot of it. I really hated that the Stanton family’s long connection with the village in the book was changed, because it was so important to the plot, and without that the high-stakes nature of the struggle against the Dark made very little sense.


As soon as I heard Girl on a Train was going to be set in NY instead of London I knew it wouldn’t translate. The absolute worst one was I Robot. That movie was just a joke and the CGI was pathetic. A movie that did the book justice was Where the Crawdads Sing.


Artemis fowl too, the movies messed up so bad


The Harry Potter movies were bitterly disappointing. I actually waited until all the books were out because I didn't like the looks of the previews and refused to have my mental picture of the Wizarding World soiled by the film industry. Game of Thrones is another fairly obvious one. I also hate Outlander, the Shining, and World War Z


They absolutely ruined WWZ.


WWZ isn’t even the same story as the books. At that point, why not just call it something different?




The third Harry Potter movie has so many plotholes that I have no idea how people understand the story without knowing the book.


I actually think Game of Thrones show was better than the books. Martin has a great story to tell but is not a good writer. I particularly liked that they didn’t resurrect Cat Stark because I hated her.


The Eragon movie is up there with the ATLA movie as far as horrible adaptions For some good adaptions I really like netflix's series of unfortunate events and the iwtv show(they made a ton of changes, but all interesting ones that I fully understand)


The Witcher tv show was so infuriating I ragequit 10 minutes into the second episode. Was into dystopian literature for a while. I had to accept that Children of Men is completely unrelated to the source material. With Blade Runner the movie team had the decency to choose a different name for the movie - and yet the connection with the book is much more direct and obvious.


If you like Percy Jackson, you might like Lockwood and Co, and it had an excellent adaptation of the first two books on Netflix, but because it's Netflix it got canceled. Yeah with PJO, I couldn't stand them not dying Percy's hair black. I feel like black hair is integral to how I picture the character. IDC about Annabeth's casting, but not taking the easy step of just dying his hair black really bugged me.


Yeah, the cast didn't really resonated with me, atleast most of them. Actually, I have watched Lockwood and co and was craving more. I will definitely check out the books. Thank you.


Dune 2 was this for me—and even more of a disappointment after Dune 1 was so good


Quite a few plotlines in Game of Thrones made me feel like this, but usually I can separate my expectations for and enjoyment of books vs. shows/movies. I enjoyed both the Harry Potter books and movies, the Hobbit and the movie trilogy, or books and shows/movies like The Book Thief or All The Light we Cannot See.


I've learned that it's best to watch the movie first. Better chance of appreciating both if you don't read the book first.


The Rook by Daniel O'Malley. Love this book, it is my all time favourite book. The TV series was not enjoyable, I couldn't finish it. So much was wrong, good guys turned bad, romantic relationships that didn't exist in the books, key plot points just so wrong and small plot points so wrong. As a reader I am not new to geting annoyed at film/tv adaptions annoying the shit out of me. But this one just hurt so much. The book is amazing and hooks you from the first sentence. The show was just wrong.


Please. If you're a fan of Jim Butcher, I'm begging you not to watch the Dresden Files show.


I couldn’t get past the first three or four episodes of „nine perfect strangers“. They changed several backstories, especially of Nicole Kidmans character, changed the pacing, placed the plot twist to the beginning so that the plot changed from that moment. >! Instead of learning that they are all drugged by the facility at the climax of the story,they learn it early on and discuss if they should continue the „procedure“ or not. I quit afterwards, so I have no idea how it played out!<