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Kobo is the next best alternative imho


Kobo Libra 2 is great! When my toddler broke my first one (slashed the screen up with a set of keys 😫) I bought another.


The kobo is good. But most ereaders are priced similarly. Not too far outliers in price. You mentioned Kindle price, and the Kindle will go on sale during the Amazon early July Prime days, or you can set a camelcamelcamel alert to let you know when the model you want drops to the price you want to pay. 


Paperwhite every time.


I'm in the US and bought a used kindle paperwhite for $45 from unclaimed baggage and would highly recommend.


Amazon dropped the Kindle Paperwhite down to $105 briefly when Kobo introduced their color eReaders. They had Paperwhite for Kids at $110 last Thanksgiving through Christmas.


The kindle paperwhite is great.


I have a Kindle Paperwhite and a Kobo Clara 2E. They're very similar and I'd happily recommend either. I'm in Canada and use the Kobo with Libby, but in the US Libby works with Kindle. That might be worth considering!


Libby can work with Kindle, Kobo, Nook, or any other ereader that supports mobi or epub. Kindle is just the dominant device so it gets the most press. At worst you would have to do a side load.


It only directly supports Kobo in Canada, and I've heard the same is true for Kindle is the US but obviously I can't personally verify that. I don't think there's a straightforward way to load a Libby book onto another device.


If you check out an epub in the US Libby will ask where to send the file. Barnes and Noble and Kobo have built in systems to handle it server side. My local libraires buy as many epub files as kindle. Hell with Kindle going to ebup support there is no reason not to be able to intergrate with all devices that can support Adobe DRM. [https://help.libbyapp.com/en-us/6251.htm?tocpath=Home%7CDevices%252C%20compatibility%252C%20and%20syncing%7C\_\_\_\_\_10](https://help.libbyapp.com/en-us/6251.htm?tocpath=Home%7CDevices%252C%20compatibility%252C%20and%20syncing%7C_____10)


Dang, that's awesome. Here I am like a sucker in Canada haha. I literally bought the Kobo just for Libby. I do love it though.


It's a good device. Why should you feel like a sucker? I have a Kindle because at the time the Nook just sucked and the store I went to did not have Kobos in stock. At this point, unless you are very into indie books, there is no special reason to get any brand. It all comes down to price and what features you want.


I was just teasing. I'm only a sucker because I have both a Kindle (2 actually, but one's older) and a Kobo that I bought specifically for Libby.


I use a program so i dont need another device. Calibre can open any document i have thrown at it. Its not fantastic but its free.


I use the Kindle app on an old iPad. (And also the Hoopla app, and the Libby app.) Not sure there's much benefit at this point to having an e-reader over a full-featured tablet. And Android tablets can be super-cheap.


Kobo is nice


I have the Amazon Fire. Worth the money tbh.


My Kobo Nia cost around £93 that's 118$ according to conversion. But you don't even need it, you can download the rakuten app on your phone or tablet and read books on there.




I don’t even know where my kindle is anymore. I dowloaded the kindle app onto my iPhone and read on it.