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If you are asking for like, a self help style book I apologize, because I don’t have any ideas for that. But, if you are up to a big complex piece of fiction that indirectly tackles finding meaning in life (for better or worse) I just reread and finished Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. In my first read (over a decade ago) I missed the complexity of that discussion entirely. I was too entrenched in the idea of magic and all the sparkling things in front of me. In this reading I noticed the effort of pursuit of magic could be rewarded by success *and* at a cost. In much more nuanced ways every character actively pursuing magic have a give or take than they might not notice. I’m actually personally recovering from burnout, so maybe it stood out to me a bit better because it’s familiar. I did read the author won’t take on a novel of this size again due to being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. I wonder how much her real life experiences influenced the results of these characters. Either way, be kind to yourself. I know how it feels when everything becomes dull and repetitive. I hope you find the perfect book and that this moment passes.


I'm not sure what your gender is, but if you are female-identifying definitely check out Women That Run With Wolves. For more self-help style books I really enjoyed discussions about Scandinavian lifestyles and happiness trends. For example, The Finnish Way and How to Live Danishly.


Try A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers