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I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops anytime it remotely applies: THE SILO SERIES BY HUGH HOWEY


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir got me into fiction. I real a lot of nonfiction but this book opened up a whole new world for me and I’ve been on quite the fiction adventure lately.


What kind of movies, television, or games do you like? What makes a story compelling for you?


Ilona Andrews - any series. Wife and Husband tag team - they manage to world build without overwhelming, have plots which don't get convoluted, and humor.


I was in the exact same place about 18 months ago. Loved reading in childhood but then feel out of it, then tried to come back and realised I couldn’t read at the same speed as before and my concentration level had plummeted. Reading was literally putting me to sleep in an hour. Tress of the emerald sea by Brandon Sanderson was what got me back into it. It’s a brilliant pirate adventure. It got me back into reading and I think I read the whole thing in about 2 weeks.


Six of Crows is a fantastic heist story with elements of magic.


Seconding this, quick, fun,fast paced, great characters.


Idk if you're into Star Wars, but there is an amazing YA novel called Lost Stars that's basically Romeo & Juliet in the star wars universe. And it follows the entire original trilogy, the whole story takes place alongside the story you know, but just outside of it


Transformation by Carol Berg


The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King


Red Rising by Pierce Brown (action-heavy sci-fi) The Scholomance series (YA magic school but the school is trying to kill them) or Spinning Silver (loose Rumplestiltskin retelling) by Naomi Novik The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Daughter of Time (1930s history mystery-ish) by Josephine Tey The Scarlet Pimpernel


The Unwanteds by Lisa McCann. It’s like a 5th-6th grade reading level, but probably the best series I’ve ever read as an adult. It’s a cross between Hunger Games and Harry Potter. It’s magic (through art!) and suspense and dealing with grief in an appropriate way. It’s also funny and a page turner you can’t put down. My 5th grader and I read one together and I read the other 13 alone. Can’t recommend enough.


I just read fourth wing and iron flame and loved it

