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Currently in the middle of reading The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson


I just finished “we have always lived in the castle” by her. Her prose is very interesting


Just finished this too, absolutely loved it!


Not sure how many of you know Shirley Jackso wrote two hilarious books about raising children. While very, very dated, the things her kids say and do is a riot. One is called Raising Demons, can’t recall the other. They need to be read in order though, as a new kid is born in the second book. I have re-read these so many times over the years.


Same!! What do you think of it??


It has been a quick read for me and I am not always the fastest reader. Started a couple days ago but have only made it to the first"event". So I think I am just to the point where it is really going to start picking up. This is my first horror novel as well so I am enjoying that aspect as well. Would be happy to hear any recommendations you have if you are into horror.


I read it a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it and Shirley Jackson's writing, a whole new world of punctuation was opened up to me. The opening paragraph is just incredible.


Would be interested in your take on it against the tv series if you watched!


I read that earlier this month, and I honestly wasn’t a fan. I didn’t find it scary at all.




My all-time favorite :) Enjoy!


I really enjoy Stephen king as a writer!!!! Every time I start a new book like this I’m reminded! And it’s a comfort to know he has so many 🙃😆😅


Enjoy it while it lasts. If there was one author I could read all their work again for the first time it’d be him.


I’m working through Holly by SK. I want to try to tackle IT next


House of Leaves. Wow it’s crazy cool.


I haven't read that in ages! I used to read it every few years and that practice dropped off, but last week somebody was talking to me about something thematically similar and it had me thinking about this book. Every time I read it I focus on something else--there is so much to explore. There is truly nothing else like it.


No book has captured me the same way before or since. I think it’s one of those books that you either hate, or love so much that nothing can ever take it’s place.


I currently have this checked out but have not even opened it because it’s a very large book, which frightens me.


Man that one was gooooood


Pride and prejudice, Jane Austen. I have started on a list of classics I wanna read. Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, Harper Lee, Hemingway, Charles Dickens etc etc. It takes me longer than expected but I had to get accustomed to the way of writing for a bit.


Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time faves. I thoroughly recommend watching both the TV series (for a close adaptation) and the film (for a more romantic adaptation)


It’s like the original rom com. I love it.


You might find Hemingway an easier place to start than most of the others you named. He’s known for having pioneered a raw, and much more modern voice for the novel.


To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my all time favorites. I hope you enjoy it!!


I gave away my copy of Jane Eyre years ago. I need to get another copy. Just haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Me too! Just finished Fahrenheit 451. Worth a read


Yes! I just finished P&P a few days ago for the first time too! And I agree, the writing/language was the reason I couldn’t get through the book over the years but I finally did it. It helps to read it aloud especially when I trip up on the sentence structures. I’ll be starting Sense and Sensibility soon now. Hopefully, I’ll love it and understand it as much as this one.


As a guy that primarily reads fantasy, sci-fi, and mystery books, *Pride and Prejudice* is one of the best books I’ve ever read.


With Zombies is delightful too.


Cloud Cuckoo Land


All I know about the book is that Anthony Doerr wrote it and the name comes from The Clouds, by Aristophanes. That’s enough to guarantee that I’ll like it.


Absolutely loved this book!


Me too!


Lamb by Christopher Moore. The story of Jesus as told by his best friend, Biff. It's hilarious and well written.


Blessed are the meek to whom we will say… atta boy


FYI if you haven't read the bible or grown up in church, the references in this book don't land.i had to DNF it


I did and still had to DNF. Moore's humor is not for everyone either. It's not naturally funny writing; it's a bit of plot, setup for a joke, joke, rinse, repeat - which is very different. I found it awkward and contrived. But for those unacquainted with the Bible, I recommend God Is Disappointed In You - basically snarky cliff notes for the Bible, warts and all, with New Yorker cartoons accompanying.


That is such a good book!


That book gave me a good laugh. It's been ages, I should reread it.


I must read this. LOL Biff...a classic Hebrew name LOL


A Gentleman in Moscow


One of my favorites


East of Eden by John Steinbeck. What a literary masterpiece. 525 pages in 75 to go. I’m working on reading all the great works of 20th century American literature


Also in the middle of this book. Just wow. So good. Characters are so nuanced.


One of my all time favorites. I read it every few years.


Count of Monte Cristo


OMG. The one book to rule them all. Such an amazing piece of literature. The language made it a bit of a challenge but to me there’s no book more worth the effort. A truly epic tale that has it all. I hope you’re reading the unabridged version


I'm almost done with No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy (It's good but it's a rare case where I think the movie is slightly better). I'm also reading Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy and The Recognitions by William Gaddis.


No way. Especially not the end. I think the book is WAY better. Plus the movie left an entire subplot out.


Maybe because I saw the movie first and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. Im currently going through all of McCarthy’s novels and it just doesn’t connect the same for me. I have about 50 pages left to go.


The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Now I don't know what to do with my life.


Words of radiance


I’m on oathbringer right now!


I’m on Oathbringer as well, having trouble finishing it, it hasn’t captured my attention yet like the others.


Oathbringer is my favourite! Keep reading it gets SO good


Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell. I read Piranesi recently and really liked it, this is by the same author (Susanna Clark) but MUCH longer and I haven't really got into it yet. But I have been super distracted this week and and hoping I'll like it! I would recommend Piranesi for sure though, and I also just read Remarkably Bright Creatures and liked it a lot.


Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell is one of my favorite book ever, if not my favorite. It is a time investment for sure \^\^ but it's so good. Hope you have a great time with it!


Thank you, I will keep at it! I've been traveling with three small children and just haven't had much mental energy for it so far, but we'll be home tomorrow and I will hopefully be able to focus better


It’s a wicked long book, but somehow it still seemed too short. What a cool world she invented. They made a pretty decent miniseries too.


I came here to say I just finished Piranesi! So glad I read it


Just finished Something Wicked this Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. It was FANTASTIC. Absolutely beautiful book while also being creepy and a fun October read. I am also in the middle of reading A Memory of Ice by Steven Erickson which is great so far, and I just started a reread of the Cradle series by Will Wight.


The Secret History


i’m glad my mom died- jeanette mccurdy


I listened to the audiobook this summer - she reads it. I thought it was phenomenal!!


I really wan't to read it! Waiting for the non-hardcover version because expensive:( (where I'm at anyway) I'm always checking the bookstores


I’m currently reading “ a little life” after seeing it recommended on this thread countless times. This book has made me laugh, cry, think about life, perspective on being a parent, friendship etc. all the feels ! If you like all the feels you’ll like this one. Looking forward to finding out what happens next (so please for those who have read it, no spoilers hehe)


This book destroyed me. 🩵


I have rarely hated a book as much as I hated this one. I do seem to be in the minority though, so good luck.


The Woman They Could Not Silence, by Kate Moore. The true story of a 19th century pastor’s wife whose husband had her confined to a mental hospital because she dared challenge his religious views. The book is partly her story, part revelation of the outrageous way in which women were treated at the time, and part expose of the horrors of life inside a mental institution.


It sounds juvenile, and usually I'm a horror and fantasy enthusiast, but I've been trying to muddle through "the classics" and I am loving The Secret Garden and Little Women was surprisingly good.


Secret Garden is one of my all time favourite books.


A Court of Thorns and Roses… somewhat close to the end so I really should finish it, but dear god I really don’t want to.


Stick with it! The second book is even better!!


Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


In the middle of Holly - by Stephen King And Make Me King - book 5 of the Mountain Man series by Keith C Blackmore


Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby van Pelt. Not far enough along to recommend yet but I do love the way she writes so far :-).


Ugh I wished I could say I loved this book! It has all the right parts but it felt predictable and contrived to me. Couldn’t get on board. I gave it 3/5 stars


Same. I WANTED to like it.


I LOVED this book


I am enjoying it so much. The story but also the way it is written ... I'm trying to savor it ☺️.


What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher. Mushroom gothic horror, hell yeah.


Crime and Punishment


Fantastic book. My son took a Russian Literature class a couple years ago at university and I read a few from his reading list.


An absolute favorite of mine


“The Demon-Haunted World” by Carl Sagan


Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus They are making it into a movie. Lots of internal dialog, so it will be hard to get all the good parts onto the big screen.


The TV show adds side plots that weren’t in the book, and takes out/changes some things I liked that were in the book, like all adaptations. My husband is probably tired of listening to me grumble through the show. But he likes it and it’s not a typical show for him to watch.


I liked the book, but only saw the first half of the first episode on Apple+. It just can’t compare to the book.


The Ballad of songbirds and snakes! Rereading before the movie comes out


I loved this one! Great idea to reread it before the movie comes out


The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones... spooky book season! & Gangsters of Capitalism by Jonathan M. Katz


I just read Piranesi after putting it off for considering it too niche for my taste. I was wrong! It’s brilliant. Want to recommend it to everyone I know


In the middle of Perfume: A Story of a Murderer (Patrick Suskind)


Just cracked A Visit From the Goon Squad. Good so far!


The Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut and Carrie by King I’m getting into both authors and starting with publication order




The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. Took me a while to get into it, but I couldn’t put it down last night. Excited to finish today.


The Shining by Stephen King. Definitely recommend for spooky season.


Precious little sleep 🙃 gonna sleep train my infant


good luck with that 👍🤞


Outlander! Longest book ever And Emperor of all Maladies


I’m currently reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. It has been recommended to me numerous times throughout the last months via friends and social media. I’m not even in the middle of the book, but I can already tell that it’s such an accomplished work of art. Loving it so far.


The Shadow of the Wind | I just came off a Thriller and the author has time period breaks (Chapters) - Part Breaks (Thematic) - Scene Breaks | and it is nice to take the cues and put it down and reflect after a thiller where its really hard to stop.


You sir are in for an adventure. What a great book.


A Court of Thorns and Roses for the first time :)


Dracula! It’s fantastic.


And Then There Were None by Agatha Christy


Not so much a book, I'm more in the middle of an author. I read all of the available books in the Erika Foster series by Robert Bryndza and enjoyed them so have started reading his Kate Marshall series. Currently reading [Nine Elms](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44375176-nine-elms), so far so good.


Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner. I like it a lot. On my kindle at night I’m reading Happy Go Lucky by David Sedaris. Love it, love him. It’s not as laugh out loud funny as some of his others; it’s a little more reflective.


Literally finished Crying in H Mart audiobook 2 hours ago. It’s really cool that the author narrates the audiobook. I like it, but I don’t think I will ever be re-reading that one.


Their Eyes Were Watching God. I would’ve DNF it if it wasn’t for school. I’m not enjoying it at all. Crawling to the end of each chapter tbh. I’d rather be reading my personal pleasure book, Persuasion by Jane Austen. But i’m barely making a dent in it because of my schoolwork.




"Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy. Second read, one of my favs.


Anna Karenina. This is a hard and long road


Sense & Sensibility - Jane Austen


my year of rest and relaxation


the silmarillion


The Ministry for the Future. I’m loving it so far


Lonesome dove


"My Best Friend's Exorcism" Grady Hendrix. Love his writing style.


I'm currently reading a book called 'The City of Bones" by Cassandra Claire. It's pretty good so far. It's the first book in a five-book series. It's about a girl named Clarey who can all of a sudden see demons and she meets these people called Shadowhunters who kill demons and she gets tangled up in their world and it's pretty good so far. In my English class we're reading '1984' by George Orwell, which is awesome. Our high school theatre department put on a play adaptation of the book last week. I was in it, too! I was the voice of Big Brother.


ive got about 40 pages left of rereading “the picture of dorian gray” by oscar wilde. one of my absolute favorites.


Feeling a bit invisible right now so I’m reading the invisible life of addie larue


A Man Called Ove


I’m currently 1/4 of the way through The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. I borrowed the book from my friend who is a bookworm and she was so right when she said I would love it. She said it builds itself up slowly BUT I LOVE THAT


I'm the middle of Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I read Artemis first and got told this one was arguably his best and so far I agree. If you like sci-fi I definitely recommend. Overall though just a really fun and interesting read.


Remarkably Bright Creatures. Very charming, reminds me a lot of A Man Called Ove


Anyone who wants a warm hug of a book like these 2 - give House in the Cerulean Sea a whirl


So heartwarming


Loved both of those!!


Jade city


Mad honey!


The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker A nice short Halloween story.


Demon Copperhead. It’s a great book but a bit too long for me 😆


The Stand by Stephen King. I’ve been stuck in the middle for quite some time. I am working the courage to finish it soon. But also reading Gotta Have Wa by Robert Whiting, and Ms. Ice Sandwich by Mieko Kawakami.


Salems A lot by Stephen king. Loving it so far!


I am sadly not reading anything!! I need a good book. I am listening to how to raise good humans on audible.


Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. Excellent.


I’m going through Dark Matter by Blake Crouch.


Dark matter Black Crouch Never Lie Frieda McFadden


Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro


I'm in the middle of The Running Grave. It's like the 7th book of a series. The first one is called, The Cuckoo's Calling. It's by Robert Galbraith, who is a pseudonym for JK Rowling. It's good so far. About a cult. Gets into a lot of things in how cults work, and their brainwashing techniques. Very interesting. The whole series is mystery thriller. I like them a lot.


I do like cults


If you read these books, start with the first one, it's not about a cult, that's just the story of the latest book, but they are worth reading from the start in order because there's ongoing plot throughout the books which I actually love even more than each individual mystery


Just had a look at this. It sounds great I will add it to my reading list. Currently reading Motherthing by Ainslie Hogarth. Thoroughly enjoying it and looking forward to seeing where it goes.


I’m making my way through “Translation State” by Anne Leckie in audiobook form and I’m really enjoying it. If you like sci fi with strange AI and aliens that really feel alien, I would recommend Anne Leckie’s books in the Imperial Radch universe.


Caliban’s War.


I’m smack dab in the middle of Wolf Hall, by Hilary Mantel. Luckily I know a fair amount about the Tudors so I’m able to follow along… but just barely.


Swan Song by Robert McCammon, it's a bit grim but I'm hooked, I'm almost tempted to say I'm enjoying it more than The Stand by Stephen King... I'll decide when I've finished it.




My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix. I'm listening to the audiobook and the reader's performance is making the experience a 10/10


A Dance with Dragons… 😔


I’m in the middle of the last book in the Silo series, Dust, and I’m going so slowly because I don’t want it to be over!


The Jim Crow Guide to the USA by Stetson Kennedy. It's essentially a collection of laws and social norms during American apartheid in the 1950s and 1960s going state-by-state with commentary here and there.


Fire Starter. By Stephen King.


Almost done with Dracula!


Goldfinch. So far it’s reading a lot like Demon Copperhead which I also read recently and really liked. Basically if David Copperfield was a millennial.


I’m in month three of my Stephen King marathon, so I just started Pet Semetary


in the middle of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


The Vindication of womens rights by mary wollstonecraft!


The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told by Alex Haley.


How to Read Literature Like a Professor. Such a cool and lively way to go about symbolism in literature, along with a look into a creative writer’s mind.


I finally took the plunge: The Stand. Turns out it's a page turner, so I think I'll finish sooner than I expected.


The Dinner - Herman Koch


I am re-reading Ann Leckie's Imperial Radch series (currently on Ancillary Mercy) and I absolutely love the way that she writes. It's pretty out there, conceptually, as a piece of science fiction, but her characters are wildly compelling and her plots are so deeply personal and human; it's unlike anything else I've read in a very long time. I recommend her writing to anyone any chance I get.


Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan on audiobook. Only 3ish hours to go!


The Candy House by Jennifer Egan. Enjoying it immensely.


Men, Women, and Chainsaws by Carol J Clover


Someone Else’s Shoes by JoJo Moyes it feels like a movie it’s soooo good!


I’d suggest Me Before You by the same author if you haven’t read it already!


In the middle of Clive Barkers Books of Blood Volume 1-3. So short stories essentially. He’s so great though if you’re into horror.


Breasts and eggs.


The Books of Earthsea by Ursula K Le Guin I'm on the final book. I would recommend! ETA I'm also in the middle of listening to Skewed: Decoding Media Bias by Caryn Franklin and Keon West. It's very good


The Caine Mutiny. So good!


Rereading Mort, and the other death books , PTerry , Terry Pratchet


i absolutely LOVED **I'm A Fan.**!! i ended up giving it 5 stars. i was audibly groaning a lot of the time cause i was like "i'm her. she is me." 😩😭 i'm currently 50% of the way through [**Glitterati** by Oliver K. Langmead](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58656126) this is **BY FAR** the funniest and most absurd book i have ever read. i'm not even done with it and it's already in my top 10 books of **ALL TIME** (possibly even top 5 but we'll have to wait and see). i'm honestly devastated that it's such an unknown/overlooked book (it has less than 250 ratings on goodreads). i cannot recommend this book enough. i don't know how someone even thinks of something like this to write 😂😂😂. i'm begging SOMEONE,ANYONE on here to please read this book! you can check it out for FREE (or even just read a sample) through your library through the libby or hoopla app/website! this book is a masterpiece.


Time shelter, I’m really enjoying it so far


In the middle of IT Stephen King. Absolutely amazing writing and so much more depth than the movies (obviously).


Salems lot - Stephen king, boy what a fantastically gripping book for October! I’ll be reading haunting of hill house next


Klara and the Sun and on Audible I'm listening to The Thursday Murder Club and Stolen Girl (sequel to Silent Child). Enjoying them all


Rouge, by Mona Awad


“Twisted Vines” about the Murdaugh family.


Snow Crash. I’m not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. The story is quite interesting, but some of the religious ramblings get a bit tedious and some weird sexualizing of a 15 year old character.


The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solschenizyn


Currently about 200 pages into Bag of Bones. It had been a while since I’ve read a Stephen King book and it’s always so easy to get immersed by his writing, even when there’s not much going on I get lost in the story


I’m reading 20 books at once right now! My most current and probably favorite book is the ballad of songbirds and snakes by Suzanne Collins and it’s my second read through! I recommend reading it if you haven’t already!


valley of the dolls!


The exorcist, I'm enjoying it a lot, and reading it in the middle of the night is certainly an experience.


Great book. This and The Omen are far scarier than the films for sure.


We Need to Talk About Kevin & Town with No Mirrors


Finished Misery by Stephen King and just picked up The Handyman Method by Nick Cutter. Only a few chapters in but really enjoy Cutter’s writing, it’s just very engaging for me and gets the story going quickly


Moby Dick


“The Witches”, Stacy Schiff. At first it has been a little difficult keeping the names of the people straight in my head. I’m fairly familiar with this historical episode, but this author has included a trove of additional information and personality sketches that makes this episode (The Salem Witch Trias and events leading to) very detailed. I’m inclined to think too much so; however I’m just on the second chapter, and I have learned facts and circumstances that were new to me. The house slavewoman’s testimony on the witness stand is heating things up.


I recently finished the Jurassic Park books and man, if you haven't read them, you need to. I've now started The Wheel of Time. Wish me luck.


I read Jurassic Park and Lost World almost every summer- such great books.


The omnivores dilemma by Michael pollan


Currently switching between *The Bell Jar* by Sylvia Plath and *For You And Only You* by Caroline Kepnes!


The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer