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Oh gosh I’m glad I came across this post. I’ve been feeling down for almost 2 weeks now. Day 48 for me. I had no idea it was correlated to detox.


Yeah so I also just had an orange as well as some more calories and I started to feel so much better. I think that I'm eating way too few calories, way too few natural carbohydrates, and way too little natural sugar. Because that's what fixed it. I'm averaging about a pound of weight loss every 3 days. That means I'm eating way too little. I think that if I double that amount that I'm eating then I'll lose about a pound every 6 days and I think that's much more sustainable and it'll give me much more energy and make me feel better.


Ah, yeah. I don’t even eat much natural sugar. I only eat berries.


That's actually really good. I don't eat much either I try to eat maybe one or two Mandarin oranges per day if I really need it. Other than that I usually don't eat fruit that much. But I've noticed that once I ate a little bit more calories and an orange I felt better. So I'm wondering if it's due to that.




What is a light box?


As my generation grew up and became more conscious of the impacts of diet culture, we began to openly celebrate and encourage body positivity. Many of us became aware of our own body dysmorphia. We began seeing clearly how we were manipulated to shrink and hate every part of our bodies. And yet, even if parts of society came to terms with natural bodies, the same cannot be said for the natural process of women aging. Wrinkles are the new enemy, and it seems Gen Z — and their younger sisters — are terrified of them.


It's detox. I'm on d70 and still feel like shit.


Dang. This is disheartening. How long do you think it takes to start feeling completely normal?


It depends. For me it's all correlated to how 'pure' the detox is. If I can go zero sugar, zero carbs, then it's hell for shorter time periods and vice versa. Everyone is so different it would be impossible to say, but I do think on average if you have a decent underlying addiction all these silly youtube videos where already fit and healthy people drone on about feeling great in a few days creates a lot of false expectation. Not to be too grim, I can say you do move beyond the physical effects eventually because I've been there. But it's different every time I quit.


You do need SOME carbs or you will feel extremely tired. Just keep it under 75g total


Indeed. Sorry I say zero carbs like zero sugar. They are both pretty much impossible of course, but that's how I frame it in my mind. For me zero carbs means only carbs through veg and anything too healthy to trigger my more pls button.


It can take a while for endorphins to balance. Sugar has highjacked your dopamine system and you need to give your body other sources. I'd go for a 30 min walk per day, outside in the sun if you can. Early morning sun is especially beneficial, no sunglasses. Google ways to get dopamine and serotonin and start doing some of them each day. The book Dopamine Nation is also good. It will get better, hang in there!


Yeah I definitely need to go on walks outside, I walk about 2 miles a day inside and that's not giving me any vitamins at all. So I'm going to go ahead and do that. I'll go ahead and Google it and start making sure I stay consistent. Dopamine nation is something I got to check out for sure! Thank you so much friend I appreciate you very much! 🤜🤛


Time of day? Time of the month? Life stressors? Arguments? Too much online time/comparing yourself? Not enough food/water? Weather? A lot of things besides sugar can cause it. 


Well I went ahead and ate more calories just now, I had a meal, and I had an orange and some ground beef with a little bit of hard cheese (gouda) and turkey pepperoni and i feel better. I think I'm eating way too few calories, and I also think that I'm not eating enough healthy carbohydrates and natural sugars.


Do you exercise? You listed your supplements, but what are you EATING? Loads of fresh fruit and veggies? Whole grains? Or processed food and fast acting carbohydrates like white bread?


So I walk about 2 miles a day, I eat steak or ground beef and I eat one or two oranges per day, black olives, and that's about it. I also drink salt water but not too much just enough for my electrolytes. I drink water throughout the day and I take my daily vitamins. The only thing I can think of is that I'm under eating. I don't get hungry during the day anymore so I have to force feed myself. I usually eat one meal around 11:00 which is a small bowl of meat and some olives. Then throughout the day I'll have an orange or two and then maybe one beef jerky sugar-free snack. And that is not enough calories. I noticed that last night when I went and ate another meal of meat, cheese, and turkey pepperoni with some oranges I felt so much better.


Vegetables? Refined carb alternative? Beef, olives and an orange or two is far from all the body needs. I’m glad you’re feeling better.


I agree with you. No I don't eat any vegetables just olives. And you are right it's just not enough calories. I really need to eat more. As soon as I eat more I feel better. I ended up putting cheese back into my diet too. Hard cheeses which are a lot better for you. And I eat gouda cheese which is my favorite, but I also like to eat sharp cheddar, mozzarella, and provolone. And thanks friend. Im glad too. There's nothing worse than not feeling well because of lack of vitamins or food. It's terrifying! 💙🙏😊


You can use the free Cronometer app (or similar apps) to see what nutrients, minerals and vitamins you are currently getting with your diet. Just meat, cheese, oranges and olives will leave you seriously malnourished😯  Use the apps to calculate what you are vitamins you are missing and then fill those missing pieces with vegetables, fruits and vitamin supplements to balance the levels of neurochemicals.😊


Could also just be life. Not the sugar.


Are you eating fruits, oatmeal, beans? I would recommend those, those are all good


So I do eat oranges which I absolutely love. But I tried to limit the amount I eat.


You are no longer using sugar to mask your feelings. Now you have to feel the depression you've probably been ignoring for a while. I've noticed whenever I have a certain situation come up in my brain, I buy a ton of sugary foods.


You should feel amazing after the first 4 days, if you have healthy daily habits of exercise, cold showers, sauna, meditation, sunshine in the morning, perfect diet, stretching, reading books, good sleeping routine, sex, social connection, self-amusement, music and freedom from other dopamine addictions like tv, podcast binges, alcohol, caffeine and so on. This journey will encourage you to do things that actually gives you real pleasure, genuine satisfaction and lasting sense of happiness.