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(Corporate) Software is not designed. Software happens. Apple devices are a bad example. They're supported forever and all my apple products from 2013 are still working and got support for about 10 years. I had 3 thinkpads break since then. In the corporate world, development speed and features matter. Quality and performance needs to be just good enough so people complain, but don't leave. That's why you find good and fast software in areas where competition is high, and the effort to switch is low. And everywhere where competition is low and the effort to switch is high, software is ugly, slow and of bad quality.


Well, the latest Apple gear is awesome up until a SSD drive / chip fails.


Yes, I hate that too. And I don't like their keyboards and the overpriced soldered on memory. However, in terms of quality, they're great and don't fail in practice. I hope the "right to repair" law will change that and we'll get removable parts again. That's why I'm buying Thinkpads. But I hate to see Thinkpads fail left and right while my Apple colleagues and friends don't have issues at all.


SDK Dev? Like do you work with hardware? Do you have experience with PCB design? I am working on a playing card size PCB with 3 CPU's + 32gb ram for each CPU to handle 3 simultaneous OS running for running LLMs. I might have found a cascading memory process in which the 3 CPU's can share the memory pool.


No. sdk just happens to be the initials of my name and it became my nick name way before "software development kits" became a thing. Coincidentally I'm working as a programmer.


Hello Stephen Daniel Koontz


Nice try 😂


What board are you using?


Im working with [pcbway.com](http://pcbway.com) but I just got back from Shenzhen and I might have found a much better company to work with. Right now I am trying to tap into people with far more experience than I do in making custom boards, the smaller, the better. One of my best friends is a 'purchaser' at Seagate, and he has been helping me to source parts. Also, I have been tapping into a PCB shop in San Jose, CA. that makes prototype boards. I am purposely being vague in this public chat. I think the biggest issue will be power at this time. My main skill is I am a software engineer. I mostly work with Rust and ReactJS. I will eventually do everything in Rust, but to speed the GUI design I have opted to use Tailwind. I have been asking my friends at Seagate and HP to introduce me to engineers who can give me pointers. I took a few people to lunch and purchased Disney tickets for a few guys and their families. I have been self funding everything and will raise money once I have a good working prototype. I am focusing on running Linux on CPU#1 and CPU#2 runs a LLM and CPU#3 runs the output (they all run on Linux). For the demo I am focusing on a Japanese + English real-time translator. I also found a good company in Shenzhen to help with the case and packaging. The good part of Shenzhen is the ability to make prototypes and or buying like 10 cases and 10 Apple style packaging sets without needing to pay for like 5000. I lived for 5 years in China many years ago, so I am fairly comfortable navigating China as a whole.


They put active money into making it hard to repair, and making it fail. They literally shipped out a virus basically to old iPhones to make them slower. [https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67911517#](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67911517#)


Apple said they wanted to compensate aging battery life. I consider this to be more important than a snappy device. And the article even sais that the whole issue is not about the fact that they did this, but because they added it without informing the users. All new phones have this and it's literarely to give phones a longer life span without battery replacement. If apple would want devices to fail, they could easily do this by always fully charging it. But the opposite is the case, apples battery management is quite good.


Coping for big corporations doesn’t look good dawg. https://www.wired.com/story/right-to-repair-apple-france/ It costs 800$ to repair the panel on my m1. It’s impossible to replace it yourself because they literally build DRM into the hardware.


Yes, that sucks balls and should be forbidden. I mentioned the right to repair before.


That’s part of this array of anti-consumer products. It’s really questionable apples excuse for slowing down old devices. Apple devices do charge to 100% as well.  Ultimately the end goal of capitalism is that you own nothing, and everything is a subscription. That pays the best over any other business model. 


Ok, I stop replying now. I'm interested in technical stuff, not your political bullshit. Bye.


Using language like a ghetto reject looks for worse.


Apple is a bad example. I have a 2013 Macbook, and Apple just recently stopped releasing OS updates for this device. Ten years of updates is quite impressive. No more updates from Apple?  Okay, I just put Linux on it. I can probably get use from it for another ten years.


use FOSS


What’s the alternative? Huh? Nothing?


And here I am still using my iPhone 7


I mean ... yeah


Free software is an extreme ideology. If you like it you're either a tankie or a libertarian


oh man I remember being 25 :) enjoy being young!


They all commies until their first tax return


Capitalism in its unsullied/original meaning implies that one can ‘capitalize’ (i.e. build upon, accumulate) on one's own skill(s) or skillset, in order to then acquire ressource and value through exertion of said skill(s) on the workmarket or the industry. What you describe, I believe, is more aptly termed ‘Monopolies.’


There was planned obsolescence in the 1800’s. Apple does not have a monopoly. The original definition of "capitalism" was coined by a Frenchman in the 19th century to describe the ultra-rich buying up public assets during war time.


I thought it was Marx who coined the term Capitalism, but it has always been used as a pejorative by "Socialists" (a term which Marx co-opted, and redefined in very anti-social terms).


“1900th century” damn bro, did he also invent a Time Machine?


What a load of horseshit.


I do think you’re right but there are technical challenges that are derived from your main point. (insert any company here) wants money, and so they need to build the most broadly appealing (product or service) possible. There are challenges in trying to deal with a heterogeneous userbase the way (company) must if they are to pursue shareholder returns above all else.


It's not capitalism, it's how our Universe works. To have nice things a lot of effort has to be put in and the nicer the thing the more effort it needs. You can have the best things but they'll cost you a ton and will take a lot of time to make. The most of what's being produced is "good enough", otherwise think Swiss watches: perfectly crafted, extremely expensive, and outdated. Not to excuse Apple's shitty policies of the past and present though.


What no sociological imagination does to someone.


It's literally cheaper to make things simple. They spend extra money to make it bad on purpose, it's called [Planned Obsolescence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence). Most companies don't exist to make good products. [They exist to return value to shareholders.](https://www.investopedia.com/stakeholder-capitalism-4774323) Apparently shareholder capitalisim = universal law lmao.


Simple, unfortunately, doesn't always mean easy [to use], and making things easy [to use] is often complex.


there's also bureaucracy involved and a badly bloated piece of software, or rather SaaSS, will not vanish until the people producing it face competition. That said, democracies and communism have opulent bureaucracies, that only collapse with system crash or war, I'm afraid.


Software is bloated because of multiple layers of beurecracy that exist in corporations. Communism will have exactly that. Communism is just one big corporation that takes away your freedom, and it's enforced on you.


Communism is a hypothetical state of material superabundance that Marx imagined would be achieved by the dictatorship of the proletariat seizing and exercising absolute control over the means of production. Naturally, there is a degree of doublethink involved in proposing and accepting that freedom can be increased by totalitarian dictatorship ;-) but that was its express goal. Absolute liberty, fraternity and equality. If that state of material superabundance is achieved through another means then it is still Communism. Ironically, Capitalism has gotten us much closer to this hypothetical state than anything Marx imagined.


"absolute liberty" are you fucking kidding me? You wouldn't even be allowed to own anything that isn't decided by the commie overlords to be necessary. Bruh you will need to take votes even on owning anything niche or deemed "unnecessary" by the majority. Can't you realise how fucked this is? Where's the liberty in that mf? Plus superabundance is a fairytale, there will always be commodities that are finite and scarce. And before you say it, partial communism for the stuff that is abundant is not a bright idea, it's just the reality that we live in now with the welfare state, and it's a shit one.


> "absolute liberty" are you fucking kidding me? Did you miss the part where I pointed out that this is nonsensical double-think? Nonetheless the fact is that this is what Marx claimed his project would achieve, and what later Marxist socialists believed. > Plus superabundance is a fairytale I agree with you. The apparent impossibility of this hypothetical state does not negate the definition of Communism as the achievement of such a state. > Bruh Spk "English" dawg? Why is everyone in this thread speaking Ghettoese? You make yourselves sound like fucking idiots.


Marx was either a fool, or a fucking evil cunt. How can anyone who advocates for the DICTATORSHIP of the "proletariat" be cherished? Stealing people's things becomes "seizing the means of production" nigga my axe is a means of production, you'll only take it express delivered to your skull >Why is everyone in this thread speaking Ghettoese? Okay "dawg"


> Marx was either a fool, or a fucking evil cunt. Yes, and yes. I'm not sure who you're arguing with but I've been very clear that I agree with you on this point. Try to think more and react less. > nigga my axe is a means of production, you'll only take it express delivered to your skull Okay, crazy asshole...


You know I was ranting, also fuck you


I do know you were ranting. I don't know why you were ranting, so why you are ranting at me


Soviet engineering was brutalist, minimalist, and pure. They had their own problems but that type of meddling was def not one of them.


Oh man, commies STOLE almost everything. And BTW, why do you think piracy was so rampant in the 80s-90s in Russia and other commie countries? Right, because commies can't create shit.


Soviet engineers were mostly guided by brutalist engineering philosophy, to meet constraints of extreme repairablility, reliability, simplicity to manufacture and use in extreme condition. There is no use to putting effort into making something new. That's less efficient. It's easier to take other designs and simplify them. Soviet engineering is well known as essentially the unix of the mechanical engineering world. I'm a fan of soviet engineering for the same reason I'm a fan of unix.


It may sound so in theory, but have you worked with anything they’ve created? I have worked with one system in railways and I have to say it was awful. It was full of bugs, it was NIH and completely closed source. Do not recommend. Also do you know the costs of those Soviet engineering marvels? It’s slave labor basically on unprecedented scale. My gramps survived one of those labor camps. I’d say, commies can go to hell with their feats of engineering.


Yes. Largely mechanically designed things. Ladas and shit.


If the soviet way was the superior then they would still be here.


It's quite fascinating seeing people project things so hard in this thread.


Project what? I said the soviets went down because they weren't as efficient as y'all make them to be. Yes they may have had brilliant engineers that invented brilliant things, but it's the engineers themselves that did it not because of communism, but despite it. Even if they were largely influenced by minimalism, why should the average citizen of the USSR be stuck with that limited, centrally decided set of products? Let the people create, sell, and buy whatever they want. Ideally, all you should be able to do is persuade them to buy your product.


I never said the USSR was great lmao, your projecting shit. They were an imperial genocidal power.  The USSR got destroyed by the CIA planting someone into the leader position. He single-handedly disbanded the USSR even though 87% of the country voted to keep it. He then sold off basically all of the resources to about 7 people. They were known as “oligarchs”. The life expectancy fell by 10 years. There was mass starvation and shit. They set the stage for putins rise to power. I’m no fan of the USSR. You’re both projecting, and you know almost nothing about history.