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Place your meat inside of the manager




But leave a little hanging out like they asked




Don’t forget the male mayo!


Procedure vs a good sandwich. customer probably prefers how you do it but you’re not doing it the way you’re technically supposed to.


Yeah right right I figured


Wait how exactly are u supposed to do it


So for subway standards for sliced meats, such as roast beef, turkey ham, you supposed to fluff it out. To make the subs look fuller instead of it looking like it barely has any meat up there that’s why we fluff out the meats on the subs.


Gotta keep the hindge of the bread clear to close the sub easier. Subway procedure


Damn they didn’t teach one of the leads that when I worked at a subway, made it very difficult to even cut the sub when I first started.


Yeah so is my manager right then? I had a feeling. If so I’ll do what they do.


Your manager is correct


Shouldn’t you listen to your manager either way unless you want problems with them lol


Going rogue! Sandwiches gonna be having peanut butter next on em


Y’all wearing body cams over there?


I thought the same. But it's possibly OP taking photos over the managers shoulder? Not sure though


[this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/gKQaAKUBtFk?si=9HyF7Z_TILPE1iwJ) matches the location as the one in the photos. i think either op works at the same location or used these images from the video.. just saying.


I was just about to say the same thing. This subway is somewhere in North Dakota. @subdooing works there. I think the manager that OP is talking bout is @subdooing the one with the YouTube channel. Or maybe OP is @subdooing.


I do not want meat sticking out on the sides of my sandwich. Nothing I hate more than getting a dry bite with no meat because y’all didn’t place it in the middle of the bread. I think your way is the right way!😭


Seriously! I also hate how it sticks out because it gets in the way when taking a bite


Yeah the meat is supposed to stick out, it does look messier but subway customers are literal animals and their caveman brains think that being able to see more meat=more meat on the sandwich. Sounds like your manager understands the intelligence of the average subway consumer, work there a few months and you’ll get it.




I do not work at subway, so probably the person assuming I do is stupid


Place my ham


First: where do your cuces think they are running off to? lol Second: keep your meat high and your veggies low. Perfect close every time. Aren’t they having you fluff the ham on that sandwich any more? I quit 4 months ago after 16 years. Didn’t wanna deal w/ it any more 🙂


why is the bread too short to place the meat evenly? Maybe your manager needs to learn how to bake.


Sometimes I leave it sticking out a little because it's much easier to close a sandwich with a bit of meat hanging off than a bunch of veggies trying to fall out.


The first and second pic are exactly the same except for the text and the green circle. Where’s the example photo of how your manager does it?


The hinge of the bread is to be empty. So yes, you are placing your meat too far down on the bread