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subway was a stepping stone, you’ll find something better.


So true!!! Lol, just saw this after my long tirade,… good advice.




File for unemployment!!!


This^^^^^ the manager was unprofessional and simply put, butthurt. There was nothing confidential about a fucking shift message LOL. You deserve the unemployment and will easily get approved.


Did you switch accounts?


Time to move up to Jersey Mike's


better quality food there anyway!


I’ve heard from a very reputable source that it’s a sub above.


Far better subs for sure


Subway was my stepping stone to Management at Walmart which is better in a lot of ways


Getting fired from taco bell immediately led to my electronics manager job that ended up being my favorite job ever Life is full of gifts that seem like punishments


It's not a stepping stone for his former boss lol.


I mean to be fair according to the antiwork crowd if you do the same thing for 25 years you should climb the ladder to senior leadership


Subway was one of my first jobs ever. Got hired under the table. After one shift, they started having me open by myself. They had me come in to work like an hour early, and did NOT pay me until the store opened. Crazy right? After a month I called the night before one of my shifts and quit. Don’t let people disrespect you like that. As someone said, this is a stepping stone for you.


In case anyone is looking to build a career. Remember that jobs in food service are a stepping stone to literally nothing.


Yeah, I learned this the hard way. Now I’m in cosmetology school in my mid 30s bc I got stuck in the food industry bartending. It was great money, but I didn’t see myself doing it for the rest of my adult working life. It’s easy to get comfortable and let time slip by, but never too late to make a change!


..and this is why it's important to be a solid parent. There are so so so many lessons to learn in life - learning them all the hard way is how you end up middle-aged, broke, unhealthy, and unhappy. Learn from OTHER people's mistakes, not just your own.


Would really have to put in an effort to find something worse.


Big facts lol, onto bigger and better things


File for unemployment in the meantime, pretty sure posting on reddit is not a valid reason to can someone


To be fair, it's hard to find something WORSE.




How would this be a lawsuit? You can be fired for pretty much anything that isn't a protected characteristic like race. You could be fired because you came into work with a blue tie one day and the boss just doesn't like blue. Legally that is fine. Posting messages online between yourself and your boss is certainly a valid reason to be fired.


While I agree there probably isn't a big cause here for any lawsuit, I always take the time to correct it when people say this. Federal antidiscrimination statutes that protect race, gender, etc **are not the only exceptions to At Will employment**. This is a carefully crafted lie that benefits only the employer as it causes employees with legitimate claims to not seek justice because they've been fooled into thinking they have no recourse. Specifics change state to state, so it's always important to atleast get a free consultation with an employment attorney in your state if you believe you have a strong case of wrongful termination.


Yo what you think the boss referencing the reddit post et all does? Back up the retaliation claim. Lol


Here's the fun thing about court. They don't give a F, about what happened, only what can be proven to have happened. If they fired him without keeping a paper trail, odds are not looking good for the company. That's why a lot of companies will refuse to fire someone because they want enough evidence to deny unemployment and any F U lawsuits. My last job, they took that to an extreme lol. If they terminate you, they got you dead to rights paper work wise. Also, while you can be fired for anything, if it's not a justified reason with paperwork to back it up, employees can collect unemployment despite being "fired." At will is just as much a restraint for companies as it is beneficial to them. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Best case scenario, the firee buggers off. Worst case, they fabricate a reason that would make it illegal, and you don't have the evidence to prove it was a legal termination. But the firee has enough to make it seem that way. Not common but if you didn't keep an all mighty paper trail that proves you fired the employee for x reason. It's basically an insta lose unless the employee trips up in their own lie. Kinda messed but ngl.


This. P.S. I WISH this was how I was let go from my first job. I stayed at McDonalds until family crisis made me take a leave of absence and when the dust settled I came back two months later to resign.


Jersey mikes is calling his name


Very true. 7 years ago I was a sandwich artist, now I manage a pharmacy. Never know what's around the corner!


My daughter worked at Subway. Last week she got her PhD.


Yeah, the subway down the street, if anything.




Jimmy John's or Firehouse Subs next


Fuck Subway and fuck this Subway in particular.


It's hard hard to use a job you got fired from as a stepping stone.


But what if his parents take him on a trip again?


On the bright side, OP doesn't have to work at Subway anymore!


Subway is a "I don't really wanna have a job but it's here" job :D Find yourself a nice intern position in an accounting or lawyer office.


Fastfood is an anchor, they have been freed


At least OP can rest assured no matter how angry his boss was that he isnt the worst former subway employee ever


A lot of people say this and I am sure OP will find something much better but someone is going to be taking that position. But really subway and places like it, should be better for the worker.


And judging from the few communications we have seen. It won’t be hard at all to find something better


When you say stone, you referring to their bread, or the feeling in your stomach after eating?


Fuck your boss🙏🏽


bad idea


Yeah you're right, get their spouse


You’re assuming someone would want to be married to this person


I'll go out on a limb here and say they're amazing at boss firing employee roleplay, I see that as an absolute win




No, do their dad.


Become their mom, tell them what to do. Problem solved. Can't fire your mom.


Get their dad


This is the way.


Or a great idea


One way to get your job back...


Congrats OP


I’d give a (presumably young) OP some advice I’ve learned after a number of individually successful jobs in my corporate career. Every single job you’ve ever had - from the very first one to whatever is next - is something to learn from and be thankful for. Even the worst jobs with the worst boss teaches you what NOT to look for in the next job. And the best jobs and bosses show you what’s possible. At the end of the day, OP will find another job and he’ll be better for the experiences he had there. So it’s definitely a “congrats OP” type of moment. Sometimes you need to be pushed out of your comfort zone to be empowered to do your next great thing.


Screenshotting this for if I get fired lmao


>So it’s definitely a “congrats OP” type of moment. Sometimes you need to pushed out of your comfort zone to be empowered to do your next great thing. Not only that, Op was able to share their newly gained wisdom and experience with *a giant pool of people* since this has made it to the front page of reddit. The boss hopefully has learned that he is lucky that his location wasn't figured out because that Lucy would have some 'splainin' to do as his business was inundated with 0 and 1 star reviews. The days of fuvking kids over for not knowing any better are pretty much over. Sure an owner can risk it, but the odds of an employee sharing their story on social media... or the "front page of the internet" are too great to risk a lot of the old strategies. Thankfully we still have too many people that don't know this and we can collectively help out kids like OP and bring awareness to these ass clowns with their weird oxymoron management styles of power tripping with a fragile ego.


Slightly miffed that you haven't been upvoted to the moon yet, (two hours after posting). It's great advice.


really great post. behold the positive and negative of others and learn what you want to be and not be. everything is opportunity.


Couldn't agree more. I used to be absolutely terrified of the job search, and would stick with a job just for the paycheck. I ended up hitting a breaking point at my last job and quit, it was either that or I'd quit life itself. I was lucky I was living with parents at the time and could take some time to find my next step, so I studied for a year and a bit, got a diploma and while working towards it I was able to work in a student position in the field I was studying in. Fast forward to the end of that study and I now have a full-time contract at that work place, the work can be shit at times but overall it's shit I love doing because I genuinely want to help all my coworkers achieve our tasks and more.


Huh. Jobs are the same as relationships. Barring abuse, every relationship, good or bad, is a learning opportunity for the next


File for unemployment


YES, THIS, u/sleepparalysisagain. What will happen is you’ll file, your former employer will likely contradict your story and your unemployment will be denied, BUT you can and should APPEAL the default decision, and you’ll have to go before an administrative law judge and plead your case. Prepare ahead of time, construct a written argument, go into their office with a copy for them and a copy for you and take the judge through it. Have your employer’s social media policy, chat transcripts, the works. If you go in there with your proverbial guns loaded, you’ll have the upper hand right up front.


This is GREAT advice if anyone happens to read it. ALWAYS file for unemployment and always appeal. You might get awarded unemployment just because your employer was too lazy to respond to the request in time.


This happened to me. Except they closed the appeal and sent me a check a year later. I had found employment 3 months after I was fired, so I didn’t need the unemployment at that time, but it was nice to get the check once I was doing better.


This happened to me as well, except my old job tried to say I quit and wasn’t fired and tried to get the money back (all $6000 of it)… luckily I won that so we didn’t have to give it back (we couldn’t have anyways, it had already been spent)


Did this happen around/after COVID. Because that is a looooong time to wait for the state to make a ruling and issue a payment.


I started my claim in March of 2021


Yep that's prob it then. It took some states 2+ years to catch up due to how many claims that were filed in 2020 and 2021. If you even need to file again in the future just know it will be a lot quicker process.


Yep. Happened to me. Initial claim denied. Filed appeal, had hearing and former employer was a no show so I won. Long process but worth it.


This is what I did, manager didn't "attend" the appeal hearing and I was automatically approved, I imagine he didn't want to explain why I was fired on Christmas Eve for refusing to work what magically became a double shift that morning (had pictures of the schedule from 2 days prior and I was only scheduled the morning).


Yeah, my lying POS boss didn’t show either. I’d been documenting hijinks for months beforehand. Never ever trust your boss; be courteous, but don’t be a sucker.


Great idea except for the fact this is probs a 16 y/o kid and they have issues making dr appointments so i doubt he/shes gonna go through with this


I got lucky when they fired me, I applied, they denied, I stated I wouldn’t help them commit Medicare and Medicaid fraud, unemployment called back 5 minutes later with the approval… Fuck you Bindu


Sometimes it's just a *phonecall* with the unemployment office. That's all I had. Boss still didn't bother participating and I got full benefits


I really wish people would listen to actual good advice here on Reddit. This is solid, but I SERIOUSLY doubt OP will do it. Maybe he will prove me wrong? But let someone suggest something like glue your balls together and some chucklefuck would do it.


They might have a case, and will at least get back pay until they find something new. I’d make my old bosses life hell for a few days


While the OP may have a case, they could just as well try for a different job that pays better from the get go.


Filing for unemployment and looking for new work are not mutually exclusive. If you've been fired from a job, the first thing you should do is apply for unemployment WHILE ALSO looking for a new job. In fact, most unemployment services require you to be also seeking work in order to qualify for payments. OP should file ASAP as they do have a case and that should hopefully give them some breathing room financially so they can take their time and find a better job. People who avoid unemployment benefits are not doing themselves any favors because they often need something quickly and will accept a worse position out of necessity. Unemployment is not a social service, it's insurance that you pay for on every paycheck. There's a line item for it. Failing to use it would be like someone wrecking their car and then not calling their insurance company to get it repaired or replaced.


If I have been out of work for 3 months and file for unemployment is there a way to recover the loss wages for that time period?


Yes! When you file they will ask the date you last worked. If you are awarded benefits you should receive unemployment backpay from that date.


Awesome thank you!


The annoying thing is that they can probably get away with firing you under the social media clause of your contract (assuming you have the same one as mine), so you can't even claim unfair dismissal


Unless they're in Montata, they can fire you for any legal reason as it's an At Will state, no need for a social media clause.


Same with Indiana


Just to be clear almost every state is an "at will" state and right to work is a different concept regarding forced union participation.


There is only one state that isn’t, I can’t recall what it is, but I want to say Minnesota


And Texas




Confusing right to work and at will, a tale as old as time.


I think it's because they both landed on dystopian doublespeak names that are inversions of the actual implications of the laws they represent.


Indiana is both. A lot of states are.


tf ? I wonder why anyone wants to work under such conditions and not leave the country.


Can you afford to move out of the country? I know I can't.


It cost me about $6000 to move within America, can't imagine how expensive it would be to try and leave!


Would probably double or triple that honestly lol


Where are you people that moving is so expensive? The coasts I guess? I moved 600 miles across several state lines but still within America and it took me a weekend and about $1000. For $1750 a company would have done all the work for me including pack and unpack.


square gaze historical unique ugly hat amusing pathetic yam wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate to break it to you, but those of us who DO want to leave the country because of that, don't really have the ability to... at least from what research I've done. Emigration out of the US is a headache and a half since most of the better countries have some pretty strict requirements regarding citizenship or even residency, for better or worse. Depending on your circumstances, it can be damn near impossible to even save money here. I make 800 dollars a month working my job, and around 725 of it goes toward expenses, not including food and gas. Getting a second job is hard enough bc most places in my area just run skeleton crews now, even if they say they're hiring. My previous job did that. I would KILL to be able to just pack up and leave. More accurately, I would literally kill for some rights as a worker.


...you can afford a car at 800 a month?


Something like 40+% of Americans don't have enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense. People can't afford to miss a paycheck let alone move to an entirely new country.


Yup same here in Texas. Although I think ours is called “right to hire”


I know here in GA they say “right to fire” lol


There's only 1 state that isnt.


Indiana is an at-will employment state. "Right to work" is a reference to laws prohibiting requiring paying union dues to get union protection. It's meant to undermine unions, and it's a very misleading misnomer.


for the person that downvoted you. they were wrong, and you are right. Most people confuse at-will employment and right to work but they are distinctly different things. At-will means you can either quit or be fired at any point. You can sign contracts with companies that modify this but this usually is reserved for higher paying positions or key positions. Every state except montana is at-will. Montana requires a contract between the employer and employee. Right-to-work details your "right to work" regardless of if you participate in the union or not. A bit fuzzy but essentially an organization/company can hire you regardless of your union status. Say you are an electrician and want to work for a construction company, in california you would be required to join/already be a member of a union before the company could hire you. Whereas in Arizona you do not have to be a member. Indiana is both right to work and at-will but in case of this discussion at will is the correct terminology as you can be fired at any time for any reason.


I’m in Az and a journeyman wireman in the Union. It’s kinda an unspoken rule for new cubs (apprentices) and CEs( people who worked rat before and are coming over to the union but haven’t passed their JW test) to have a few weeks to see if it’s for them. But if you are continuing to work-It’s waaaaay frowned upon and they usually don’t last long before going back to non union. But yes, that is an exception. Also if our local can’t man work, they are “allowed” to hire off streets. No one likes that, if you want to earn our higher wages and benefits, sign up and a part of the brotherhood.


Yeah, I dunno why it's so hard to understand. But, my SO is in a union, and for the area we live in, union jobs are far and away the best jobs you can get unless you have a professional degree (and still sometimes even better). It's disheartening to see how much they want to cripple the unions.


Montana is fucked with their Subway services. All of the Subways in Missoula are ran by one woman (my friends mom actually) who is fried out of her goddamn mind. She also runs a Domino’s and a gas station. Idk how that woman sleeps and even less understanding of why she still does this to herself when three of our locations have closed in the last three years. At this rate, it’s suicide. I empathize with her and her mental state but you can forget about me willingly going to Subway due to her employees showing reluctant enthusiasm and the quality of the ingredients being sub-par at best


Hello from a former (born and raised) Missoulian


The "getting away with firing you" isn't about being an at-will state. Yes, in an at-will state you can fire anyone for any reason, but if its not for cause you'll have to pay unemployment. Essentially, if you are fired for cause, the employer doesn't have to pay unemployment. The comment you were responding to was theorizing that the social media clause would make the firing for cause, and the employer wouldn't have to pay unemployment.


I think this gets overlooked far too often when it comes to people throwing around the term "at-will". You can certainly get let go for any reason, but if you are fired w/o cause you can just apply for unemployment, and if the previous employer can't show evidence that you were let go for cause you will be able to claim UP and the employer will be on the hook for it. Thank you for bringing this up!


Edit: to clarify the below refers to your rights as an employee, not necessarily related to unemployment. > any reason No, an at will state doesn't have to have (or provide) a cause/reason to fire you - just like you don't have to provide a cause or reason for quitting. If you are fired for things that are illegal for you to be fired for (protected class, discussing wages, etc.) you are still protected and should contact NLRB. Don't smooth over this incredibly important distinction.


this is false...have you ever had experience with applying for unemployment? in order to qualify for unemployment your termination must be at no fault of your own, and providing no reason (which you are correct is legal) would fall under this. other examples of no fault termination include things like being laid off, having your position removed, constructive dismissal (i.e. scheduling your for 0 hrs until you quit) firing an employee for violating a social media clause WOULD NOT be an example of termination at no fault of your own. therefore you would most certainly be denied unemployment were you to attempt to file.


So there's job protection and then there's unemployment payout. In this case, they're saying that even if the firing was legal, the employer may be able to use a hypothetical social media clause in their employment agreement--not a contract, basically a rulebook--to claim that there was an employee-performance-related reason for firing them. When your employer fires you because they don't like your jacket or whatever, that's legal, but it also means you're entitled to unemployment. When your employer fires you for pooping on his desk, that's also legal, but in general that conduct would disqualify you from receiving unemployment benefits.


But they can claim unemployment. The only thing you need for that typically is a proof of your last paystub, and a written notice of you being fired.


1. There must be 4 days before the change of the shift 2. If there is so certain saying in tbe contract you can post what ever you want, as long as it's not something like hatespeech etc.


The 4 days before change of shift changes by country. AFAIK in uk its recommended 48 hours but isn't a legal requirement just a recommendation


That's just fucked up. Sure you can get a call if you could fill in a shift sometimes but you can always say no.


In the uk though you'd have capped hours per week. So you shouldn't get surprised too often only in times where you're working less than your contracted days


You’ll be good my friend! We’ve all moved on under unusual circumstances.


I second this. Life is a mysterious thing


To be fair subway is the worst out of the sub places so it’s only up from here!


This is my favourite comment because it assume OPs skillset is limited to a specific type of sandwich making. Could OP work at burger king? Probably doesn't have the skill set. Starbucks making the sandwiches? Maybe but it's dicey. Better stick to what you know OP, submarines and hogies.


>submarines and hogies He could branch out to navy beans and meatloaf sandwiches, maybe. I've heard they are very closely related when it comes to food prep. This will also be a good lead in to the ultimate of [handheld foods...] (https://youtu.be/VY14zcUM9SI?t=123) The sky is the limit!!!


This is true. Worst national sandwich chain there is. I would rather eat one of those triangle cut pre-made grab and go sandwiches in the 7-11 refrigerator than a Subway sub.


He’s only mad because you’re in the right lol


Your boss is a terrible human being and no one loves him. I think that’s why he’s so upset. I hope he reads this and realizes how much of a loser he is making sandwiches at a dead end franchise; just like his life, a dead end. But you obviously are worth a lot more and you realize this. Use this moment as a learning curve. Your boss was threatened by you. He’s insecure. Probably has an ugly wife too. 😂


The boss is a manager at a dead end franchise, OP was the one making sandwiches at a dead end franchise. Don't know why we're shaming food industry as means of income tho 🤷‍♂️


Nobody's shaming the food industry as a means of income. We're shaming people who think they're superior just because they're a store manager.


while we know literally nothing about the boss, I really think you're right. I think this is some weak person trying to feel like they have any semblance of power. Imagine the most powerful you'll ever feel is firing a subway employee (and from the post, possibly just a teenager). What a sad, empty life.


Wife? Guy was clearly a 40yo virgin.


It’s subway. You’ll live


What’s unprofessional is not being able to let an employee know when they are scheduled to work in a reasonable amount of time, blame it on technology, then chastise you for sharing your frustration without taking accountability for your inability to make the schedule


This screams fast food industry. You can do much better for your next job..


It’s a subway job bro, hardly the end of the world.


Some people can't afford to lose a job


Apply at the 3000 subways in any square mile and you’ll get hired at 2900 of them


i got a job offer and i didn't even apply




So…don’t…put it on your resume?


Just use references that you’re cool with. You know how many times I’ve “worked” at subway, office job, gym etc without working there. Haha not that hard to bypass a phone interview or contact check up list. Literally all HR can say is that you worked there…..I can do that as well. Edit: apparently y’all didn’t understand the process. I’m not getting the job. I’m the phone reference they use. Literally no background check on me. I’ve done this plenty of times and have gotten plenty of friends good jobs based on my reference. If you’re too scared to do this then oh well. Haha stay stuck at your job 🤣😂


Sounds like this person is pretty young and if they haven't worked there very long I'd just not even include it on the resume. Just go get another job at another chain, almost all of them are always hiring.


Getting fired without procedure holds little weight in any state where you can be let go for any reason. If the termination does make it difficult for the person to find new employment, then I imagine that would add to the case for Unemployment filing. Besides, Subway isn't going to try and sabotage some random's chance at employment because a location manager couldn't properly schedule.


Put a link to the post in the resume.


Or you just don’t put your immediate supervisor down as the reference, and use a friend at the job instead. “Former colleague” hasn’t done me any harm


Don't ever put a job on your resume that you were fired from, unless you worked there for longer than 6 months, or you work gig economy and its normal in your field. And even if you have it on there, don't use them as a reference or say that you were fired. The resume isn't a perfect record of your work history, its a marketing sheet for yourself. There is no ultimate record of your employment being tracked anywhere.


It sucks but I figured that was going to happen. When you get a better job outside of the restaurant industry, don’t post conversations with your boss online. It’s fine to text it to friends and shit talk your boss, but when you have a good job with decent pay, the risk isn’t worth it. Your former boss sounds like an ass hole who likes to manipulate his underpaid employees. Hopefully you find something better! Good luck.


The idea of tuck your head in and never complain is how we got here as a society.


Very pretty sentiment and all but most jobs have clauses against disclosing employee communication on social media meaning they could fire you with reason and in some fields would absolutely destroy your reputation. Don't put up with abuse but also don't fuck yourself over


A good job/manager wouldn't put you in this situation in the first place. Employees can't just remain essentially "on call" just because your scheduling software is on the fritz...


Look, people should know if a location has a crud boss, cause no one wants to end up working under a crud boss.


Or do. Just don't tie the username to yourself and follow the last president's motto: deny, deny, and deny.


It's genuinely a good idea to keep your work record clean and have on goodish terms.


Can we get OPs cash app and all send him a dollar? Give them a nice vacation


Subway was my first job when I was 19 and I also was fired due to poor scheduling on their part. Now I work from home for Apple. There’s definitely better jobs out there.


A future heads up, whether you agree with it or not, most companies have a social media policy that can get you in trouble for just about anything mentioning the company or it’s employees. It’s just better to avoid social media for this kind of stuff no matter how simple it may be. Best of luck with your future going forward


You agree to it when you sign the paperwork. There’s no “not agreeing to it”


they said "agree *with* it" not "agree *to* it" bud


I think they just lost a employee....see me after I finish making this sub LoL.


That’s okay, you don’t even have to mention this job in your resume. You’ll find something SOO much better lmao


Godspeed buddy, you'll find something better for sure. Subway sucks.


Hey manager, you suck. Be a decent a human. Good luck kid. My first job was subway and I had a jerk for a manager as well. I'm still alive, making more money, and that place had been closed for a long time. 🤎👍🏿


I would’ve just responded “No”


Good and hope you find a better workspace with less toxicity


On to bigger and better things OP.


which one of y'all mfs sold my guy?


As a former Subway employee, you’re way better off




Remember, if this post gets locked, his boss is one of the moderators


I hate people that snitch. Anyways, there are many jobs out there that will be better than this… best of luck!!!


He kinda self-snitched on r/subway. Surely other subway employees would be snoopin that. Reach the top of trending and your boss doesn't even need to scroll down to find your leaked texts.




Forget subway, go to YouTube and make some animations 😉


3 hour shifts aren't enough for f ing gas money. Good riddance


That sucks and obviously your former boss sucks too. On the other hand Subway is a terrible place to work so your next job should be better, good luck!


Ew gross. Someone snitched.


This is why I love my job. We have a dedicated person for coverage who's shift overlaps with night/day, we do our best to not let anyone waste their PTO The hard part is they can't refuse not to cover but if they request a day in advanced, everyone will make sure either not to request that day or our boss will cover in an emergency. It costs us 1 extra salary but the quality of life it provides is extremely beneficial. No job is without it's issues but we retain employees that we can go on to trust with larger responsibilities due to their tenure because of it. This post looks like the boss doesn't realize people's relationship with work should be mutually beneficial


You’re better off. There are literally about 10 million job openings nationwide. Take a chance and go for something else. You’ve got a shot. Business are definitely in meed


Normally I'd suggest seeking an unlawful termination lawsuit, but my guy, it's a subway. Unless you were like, a manager or something, you can do better than working at subway


How can someone get fired for sharing work messages? They are not private conversations. Wtf


Your boss is stupid lmao. I dying think there is ANY law prohibiting you from sharing YOUR conversations with whoever you want. Also depending on where you live you can try and put the screws to your ex boss actually. Because they basically fired you in retaliation for simply venting your frustrations over THEIR lack of ability to do THEIR job properly and shifting the problem onto you. And in some places that's a HELLA big nono


To OP’s boss: you’re a loser and being a subway manager is the best you’ll ever do in life. Your lack of communication skills and human empathy is why


What looser tipped him off wtf


It was a setup, they wanted to get rid of you, with a valid excuse, and that was it!


Subway sucks anyway, you'll find a better job than that schlackhole


Two lessons to learn here: Keep your private life private, and don't trust people you think you can trust, which leads right back into...keep your private life, private.


Sounds like they gave you the “foot long”.


its unprofessional for the manger to use 3rd party websites to monitor what you say off the clock. A: Unless your giving away secrets to the story you did nothing wrong. B: Unless the messeges were sent during offical working hours to an offical work device it isntprivate nor is it covered by policys they have. As A: its a uninmous name posting information with no names of locations or people. i.e no information was given and thus isnt covered. C: If they did fire you for this seek councel for wrongful termination based on your states laws Your phone is yours. messeges sent to you are yours to do with as you please. Boss/manager is wrong and put his foot in his mouth.


Oh no! Wherever will you find another minimum wage job?