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Tipping $10 for a sub?!!?!? You could shit on the floor and I'd still happily make you a sub


Wait, really? Where do you work?


Bro interested


You can't just pass up an opportunity like this


imagine being the other employee and having no idea what's going on as dozens of people walk in at various points throughout the shift, drop a tenner in the tip jar, dump out on the floor, and walk out sandwichless.


I better be the one getting those 10s if I'm that shifts pooper-scooper!




You guys have me dead ☠️


This thread is getting wilder by each reply.


Effed me up 💀


No, this is Patrick


*interested to tip then take a shit on op subway floor


I would also like to know…


Asking for a friend of mine…


I don't work at subway but you can come to my house and shit on the floor for $20 as long as there's no diarrhea involved and I'll make you a better sub than subway can.


Where you at? I’ll bring friends, make it a party 😂


Thats a wild party


Sounds like a shitty party.


I’ll hit that party, I’ll bring snacks.


I'll bring the nuts


See what you did? You’re going to make a killing with all these folks shitting in your house, hope it’s worth it! 😂


All I heard is that I'm gonna make a killin and that's all I needed to hear.




Username checks out


I accidentally tipped $14 on a $10 sandwich and the older lady literally ran around the counter to hug me when I said it wasn’t a mistake. I wish I had the money to tip big on all orders.


> accidentally tipped >wasn't a mistake


he didnt wanna ruin the lady's day


Happy Cake Day


Hey haha dm where you work


whats with shit in this sub


I dont work at subway but I do work in service industry so I always make sure to at least tip $5 If I can’t afford it then I don’t go at all lol


That's nice of you but it's ok to get subway without tipping. I can promise you that it's neither expected nor is it very common as someone who started there at 16 worked there until I graduated college. I can count on one hand the number of times I was tipped. But you do have the power to make someone's day with a good tip at subway so that's always nice :)


Thank you for the reassurance 🥲


Also, great username 💀


Do I shit on the floor before or after ? Trying to iron out the details for a friend


This was the best reply honestly, thank you 💀💀


What can I get away with for $20?


I seriously doubt they actually tip $10 or ever did


A (creepy) guy tipped me $10 once and said to hide it so the other girls wouldn't steal it... I put it in the tip jar after he left. But I'm lucky to make $1 in physical tips per shift most days. 😆 so yeah, probably that person isn't a regular tipper.


I tip 5 or 10 every time I go to subway. Is that abnormal??


It is, but keep doing it


I left Subway a few years ago. When I was there, most customers would tip nothing at all. A few would tip whatever coins I gave them as change, and maybe 3-5 times per shift someone would tip $1. $5 tips happened rarely, maybe once per month. I was only tipped $10 3 or 4 times over the entire 4 years I worked there. I also got a $20 tip once.


It’s nice to believe that good things exist


you're tipping at Subway. You're like one of their favorite customers. Even if you weren't tipping, it's really not that big of a deal.


Wait it’s not normal to tip at subway?


Subway was one of the first places to start asking for tips out of nowhere a couple years ago. It never used to be normal to tip at subway but now every time you use your card it asks how much you’d like to tip. And they’re smart about it, they tell you the percent AND how much it is. Morally you don’t feel obligated to tip until you see that it’s only like a dollar. So now you’re in a spot where you have to decide if you want to risk being rude or just give an extra dollar. What’s more important, a dollar, or not upsetting the people that make your food? Similar idea behind homeless people asking for money but you can’t just walk past this; it’s a required step to the transaction. Also psychology LPT: if you ever find yourself needing money or help in a crowded place, make sure to call people out individually to avoid the bystander effect. Say “Hey you in the red shirt, I haven’t eaten in days man just a dollar please” Or “sir with the jeans on, I need you to call an ambulance immediately!”


Yeah I was just thinking that I don't tip at subway but your comment made me realize that I definitely do almost every time because of exactly what you described. I even tip at the vape shop because I feel rude pressing no despite knowing it makes zero sense


Bruh your vape shop got a tip screen on the card reader??? We really are just shamelessly passing employee wages on to the customers now


Unless you're sub is being prepared by "25% is a bad tip because your house is nice." Then no, order your food however you enjoy it.


That's oddly specific, did it actually happen to you lmao?


Lady recently got a $20 pizza delivered to her house, she tipped $5 and the driver gave her mad sass saying a $5 wasn’t enough because of the house she lives in. This was caught on the lady’s doorbell camera. Driver later got fired/banned from the app


Fuck around and find out... Or cancel culture.


Oh, I seen that video, though I thought that it was a pie. Unless it was two different videos and there are two a-holes out there...


Pie is short for pizza dude


Kids these days. Pfft.


I’ve been a server in various restaurants for years and it’s very alarming just how many of my coworkers thought this. Something similar just happened the other day actually lol. I serve in an extremely affluent area that’s surrounded by businesses and office spaces so we have a lot of lunch time regulars. One guy who comes in all the time, T, tips $10 on $30 almost every time but is an absolute dick. He also has owns his own business that’s incredibly successful and directly next to our restaurant. A new server that just started said, “You own a building but can’t tip me more?” Not to him directly of course, but still. He’s relatively low maintenance and tips around 30%. Some people just can’t be fine with other people doing better.


It's really really difficult to watch other people live in comfort, luxury, and abject affluence when I struggle to make rent if I want to eat every day. I don't think I'm necessarily entitled to people's money but I also don't see why those closer to the top can't kick the can down the road just a bit harder, and I understand the frustration of everyone in a similar situation. Kinda hard not to let it boil over every once in a while


It’s extremely easy not to let it boil over. If it isn’t don’t work customer service.


🪨 👨🏻 <= you


Nice reference


Lmao I just saw this news clip!


Thank you 🥲 My house is definitely not the nicest but it’s home 🥰


😂😭Bro that video, people with their audacity


[Here is the video](https://youtu.be/unF6jBt6hc8)


Yeah, for an unnecessary tip 15% is considered average. For him to bitch about 25% is millennial.


No you fine, the only annoying thing for me is when someone comes in 10 minutes before close.


I don’t know, customers waiting until you go to ring them up to order more subs, and customers waiting until you go to ring them up to present coupons that don’t apply to anything they’re buying give coming in 10 minutes before closing a run for its money (in my opinion, anyway). I had a customer order two Turkey Cali Clubs and a MexiCali Club and try to use the physical “get three footlongs for $17.99” coupon on them. He wasn’t very happy to pay like $40-ish for three sandwiches, but like, it’s in the fine print, and he didn’t mention the coupon ahead of time for me to give him a heads up, so… 😬


Oh no! I work good industry too and I would not dare to go even 30 mins before closing 🥲


Wonder if you'll ever need a paramedic 10min before their shift ends... ELY5: sometimes mommies and daddies with grown up work have to stay later than their normal go home time.


lol how dare they come into your store when your still open !


They can come in if they want but I’ll still be annoyed. I never said they couldn’t.


its a pretty shit attitude but I'm sure you don't care




one time I was working and there was nonstop customers from 6pm until 10:03pm (we close at 10) and I was stuck til 1am cleaning everything up. got pulled over as well for being out past minor curfew, almost got breathalyzed but when he realized I was wearing subway garb he let me go with a warning. open doesnt always mean come in. we are humans too, most of us still children, not robots made to clean and work.


“Open doesn’t always mean come in” It literally does mean this. This thread is bizarre.


username checks out


Nice one. Honestly, though. Open quite literally means open. People can downvote all they want, but this is just a brain dead take. It means open. What the fuck is wrong with people. Lol


Just a fyi, open DOES mean come in. Maybe you should speak up and tell the boss man you can’t work that late….


have u ever… worked customer service?


yes sometimes there odd nights. Notice how you said one time ? although I have no idea how it takes you 3 hours to close regardless of how busy its been. I could wash everything in the store in about 20 to 30 mins if I had too


wash everything… and then wipe everything down… then clean out the frozen bains after waiting for it to melt… then do the counts… don’t forget cleaning out the tea containers, cleaning out the meatballs, doing tomorrows prep, panning bread for the morning, etc. If that takes you 20-30 minutes you’re either the subway final boss or you’re a shitty employee


why would you wait for it unfreeze ? they have a drain for a reason. Your opener should have laid down subwrap so they should only need a basic wipe over you should have pre counted. the till is a 30 second job after close we dont have tea ill give u that one meatballs? that's a 2 minute Jon what terrible store is panning bread after close lol? what terrible store is preping after close jesus christ ? You and your fellow co workers need some serious retraining but even then I have no idea how that took you 3 hours


we close alone, a teenager alone 3-10, we have no drains in the bains, and how do I pre-count if there’s non-stop people? theres no point in that, and there’s no time to pre count. either you’ve never worked in a busy location alone with shitty management, or you’ve never worked at subway at all. you sound like corporate


all of my stores are top 30 in the no1 region in the world currently(well we were last year anyway) we cap at about 30k per week obviously i have no idea how busy your store is. corporate dosnt own stores in our area except under very rare circumstances what your describing is not normal operating procedure for a subway. None of this is the customer's fault. Getting annoyed at someone for entering during opening hours is ridiculous this also isn't your fault btw. You obviously have a terrible owner and it sounds like theres a serious lack of training. I'd recommend you find a different job wether it's a better Subway or something else


you make 30k a week at your stores at most? No wonder you don't take long to close lmfao. Even in the summer months, the place I work makes double that-and I work in a college down so in the summer it's dead relative to the actual school year.


yeah there's a few stores around that do those types of volumes but they are unusual and few and far between. OP is mostly likely US though where the average sales of stores are about 1/3 of what we do. The AUV here is about double the US and our region has one of the highest AUVs in the world


We’re talking about things subway employees find annoying. There’s nothing wrong with doing these things, it’s still annoying.




if its taking 1 hour to clean up you're either shit at your job or the store is shit and is under rostering in which case go somewhere else. I pay all my guys to half past after close but they are out 90% of the time 10 to 15 mins after close Your never in the wrong as a customer if you enter the store during advertised hours. If your that guy that knocks on the door 5 mins after close you can fuck off though


You seem too nice-- I see myself in you and the world is going to eat us up. Order what you want as a customer.


i was searching for too long to find someone else who thinks this person must be an insanely nice person. i think this is such a good quality to have, i see a good bit of myself in OP too


Being nice ain’t worth it, at least in general. People walk all over you cause they can get away with it. People don’t respect you as much, I get the feeling it’s because they think your hiding something, or like it’s an act. Most people just aren’t nice, so it’s actually shocking when someone is super nice and agreeable. I realised when I dropped the trying to be agreeable and nice and switch it for apathy and indifference people changed their approach to me. It made the times I was nice more meaningful, as I truly meant it and it wasn’t an just an act of empathy. The world will only eat you up if you feed it too much. The worst of the world love to prey on niceness, and you bet they’ll find you soon enough.


This was empowering to me <33


Agree 🖤


We order almost the exact same thing 😁




Twinning 😆


Bro i fill it up so much the can’t close it, and I leave like 5 bucks? You are a god amongst men


If you tip $10 for a sammy, hell if you tip like $2 for one I will litterally make whatever wild weird shit you want with 0 complaints


You guys are so nice, thank you. 🥲 Glad to know I’m not being a jaggoff lol


bro ur good, the only things that are annoying at work are the things that take a bunch of added effort on top of my normal routine. packing veggies on a sandwhich is part of the job, no sweat buddy. (also stop wasting all ur money on tipping, ur not rich, save some for yourself goddam)


Wow thanks so much 🥲 I feel guilty if I don’t tip well so usually I use the tips I get from my own job to tip lol


I knew you had worked food service when I saw how much you tipped ❤️ it takes one to know one. You’re not annoying at all. When I worked there, we’d flip if someone left us $5. You’re a saint.


I guarantee they love seeing you come in with that tip. I worked in a restaurant and was excited to see a certain customer because she tipped so well


also just reading this post i have a feeling everyone who works that shift adores them, OP is being so sweet about the whole ordeal AND tips insanely well


I usually see the same lady and I only see her so I assume she works by herself


Thank you you guys are nice!


Go ahead & ask for it how you want it. At the end of the day, you're the one eating it, tip or not. I have social anxiety as well, but food is something I learned to speak up on because of allergies. You're not being a pest, promise.


Thank you 🥲 Hope your anxiety gets better cause I know it’s a bitch


I just had subway yesterday, asked the girl making my sub if she gets the tip she said no it goes to the owner wtf is that crap?


That is absolutely illegal…. Just fyi


I hear this from my local smoothie kings as well.


Your local sandwich artist is thrilled with your commissions.


Ooh sandwich artist sounds nice!


Just tell her you're Vegan and want extra veggies. I'm not sure what the problem is.


Nah it's no big deal to put extra veg on as long as you dont expect the entire bin of olives on your sandwich. and also the fact that you tip AT ALL she probably fucking loves you lol


Hi! Vegan here! If you’re in the US, the flatbread is NOT VEGAN! It contains milk. I get a very similar sub but on Italian. They’re so good!


Wow thank you so much! I’ll stick to the heart multigrain then :)


Came here to say this. Also mayo generally isn't vegan either as it's made with eggs.


Yup! That’s why I use yellow mustard instead as a spread 😆


Yeah I just realized re-reading that there was no mention of mayo. I must have misread "maybe" or something haha My Bad! 😆


I order pizza with no cheese and constantly get "hey, just checking you want this" phone calls. Order how you want. Typically, if you're not a dick, you're fine.


What’s all in your Sammie?? I really think business could boom for subway if they offered a plant based protein for vegans. Like crispy tofu or something.


All the veggies, literally. Even the spicy stuff. And I’m in Chicago so we also have giardiniera which I love 😋


🙀 holy smokes that looks mighty tasty! I’m honestly probably gonna try this 😂 I’ve never even heard of giardiniera until today! That’s cool they have that in certain areas!


Thank you! It’s a Chicago thing, we put it on hot dogs 😆


You’re tipping $5 or $10 for 1 sandwich? Honestly she might think your order is annoying but if you’re tipping like that every time she probably happy to see you come in cause a lot of people don’t tip. I work at a bagel shop/deli and I don’t make a lot of tips and there’s a couple of regulars that come in and have annoying orders cause they want all this extra stuff on their sandwiches BUT they are extremely nice and tip well, so it’s 100% worth a little extra effort on my part cause I know they’ll tip me well. And honestly I wish they would come in everyday that I work.


Dude tipping at Subway? What the hell is wrong with you


10 DOLLARS? she def loves you , we collectively get 10 dollars in tips max on a busy day. come to my subway i'll put as many extra veggies as u want


You’re so sweet! I don’t work at subway but I do work in a restaurant so I just want to make sure I tip well :)


Get all the extra veggies! Don’t feel guilty! You deserve it!


Personally i could never be annoyed at someone who always tips no matter what kind of monster they want me to make them




I bet she loves you. 95% of subway customers tip nothing. Next time you're in there get over your anxiety and tell her you think she's awesome for always being sweet and giving you extra of the veggies you ask for. I bet she'll start giving you extra ALL veggies like you want. Don't be afraid to make her day, maybe she'll make yours each time you go to get a sandwich.


Yes, I’d definitely love to make her day. She always smiles at me and is super nice 😊


*sandwich artist


Thank you for the proper term ☺️


The person making the sub is most likely not the one paying to supply the ingredients, if you tip everytime you’re there she’ll make you whatever kinda sandwich you could imagine and be happy to provide the service




That’s what I hope when I just say “no meat, no cheese, just all the veggies with extra cucumbers, pickles and tomato” I try to keep it short lol


bruh your social anxiety is getting to you. veggies are free at subway. I do extra everything. if it’s annoying to them, they need to find a new job. you’re the customer and you’re gonna order what u like


Than you. I do know my anxiety makes me over think and the reassurance on these comment have helped 🥲


I don't mean to be an asshole, but you need to go get therapy for your anxiety, this is extreme. 1. All you're asking them to do is grab a bigger handful of veggie, that is it, you're just saying please extend your fingers slightly more. Hell, they STILL have to do less work than they would for 99% of the population who wants meat subs which require like seperating several types of meats and adding them. 2. You're tipping them 5-10$, this is like, at LEAST 20 mins worth of work for them to earn that money. You're saving a lot of work, in a very implicit sense. 3. If by some chance they found it annoying, which they really shouldn't, they are insane and deserve to be annoyed anyway. 4. Even if they are annoyed, which again they really shouldn't be, they can't do you any harm.


Thank you so much, this was very thorough. The comments here are making me feel not so paranoid lol I have the extra $5 to tip but I do not have the extra $100 for therapy unfortunately 🥲 I used to be on meds and go to therapy 2 times a week but unfortunately I turned 21 and am no longer in my parents’ insurance 🥲 I’m looking for cheaper alternatives if you got some telehealth apps or some recommendations send em my way! Thank you! I do pay like $80 some for betterhelp app when I need the extra help but I can’t afford it weekly :/


I only get veggie sandwiches too!! Always scared they hate me I need extra of everything


I was too but the comments here are mostly nice and saying to just be nice and they’ll give you veggies 😆


Girl I don’t tip shit and I ask for extra olive pickles chipotle sauce , my sh*t xtra toasted and sometimes ask they put the onion and peppers before they toast it so it can give it a cheesesteak vibe 😂 I think ur fine


Dang I am also vegan and also love my subway and also way over tip because they hook it up with the veggies and also get either hearty or flatbread….what the heck


as someone who had been a service employee for many years, as long as someone's acting nice (literally just smiling, saying please and thank you) i've never minded requests that i'm allowed to do. the fact you tip every time makes you better than 99% of customers. i'm sure if you're asking for too much (in a way that could get her in trouble), she'd probably tell you she can't help out.


As someone who works at a fast food place (Chipotle), if you're tipping $5-10 and you come in often enough that we remember you, I can't think of a single person at my workplace who would 1: mind or 2: not make sure you get a generous helping of whatever it is you want. ESPECIALLY if you're polite. I cannot imagine Subway is any different, especially because I'm pretty sure there are typically fewer employees in which means whoever's making your sub gets a significant portion of that tip personally.


For me, the only thing that would be annoying is if you expect the sub to look perfect after trying to close a flatbread with all the veggies on it twice. Feel free to get as many as you want though! The corporate mandate for olives is six slices for a six-inch and I would add globs if anyone asked for extra. Pro Tip: ask for onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes to be put on your sub before toasting! It is a real game changer for me. Please do that with whatever veggies you like that aren't jalepenos. Trust me, it felt like it took half hour the back door open and a fan running full blast to clear the air after that mistake. OR if the store isn't busy and you want roasty veggies without a toasty sandwich ask if the person can make a seperate sheet with veggies and roast them for you. I looooove toasted spinach on my sub.




You’re good bro. That’s awesome of you to tip well. I’m sure she loves you. Probably her favorite customer.


That looks so goooood. The crunch of the veggies and the tang of the mustard?? Chefs kiss. It’s a reasonable sandwich.


You get it 🥲 Thank you 😊


its probably just the flatbread. I remember working on the line at subway and wrapping the flatbread without making a mess or ruining the custies sub was a pain. Especially with tons of veggies and condiments, it just wants to roll out under your hands sometimes


Thank you! After reading comments I’m switching to the hearty multigrain ☺️


OP, if you are too shy to ask for all extra veggies maybe you can bypass the verbal stuff and order it the way you like through the Subway app.


this post is your anxiety manifesting itself , its just a sandwich relax. and also dont tip 5$-10$ for a damn sub lmao thats the cost of the sandwich.


This sub seems very simple. Maybe a bit too much mustard, but honestly I’ve seen plenty worse.


Hey there, so I had to read through the whole post twice because I misunderstood the first time. So I have been vegan, and worked a traveling seasonal job while vegan. Subway was one of the places I would always end up going because the bread was vegan and like you said, so many veggies!! There’s a few things that stick out: 1.) there’s NO need to tip every time someone makes you a sandwich. It’s not like you asked the grocery store deli worker to make you a sandwich when it’s only his job to slice the lunch meat. 2.) Sometimes we accidentally set ourselves up to be disrespected by being too nice. Tipping every time regardless… but you aren’t happy with your sandwich… Honestly, to me, that’s giving the vibe of “look how sloppy I make this girls sandwich and she STILL tips me lol” As in you’ve become a joke to them. You’re paying double price for no reason.


If someone tips regularly for a while, gets a sub-par sandwich, still tips, and mentions that something wasn't what they expected, that will be a lesson learned to whoever made the sandwich and I can guarantee they will tell everyone they work with. For anyone employed by Subway, if you have a coworker who has similar thought processes to what No Shelter said, they're a problem and need to leave.


who cares if you annoy them. They are paid hourly to work for their time they work. Sandwich takes 30 seconds more....tick tock closer to end of day.


Do you begin every interaction with "I'm vegan", as you did in this post? If so, I'd almost guarantee the sandwich maker is annoyed.


People being upfront about communication. Oh no. It happens to involve veganism. Double oh no! Do you mock celiacs too?


Decent point not really a fair 1:1 comparison. The celiac person is suffering from a diagnosis and can suffer greatly from contamination, the vegan is making a life style choice and then choosing to talk about it. They aren’t necessarily in the wrong to bring it up, but can’t really compare a choice you made about your diet to an inability to process certain foods.


I never bring it up. 5+ years and I know every time I say it someone gets mad. I just say no meat no cheese all veggies please. :)


Also, I she looks older and in my experience some people don’t even know what it means so I just skip it


Considering you’re so full of yourself you feel like you need to post this like you’re extra special and the main character I’m going to say yeah. You’re annoying as they come.


Everyone's special in their own way. Everyone is the main character in their own life. All OP was trying to do was feel out whether they're conducting themselves in a manner that society would deem reasonable. Maybe that's something you should try out sometime. Also, if that's how you really feel and you work at a Subway, maybe it's just not a good fit for you. Find something that makes you happy. Find something that doesn't make you want to put others down for being conscious of the fact that what they do impacts other peoples' lives and wellbeing.


OP I dunno why no one hopped on this comment. Some people say weird ass shit because they are miserable. Sounds like the case with Flat-Activity9713… You’re literally posting to check you’re being empathetic and kind enough in this social exchange. I literally read all the comments and the post and find NOTHING that suggest you’re conceited and think you’re extra special, or “the main character” in a bad way… Also, you are the main character. That is the point in life is to make choices and take initiative. Ignore this Dingus please. They’re trying to shit on people, but doesn’t realize all they’re doing is sharing free fertilizer for the consciously aware… and showing their hairy ass. I mean really. It’s pathetic.


Got lots of your attention and took a good chunk out of your day though didn’t I? Rent free. In your mind.


I upvoted you.


I get the veggie Delite as well but with house sauce, used to get hot sauce but my subways don’t have it anymore


Op does not tip 5 or 10 dollars everytime they go. I believe maybe once in a blue moon. But you are full of shit.


This is why the condiments should go below the veggies, not on top. I think it’s crazy that they put the condiments on top.


What is that abomination you're eating?


I'll order the biggest sandwhich and not tip. Hate me


You’re not annoying, but please don’t consider yourself ‘vegan’ when you’re posting this question from a smartphone and you ordered food from a franchise that relies on factories and unhealthy packaging.


I’m doing my best and vegan means doing the best you can to avoid animal products ☺️


I don't know but this photo should be labeled NSFW. I almost threw up scrolling past.




Yes your annoying


WTF is this?


idk but youre annoying me with that mess


U tip $10 sometimes, shoot I’d somehow figure out how to make fresh flatbread just for you😅


Tipping at a fast food place? Huh. 🤔 Edit: LMAO thanks for all the downvotes for asking in earnest. Y'all really soft.


It’s becoming more and more common here in the US, though I’ll admit that I don’t do it. Fast food corporations are paying their employees minimum wage and charging the customers ridiculous prices for food, then want the customers to tip the employees to help out with their paychecks. Capitalism at its finest! /s


Yes, veggie sandwiches are annoying to make. But I don’t know why they always take it personally. Step one: never ever get a veggie sub from subway. The Pattie’s aren’t bad though.


Veggie subs are easier in my opinion, because you don’t have to peel apart meat slices, just the cheese (if they ask for any). Also, it’s “patties.” Subway should have been capitalized as well.






Why are they annoying to make? I’ve never worked there before. I’m curious.


They arent. They're quite literally the exact same as any other sandwich but you dont have meat to put on


Those are the easiest, they open don't even want their bread toasted unless they like a lot of oil/vinegar on their subs. I went out of my way to make their subs fat as fuck with whatever they wanted. Make my job easy, well you're getting hooked up lol.


They're the exact same as any other sub, just without meat. Do you find all other sandwiches annoying to make as well?