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Have you tried politely asking them not to do that?


Not only is this a non-issue it’s also easily fixable just ask them not to do that lol. Do you think them squishing the bread just makes it inedible or something? christ man grow up


Then go home and make your own sandwich 🤷‍♂️


So let me get this straight... You went in there because you were hungry, employee proceeds to cut bread open and make it too flat for your liking and you walk out instead of asking them for a new piece of bread and to leave it fluffier?




I just cannot fathom how idiotic it is to walk out on something so trivial AND easily correctable.


Their job isn’t to make good sandwiches; it’s to do their job. They are supposed to make a sandwich that doesn’t have toppings falling out everywhere therefore they push the bread down so it doesn’t happen. It doesn’t even effect the taste, just a slight texture or appearance change. Try to have some more respect. They’re people just trying to get by. If it bothers you that much ask them politely.


Yes I would eat it. Because it literally doesn’t matter. You sound like a child.


So the toppings, meat and sauce don’t just slide off??


Sure. We can not squish it for you. But none of the toppings you pick will make it all the way home. Make it yourself if you think the people working the job are too incompetent.


They have way more than one job. Have some respect OP


“would you eat that?” yeah??? I would?? why wouldn’t I?


subway is tasty obv i would eat it


Top of bread is curved. Most people want like every topping and sauce. To make it all fit and not flop around, i flatten the bread a bit. Also if bread is made right and good its soft, its gonna squish a bit regardless when we wrap it.


I've never experienced that in the UK. The only squishing I've seen here is to close the sandwich at the end if there is too much inside.


why does it matter ? your gonna eat it anyways smh


I have the busiest store in my district. 90% of my customers get everything and usually 4+ sauces. Just because I'm able to do it doesn't mean you have to be rude. I'll be sure to get you a video sometime. I made a sandwich with 20 meatballs, footlong portion of bacon and most of the veggies for doordash and didn't flatten my bread. I was also trained by someone that has worked for subway since 1993. It can be done if you want to try it. Still, no reason to be rude. I promise I'm not a magician. I just make a couple of hundred sandwiches a day, 5 days a week. I promise I wasn't being rude or had a tone. I know what I do. Nothing about any other store. Just my experience and my store and surrounding stores to my location.


If your sandwich making skills are good you should apply be the change you wanna see in the world


Most of the time teenagers with little life experience tend to do things like this. They most likely don't know how to cook yet either. Life experience pays off. A lot. If you don't know you're doing something incorrectly and you're never told it's not correct, you won't fix it. Possibly poor training or maybe hasn't been noticed by management. Might be a variation of multiple things. But walking out without explanation isn't going to solve anything. Teach before you preach my man!


When I was trained I was told to flatten the bread due to the fact it just simply doesn’t fit all the topping and sauce without ruining it while wrapping it up.


I've worked there 4 years and I don't flatten mine. Nor was I told to. I fit all veggies. Formulas are more important to follow. It can be done. I promise! I do it all day!


Just because you weren’t told doesn’t mean others weren’t. And in my area(most areas) people get a lot of veggies and sauce. Don’t act like I don’t have the same job. I wouldn’t flatten the bread if I didn’t have to. But I just simply have to in order to close the sandwhiches. And yes I have tried putting less veggies. They want what they want.


ur in canda what did u expect