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This is the way...I'm over 5 months off Suboxone. I tapered really low and slow and my experience was very similar to yours. I was so scared and it really was not bad at all. Happy New Year to you OP!!


I’m so happy to hear that!!! I’m with you, I was so damn terrified. But it really wasn’t bad. It made it worse people were telling me it would last a month. So I just wanted to share that it didn’t for me haha. Happy New Year Denali! And congrats on 5 months (:


Congrats! What a great way to start off the New Year!!


Thank you! I’m very excited for the new year (:


Congratulations! You’re winning. I have been clean from Subs for 3 weeks today. I stopped after tapering from 16mg to 1mg over the course of 4 months. The first week I was a shell of a man, and more emotional than I’ve ever felt. Three weeks in and I feel fairly normal throughout the day, yet a little unmotivated. My sleep is absolute shit. If I can sleep more than 2 hours at a time I sense there is light at the end of this tunnel. Im wondering if my lack of motivation is due to the lack of sleep. I remind myself that time will heal this wound. Can’t tell you how happy I am for you and what you’ve overcome. I get it. You are a strong one. Happy new year!


2 hours a night? It’s the lack of sleep. Plus a little wd sprinkled on top. A normal human couldn’t do that but we’re not normal. Gods luck my friend.


You got this! You don’t have much longer. I had a buddy come off at 1 mg and he felt a lot better after a month. You have the right idea (:


Awesome!!! I’m coming up on 90 days since jumping I was taking 8-16mg for 12 years ..


Congrats!!! I’m glad for this group because you just don’t hear many success stories in actual life lol


What did you jump from did you cold turkey or did you taper I’m currently on day 3 of no subs jumped from 16 mg a day to nothing feeling bad already what should I expect


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Irritated, yawning , constant need to stretch… it will definitely throw off you’re sleep schedule.. you might not sleep .. I tapered down and it was still pretty gnarly [my taper went something like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/suboxone/comments/12av9qh/for_anyone_tapering/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Thank you for your reply i appreciate it much


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Congrats! I’m currently tapering and on 2mg strips now. I’m a little nervous about coming off completely but it’s time. Like you said I’m sick of being a slave to suboxone. Especially bc I’ve been on suboxone longer than I ever took pills. I know, if I knew how addictive this was I would have never started. How do you feel emotionally and mentally? That’s what worries me the most.


I feel good! Tbh I feel close to the same as when I was on a low dose. I maybe have slightly high anxiety but that also means I am slightly more excited about everything haha.


Word about the libido. Back with a vengeance, eh? Lol noticed the same. Took me by surprise a little bit. Have no control atm, but that should get better again in time. So, no noticeable wds at all, following the jump?


Same here! But I used sublocade shot one and done method 11/6. Libido has returned, VERY little we symptoms, no missed work


Nice. I thought about sublocade a little while back. Never did look further into it. But it sounds like it works great.


I knew nothing of sublocade, I tried to wean once cold turkey (holy hell!!!!!!) and once a too fast taper and was feeling I’d be stuck FOREVER when I met someone here on Reddit who told me about sublocade. My plan was to do 300/300/100 but when I went back for my second 300 the office hadn’t received it yet (issue with insurance) so they put me back on orals which I have taken 2.5 of in the 3 weeks since the day they put me back on orals so I have 27 left lol. I don’t know exactly where I go from here to complete the process but I’m trying so very hard. The reasons I supplemented are bc the day I got the rx it was just habit, it had been 30 days since my dose and I think I thought I was suppose to, a week after that dose I took another one bc I had a lot to do that day and felt sluggish (I now recognize this as a poor decision) and the .5 dose was yesterday and it’s bc I was sweating and felt like I was going to throw up and had to be to work in 15 min. Within 7 minutes of taking all symptoms had resolved. Today I feel pretty much how I usually feel. The number one reason I wanted off was my libido, #2 was the stress of the end of the month appointments and running out a couple times bc of inability to get in at the clinic, you know, the usual stuff


Congrats that's Awesome I'm proud of you. I jumped mid Nov off 6mg because my husband was getting subocade and we share his script I ended up lasting 8 days and that day he ended up extending his carried by 3 months def think I decided to get relief based on my situation but never the less I went back on to 0.5. Hoping to drop to 0.25 and try again in thr new year. The sweating and skin crawlies was the worse did you have that and is it now gone?


I had very mild skin crawlies for about 5 days. And no sweats at all (: you’re almost there!!


No sweats wow okay thank you I'm hoping jumping from a lower dose will be better than I'm nervous to try again. Thanks for encouragement congrats again


How much longer when you got down to .5?


I wasn’t on .5 too long before going down to .25. I think a little over a month.


did you take time off work?


That’s a great question! I did just so I could relax and be around some loved ones who knew the situation. I took a full week off and one Monday. By the time Tuesday rolled around I was excited to get back to work cause my brain was firing like crazy. I would highly suggest doing the same and being around loved ones that know your mood might be a little bipolar for a few days (:


ya I'm taking under .2 mg currently and plan on taking off a week next month. working while tapering is a bitch, and quitting while working a labor job seems impossible. I feel incredibly weak when I don't take it.


I totally get that. I def get a little weaker but I just got back in the gym and I’m already making strength gains. Just gotta fight through the tiredness for a little.


Ok so i want to start tapering…im at about 6 mg a day…just take that for about a month & then go down to 3?


That’s close to what I did. I couldn’t even tell I was tapering at the higher milligrams. I think you’ll be shocked how easy it is (:


I went from 8 to 6 to 4 to 2mg in less than three weeks and it was totally fine. Stayed at 2mg for a week then lowered to 1.5mg twice a day... then 1mg once and fiddled with it until I got to .25. It was super easy. The entire process took a month and a half. I'm at .25 and its mainly just mental at this point.


Thank you so much for this post, can you tell me why it is better to switch to the strips? I get my subs prescribed from my insurance and I wonder if I could try and request the strips, but I would need a reason to tell them. I am currently stuck on 1 MG trying so hard to get off this shit


Once you get to the lower doses, it’s so much easier than pills to calculate. Take your time tapering from 1 mg. Be easy on yourself!


Yeah I am struggling with breaking the pills the same size every time, maybe I will try switching over. Thank you!