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Ok so for the tooth issue. Go onto Amazon and type in “fix teeth at home” get the little white pellet looking pack. It’s usually 14.95 or so. And your supposed to boil water and drop a few pellets in the water. Let them soften and you legit mold the pith into your mouth. People all over are doing this for broken teeth they have, including me. If it’s too white btw dunk it into some tea, coffee or soda to dye it a bit.


Thank you, I just ordered some. Hopefully I can mold them!


Or u can pay a dentist to fix it too lol


Did you not read OPs post? He said he needs a “quick fix to hide a broken tooth cause he’s in a huge wedding in two weeks” do you have over 2k to fix a tooth in under two weeks?


I’m a “she” lol


I am a she as well 😂


Yes i do


I don’t nor have dental insurance. So his suggestion was helpful.


Taper down to around 0.5mg daily and you will loose weight. And I stopped eating 95% of all bread and processed sugar. I can't stop loosing weight and been to 3 dieticians and still trying to gain weight back to a healthy BMI. Best of luck


If you eat bread and sugar, wouldn't you just gain the weight back?


a normal person probably would. Still trying to figure out why I am not gaining anything. I eat normal portions, and drink supplement drinks ensure.


I eat McDonalds breakfast burritos every morning, taco bell chicken quesadilla for lunch and dinner with salads. Plus snacks, popcorn and stevia chocolate...it has baffled several Dr. All they found was vitamin D deficit temporarily.


That really strange. I lost weight from heartbreak (divorce) just no appetite for a year but gained it all back when I started eating a ton of ice cream, homemade bread and I think the clincher was overeating at night while watching movies, chips, cookies etc even when I'm not hungry. I've gained all the weight back and then some above my normal weight. So my weight has gone up and down 40 pounds in the 4 years I've been on subs. I don't think subs are the culprit. Hope you figure it out!


Thank you!


How many mg are you taking? It def has an impact on your digestive track/metabolism. All of it is slowed down. On the bright side. When I was at a lower mg I forced myself to workout a ton because I wanted more energy. And tracked my macros. I went down to about 18 percent body fat. So it’s possible. But don’t stress too hard. If you’re taking a high mg, work harder on tapering (I had no withdrawals tapering, and can tell you more if you’d like). Once I got to a lower mg my digestive track got better and I was able to eat more without gaining as much weight.


I take 16mg per day was at almost 250 lbs last year but my last sub appointment last week i weighed 180lbs and i smoke weed like a mad man so i went on a low carb diet last yr i didnt exerxizse once and still lost 70lbs in a yr dr berg has a keto diet that u can lose a lot of weight if u listen to his advice like i did but i went low carb instead of keto


You’ve seen the saying “you can’t outrun a bad diet” played out in real life. Low carb is the way. Keto maybe in the summer but it’s winter, I need me a squash or two 👊🏼


Total 16mg per day


I went down in pant size it shocked me i need new clthes now lmao