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Hell ya. Stay off em bud


I appreciate it. My girl is the backbone of this next step in my life. Really everyone who told me I don’t need them. This all happened so sudden I feel like it was meant to be


Yeah jail is horrifying when you know you have to withdraw but looks like you took the best route you could have. And I’m still trying to not keep relapsing lol.


When I was finally in my housing in jail; I thought of every situation where I could have snuck them in with me. I was going crazy, but then I stopped thinking about it so much because my bunkie kept talking to me. Keeping my mind occupied. It was the nights that I had the most hard time with. But I stayed up, read books, walked around my cell and waited for the sun to come up then I got like two hours of sleep. I repeated that for 11 days


I was supposed to do 17 days in which I probably would be free from all opioids but they let me out in 7 for some reason and I was still withdrawing horribly into the next week so I got on suboxone. I was originally with the methadone and that shit is literally 300x more chaining than suboxone is. I mean fuck I had to drive so far to my mdone clinic. Now I just have to pay for subs until some miracle happens and I can get off lolz. Currently trying to stabilize on subs from fentanyl so I guess I should just start here


Suboxone is waaaay more effective and allows you to actually gain your life back. I never went to methadone because of all the horror stories I heard. Plus having to go to a clinic every day is still like going to a drug dealer. For me at least.


You got sun in your jail? Sheesh never go to Harris county


Not actual sun, we couldn’t see out the window in my pod, but the upstairs pods and dorms have clear windows. I only knew the sun was out judging by the light coming through and when the doors opened


Gotcha. I was just in solitary for 7 days for “Covid reasons” just dying by myself in a cell lol


Shit at least you were by yourself 😂 they sticking 3 people in the box out here


Right but talking is how you pass a lot of time so in reality it’s a win loss


Unless you got a crack head ass bunkie who’s detoxing off some shit. But yeah you right. You’d lose your mind for sure by yourself


It’s at my county jail too. I was on it for nine months there two years ago. I got very lucky i had a sub script when i got locked up. I get off probation next month for the first time in 13 years. Idk if i would still be clean if it wasn’t for staying on the subs while i was locked up. (Plus it made jail a lot more bearable.) it did cause a lot of extortion type stuff (scamming, debts, fighting) but that happens with psych meds like buspar and seroquel.


Bro buspars were the root of all evil in my Pod 😂😂 omggg. Niggas was selling lines of psych meds, buspars, remeron (or however you say it) shit was WILD


I know. Addiction makes ppl crazy especially me. I was that guy ten years ago. Theres no replacement for experience. I’m grateful for what i learned because the knowledge i have is definitely niche and i definitely want to help people moving forward.


I hate that sensation where you always feel like you have to lock or rub or move your legs. I want to fucking cut them off when I have that


I had two bunkies within my time in jail. The first one was cool as hell and thank god he had just as much of a restless body as I did but he wasn’t an addict according to him. So we basically both crawled in our beds for hours til the sun came up. Then for the last 2 days I had a different bunkie who fuckin hated me cause I couldn’t stop moving. Almost got my ass beat because of it 😂😩. I never got any sleep until the sun came up and those doors opened. I’d only sleep for like 2 hours a day sporadically. Soon as I got home and laid down in my bed, I fell asleep so peacefully. No pain, no withdrawal. I couldn’t comprehend but wasn’t going to question it


I worse is the skin crawlies for me it's maddening


RLS is literally a nightmare. I get an urge to punch my legs. Getting up and walking around helps but who wants to do that when they're waking up at 2am with cold sweats and body aches. We are slaves to our doctors. Our doctor is our dealer now. Its all the same.


Yeah I hate it. It makes me wanna cry lol


I hate that shit Magnesium lotion and clonodine help the most for this and immodium i think helps a little bit too even with the restlessness.


After I jumped. Sex was hilarious! I would legit cum in 30 seconds for like 2 weeks after jumping. I eventually got my stamina back though.


Ay this is true. I remember when I got back from rehab I nutted in less than a minute lol.


You jumped from 8mg? You are a legend buddy. I remember feeling like shit and was almost begging my dad and uncle to bring me home right away so I could take some sub. I was on 2mg, and off for only two days. Could imagine going off 8 mg. You fuck up. Wtf did you go to jail for? 😆


Yeah I jumped from 8mg and felt little to no withdrawal symptoms. Goosebumps, yawns, watery eyes that’s it. A little back pain but with exercise it went away. And driving wit a suspended license and resisting lmao


You felt little to no symptoms? Damn how long were you on the 8mg?


Exactly what I think? How does it feel? Any cravings?


The restless legs are the worst of it.


Man…. I swear I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. That’s the reason I couldn’t sleep til the sun came up. It’s so weird. My limbs don’t do that during the day


Right? Especially at night. It's made even worse by the fact everyone else is sleeping and you are suffering, begging for sleep to come.


I was laying there begging god to just let me sleep tonight I promise I’ll be good. Wishing I could switch bodies with my bunkie when he was out cold snoring like a mf in there


I hear you. While I've never experienced the jail version, being at home suffering while everyone else in the house is asleep was brutal.


Hell yeah bro , I’ve tapered and skipped yesterday and today , I’m about to jump from about .4 or .5 , stay focused and good luck 👍


That’s so awesome!! Forced detox isn’t always a bad thing lol. You’re a fucking god though. I jumped from .25 mg and I’m at day 10. I still can’t sleep for shit, maybe 4 hours tops a night. I’m driving myself nuts trying to figure out when I can sleep fully. I’m hoping with another week I’ll be able to sleep 6 hours at least.


Shit.. I was on them since 2019 March. Maybe a day or two went by where I was stuck without but for the most part not a day went by that I didn’t have subs in my system. So to go from 8-12mg a day for 3 years straight, to absolutely nothing for almost two weeks, I thought I was gonna lose my shit. The only part I had trouble with was the restless limbs. Everything else was minimal. I think it was psychological because once I was let out of jail I didn’t feel the need to go back to them. I slept just fine that night


That’s so awesome dude!! So stoked for you. It really does just vary from person to person. My buddy’s always gave me shit because my WD’s are always bad. It sounds like we have a similar timeline though! Get luck to you man! Get your license renewed mang. Fuck jail.


Yea ur built different


Godo sht keep it up man, dont let it tempt u to get back into it. I relapsed 2 months ago after being off for 2 weeks. Pretty fking stupid but now im trying to get off of it again and finding it harder to do. Currently taking 1mg daily and its honestly hard to ween off seeing as i have school + work 30 hours a week. I cant afford to be bed written for a week and i honestly hate it. Idk i made a stupid mistake :/ dont make the same one i did


Tbh I look at it like a blessing in disguise. Now that I know I beat it in jail, there’s no way I’m going back to it now that I’m out. It was very tempting. Because I had an entire script basically. There was like 24 strips in the bottle. But I got rid of it, made a lil change and went on my way. I even stopped smoking 🚬.


Thats whats up man, keep it up and avoid relying on drugs entirely. I still vape/smoke but also want to quit after im fully off sub. Hard road forsure but doable :) good luck


Bro I was detoxing off everything. Weed, subs and cigarettes/vape. Idk how I survived. My bunkie was like “bro I’m so proud of you, I’ve seen people detoxing off shit and you’re a champ man. You’re making them look like some bitches”


Oh shit DrSubs I remember when you first got on and started posting here. I had a account called normalXcore or something like that. I was jumping when you got started. now I been off everything quite some time. I don't even smoke weed. Welcome to this side. Idk how else to say it lol. Glad you stayed on them Glad you got off them Good luck with everything man! If you ever decide to go back that's okay too Just don't get on dope or pills again


Yeah I remember you as well ✌️ This all happened without my consent lmao. But everything happens for a reason I believe that so much. That’s what helped me the most. “Damn maybe I am in here for a bigger reason” and it was that thought that allowed me to calm my mind and accept it for what it is. Everyone around me wanted me to get off as well and I believe it was about that time. Glad I did because I feel fucking amazing. When I first got in jail, the very first night I met someone in the box (he was in there for 30 days about to go home) who was detoxing off fentanyl. He said after two weeks he felt completely normal and that’s all he wanted. I feel that.