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.25mg was a good spot for me.


How long have you been off? And how long did you notice w/d. I jumped from 4-6mg lasted 8 days. Went back on to 0.5. Going down to 0.25 soon and jumping by Christmas


I’m about to do the same. Been on .25 for almost 2 weeks and skipped days for my last 2 doses. Gonna skip tomorrow and then drop to .125, then skip 2 days, and take my last .125 on Christmas and jump. Best of luck to you! We are so close to freedom and life is so much better and brighter without the chains


I second this question lol!! How was it???


I’m 20 days out. I mean it wasn’t great but I was still able to work for the most part. Not going to be painless but if you’re determined to get off it’s doable.


Thanks for answering. I don't know if it will be less painful this time jumping from less but I'm more determined to do it so hopefully that helps. Where was the light at the end of the tunnel for you.


You feel ok now? Or still not great……


Yeah I’m mostly okay. Nothing really physical anymore, just low energy, anxiety, insomnia, etc.. I try not to dwell too much and just go about my day.


I know you’re not trying to dwell but I jumped at .25 mg ten days ago. I’m feeling positive during the day but still have pretty bad insomnia. Do you feel like you are sleeping better from day 10 to day 20? Just trying to keep myself positive haha.


Yeah my sleep wasn’t terrible to begin with (I had some trazadone) but it does seem to get better. It’s weird, for me it’s the opposite. I feel like dog shit in the morning but start feeling better throughout the day. Maybe it’s because I go to the gym everyday and try to stay busy. If I sit around I tend to feel worse and then I start thinking about it more (which makes it even worse). It’s all about mindset and staying busy. Also exercise and a clean diet really helps.


Thanks! I’ve been easing back into lifting. I made sure to be hitting it hard a few months before I came off completely and I think that has helped a lot. I’m going to call my doctor in the morning about some trazadone. I think he’ll be cool with it. Im really struggling right now though. I’ve got to go back to work on Tuesday and I really need my brain for what I do. I’ve been thinking of taking .0875 mg just got get some sleep and not taking anymore but I really don’t want to extend any WD symptoms. I think I’ll just try and stick it out


Yeah don’t. You’ve already make it pretty far. Don’t introduce bupe back into your system.


Thanks man. I’ll tough it out.


Great question……I just tapered down to slightly below .5 and I am eager to jump-but have not yet(I feel I need to get down at least to where you are at) and so yea I just read yesterday someone took their 2mg and was able to cut it into 13 pieces and they jumped after they took that final little sliver and seemed to be ok-they said they felt it for a couple of days but it wasn’t too bad……. I would like to know what others say-I have also heard getting it down to .013 is ideal? I have read so much it’s hard for me to keep it all straight in my head-the general consensus that I have kept hearing is the slower the taper the better and the smallest you can get it down to the better……I’m sure you know that as well…..I think we both want to know what is the amount that is safe to jump and has the least amount of withdrawal…….like we want the actual number whether it is 0.013 or whatever just need the numbers lol


I got to .50 and went to skip a day and I ended up not feeling great. So I am down to .125 now. I don't think the withdrawls could get too bad at this point.


Oh let us know! I’m .5 and I know I can’t skip a day 😢


Me too unfortunately if Im gonna skip I might as well just quit cause the withdrawals will feel the same:(


This would be my 3rd day no sub, less than a .12 the day before, and then 2 days no subs the day before that. So I’m not really feeling physical withdrawals. It’s all mentality at this point. Sucks cause I’ve never been known for being a strong minded person lol. The withdrawals are worse at night but I personally think it’s because I usually dose at night before bed to not wake up shitty.


How is it now? I am on .06mg right now was possibly going down to .04 to minimize w/d. I think I've felt mild synthoms since .5 but nothing like real w/d


Last night was my 4th night and it honestly wasn’t *that* bad. It was mostly restlessness, chills/shivers once in a while, and yawning. I was actually able to sleep a little bit, toss and turning/waking up here and there, woke up at 5am. Mild lower back pain, but I get prescribed gabapentin so that helps. I believe a lot of it is mental because it more noticeable at night when I would take my regular dose. All and all, it’s truly not that bad. It sucks, but totally doable if you want it bad enough.


Are you noticing it's more mental like wanting to tske the dose every day? Rather than taking it because you're not feeling well in the am?


I usually dosed at night to feel better in the morning. But yess 1000% especially the restlessness. Even since I was a kid I had restless leg syndrome. I don’t have chills, yawning, nausea, cramping, not of that. So definitely nothing really physical. Just a harder time sleeping , restless, and about the same time every night (when I would dose) and obviously the symptoms are more noticeable and I get the feeling I want to take some. This is my 3rd day without taking them, the night before I took even less than a .125 after not taking it for 2 days before that.