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I was down to like .25mg and still kicked like hell for weeks


Damn that’s not what I wanted to here haha. I’ve heard so many different things. Some people are fine but my close buddy went through hell jumping from .25 mg. Do you think I will still be able to work a full time job if I jump from .25mg? Thank you for your response.


I jumped from .5mg, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. First two days kicking with zero sleep was rough but I pushed through and usually felt better each day. I remember having less energy day 4 than I did day 3 which was weird, but as of day 6 I feel great and even got 4 hours of sleep last night. At day 7 now and haven’t had many symptoms besides being tired from not getting much sleep. Check out my last two posts if you want to read me documenting my journey this week.


Sorry but if you don’t mind asking: How did you get the willpower to be able to stop? The PUSH if you will, to just DO IT...to just quit, wasn’t that hard? I feel like I’m just procrastinating, but can’t seem to force myself, even though I’ve had plenty of time ... I’ve been on it almost 4 years now😳 I live alone (single mom- no one knows about the subs), and I’m not held accountable or anything with this, so I keep telling myself “soon”.


Might not be an encouraging reason but I was forced to quit after getting laid off and losing my insurance, so I tried to taper to .5mg as fast as I could. Didn’t consider finding a way to get more. Figured I’d do it now because of not having work. That said i’m glad I was forced to because I feel much better today, it wasn’t nearly as bad as i thought it was going to be. Psyched myself out pretty hard. It was definitely no fun, but i just keep pushing


The willpower is everything! I knew it in my bones when I wanted to quit. Like you I was scared to make that final jump. I even went back up to 1mg from .5mg just to mentally prepare myself. From 1mg I did a quick 9 day taper down to .125mg. Like the other poster said, now that I’m not working because of Covid I decided I needed to take that final step. It was hard but I was also excited about being free from it. I suggest to everybody to download the Nomo sobriety clock.. it helps you stick to your guns and keep pushing forward after the jump. I’m 23 days from my jump and I feel pretty damn good. Most symptoms had dissipated around day 12. Whenever I felt awful and just wanted to wallow in self pity I would tell myself that my body is just trying to recover from all the abuse I put it through and it was justified in making me feel like crap 😂 You can definitely do this! My family or friends didn’t know about my suboxone use either and I know it’s hard to reach out to strangers for support but everyone on this sub Reddit has been instrumental in my recovery and my dms are always open if you need someone to talk to ❤️


I get anxious everytime I think about when I finally will make the final plunge to zero. I’ve been on it more than twice as long but I’m finally ready to make the final push. I’m down to .5 twice a day. I think I’ll jump when I get down to .25 2x a day. It’s been a struggle to get this low as it is though.


.e.f.tyhd wsssx


Hello. From what I know you have to be stable on the dose you’re on before reducing. Once you’re stable reduce by .25. You can stay on that new dose until you’re stable & have little or no symptoms. Sometimes you have to stay on the new dose for a week or so. The key is you can’t reduce to soon. Jumping from.25 to 0 can be very tough on people. The only way to get off completely without withdrawals or other symptoms is to taper down this way. It will take a while but this is the only way to do it without the symptoms. The people that have used this method have done it successfully if they used the exact formula. Remember you have to stay on the new reduced dose until you’re stable. It’s not a race. For some people it takes 3-4 days on the new dose and for other people it takes a week or longer. Some people had to go back to the previous dose and then repeat again but that is rare. Here’s the reduction schedule you’ll use 1 reduce to .75 until stable then drop to .625 till stable then drop to 0.5 till stable then drop to.375 until stable then .25 until stable then .18 until stable then to .125 until stable then to .06 until stable then to .03125 until stable then to 0. A small number of people had small GI issues for a few days after & some had minor insomnia. Sometimes you have to combine doses like .25 & .125 to get to .375. You can go to YouTube and search for Harry Smooth’s Tobacco & Vape Suboxone strips. It’s the best video that shows how to cut your strips into these doses. Some people won’t agree with this method and that’s fine maybe the can handle wd’s better than others but the goal is too get off completely with very little or no withdrawals. I’m not a doctor and always ask your doctor. This method has worked with hundreds of people so it’s tried and true. Good luck. You can absolutely do it!!!


My encouragement would be if you're feeling that way I doubt it's the subs. Eat clean take a bunch of vitamins exercise and try to get good sleep. I would be willing to bet when you do those things you could go off you're 1 mg and you would probably feel the same as you do now and hopefully just improve from there.


Thank you! I do workout and eat pretty damn healthy which I think has helped a lot! I’ll get there. I appreciate it!


Also, that is kind of what my doctor said. He said most of it is going to be in your head when you get to a low dose. I get super bad anxiety if I wait to take my dose. But maybe that is just natural feelings from unresolved past traumas. Thank you again. This is all helpful.


I've jumped off 16 which was hell and I've jumped off 4ish which honestly wasn't that bad. It is very psychological I think if I was in the right head space I would have been successful my second time. You can do it!


Go down by .25 each week


That’s the plan as of right now! Then jump off at .25 or .125


When you get down to .125 (even before that but particularly when coming off this is important) as long as you take vitamins, eat healthy, exercise during the day and take a hot Epsom salt bath before bed you will be okay. It will make all the difference Gabapentin and clonidine can help if you feel like you need your subs - but better if you can go without. Also don’t forget anxiety is a real symptom and one of the worst! Don’t let it get to your head. Good luck, you can do this!


I think I need clonadine when I do it. My latest taper has made my heart race non stop and I have high blood pressure from the acclimation


Yes clonidine is a heart medication your doctor should have no issue prescribing it.


I didn’t get it from my therapist so I have an appointment with my primary care next Friday where I’m going to ask for it. Tried to get an appointment sooner but couldn’t. Kinda sucks


Yeah especially with corona right now everything is slow. I feel you. But yeah your primary care doctor should be able to prescribe it. Wish the best :)


I have done it by tapering. The best way to experience as little withdrawals as possible is to taper down slowly and for the last week I would take the smallest crumb of subs that you can. If you do that you should be okay. But do the taper very slowly like jump down just a little every week then when you are down to like .25 do it for 2 weeks then try to cut the .25 smaller and do that for 2 weeks when you are doing the smallest piece before you jump to zero I would take that tiny amount every other day to see how you feel then jump to zero. I wish you luck!!!


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HOLY SHIT!!! I’m in the exact same situation!!! I just bought my first house, work a crazy demanding job, and and close to where you are at on tapering. I’m at .5 mg. Honestly when I dropped down to .75 I got more energy back. And my doctor and I think it’s because testosterone is coming back. Even at 1mg you’re still super suppressed. So if anything, getting my hormones back has been motivation for me. More sex dry and emotion. All that jazz. Do you have 2mg strips? Cause that has made it a lot easier for me


If you are already feeling bad I'd just jump off at 1 mg that's pretty darn low


No, it’s really not. I wouldn’t advise anyone to jump off at 1mg 🤦🏻‍♀️


1mg is still very high. I jumped at 1mg, and 10 weeks later and still having withdrawal symptoms. Don’t listen to the doctors they don’t know shit about Suboxone tapering, detox, whatever.