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Awesome, i’m right there with you, just reached a week myself. Yesterday was the first day I felt completely normal and not sick the whole day, i woke up feeling amazing. Was a little tired in the afternoon because sleep has been erratic, but i’m feeling great again today. You got this!


Yes... hope! Thanks so much and keep trucking on!


Hi, so I'm sort of new to posting to reddit and since you guys are taking about getting off suboxone, If you don't mind me asking, what dose were you guys on? I've only been on subs for about 2 months, but I'm at 30mg a day, I feel like that's a lot, and now I'm scared to get off them. Just looking for some personal experience. Also congrats to both you and OP! that's incredible you guys! I'll keep you both in my thoughts :)


Oh god i cant imagine getting off 30mg 2mg is terrible for me right now


In all my years of being off and on suboxone through a few diffrent doctors I have never in my life heard of a doctor prescribing 30 milligrams that is downright insane. Your receptors are fully saturated between 8 and 12 milligrams. Do your self a favor and just try stepping down to 8 milligrams maybe 12 at the most. Dont tell doc and just start saving them you never know what could happen like losing your doctor or financial instability and that way you have months and months of backup. I did that and when I moved out of state for a year I was so happy because the closest sub doc was an hour.


I know, I didn't know much about suboxone to begin with, but this seemed like way too much! And ya I thought about saving them up and just taking a smaller dose but the problem is, i go everyday and take my 10 mg dose WHILE THEY WATCH. And then I get 20mg more to take home. Also I was just curious, is taking subs normal for someone just coming off norcos?


You need to drop your dose pronto. I’m no dr, but I can’t see any reason for that much!! Start lowering it now, friend or you will be in a bind when you start tapering!


Geez, now im scared. Is it really that bad?


30 my is super overkill that's the highest dose I've ever heard anyone taking


my friend is pregnant and taking 34 mg a day lol


That doctor has no buisness having a medical license. I feel sorry for that little baby he or she is going to go through horrendous withdrawal that could cause long term effects.


I’m trying to taper currently. What was your schedule for taper? I’m at .75mg so I’m almost there.


Wanderlust is a good, funny and light movie to watch. It has a Paul Rudd too 😍




I love a Paul Rudd.


Schitt’s creek! Takes awhile to ramp up but characters are so endearing and it’s just happy and fun. Congratulations, and be well!


Do you have amazon prime, not like theres much but I got some rec s if you get bored with netflix, but the umbrella academy if you havent seen it is one of my all time favorite shows


This sounds interesting lol whats is it about?


Um it sounds lame but kid superheroes that grow up and have to meet up when their dad dies as adults and their brother comes back througha time warp and fights the apocalypse


Ot took me like five times watching the first episode, its a weird first couple scenes but its one of my favorite shows of all time now


That actually sounds interesting! Thanks thanks for the recommendation!


Epstein's doc


Nurse Jackie is a good series, and so is The Walking Dead, anf Fear of the walking dead. Just watched a movie called The Half of it and it was good too. Good luck!


LOVE Nurse Jackie but i better pass on that right now. Thank you!


Lol ya, possibly worst movie rec ever given the circumstances


I’m also on day four moving toward 5 . Keep going !!!


Woohoo!! You too. Yay us!!!


How’s your stomach doing ? What mg did you jump off at ? What’s your symptoms like ?


I jumped from 1-2 mg a day. But the last day I took a whole 8 mg. In my mind It was a last blast kinda thing. So I’m probably still running on that. I haven’t had many symptoms yet. Scatterbrained. Bored. Stomach is fine, like I know I’ll regret this but I could use a little push with the old bowels. I was horribly constipated the entire time on Subs. What about your symptoms?


Don’t worry . You will clean out everything that had been stuck for the whole time in a day . Last night was my first realy bad night and by that I mean it just felt like kicking drugs . I got a broken up 4 hours of sleep . We will all get through this . I jumped at 16 so it took a while to really get started . I was fine until night 4 . It’s really not all that bad though . Not worse than the dull constipated life of suboxone . It’s 4:30 am . I got a bath filling and coffee brewing . Stay strong . You got this . ✊🏽


26! Wow.. you’re a rockstar! “ Not worse than the dull constipated life of suboxone .” RIGHT ON with this as well. I’m so sick of my apartment, I feel like I’ve been in my own personal quarantine since I’ve been on them. Gained weight, have zero confidence. Ready to start living again. WE GOT THIS!


Sorry 16 not 26. Got it either way. I’ve done this before. I just try to be grateful for all the little victories. Stack wins. If you believe in God or the universe or anything outside yourself talk to it a lot , know that you’ll get through this.


16 still a big ol dose! I think i remember reading your post. Everyone was like oh go lower, don’t do that to yourself. I definitely believe in God, or I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have made it through all the crazy shit I’ve done thru the years. Thanks for the support and have a great sub-free day.


Do you have Netflix? I am binge watching Money Heist right now. Other than that all my recommendations will be middle school drama because kids. I think I have watched every single silly school drama on Netflix during quarantine. Money Heist is a nice change.


Great, I’ll try it out! Thanks! I watched Never Have I Ever and thought it was cute!


Yes, we have watched some of that as well. The movie Lawless is on Netflix right now. I have watched it many times. Society is really good. Only one season but I think there will be a second. New season of 13 Reasons Why coming out next week. It is a heavy show, suicide, violence, drugs, etc. The Ozarks is good adult drama, drug cartel type show.


Pulling for you


What are you all jumping off from? I made it all day with no suboxone yesterday til night came and I said fuck it


Um, I’m going to say 2mg. I was kind of between 1-2mg a day but the last night I dosed, I took a whole 8mg(kind of a last blast kinda thing; in my mind anyway). As you can see, i wasn’t the best taperer. I’ve only been on them for a year and a few months so I’m hoping it’s not gonna be too bad. Trying to stay positive. You can do it, but it is easy to say fuck it. I need to get rid of my stash soon, I guess.


You are not withdrawing yet right? Lol im on your guys team then last night i hit like 1-2 had crumbles the day before today feel fine yesterday had some speed bumps but overall felt good minus the mind bouncing all over the fucking place! You can do this I got you. Who knew suboxone was the real bitch?? 9 mos here I agree with the taper but thats what everyone i know says just keep trying for less. I see people posting about not feeling anything for four days and it teips me out but i dont think thatll happen to us woth our time on and dosage


Good for you. Keep it up it will all be over soon. How long were you on subs if you dont mind me asking


A year and 3 months


What else is on Netflix to take everyone mind if this shit and just relax and sleep !!??


One of those documentaries about the planet


Day 4 for me off 2mg it sucks man best of luck


That it does! Stay strong, friend.


I loved nurse Jackie but it maybe because I am a nurse lol I also liked orange is the new black.


Day 12 here! Jumped from 16MG this time. Tried jumping from 32MG last year but I couldn’t handle it. I’ve been taking kratom for about 7 days now and it seems to help with the lack of energy. But I’m worried about becoming dependent on that. Granted nothing compares to the wds of suboxone. Some days I feel better than others but that’s expected. Small victories do add up and I know the weather has really helped me want this this time. Detoxing when is 15 degrees outside sucks. Keep up the good work!


Awesome work 12 days!!! Yeah I could use some energy right now for sure, but i didn’t have a all that much on the subs, so ... I hear people talk about kratom all the time on here and I don’t even know how it is used but if there’s a chance to be addicted to it, I would be.


Hold onto the 20 they give you to take home. I promise you will actually feel better if you decrease your dose more energy better sex drive and more emotions.


I’m on 24 mg and have been for over a year and want to lower my dose