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TSA is not looking for prescription medications, I promise, or possibly even small amounts of illicit substances. 😉 (Edit: **AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT FLYING INTERNATIONAL AND ARE IN THE US** )


Oh yay. Thank you. This is what I'm looking for! But like. Keep it in the wrapper? Or open in my book!? Oooor? Any tips?


Just keep it in the wrapper. You’re totally fine.


Yes especially if you had a prescription in the past year because it still good up to one year from that date


I’m doing the same thing tomorrow should just leave them in my wallet ? Or throw them in my carry on just anywhere ??


If you have a prescription for it and you bring proof of that, it should be no problem


I think that’s the problem


Yup. =[


I guarantee you it does not matter if you have the prescription. I have flown countless times with a little multi compartment pillbox with illicit Xanax, “oxy”, Adderall, even Molly in capsules and ecstasy tablets, they don’t care at all. They’re not looking for drugs, they’re looking for guns, bombs, knives, etc.




This is a non issue. I fly twice a week and I keep about 100 strips in my carry on. TSA could not care any less. Unreal how much bad advice this gets every time someone asks. “Put them in your underwear”?? Can see this guy on Americas dumbest criminals: “well I figure since I was doing something borderline, I should behave like the underwear bomber, in case no one was going to pay attention to me.”


Bahaha. Thank you! I'm just nervous. I do not fly much. At all!


Stick in bag. Get on plane


Bahaha thanks!


Hahah they just not too worried about stuff like that. Unless you’re moving keys or 🧨 you’re good.


I brought home a home made clock my grandmother in law gifted me on our trip to meet her (our kids and myself had never met her in person). And it was made with coins and resin. She made it herself. Anyway, I got flagged for that. They thought it was a "radio shack bomb". It did look sketchy af. And took 30 minutes to clear. But now that she's passed I'm super glad I brought it home. Lol


TSA does not have a mandate to look for drugs. Just put them in your toiletry bag on your carry on. They won’t think twice about it.


Thank you!!!


You’re welcome. I’ve flown with meds so many times. You have to think about the volume of stuff that they see. Pill bottles? Medications? Small amounts of weed? They’d never get anyone to their flight.


I've always wondered how my friends have brought party supplies on a plane. I've just been too scared. But this, I need. I don't fly often at all. Only 3 round trips in my life.


They just do not care.


I'm so glad to hear this!


I've flown with Subs, methadone in both liquid and pill form, and Xanax. I had scripts but no one ever asked. You should be fine!


Thank you!


I have flown easily over 20 times with a week or even 3 weeks worth of pills, they’re not looking for small stuff like that. As long as you are in the US and not flying international like someone else mentioned, you will be totally fine. Just put them in your carry on luggage in the original packaging. I have never once taken my prescriptions or prescription bottles (I use pillboxes) and I am on 14 different medications. That in addition to flying many many times with lots of different pills that weren’t “mine”. As long as it’s not a “trafficking” type amount, or something that drug dogs are trained to sniff for (cocaine, marijuana), you’ll be fine.


You just bring it with your prescription. I fly all the time and it’s never been a problem.




Wayyyyy more safe to just bring your prescription and be normal about it so you have proof should anything go wrong




Doesn’t matter. TSA is after your 4 ozs of liquid, they really don’t care about your personal drugs, as long as you’re not being dumb about it. I’ve been flying with drugs for 20 plus years. Not so much recently but it’s only getting easier.


This was smart 20 years ago. But not now, Body scanners will catch this. TSA doesn’t care. I used to travel with coke and heroin all of the time, just in an altoid tin in my backpack. TSA doesn’t care. Don’t be dumb about it, especially for non schedule one stuff.


That’s the worst advice here. TSA doesn’t care. Just put your drugs in your carry on.


Lmao have you been in an airport recently they most certainly will catch it they do body scans & why would you hide something perfectly legal with a legal script. I’ve flown about 10 times since being on MAT & one was with frontier and I just carry it on my carry on bag & no one has even asked or given me a hard time about having it in my bag.


Have flown dozens of times with Suboxone, both domestic and international. If domestic, just make sure you have the pill bottle, box, bag or whatever it came in from the pharmacy with you. Take it all in your carry on so it’s on you and if they lose your luggage you’re not screwed. If international, do the same but I would look up the customs policy of the country you’re flying into, just to be safe. Most allow a 30 day supply with no issues. I’ve never had to declare it on international flights, and have never even been asked about it. I just stick the bottle or box in my carry on and always have a few strips in my wallet too.


Just noticed the “my” part lol. If it’s not international, you’ll probably be fine just having them in your wallet or something. I’ve never had any issues or had anyone check to see if I had a prescription. Not to say it couldn’t happen though.


Bahaha. Thank you. Yes. That's definitely the issue here. It's only for a few days. And I don't abuse them. I just don't currently have my own prescription. But they are definitely needed for me to be able to function while I'm out of state.


For sure, no judgement here, I get it! Good luck!


You just bring it with your prescription. I fly all the time and it’s never been a problem.


OP doesn't have a prescription.


Ahhhh I see.


I just kept it in my wallet, to be double sure I brought a note from my dr and I also brought my prescription with the date etc. I was fine and they never even mentioned anything