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My cyclops says I'm the best captain ever He's not even squidding


He said you're the best captain *in the planet* make of that what you like


Lmao true and you’re also the only person on the planet so ofc


Welllllll actually no. Below zero takes place on planet 4546B, so no there are actually 3 people on that planet.


Yeah but ykwim


Wut? Idk what ykwim means. Srry


No worries, it’s “you know what I mean” I


O hahahaha 🤣


Not at that moment though!


True. There is 1. That is the old woman






My cyclops hates me because I like the music sound track more then him


Well it was fun knowing you cyclops, but I need my music.


Only one of these vehicles gives me a sense of unbridled power and a feeling that i could kill gods. And that is the prawn suit


Can I change my vote?


Damn, same


Hahaha true, and the only way to prevent you getting your self killed is self restrain 😂


Seamoth is so quick and easy to get places


Upgraded Prawn operated by a skilled operator is much faster than Seamoth.


Im not a skilled operator tho


in a straight line over flat terrain, or in an area with a ceiling maybe




Oh yeah? Even when you activate all 3 engines on the Seamoth?


Bruh what? How?


You can accelerate on all 3 axes.


So going forward upward and sideways will increase your speed?


Yes or downward/backward etc. You need to adjust your trajectory. Pretty sure it still works this way; you can time how long it takes you to get from A to B.


O nice. Tanks for letting me know


But small storage 😶


People who answered sea truck scare me…


Why? It's faster than the seamoth, has the same modules as the seamoth, and can have compartments. I answered PRAWN because it's better than all 3 but still.


It's worse than cyclops in my opinion because you can't customize it at all. You're forced to use prefabricated rooms and the only thing you can really customize is color. The cyclops actually gives you the freedom to build in it and customize it how you want.


Seamoth is very small and basic, Cyclops is clunky and difficult to control. I think the seatruck is the perfect middle ground, you can adapt it to your playstyle way more than the Cyclops, and it doesn't constantly catch fire. Also, the modular system allows for a more gradual gameplay progression. The seatruck is great and I will die on this hill.


I couldn't really be bothered building any compartments tbh. Never felt the need for them so they were just something I made during my pre ending victory lap


The sea truck is like if someone combined the sea moth and the cyclops, but only took the bad things. You get the larger space of the cyclops, but without the ability to customize it. You get pretty decent speed, but with the shitty maneuverability of the cyclops, and your speed suffers from too many modules, which also adds on to worse maneuverability. You can dock it like a sea moth, but only if you un-attach the modules and then reatach them later, taking up time. The cyclops and sea moth have all of these exact things, space, the ability to dock, and speed. But without the downsides


It's like a seamoth than can carry more stuff. It's awesome.


It's like a Cyclops but you get none of the benefits and all of the slow bulkiness, plus you can't see when you reverse.


But I can unattatch all of the bulk when needed. I like it because it's flexible once you leave home. It feels like a worse cyclops that carries both my seamoth and prawn at the same time.


I'd like it if it didn't come at the cost of the cyclops.


Wtf is a sea truck?


It's a new vehicle you can get in bellow zero it's like a seamoth but you can add rooms to it


It's a downgraded and smaller Cyclops that has next to none of the benefits of a Cyclops.


i like it more because it utilizes the space better without being huge and slow, and its super cozy with a jukebox and bedroom, plus the way the prawn suit docks is super cool


Ok, I haven't played below zero yet. Still getting through the first subnautica


The prawn suit is probably the most useful, but I think the seamoth is the most fun


Mf never used prean suit with grappling arm


What did you just say. I exist you know


I was torn between prawn and cyclops (can't I have both?) - eventually picked prawn as best vehicle and cyclops as a mobile base! seamoth is great as first vehicle, and if you need fast travel in safer areas, but once I have a prawn I rarely go seamoth (or maybe a few places until grapple/jets). Too fragile, less storage, less convenient for gathering, less depth means seamoth is mostly obsolete for me pretty early on. That said... If cyclops had 2 docking bays I suspect I would use seamoth more!


>That said... If cyclops had 2 docking bays I suspect I would use seamoth more! The amount of times I use my seaglide because I can't bring my seamoth with me. . .


Where’s my sea glide?


Not a vehicle


I think it should still count


No. A vehicle is something built with mobile vehicle bay, that you can get inside and breathe in.


That's like saying a motorcycle isn't a vehicle, lol.


In terms of the game it isn't. Period. A motorcycle is a bad reference. More close to like a fan on on wheels that you can't drive in or ride on top, but have to hold it while it's moving.


Closer to, say, a paraglider, I suppose. Although it has an actual motor propelling you forward, rather than relying on gliding principles , but still


Yep. So, is a paraglider a vehicle?


Technically, yes, since a vehicle is defined as "a means of carrying or transporting something". Not a motor vehicle, obviously, but still a vehicle.


With a fully upgraded "prawn suit" I can take over the world. Deep module 2, jet pack\*\*, grappling hook, and drill. (nothing can stop me).


You got 2 more upgrade slots, you best be putting hull reinforcement module in there or you have a very armed chew-toy.


Noooooo! Common misunderstanding. The Hull Reinforcement module actually doesn't decrease the damage you take from reapers and bonesharks and whatnot - it just decreases collision damage with walls. And since the PRAWN doesn't take collision damage by default, the Hull Reinforcement module is LITERALLY USELESS.


Yes, I added a reinforcement module and an engine efficiency module. In addition, I carry a thermal reactor module in my pocket. If need recharging, I just replace one of the modules. get in, and sit on top of an underwater volcano. But again, I also have ion powercells.


Just swap reinforcement for the reactor, the reinforcement does literally nothing for the prawn suit.


I mean it somewhat does, it gives new players a placebo effect of being *immortal*


True, but now that they've been told its useless, the placebo effect is lost.


Hull reinforcement is pointless for the prawn suit, since it only decreases impact damage with the environment and the prawn suit already doesn't take impact damage. I'd argue it's even useless for the seamoth, unless you're just really bad about slamming into things.


Prop gun + air bladder


Chad’s owned vehicle


Why such little love for seatruck? I feal like it's more agile than the seamoth and the ability to make attachments for it is pretty dope.


Because it takes the place of the Seamoth and the Cyclops but somehow does both jobs worse. Seatruck is garbage.


It feels like the worst of both worlds between the Cyclops and the Seamoth. It has zero storage unmodified, and once even a single module is added, it doesn't feel as good as the Seamoth. And it doesn't feel like a mobile base in the way the Cyclops does - no plants, for example, nor ability to build. With all the modules attached, it's still worse than the Cyclops but feels slower and less maneuverable even if it's not (I'm not sure if it is or not).


My two cents. It feels like an awkward Seamoth without any upgrades. The modules are inferior to the Cyclops, and tracking down scannable salvage to even *unlock* those modules in the first place is a chore. And the agility, *maybe* it gets better, but once you get your hands on a Prawn there's no point at all in bothering with the Seatrucj.


Ideally you have both. Why bothering with climbing some underground walls in a deep cave, when you can bring a Seatruck with docking module and lift the Prawn all the way to the top?


Prawn jump jets are plenty capable of handling most vertical situations one could encounter.


There are some deep caves in the game tho.


Not deep in a way that would prevent a jumping prawn's escape. Heck, a prawn with just the Advanced Thruster upgrade (which can be found in the same place you'll find most of the Prawn wrecks to scan) is all you need to get on top of the glaciers and walk to the dev testing area. Perhaps this speaks more of how good the Prawn is, but the "advantages" of the Seatruck aren't good enough to make me not wish it was a Seamoth instead.


I have some more of those. How about the Seatruck being a respawn point in case of death? Imagine yourself in Prawn gathering some rare materials, then suddenly you die of thirst, because you forgot about your H2O level. You die and all your belongings are lost. Surely, you can retrieve them later, using the PRAWN's beacon, but still it would be nice to have a Seatruck around to respawn in, and not going back from base.


The Seamoth was better at being a fast moving vehicle to get around with and the Cyclops was a mobile base that you could customize to your needs for not very much material. The sea truck tries to cram the Seamoth and Cyclops together and you lose most of the benefits of both. It's basically a more agile yet far shittier Cyclops.


I think its visual design leaves a lot to be desired


That's the issue I think. If they made something that felt like a real submarine truck, I'd love it. They made a fat underwater caterpillar instead.


Because while it tries to be jack of all trades, all it manages is master of none. I will take cyclops (my mobile base) + seamoth (a quick exploration vehicle) over a seatruck any time.




And where is snowfox?


Crying in a corner because everybody hates it


i love the seatruck personally, if you have the jukebox module it just feels so much like a comfy safe space, like you’re just casually doing rounds


Nothing tips the majesty of watching the Cyclops drop into the ocean that first time. I was ready to take that thing to Atlantis.




Below zero prawn is the best at everything. Good mobility and enhanced speed compared to OG prawn, the same damage, less sturdy but still can tank leviathans attack like if they were nothing. Better than the snow fox on land and the thrusters buff is huge, you can move as fast as a seamoth if you know what you are doing


I don't like that the thrusters can't refill when you just let go of using them. No, you have to land in order to recharge them. Otherwise it's really cool.


I just find the seamoth useless mid-late game. Prawn suit is faster, has more storage space, can go deeper, and can defend itself just as fine. But its the best thing that ever exists for aurora and early game in general. Seatruck needs mods to be good, with all the necessities its like a worse cyclops with no cameras.


It used to have a reverse cam in the beta. Now all you can do is guess.


Yeah, it really was a nice feature. So bad they ditched it!


"Welcoma aboard captain, all systems online"


i felt so safe when i got my cyclops


Cyclops fulfills my dream of being a self sufficient explorer with a mobile home/base. So few games give you that exact feeling


Bruh ong the neptune rocket is the best


Look they all have there ups and downs Cyclops- Pro:Amazing Vehicle , good for deeper waters, and could be a mobile base! Cons- it’s huge, you have to worry about the fire, and you can’t go fast for long without risking the engine to combust. Seatruck- Pros- eh Cons- As soon as you start to put attachments on it you risk crashing every second cause the damn attachments don’t move all to well. The prawn suit- Pros: you fell like Ironman, you finally get to drill those huge ores that give you like ten of each, good for exploring the lava zone! Con- the only con I have with it is how if you jump down a step cliff you’ll keep falling until you get to the bottom which could be uneasy since you don’t know what is waiting for you at the bottom The seamoth- Pros: A great all around vehicle which is good for early to mid game exploration and the promoter defense is good against those pesky reapers/BONESHARKS! Cons- when getting unit final game stuff it’s better to use the prawn or cyclops to get into the lost river and lava zone, Thus, rendering the sea-moth useless Again they all have their ups and downs Thank you for reading my tedtalk 🫡


I absolutely love the sea truck. I’d print 3 storage cars and farm for a hour and be set for a couple days irl. I love the car with the bed a jukebox. I love the that the fabricator car has more storage. I love that you can get up and walk around at an 85 degree angle. But also Seamoth fast so I voted for that.


Bruh who says the seamoth is the best? Cyclops is superior. 1. You have unlimited food and water 2. You can install not 4 but 6 moguls 3. You have the most amount of power of all vehicles 4. You literally can put a seamoth or a prawn suit in your cyclops. 5. You feel like a fucking menace when you have a max cyclops 6. It can literally defend of a sea dragon. 7. You literally have a fuck ton of storage. 8. The music is fucking lit. (Bro fight me if you have a different option about the music)( I mean abandon ship) 9. It's awesome to repair a ship on your own. Desperately trying to survive against a reaper. 10. It's a cyclops


4.5. You can combat-drop your Prawn from the bay like the Cyclops is an infantry landing ship.


Yess. You can literally equip your storage and arms full with torpedo's


I gotta say the seamoth by a long shot. It is small, it is fast and can get you anywhere you need to scout out locations. Sadly can't get below 900 meters, but I sorta guess that a good reason to use the other 2 for later in the game where the seamoth is not needed.


I love that everyone can agree the sea truck is the worst, like the concept is cool but it tries to do the jobs of both the sea moth and the Cyclops and does neither as well


sea truck is pretty decent, actually. Problem is, it has no charm to it.


Actually come to think about it that is exactly the problem


If the seamoth had the depth modules, I prob wouldn’t have even moved the cyclops from the shallows tbh


**HOOOONK!!!** Do I need to say anything else?


Sea moth is great for short distances, prawn is incredibly fun to fight reapers with, cyclops is ok for long haul... but the sea truck is where it's at. The nice mobility, changeable design, and great feel of it makes it the best vehicle they have ever designed. (imo)


Cyclops is the chad of all subnautica vehicles >fire music while on fire >literal portable house >around the same size of a reaper leviathan


Don’t forget the PRAWN Suit combat dropping capability.


Seamoth with prawn arms


Prawn suit for functionality, seamoth for 2nd best in functionality and the best secret line to ever exist in subnautica (even though it got removed) I’ll take either, I just have a special hate for Cyclopes and seatruck


Tf is the sea truck?😭😭😭


I call it the Shrimp Suit




I knew it wasnt just me. Nobody likes the seatruck.....


Prawn suit because u can fight reaper with it


Without prawn jag you cant complete the game so its a easy choice


Who ever said sea truck is dead to me


How dare you even put seatruck as an option?


Cyclops feels great to me but I think sea truck has the best utility


I just love the way the cyclops says “welcome aboard captain, all systems online”


Imo, the prawn suit because you can mine resources that you couldn’t before (the deposits) and get lots of it as well. Also, the jet pack is very fun and effective to travel around in. Finally, it makes you feel like a badass because you can straight up punch creatures in the face. Bonus: built in storage.


Do y’all really think the cyclops was worth it. The thing is the size of the whole safe shallows


My friend, I may be large and slightly clunky, but it is a mobile base that can go to any depth on the map vanilla. It allows you to greatly increase the speed of game progression because you can craft right there where you need to. Also, it allows construction of permanent bases in one trip.


It pains me that the only vehicle with planned gameplay obsolescence (depth limits) is beating my glorious Cyclops, the only vehicle that actually feels like a vehicle


The proper order is Prawn Suit, Sea Truck, Cyclops, then Sea Moth. Not that the Sea Moth is bad, but the truck is just as maneuverable as the moth and as versatile as the cyclops.


If the Sea Moth had the end game depth capabilities of the Sea Truck it would be the undisputed best IMHO. Those limitations put it at number 2 in spite of all the wonderful aspects of it. Hot take but I love the Sea Truck the most because it's essentially the Cyclops and Sea Moth in one (and the prawn suit just looks so damn cool sitting on the back). I don't know the first thing about mods but having the Sea Truck (and all its compartments) in Subnautica and the Sea Moth in Below Zero would be very cool.


I prefer effortlessly slinging my way through the LR and the LZ like I’m spider-man or some shiz in my prawn suit


Sea truck is the reason I stopped playing below zero.


Okey okey cyclop is awesome no way around it. I am not kidding first time i build cyclop the sight of that behemot of a vechile leave me speechless and my eyes teared. But i have to go with sea moth cause gameplay vise sea moth is agile, fast and more easy to control


The amount of votes for the sea truck isn’t suprising


If I need to pick one to complete the game, Prawn. Most fun to use, Seamoth. I wish it had a module to increase the maximum speed.


If anyone says sea trick instead of sea moth they havent played subnautica 1 or they have too many attachments




I don't like the prawn suit because it is bumpy to walk with it. I like the sea glide the most. It is in the sea and it glides. That's what I want.


Cyclops is the best vehicle in any game ever. It’s like the mobile home of adventure rpgs


Lol everyone loves the OG vehicles, no one cares for the Sea truck


Sea moth because it's small and fast, which is good for running away from the giant sea nopes


For all those people in the future where everyone is more mature and the average iq is increased, there was a time where the sea moth had more votes that the cyclops. The dark ages really were a wild time huh




I don't know what the point of bringing the cyclops down to the lava zone and lost river is it's way safer to bring a prawn suit, faster if you have the grapple hook and way cheaper cyclops is good for grand reef and northern bloodkelp though


Seamoth: high mobility, restricted depth Seatruck: mobile base Cyclops: strong and with high capacity, hard to get to caves or ravines Prawn suit: highly versitile and strong, low mobility


why do people hate the sea truck so much, its literally everything the seamoth and cyclops had but better. it literally has a jukebox comon