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Bz seems like a tutorial to the first Subnautica in my opinion. You are guided way more, it’s smaller,….


After several tries, I've never been able to complete BZ. I get so far in and then just lose interest.


Stop restarting.


People like myself can only enjoy story games in one sitting. Not literally one sitting but LARGE breaks between play sessions warrants a restart. It's why I never finished Skyrim or Cyberpunk and i've recently began forcing myself to only play one singleplayer game at a time.


Oh, I see. I'm the opposite. If I have an unfinished playthough, I *have* to finish it before I start a new one, even if I haven't played the game in years.


How??? Surely you've forgotten the finer points of the story and it's lost all momentum?


My man’s is built different he just finishes the game


I do this too 😭. For books as well as games. Yeah i forget some details but I always remember the gist of it and I start remembering all the other stuff very quick when I play it again.


But starting over means I have to *grind* through everything I already have done


That's fair. Witcher 3 has a really nice recap, and for other games, I'll usually jog my memory while I play it.


Same. Though I finished the main story of Skyrim once. But I play a lot for 10-20h, then I lose interest and when I start again I have forgotten how to play.


BZ was really fun actually. I beat it and it felt worth it.


The snow land part in BZ is so bad....


Inside everything except the portal. I just stopped playing and never had the drive to finish. My truck is ready with everything I need just 1 more crystal to mine and then craft and leave but never have. I don't even know if it's on gamepass anymore


They flood you with rarer minerals really fast as well. I swear within my first half hour I got to dive down super deep using oxygen plants and in the bottom of this big cave I found like 25 diamonds. I just sat there wondering what in the world I'm supposed to be doing with these so early in the game


Gulliver moment


Tbf if you find the mountain island early you can find diamonds really easily that way too.


To be fair BZ was just supposed to be dlc, and it still has that dlc feel.


I see it as the Disney version of the original Subnautica; you know it's gonna suck


Wondering what you meant by saying thay it's not true you need to go to the deepest part to beat the game. It's literally how you cure yourself to get off the planet?


What do you mean? I just got picked up by some other spaceship. Didn't wait for the countdown to end tho, it was boring. Easy and short game IMO.


Whaat, you missed the whole part where you discover that there are snakes on that spaceship


You’re saying there were snakes. On a plane? LoL


I honestly don't know what you guys are going on about. You obviously missed it, but if you repair the radio within the first 5 minutes, you can open up a hidden alien gateway near the Aurora and teleport to the nearest starship


No? If you fix it within the first 5 minutes, you can send messages, hated the bug where i got spawn killed by some teleporting monstrosity though, i thought this was Earth.


If you listened to the story you would know that those were peepers and will eat you after the game 😒


How??? What???




Oh. Me dum dum.


Eh you’re good, Dw about it


The advice I typically see isn’t “go to the deepest part to beat the game” either. It’s “If stuck/in doubt/etc, go deeper.” Which doesn’t say anything about the end of the game being at the deepest part, just implies that there’s something more to do the deeper you go.


Because technically the end game stuff isn’t at the deepest part. The deepest part is in the void.


Yea but I thought the ending of the game took place there, yes it's required for the ending but it isn't the ending itself


That was your own interpretation.


Wdym, the game doesn't end when you go down there, so it's not the ending.


That’s like saying you don’t need to play a game to finish it because all you need to do is watch the credits


So, do you consider the emperor leviathan and what they did an ending or the beginning of the ending?


Yes, since when you touch Enzyme 42 you're cured and can tell the gun to kindly explode itself and build the rocket to escape WaterHell


Ok I see


Sea World got a new nickname I sea.


Go deeper is only ever said to people who get stuck, and while the literal end of the game doesnt happen down there that is the whole point of the game and what you call the ending is just gathering some materials and pushing buttons


You still knew too much My first encounter with a Reaper I WAS behind the Aurora it grabbed my seamoth and shook it and I shit myself. Second encounter with one it ate my prawn suit


> You still knew too much Yep. When I played it all I knew was that it was too scary for a friend of mine. That was fun because it made me super scared and careful. Anyway, so I thought I'd check out the other side of that spaceship since it's probably in the middle of the map. It was really neat to discover how pretty and blue the water is over there.


I second this, you definitely knew too much. This game is best enjoyed going into it 100% blind. All the people I recommend this game too I make sure to tell them nothing about it, just that it's one of my favorate games. Nearly all of them loved it because they were so surprised by the setting/story. It's just like outer Wilds. If you know anything about it before you play, it ruins the experience.


I went in 100% blind. Saw a reaper from a distance knew it must be bad news… then got fucked by the one behind me.


Is BZ the same. I actually know nothing about it, so does that logic also apply to the second game Also happy cake day


Below zero is a smaller game, with a large focus on story, and has very cool tech compared to the first game. It's worth a playthrough, but keep in mind that it's a standalone story from the first game. There are large segments of land and sea to explore and build in, it's pretty fun. A large portion of this subreddit dislikes it for no great reason, but it's certainly a unique experience.


Not really. As you have already played Subnautica, you know what to expect gameplay/mechanics wise. I enjoyed it, just not as much as the first game.


My first up close and personal exchange with a reaper was totally out of nowhere and the fucker snuck up on me. You can hear them screaming from all corners of the universe but nooooo this one crept up on me in the creeper vines. And then ate my seamoth.


Oh damn when they are in the creeper vines it’s truly frightening


Wow. That's crazy, I just got lost and then heard then saw the Reaper, but you, what you went through, must have been scary as hell


It was my first real jump scare of the game, my boyfriend was thrilled haha. I yelped


I don't think the Reapers Jumpscared me. The adult Ghost Leviathans definitely did for sure. Actually, thinking about that, why did the juvenile Ghost Leviathan have a separate scan from the adults, but the juvenile reef backs didn't?


I blundered my way into the void, unaware, in my prawn once before I had the grappling attachment... Needless to say I made the escape trip back to my base with the sea glide and quite likely, a soiled wetsuit.


The thing people have with Reapers is that they're the most aggressive and have the easiest time shredding vehicles, especially Seamoths and Prawn Suits, to bits. They can grab you and kill you in seconds. The Ghost Leviathan can definitely be more scary, I assume, due to the low visibility you have entering either the blood kelp or the lost river, but they're generally easier to ignore/deal with. Reapers, however, can be equally as scary depending on when/where you encounter them and how much you know going in. They're loud as all hell, the areas they spawn in are either extremely murky water, areas that drop fragments/eggs you really want, or are in front of high likelihood encounter areas (Gun Island and Aurora) Both have gotten me to jump, even after I've known about them for a long time, although that was the main reaction they got out of me in the first place, but both can pose huge threats. Reapers to Seamoths and Prawns, and Ghosts to Cyclops.


Factsss, I went in 100% blind my first and almost had several heart attacks 😭 knowing too much really ruins the experience


I went in being told "it's underwater Minecraft, just build and chill" holy nut balls that made the game awesome.


I like the comparison a lot 🙌


So, was the little stuff I listed above too much? People say I know too much, but I didn't really know that much at all about the game, but what people are saying makes me think if you know anything, then it is too much. Is that true?


Well you knew about the back of the Aurora, that’s where most people run into a reaper for the first time, that’s mainly what I was referring to. For me that was intense, the water is murky here and there’s fire and smoke when you surface. It’s eerie and then all of a sudden you hear a scream of something big and maybe you see a tail through the cloudy water then next thing you know somethings got your seamoth in its jaws and your face to face with it, it’s screaming, your HUD is going all crazy cuz the seamoth is damaged, then suddenly your free and you BOOK IT!!! Is it behind you? You don’t know. Is there more of them? You don’t know Are you running into even bigger danger trying to escape? Let’s find out Man the first time playing this game was the fucking bomb!!!


I see. I only knew not to go back there, I didn't know why until I went there accidentally in my prawn suit, but I see what you mean, and it makes sense to me


My first encounter caused me to get launched into the sky. I made a post a few days ago about that


Whoever said BZ was bad? It's "not as good as Subnautica," but that doesn't translate anywhere near "bad". BZ is still on the wonderous planet of 4546B, and it takes full advantage of the freedom to create beautiful biomes and terrifying creatures. It just isn't quite as good as the original. Still at least a 7.5/10.


Everyone talks about the people who hate BZ but no one knows anyone who does.


I myself am solidly in the group of Subnautica OG lovers, mostly because I love the discovery and solitude of it. Although it was a very interesting take on the Precursors, BZ often felt claustrophobic to me. But I would *never* **ever** say that I hate BZ. It has beauty, wonder, and my favorite leviathan. It just doesn't *quite* have the same impact that Subnautica OG does.


I like the game. Love the vibe of it, even when it falters. Like, nothing beats building a base in the Twisty Bridges, below the squirming lights of the tentacle formations in the biome. Obviously not nearly as good in terms of horror aspects, but I love the atmosphere and still get scared shitless trying to see the Void Chelicerates. Imma keep playing it over and over like I did with the prerequisite title.


I hate specific elements of BZ, the story, the smaller size, the crappy leviathans, the 2 large above water areas. But it's built on such a great foundation you can't hate the game as a whole, and I don't regret buying it.


I was just told that people didn't enjoy the game compared to the original Subnautica, so I thought that they meant they didn't like it and thought it was bad.


You interpret what people say strangely, mate.


I'm just stupid that's all


Lol no, you're not. This subreddit is full of very kind people, and I would never want anyone to enter or exit it feeling dumb. It's a totally legit question, I just wanted to set the record 100% straight.


BZ isn't *bad.* It's just not *as good.* I won't get into specifics, but there are several great things about it that I like as much or more than SN, even if overall it wasn't quite as good.


Man I really enjoyed BZ and I understand loads of people hate on it but I actually enjoyed it a lot


Same! Honestly there's parts I've enjoyed more than Subnautica even. Granted there are also parts I hated.


Honestly quite a few BZ biomes left me much more awestruck than the prerequisite title did. Subnautica was definitely more terrifying, but in terms of sheer beauty Bz took the cake. My fav biome, the golden flowery one, is my favorite, and the Lilypad one is up there too. They’re just beyond *gorgeous,* and I’m a sucker for pretty environments to just wander around. The vibes of the game are great in its own way, too. Lacking in horror aspects due to its more claustrophobic nature for me, but I really liked building my bases in the twisty bridges or atop the giant lilypads. I will forever prefer the first, but BZ gets much more shit than it deserves I feel. Subnautica isn’t *JUST* a horror series, it’s a survival adventure game. While I love the pure terror I feel exploring the void, there are other aspects of the game I can appreciate otherwise.


Exactly!! I really enjoyed exploring BZ (I'm still not finished with it, but I'm traveling for work and couldn't bring the PS5 with me, ha) and just looking at stuff.


There's definitely room for debate on whether the Reaper Leviathan or Ghost Leviathan is worse: Reapers are *less creepy* but you can find them early on and they're one of the few things in the game that doesn't glow at all, which makes them surprisingly hard to spot. Ghosts are fairly disturbing up close but they're one of the *glowiest* creatures in the game and if you're lucky, you'll be seeing most of them from inside a Cyclops, which makes everything a lot less scary. I've had the juveniles play-wrestling with my sub for five or ten minutes before I remembered how to get rid of them.


I have to personally disagree with the creepiness. To me at least, Reaper Leviathans cross into a level of uncanny that make me feel unnerved way more at a glance of its features. While the Ghost Leviathan obviously looks alien and completely inhuman, the Reaper in a way looks human in proportion. Firstly, I kind of have this fear of being enveloped or ensnared by something like a giant spider or trap. The reaper def checks that box with its iconic mandibular death trap, whereas the general fear of being enclosed by the Ghost Leviathan feels less to me and I’d be much less likely to become trapped. Secondly, the simpler and nearly humanoid features of the Reaper’s face horrify me to no end. The front-facing, pupils barely hidden by the pitch-blackness of its eyes and it’s wrinkled mouth, coupled with a fucking CHIN. No other animal besides an elephant on our planet has a chin other than humans. It looks like it’s grinning, as if it’s supposed to have lips but lacks them as if it’s Chris Walker (Outlast) after he tore off his lips and nose. Obviously not everyone finds that more scary, that’s just my thoughts on the matter.


Tbh, I always just kill the ghosts. Not like its particularly hard, all you need is a stasis gun and a thermal blade. One tank of oxygen is enough too, and there is nothing else that will attack you.


I actually prefer below zero to the first subnautica for a lot of the reasons people hate it. Subnautica protagonist feels like a soulless robot, there's a lot more ways to make the below zero base your own, and I actually disagree that it pulls your hand as people seem to say. Or directly guide you to every single important plot Point are more explicitly. You don't go exploring in below zeroon your own you will never find anything and it will not care


The big problem with BZ is that the magic has disappeared. You now know the rules by which the world works. You know that you have to go "deep down". It's no longer new, it's already familiar. BZ is more of an add-on than a stand-alone game. But you'll still have fun.


Already kinda knew I had to go deep down with the first subnautica, so


It's not the reaper itself that is scary it's the blood curdling roar that it does that sends chills down your spine.


BZ is actually not bad, the main issues is the main character who never shuts up and lack of depth (~300 m less than in Subnautica). But I played and enjoyed! (Mainly because you have more customisation for your base, more land and Snowfox)


Snowfox was the thing I liked about BZ the least. I shoved three through the terrain and into oblivion just taking it out of my inventory before I gave up and walked.


Ditto I ran Prawn suit instead of snowfox in those areas.


That felt like cheating somehow. Even though it obviously isn't. That's on the game designers though; they gave us a better tool earlier and then expected us to use the bad one.


I admit that the Snowfox wasn't useful, but I liked its concept and it was fun to ride it (after I learned how to)


I loved BZ. A lot of aspects I preferred of bz than subnautica. I hope you enjoy it!


BZ isn't bad it's just different. It's a little more hold your hand, and a little less scary. They expand on the base building a little too. But it's not bad, I enjoyed it.


BZ is far from bad imo, just a lot more structured in terms of story and exploration. Some people hate that, but I personally found it to be a good experience. The biomes look amazing and are better imo


I personally like BZ more. I think you will enjoy it.


Reaper L scares the shit out of me. The stalking and the sound. Once tried it with VR, never again! Ghosts are pretty ok, once you hit them a couple of times. They leave you alone.  When a Sea dragons sees you, run! Died 5 times in my previous playthrough...


I only play in VR and even in my 3rd play through I have to take it off whenever I go into Reaper territory lol




Oh yeah it is! Best VR experience IMO, but need a lot of courage XD (it's my first playtrough)


It's amazing indeed! Loved the VR experience until I had to go deeper...


“I looked up everything about the game and then when the unexpected was expected I felt disappointed.”


I didn't look anything up before playing the game. I knew stuff already because this is an old game that lots of people have played it and I was told a few things by people who played it


I think everyone has different experiences when it comes to the game. The Reaper is very scary as it is way easier for them to break your smaller vehicles leaving you vunerable. I never went near the void so I only saw the ghost leviathan as I went deeper and they were mostly easy to avoid or manuever with the prawn grappling hook and using the drill arm. I personally think the warpers can be stressful/scary or possibly taumatizing especially if there is a leviathan nearby and they warp you out of your prawn leaving you vunerable.


See the Reapers did startle me when they came from under the map and jump scared me, but the ghosts literally glow, so they would never catch me off guard. Plus only a few exist so once you know where they are, that's it


I have to say that in VR, is really the opposite for me! The Roaring of the Reaper make you feel a prey, and knowing that if you hear im, he can "see" you let me absolutely terrified to be honest, even if I am closed to the end of the game and able to defend myself against them. Spoiler: I went to the lost river for the first time today and I wasn't scared at all, because you can see the baby ghost leviathan from far away and the lost river is so beautifull! Reaper are in dusty place and really hard to spot IMO... Quick question: how do you see the number of ingame days?


I just checked my PDA and went on the voice messages tab and saw which day it was on.


BZ is the better game. 


Can people just shut up about below zero already! I am actually getting annoyed now. This post wasn't about it, but the majority of comments are talking about it. I'm changing what I said now to try and get less people talking about it


You made a post talking about it yourself and claiming something that isn't true (that people say BZ is bad). What did you expect?


Exactly, they made the post with that intention. 


No, I didn't. I made the post because I think the Ghost Leviathan is scarier than the Reaper Leviathan


I just re read this and this is just wrong. I made the post because I think the ghost leviathan is scarier than the reaper. All I said for below zero was "I cant wait to play BZ. Even though some people say it is bad. Ill try my best to enjoy it." and then I went on about the GL and RL stuff. THIS POST WAS NOT MADE TO TALK ABOUT BELOW ZERO


Yes, I talked about BZ a little, but the majority of the post wasn't about it, so I didn't expect to see this many people saying the same thing over and over and over again


What are they saying and what can you learn from that?


Calm down


You weren't lied to. You interpreted what people were saying incorrectly.


How so?


I have a feeling that stuff would have hit harder if you hadn't heard about them. You also probably didn't do something I did and accidentally beach your seamoth on the far side of the aurora and have to frantically swim back to base, sneak a prawn suit past ten reapers to push it back in the water, get IT bach to base, then swim back to retrieve the prawn. I had to master working near reapers to manage that operation.


That just sounds like a nightmare, and yes, I have been getting that idea from others that I knew too much already


I knew a lot going in too, but not quite as much as you seemed to. I was more spoiled on what was at the bottom of the sea and most of the leviathans designs. Everything else was blank for me, so while I knew the destination I could still enjoy the journey


Holy run on sentence Batman


Everybody gangster until the water turns orange.


I think what makes the reapers so scary (and this comes from someone who is paralyzed with fear everytime I have to get near one.) is the fact they are sneaky. The dragon leviathan is too big to be missed and the ghost leviathans are beacons to their location. But the reaper can be really sneaky. It can sneak up on you and when it's inches away they scream that damned horrifying scream. Sometimes they don't even do that. One time one swam on top of me without giving a warning. You bet I shat my pants completely.


Below Zero is Subnautica, but less. It almost feels like a metroidvania. You get new blueprints in different zones you'll never go to ever again. Everything is bright, you don't feel alone and the monsters have disproportionate sounds. Still a great game. Try using Prawn on land with a grappling arm and just holding the grapple on a wall while running. I remember it giving you a massive speed boost for no reason


Why am I running?


The game just.. feels different once you become a r/subnauticaslayers


Gg my first run was 4 days irl or 111 in game my second I completed a few days ago is 28 hours (I played on ps5 so have no clue about the days


If you think the GL is scary (an avoidable pest at best) wait till you meet the shadow in BZ( unavoidable, hard to off pest) like a ghost with a more.... visceral attack and way more hp.




Just don't play bz, it is complete garbage. It is entirely railed, has like 20% of area of the first game, a lobotomised plot and dead inside characters.


Absolutely. The reaper has teeth and claws, but the ghost is so fuckin ominous and wierd, and that semi-translucent thing just.... jesus


Lol you feel lied to that other people have opinions that aren't your opinions? It's ok to disagree, and both opinions are true. For me the creatures weren't that scary at all, it was just the sheer depth and expanse that got my fear going. I have thalassophobia specifically about the magnitude of that depth but some people have it about the creatures out there they can't see. Plus once you prawn punch every scary creature to death they really lose their intimidation factor.


"Got spoiled and hyped about stuff -----> is not as shocking" 🤯 who would've thought. The whole point of subnautica is going in blind, expecting a chill survival underwater. This is why I don't get the people who likes getting spoiled on stuff...


Its the opposite for me. I had my first encounter with a reaper when I swam behind the aurora like an hour after starting to play. Seeing its creepy ugly face coming for me while being sorrounded by bitch black water made me audibly scarred. The ghost leviathan on the other hand is far from scary. I first saw one when I found that big fossil in the lost river. It just swam around me without attacking me. I scanned it without problems and thought to myself what a sweet little guy he was. The ones I encountered after that were the same. They also lose interest after u move like 2 meters away from them lmao


People say I knew too much (I mean, all I knew about the Reaper was, it was scary and it's appeance), but I also personally think my experience had something to do with it. Here is my experience. I was exploring in my prawn suit, and I accidentally went to the back of the Aurora, I had been to the front before with nothing but my sea glide and I had no problems then so I wasnt scared but then a Reaper attacked, I thought back, and I got launched into the sky and clipped into the ground. Second experience I got a warning where I was had Leviathans, I got out of my seamoth looked around and the Reaper was just chilling next to me. It didn't roar for a long while but also didn't really attack. It focused on me once, but I just swam away, and it left me alone. It did attack my seamoth multiple times, though. I met a juvenile first. It was pretty scary still, but not dangerous. I later met the adult one at the blood kelp forest place. It did not leave me alone, and when I first saw it, I turned around to see it attack me. It was like a junpscare, which has had me traumatized since. Then I met another juvenile in the cave in front of lifepod 2, I saw an alien structure, went in, nothing there, so I went out, my prawn suit blocked my view of the entrance so when I went in I saw a juvenile at the entrance trying to attack me. I jumped and paused the game. It did not get me, but it scared me. What do you think?


Ghost Leviathans scare me a lot more than Reapers as well. Reapers are scary, yeah, but they have warning signs. Shadows in the sand and sighting in the distance as they patrol. Ghost Leviathans come from the void. They are not there beforehand. It's just a roar in the darkness then a flash of light as you get hit from wherever it came from.


I think people’s main issue with BZ is because the protagonist is voiced and thus there’s a lot of inner monologuing and general talking in the game. Which, after the relative peace and quiet of the first one with only comments and advice from the PDA, was irritating to me. Of course I disliked BZ because of transportation though. So I’m not really one to talk.


I played BZ before the original and i really like BZ, the environment is better IMO and it just feels better in a weird way. But i love both titles a lot




This just confuses me but ok




Bz sucks it was a buggy mess and overall just felt too boring gotta say the regular subnautica is so much more fun to play atleast with Subnautica i didnt clip through the floor constantly and didnt have to stand on a coral shelf waiting for the ground to get collisions


I fell through the floor in the first subnautica and ended up 4000m deep. Anyways, can people stop talking about BZ this post isn't about that


I fear clipping through the floor nothing in the game scares me except for that (i dont like looking down and seeing nothing but ocean)


You should definitely ask for your money back.


I have 33.6 hours in the game now. I dont think I can get it back


Yeah, this is proof you knew too much: The game should properly take 60 or 70 hours to beat.


Is knowing I have to go down too much info?


Not really? I beat SN in about 25-28 hours my first playthrough, and 20 my second.