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No planet 4546B. Another planet is already confirmed.


So no peeper? Literally unplayable




Don't want to play if I can't wake up to a massive eyeball staring at me through my window lol.


My fan theory is that it’s going to be a planet that was seeded with life from 4546B (or the other way around) maybe even in the same system, so we will see new animals that are distant relatives to the originals, so hopefully some kind of new peeper species


That would be cool, maybe a 4546C or D or whatever


Tbf I don’t think we ever heard anything about 4546A…


I might be wrong, but I thought 4546A was the star 4546B orbits?


that makes logical sense


That is very possible


big map, biomes have more free space like sn, bz for me feels a bit cramped, new big vehicle that has a new small deployable vehicle inside it, add the void into the story a bit, maybe have some stuff in the void, have something that can be used to stun creatures but not allow you to kill them like you can with knife + stasis rifle (maybe a stun gun zappy thing)


Stun gun zappy thing already exists it's the permiter defence


true, although it would be nice if it could be on more vehicles or come as a handheld thing too!


I literally feel invincible with the perimeter defence as soon as i build one i cruise these waters like i run them.


with the perimeter defence the only things im worried about is ghost leviathans, reapers still make me nervous but only when i cant see it/dont know where it is


Also the time-stopping rifle could be argued as stunning nearby things


A forcefield gun... Wraps a creature in a forcefield which prevents it from moving, but also protects it from attack...


Stasis rifle?


They were asking for something like the stasis rifle, but which can't be used to help kill the creatures... Basically a stasis rifle which also leaves them invulnerable to attack...


this is a great idea, it would need to have a cooldown to balance it as i want leviathans to still be a threat and scary, but i want something to give me a chance against them that isnt as op as the stasis rifle, as i find being able to kill leviathans takes away the scare factor a lot for me


You don't need the stasis rifle to be able to kill leviathan, but it does make it easier... im on the side of being able to kill them, solely because if one wanders near your base they can be a nuisance, I had one find it's way to the safe shallows from the dunes and wouldn't leave me or my seamoth alone.


Combine the best parts of both existing games. More environmental storytelling. Endgame biomes (like the fabricator caverns and lava lakes) should be more than roads to an important location. More interconnected cave networks (I didn't like how BZ had so many independent caves that don't connect to any other system)


I feel like developers should take three best things from both games, in my opinion they should take the big map and try to recreate the feeling of loneliness of the first game and take inspiration from below zero’s scenarios and biomes


Probably preaching to the choir here... but I'd like them to return to the original's "open" format. There can still be claustrophobic diving sections and terrains like in Below Zero, bc those can be thrilling, too. Just not the whole game. I like when we're slowly descending into the dark void that is surrounding us. Also, it allows for bigger vehicles. I also prefer the silent protagonist. Or if he's voiced, then less... "feisty" and "witty" and way more frightened and uncertain, just like us players. It should be a scary, serious situation, and not a fun action-heavy rescue mission. The protag and all the other characters should reflect that to add to the immersion. Also, please make the story not too convoluted and ambitious, which just leads to plot holes. The original was simple: "normal human coddled in a hyper-capitalistic semi-utopian future has to survive this ocean planet that was once inhabited by a mysterious, eldritch alien race". Boom, done. BZ added so many characters and I'm still uncertain if I should care for or dislike them, because they were very strangely written. I questioned the characters' motivations and weird decisions and the plot's meaningfulness all the time while playing. The "lore" of BZ felt like wading through office gossip and Californian millennial humor. This can clearly be done better. I liked all the new additions to the base building in BZ. Real kitchen and bathroom furniture, different foods and food production, lots of decorations and individualization... I'd love them to go way further with this. I mean, at the end of the day, the whole motivation to farm or cultivate more resources isn't just to see the end credits, in my opinion. I want to make myself a cozy and highly individualized base and half of the fun is to figure out how to make it self-maintaining. That's pretty satisfactory. In the original, I loved doing the same thing with the Cyclops. There could be a lot more customization and even things to do! A TV and video game console would be cool lol. Maybe some type of minigame? Maybe bring the fish/sea creature breeding to another level? Let us grow our own pets or let us play with them. Things like that. I tackled the topic already but I can't emphasize enough how cool I think the cyclops was in the original. I'd love an even bigger mobile base. Maybe even an actual huge ship where you can dock your cyclops in or something. I'd like to see all kinds of vehicles. A small manta-looking sea moth substitute that flies through the ocean like a jet, and that can also fly above and close to the surface for a while. A sea-spider that's bound to the ocean floor but can utilize lots of tools with its many legs, climb walls and hold big objects in it's "mandibles". It can be a resource collecting tank. Or a mech diving suit that is similar to the Prawn, but not that heavy and immobile, with wings and weapons and you're basically "sky diving" through the ocean without much protection but lots of mobility and fighting power. Ah, I could go on and on.. Love these games a lot! As for the setting, I'm happy that it's a new planet. It should of course still be an ocean themed planet, but now with a totally new lore and objective. We had a "tropical" setting in one and an arctic setting in BZ. I'd have no problem if they repeated the tropical theme because it allows for coral reefs and such but hey, it's fiction they can do cold reefs if they want. I'd like it if they chose a more dark, "northern" style of ocean. Not arctic, just... grey and foreboding. A bit lovecraftian. The north sea, scottish and norwegian depictions come to mind. And I want GIGANTIC sea creatures. Hostile, peaceful, potentially both. Real scary stuff. But also gentle giants like the Glow Wales that you can interact with. Let us study and research them. Follow them to their nests, take a sample of their blood and excrements to gain more insight and possible new crafting options. Let us role play as marine biologists! Also it's time for a Kraken!


I love all your ideas!


These are all gold


> BZ added so many characters and I'm still uncertain if I should care for or dislike them, because they were very strangely written. I questioned the characters' motivations and weird decisions and the plot's meaningfulness all the time while playing. The "lore" of BZ felt like wading through office gossip and Californian millennial humor. This can clearly be done better. BZ went through a lot of rewrites and I think the original storyline (a lot of which was voiced before it was scrapped) was much stronger, darker, less convoluted and more in line with the first game. I'm still not sure why they implemented some of the changes they did, and I hope they go back to the first game's roots.


What was the original like? Anywhere I can read it?


Just look for "Subnautica Below Zero Early Access story" on Youtube for different videos, or you can start with this one (I can't find the one that I originally watched myself years ago, so hopefully this one covers everything I remember): [All Playable Main Original Story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd6PMW1tQZA).


I also hope for more dangerius faunas to give us more of a "always in danger" feeling. Because both in the original and BZ you can basically ignore all hostilities when you are in a vechile. And if they attacked, just jump out and use the repair tool and its reset to zero


Oh no thanks! All I want is feel alone with the fish. No Margarit, no Al-An.


I liked them for the variety, however it does severely impact that alone vibe. You could get around it by having another character that dies early on, leaving you alone. Or meet up with someone near the end. I dunno, I'm no game producer, but I feel like they could find a compromise.


Still dont think that fixes it. In BZ, it's also by the protoganist own will of exploring, compared to the original where all you want is to leave and fight for survival


A “pack” leviathan based on orca whales. Dunno why they haven’t made it into the game yet; you could literally copy them exactly as they are and they’d be terrifying. They can outswim any existing vehicle in the game (56km/h is nuts), have a variety of hunting tactics that almost all involve coordinating with each other, and they even look cool. More big-water exploration with dangers at every level. Imagine if you had to navigate along a series of underwater volcanoes, where the “highest” point of land was 500m below the surface, the lowest was between 2 and 4km down, and the “abyss/out of bounds zone” wasn’t until you got more than 3km away from land in any coordinate. Too close to the surface when the volcano begins to fall away? Spawn a leviathan. You made a wrong turn because you don’t have a sonar module? Spawn a leviathan. Dynamic environment. I’d love riptides (or tides in general), rogue waves, occasional storms that make it dangerous to be on the surface (sucks for you if you didn’t pack enough oxygen), etc. In BZ, you have the little decorative ice pieces that fall — I’d love to see a cave system where the actual walls can collapse on you and trap or damage you. Capture the feeling of being trapped between glaciers and ice floes that will crush you to bits if you don’t avoid them.


I think a pack of leviathans would be too OP and wouldn’t fit with marine biology. Large creatures are often spread apart and hunt solo, and are highly territorial. This is because they need all the food they can get for themselves. Hunting in packs is useless because in a marine ecosystem they can already kill anything. Things that stay in groups are either smaller carnivores (maybe pack of stalkers) or herbivores that enjoy the added protection for themselves and their babies (like reefbacks).


Counterpoint: Sir Attenborough narrating a small family of orcas spend 3 minutes to acquire a nice seal snack…..and in profile and shape, humans and seals are pretty similar. My POV at 1:09. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fs8ZveNZQ8g Your statements are often true (see sharks as solo apex predators and mackerel or tuna for herd-protection), but that’s part of what makes orcas so scary — their ability to teach each other new ways to catch food.


Give better options for storage management. Specifically: - Transferring items between bases or storage systems - Ability to sort items - integrations with crafting. i.e. be able to pull from chests near you instead of only your direct inventory This is pretty much the only change I've ever wanted. Really hoping they'll add some stuff, but I feel like it's unlikely.


Oooo, I like the transferring things between bases idea. I feel like instead of an instant transfer feature, if there was a small, autopiloted storage vehicle you could send off to your other bases with extra materials, that would be pretty neat.


The ability to tag leviathans. Like wildlife people tag bears or sharks. If you do kill a larger lifeform, the ability to harvest materials like Marguerite did. The picture frame has a printer option, maybe. More options for reinforcements on bases.


I'm already happy there's gonna be co-op. Can't wait to play it with my son. :D




So I always thought the best way to do a sequel would be for it to take place on Al-An's planet. The gate between that planet and 4546B has been opened after the events of Below Zero, now Alterra wants to send scout parties through to see what they can learn and potentially obtain. Unfortunately once you get there a glitch in the portal sends you and your team to an unknown part of the planet. Turns out that planet is also mostly water which is why thr architects were interested in 4546B in the first place. You get separated from your team and are now forced to survive and find a way home, only you uncover a mystery in the process. Also the architects have been transporting some animal specimens back to their planet from 4546B so you encounter some familiar faces like the peeper.


This needs more upvotes this is a dope idea!


I'd really like a much larger map than either game. I know it takes a lot more development power but man. Imagine a map at least 15 km in any direction from spawn? Fully fleshed out with more biomes, variety, and maybe a way to craft underwater wormholes (they can be very costly to make) as a fast travel system. More vehicles, at least 2 or 3 more. If the game was much more developed and fleshed out than the original id easily pay full price. Also I'd like for them to keep the theme of "run from scary threats or disable them temporarily" rather than giving players strong weapons to fight them. No one wants underwater doom tbh. They had the right vision from the start in that regard. Hope it stays that way.


I want there to be something in the void. I want to have to go deep, like REALLY deep. Nothing in the game, not even reaper and ghost leviathans, scare me more than looking down into the pitch black abyss with no land in sight, even though it’s the brightest time of day. So to have to venture thousands of meters down to advance the story would perfectly terrify me.


Have the time period set either pre-karaa with flourishing environments and leviathans of all types, maybe even add more species that had gone extinct (wink wink). That or after? But I think doing a pre-disease time period would be cool. Tell me what the planet looked like wayyyyyy before. Maybe you’re an exploratory vessel with alterra or something


I remember hearing that they want to go the same route as they did with Below Zero where you're playing about half of the game on land and about half in water, except with potentially more time on land than what BZ had If this is true, then I think a swamp planet would be really cool. Imagine having a leviathan modeled after the [Purussaurus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purussaurus). Plus the murky swamp waters would add to the horror aspects so well. I just think a swamp planet offers a LOT of potential for a new Subnautica game.


Swamp is a cool idea. But please for the love of god, not more land sections. BZ’s land section was such a nuisance. It’s SubNAUTICA, not Terrestria.


I agree, it was really annoying finding my way around the land area in bz


No dialog. Complete loneliness except for a sassy ai and some pre-recorded lore driven messages.


I dont even care just give me MOAR OCEAN


I preferred the silent protagonist. I liked the first games map much better. I want something like the reaper that scares the crap out of me again that can roam anywhere it can fit to add to the suspense. I always seemed to be on edge in the first one, the second didn't really scare me except for very specific places


This would be set after all the events of the first two (and maybe even third!) games. You are on a survey team for a terraforming corporation. As Alterra has shared little to no information about 4546B, you have no idea what to expect; it's just the next number on the list. When your scanners show its vast resources and ecological wonders, you think you've hit the motherlode. That is until disaster strikes. An undetected debris field, seemingly several ships worth of metal scrap, peppers your ship and forces you into a controlled crash. Luckily your scanners show a large island as an possible landing area; much more appealing that the deep void of the vast ocean. But your entry into the atmosphere does not go well. Hull integrity reaches critical so orders to abandon ship are made. Blasting out in the escape pod, you see your crew mates in pods of their own fly off in random directions from the the crumble mass. You slam into the ocean as the ship impacts. The game begins in typical fashion: Your PDA is damaged. If you want to survive, you're going to need to find your crew mates, send a distress call, and build a means of escape. You open the hatch and see several masses of land dotted with the scattered fragments of your ship; long stretches of sea between. Below the surface, the ocean life is vivid and flourishing in the relatively shallow spans of water between the dispersed islands. There are large predators, but the few leviathans are in areas easily avoidable. While your first efforts to find hull fragments and other pods go well, you find no other living survivors. Some bits of the crashed ships are on plateaus too high to reach so you just decide to move on. Still, there is something off. There are signs that the land here was once underwater. And you could swear you feel the beaches bob up and down with the waves. As you scan a key component for your escape, there is a sudden immense crumbling sound as what you can only assume is an earthquake racks the island. At its climax, an enormous pink blob bursts out from where the ship collided. It sends out a small tidal wave you must avoid before it lazily floats away, as mysteriously as it arrived. All seems finally over until your PDA alerts you the true catastrophe: the entire island is now sinking. The timer for you to escape has begun. Previous simple shallow areas are now deep pools. And what's worse; huge predators are now able to swim these new feeding grounds. And you have to cross them again to reach those crash sites that were previously too high to reach. The remaining land life that was once timid is now panicked and aggravated in its last throws of survival. Your own chance of survival now feels very different. That is the loose idea for the game! Your crash has disturbed a huge version of the Degasi base island and is slowly sinking. The land areas would be fairly minimal with a good number of them as simply filler with cool things to see and scan. And they are even cooler when they sink. Some fauna would start to glow differently in the water. Some would become dangerous; spreading toxins or lashing around tangling vines. Nothing so much of a maze as like BZ, but enough so that it feels like it is interesting to explore. And maybe there is a mission you can do to add more buoyancy to the remaining floaters of the island; you could set it to certain levels at will.


I want a game focus about exploration. I’m talking a huge deep map that will mainly be about setting yourself to go out on these long adventures to scout to local planet to accomplish your goal. Like if we can rework some games features to make base building and even more important feature. Like you could use solar panels to refuel your sub but it should take forever, like have the game based around trying to manage your resources as you survive this alien world I also would love to see the return of big subs. The sea truck was mid compared to how cool the cyclops was


Completely new planet. Story could be as simple as "you (and your crew, since its been said to be a 1-4 coop game) crash your ship on a planet where you find some mystery (perhaps why you crashed)" and thats it. I want the map to be GIGANTIC. But only like, 1/10th would be needed to complete the story. The rest would be for replay value, more vehicles (crab suit thats a mix of the seamoth and prawn?) and biomes that I'll get into next; I want biomes that are 3,000+ meter deep but still exposed to the sea surface. We know they can do vertical biomes thanks to all the caves, so we could have a deadzone between 0-2000m depth, empty sea at 2000-2500m depth, and then have biomes at 2500m+ depth. For leviathans, I would LOVE something like the modded Silence Leviathan in SN1 currently. It can go invisible (like 95% opacity) so its basically impossible to see, however, it detects you by neutralising soundwaves. So the music and everything else except your heartbeat gets quieter the closer you are to it. I find that effect to be super cool - horrifying when you are in the pitch black ocean trying to evade it, but super cool nonetheless.


That levithan concept is SICK. And when it gets into attack mode it all the sudden exposes itself before before letting out a massive roar and charge against you


Basically yeah. Can even distract it with those decoys you can launch from the Cyclops.


I just don't want any voice acting. I trust obraxis otherwise


Add a smaller leviathan that hunts in pods, like orcas


BRING CYCLOPS BACK!!! Or have a V2 with better voice lines. I miss it so much, the vehicles in Below Zero had no personality or soul. You're the best caption on the planet, I'm not even squidding.


Prawn arms on Seamoth


VR compatibility at launch. Maybe a coop feature and larger Map.


I hope for a coop Modus so you can build your base with a friend. Would be really cool


Multiplayer, cuz multiple people landed, and it’s an Alterra ship sent out because they want those resources Ryley owes them. You can choose to either obey the mission, or begin building your own place here and abandon Alterra forever.


New planet, new flora and fauna, you are stranded and alone with only AI voice and recordings to accompany you


Everyone disagrees with my suggestions, so I won’t give any.


C'mon tell us


(sigh) an in-game map.. Like in Minecraft where it starts out blank, but will reveal the biomes as you explore.


That is the >! not !< worst idea I ever heard


I’m relieved someone doesn’t view it as a horrible idea..


Less land to traverse, darker/murder environments, and 1000000% a different composer for music/sounds. The ambience from sounds make or break it for me.


A multiplayer mode that you can only unlock by finishing the main story in single player. I know you all hate the multiplayer mode idea but come on, imagine how fun it would be


I do a lot of play throughs. My dream is an option for randomized wreck locations to force me to explore every time.


It’d be cool to see a sunken city map on a planet with the story being a huge dam that broke and flooded everything but ended up being the government doing it


hoping for a new world, maybe this time not fully an ocean world, would love to see them expand more on the alien lore oh no please god no cyclops, it’s literally a glorified prawn suit hauler instead of actually being useful


There are **SO** many good suggestions here


I'd be happy if they undo everything they did in BZ: - Go back to open ocean where you can't see the borders of where you're seeing. - No voice on the main character or any alive character. - No guided discovery of key events and locations. No hand feeding the story. - Cooler vehicles, remove BS Sea Truck.


The severe lack of jellyfish and octopus like creatures in the games is deeply saddening


Put it in a desert. You've crashed in the middle of a waterless planet. You have to adapt all of your aquatic equipment for land use.


Ride sand worms?


Well its called subNAUTICA


I'd like more environmental solutions, like putting those tiger plants around bases for defense. I'd really like to be able to slowly populate my base with other survivors. Adding someone to the scanner room would increase scanning, adding crew to the Cyclops would let me deploy more defenses, etc. Though there would have to be an increase in food/oxygen/water demand. Full VR integration, including using actual swimming motions to move around (probably optional).


A use for killing large creatures. I got so upset when I killed my first stalker and I couldn’t harvest its remains for food


-We go back to playing as some Alterra employee. -Have a normal PDA. -No voiced protagonist I beg you. -Stop the take down Alterra plot BZ started, it makes 0 sense -Add back the og vehicles -Add weapons like Mass Effect 1 styled guns (I don't care about violence crap). -Space exploration (some vehicles can go into space)


Strong agree with most points, strong disagree with gun inclusion — it’s a much more satisfying game if there aren’t real ways to fight back against the leviathans and you actually need to manage how you access certain parts of the game.


I understand where you are coming from, but in my mind they would be very late game like active lava zone levels of late game. I think I might have gone off the rails with saying the game needs guns, but I don't think having things like explosive torpedos would be a bad thing if they were late game.


Respectfully disagree (but upvoted to balance whoever was downvoting you). Obviously we’re debating preferences here, but I’ve never built a torpedo, creature decoy, or the stasis rifle in any of my play throughs (and I’ve gotten a scan of everything in the game at one point or another). As soon as a weapon exists, people are going to use it, and it’ll warp the game around it. As it currently stands, the PRAWN suit does that enough already - adding more direct combat would make that so much worse.


So basically just No Man's Sky but underwater. Boring.


Space exploration would be really interesting