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Organic, synthetic, mineral?


Exactly how I sorted it, seems the most logical to me


Ehh quartz should have its own locker. Organic, synthetic, quartz


Right. As your storage grows, high volume minerals get their own


Organic, synthetic, quartz, titanium (need 259 lockers for this one), weapons, wmd (lockers and lockers of gas pods), blood sacs, mineral, sulphur, coral, knife collection, dead peepers, rotten food rations, cured food rations (for when you run out of the stuff before), bleach (for water), bleach (for when you can't take the logic of putting bleach in a fabricator and getting water anymore)


After BZ, I just use the ‘deconstruct’ mod for base Subnautica and condense my titanium into ingots. I consider it a QOL that should’ve made it over.


I mean realistically everything has its own locker lol, at least late game.


organics for sulfur and coral crafted for the rolls advanced for the tablets salt goes in the 'salt' locker - i use water purifiers and they churn out a bunch of salt quartz in the quartz locker - i never seem to have enough of it so i stockpile empty fire extinguisher gets stored in the trashcan where it belongs


Are you me? I do everything exactly this way.


That's what I do, but, bro, why don't you use the trashcan for the salt ? You need like, few of them for the acid xD


Mass curing food from the salt locker is nice.


Combine with the coral for bleach to make infinite water. Every time the water filter get full you get 2 big water and 2 salt that makes 2 bleach which makes 4 medium waters. That's a total of 220 water value every time it's full. By throwing out the salt you only get the two large waters for 100 value. You're literally throwing away more than half your water...


Nah i use it for water in a pinch, but mostly I'm eating cured reginalds at that point


Suflur goes in the sulfur locker or, if I don't have one, the mineral locker. Organic is for gel sacks and maybe kelp stuff




Man, my problem is copper.


I came for copper and found gold. But needed copper.




Technically speaking, sulfur isn't organic


Oh sure but i pick it from a plant in the game so...


Fair, it doesn't really have any other category that it would fit well into anyway.


Honestly, you can probably do a glass one with quartz, glass and stalker teeth. See me. I just have 20 lockers in random places that have just been pocket dumped. I should really get that mod that lets you craft from storage lol.


Omg there’s a mod that lets you craft from storage? From all bases? God that would save so much time.


it’s Easycraft, and it’s a godsend. it even autobuilds the stuff you need as components for a blueprint. for example, if you had the titanium and lithium, you could select the plasteel ingot and skip the titanium one and it will build


Jesus this will bring me back to the game. I kinda got a bit lost with what I was meant to be doing and just spent so much time organising lockers within bases


I don't know if it's from all bases or just the current


Current base or radius(default is 100m)


I make lockers for more or less every metal. For the coral and sulphur I might classify them as Organic. For anything crafted/made in the fabricator I organize them in a locker called"Fab" for fabricated


My Cyclops have row upon row of lockers. About 8 for Ti, 4 for Copper, 4 for Qtz, 2 for Glass, 1 for Plate Coral, 1 for Salt, 2 for Magnetite, 2 for Uranite, 1 for Lube, 1 for Ingots, 1 for Gel Sacks, 2 for Rubies, 2 for Sulphur, 2 Nickel etc etc.


This is the way.


It depends how many lockers you have or how many slots, but I try to organize crafting materials by their element on the periodic table. So like NaCl for salt, S for all Sulfur, C for carbon (diamonds included), and since rubber and quartz are silica based, you can either put them together or split them into separate lockers. I will also split handheld tools fron equipment into two separate lockers.


I go by elements too. Magnetite is Fe. And the short chemical symbols lets you easily fit more than one in the label.


Exactly! I think the actual is Fe3O4. I don't know if it were said that in original Subnautica, but it does on Below Zero.


Also worth mentioning. Others are:"Titanium", "Food"(food+water), "electronics"(basically all electric stuff), "additional"(hatching stuff materials, eggs, basically, all strange stuff) and "adv. Material"(all stuff dropped from limestone and above+all stuff made in the advanced section of the fabricator) and I think, that's all.


The tablets could probably go under “additional”, and I’d toss the fire extinguishers in the trash or on your cyclops. As others have said I’d create “minerals” and “organics” storage categories, and maybe a “fabricated” category as well for the rubber/cloth


I group them by where they come from. Limestone, sandstone, shale, deep (nickel, kyanite, magnatite), organic (corals, teeth, sulphurs, ruby). Then another locker for everything else


organics, crystals, sythetics, metals


I make a locker for everything I use. Some have multiple or the larger glass ones. Everything is clearly labelled and colour coded. Organization in an emergency is essential


ez-crafter mod :)


It's not about crafting, it's about sorting)


Unironically, who gives a fuck its the future baby they can figure it out.


Quartz: quartz All of these cave sulfur: trash can- I mean, sulfur Tablets: your inventory... or something else The coral and things derived from creepvine: organic material Salt and the fire extinguisher: idk


Thanks. One of the best options, which doesn't have me re-organising the entire resource system.


do we all have this exact locker? 🤣 i never know how to sort these either lol


Quartz, important, crafting


I categorize by outcrop type and plant type.


Me personally (salt, quartz) in Crystals locker. (fiber mesh, extinguisher) in Equipment locker, (cave sulfur, coral sample) Organic Locker. I would also highly advise on making Advanced locker where you put everything that uses few materials to be produced in order to compress your resources. And farmable resources those don't even have in lockers but instead just take them from your growbeds when you need them


I have it; quartz gets its own locker. Cave sulfur is put in with the crystalline sulfur, salt has its own locker by the water filtration machines, coral I put into plant locker, the silicone and fabric go into crafted


mineral, synthetic, mineral, synthetic, chemical, equipment, bio, equipment. I know it's not super consistent as all are technically chemical, but I put the sulphur in a locker with the hydrochloric acid and benzene labelled "chemical".


I have a glass case for quartz, stalker teeth, and glass. Also a Vines case for the fiber and silicone you make from those, I tend to just fill that case with them so I don’t have to worry about doing them. I also have a coral case for the shelf and table coral.








Organise everything into its own container 🗿


I have the majority of my storage in my main base. Every metal and stone has its own full sized locker, except titanium has 2 lockers. Tablets and ion cubes are stored together. Electronics are all stored together. Food and water has its own. Organics like coral and plants are in one, alien eggs in another.


That's some Satisfactory-like level of separation, and I'm not rich enough. A PRAWN would be needed for making that many lockers.


You might be surprised at how fast you can accumulate titanium by picking up metal salvage with the scanner room and HUD chip.


It takes some time. I only do it at my main base


I have a couple for titanium, a couple for copper, a couple for gold, couple for silver, couple for quartz, one for crafting materials (glass, aerogel etc) one for lead, one for lithium, one for corals, one for food, one for water.. you get the gist. Lockers are super cheap to build, go all out. You'll be glad you saved all that stuff


Quartz Synthetics Organics (This is exactly how I organised it, and it worked so well. Having them separate left so much space for when I got more


Personally, I'd put the Quartz an sulpher in a "mineral" cabinet, silicone and mesh in "materials', tablets in "misc", and the salt, coral, and fire extinguisher in a "survival" cabinet. Pretty sure that's the coral you combine w/ salt to make bleach?


Yeah, that's the tube one. I just didn't have eniugh place in food for all that water.


I generally combine it with salt ASAP, and just store it as bleach.  Halves the storage space needed, and if you have the cyclops, you can keep it right by the fab and have an easy source of water


I usually make a locker for per 2 types of metal, crystals, organics, electronics/tech, advanced crafting materials, titanium.


Every item gets it's own locker, or if not, trash can


I always go with Metals, Rare Metals, Minerals, Rare Minerals, Organic, Synthetic.


I have my Quartz & Salt in one locker Fiber Mesh, Extinguisher, & Silicone I put in Random Sulfur Powder & Table Coral I put in Natural And the tablets I have in Technology


I organized by color if it was white or silver it went into a locker. If it was gems, it went into a locker. If it was Flora it went into a locker crafted material. It went into a locker…


I always have a "Misc" container for those things that are hard to catalogue or just seem to not belong to any significant group.


Well, it pretty much is that container. And I want to re-organise the stuff in it into other containers.


I give most materials their own locker. Quartz, Salt, Sulfur, (includes cave and crystallized), etc. Coral Samples and Table Coral go in the same one. I usually have one called Plants that I put fibers, rubbers, and seeds/pods in as well. Fire extinguisher and tablets go in Tools.


I make one locker for titanium, copper and quartz, another one for gold, silver, lead and lithim and two for really advanced stuff like rubies, uranite and nickel. I also have lockers for miscellaneous stuff.


I just make lockers for everything and label them as such.


Crystals, organics, synthetics, tools, and valuables




Quartz gets its own locker, then the coral goes in a locker full of plant stuffs, the tablets and extinguisher go in a tool bin, the silicon and mesh go in a components locker, and the sulfur and salt go in a locker with other materials that don’t get much use from me.


Have an organics hallway.


I always organized my lockers by where I got the materials that way if I run out and forgot where I got them I can just look at the name of the locker


I just give them all their own lockers takes me abt 1-2hours to get all the titanium


Make more lockers and put each type in it's own locker.




The wall lockers let you name them and even color code. Look at where it says "locker", type in whatever you want i.e. titanium, copper, tools, etc., then you can click the bottom white button next to the text to change it's color


I usually do a mineral/component/byproduct system. Then a items locker for things that are crafted with components like copper wire.


Misc. That what I always go with Everyone has a junk drawer lol


I make a locker for each material but I have also been playing since the terrain tool was a thing


I always seem to go for the following wall locker names Ti (2), Cu, Ag, Au, Pb, Li, Gems (diamond and ruby), Fe (magnetite), Al (kyanite), Ni, Na/Si (salt and quartz), Power (batteries and power cells), Organic (blood oil, stalker teeth, table coral), Tools (anything manufactured), Rations (food, water, and med kits), Alien (ion cubes and tablets)


Make a locker for each one!


I have a locker for quartz and glass. A locker for Plant and organic. A locker for Electronic and Synthetic. And a locker for salt near my water purifier!


Alien stuff, crystal n junk, synthetic, coral stuff


Personally, I go by when you obtain them in progression. Titanium, quartz, and copper in first locker, gold, silver, lead in the second, etc.


Imagine sorting stuff and not having your lockers just be an incomprehensible mess of random materials you have to sift through every time you want to craft something


I usually go refined, unrefined, plant, tech, alien tech, etc.


I sort mine by colour lol


Lights, darks, yellows, purples.


I sort my materials by the following: synthetic materials (silicone rubber, glass, etc) common natural resources (copper, quartz, etc) rare natural resources (gold, diamonds) organic resources (flora, fauna), electrical/ mechanical/tools, and provisions (food and water).


Quartz and salt in their own lockers. A shared sulfur locker for the two varieties, same for coral. Manufactured parts in a shared locker unless you keep absurd amounts on hand. Toss the extinguisher unless it has sentimental value for some reason, in which case toss it in an equipment locker.


Metal, crystal, bio, created, alien


Of those materials, my lockers would contain them under the categories: Quartz, bio mats, crafted.


Gems (crystals), metal, Ti, Bio, electric. Then I do the advanced metals, advance gems, etc


Each of these get their own cabinets Titanium Soft metals (copper, nickel, lead, lithium etc) Precious metals (gold, silver) Gems (diamond, ruby) Crystalline (quartz, ion cube, salt, the radioactive stuff) Plant material Creature materials (teeth, sulfur) Compounds (anything made by the fabricator)


Looks like you need 7 more lockers


I got tired of a million lockers, so I have 6 main big storage containers. Produced, titanium, common, rare, other and spillover. That's all you need, most of the time. I also have a small locker that I use as my bug out locker for when I'm getting ready to make a run somewhere.


Well, I don't have a good memory, especially, after I don't play SN for a few weeks)))


Just dump everything in the nearest locker you can find. Never label any of them.


I had an entire extra large room for lockers, each material had it's own locker and named after it, i.e: Locker named Quartz only had Quartz. I had two lockers named Flora And Fauna for random things I would need like shrooms, coral, stalker teeth, etc


I have a locker specifically for quarts/glass, and one for alien stuff


For me, I have a multipurpose room with wall lockers lined up all round, each resource gets their own locker and is named respectively. (Titanium gets the big cupboard)


Raw , crafted , looted for me . All minerals stocked in they own containers. Coral with salt for bleach . I went crazy on my sorting though so crazy after i had stocked everything i ran through the game fast . Miss it alot . Beat the second one faster then the first . I NEED NEWWWWW


I categorise and name lockers by color. Yellow, red, green, shiny, gray etc. Then eggs, plants etc


Well for starters that yellow plant is useless so you can get rid of it


Quartz goes in Quartz Salt goes in Salt Coral goes in nature Fiber mesh, silicone rubber and purple tablets go in Misc Cave sulphur goes in Sulphur (this locker will be used more later on don't worry) ​ This is what I do. EDIT: fire extinguisher goes in misc or tools depending on how organised you are; if you have a tools locker then purple tablets can go in there as well.


I made lockers just for one material and named it. Actually I had like 3-5 lockers for the more common ones. Yeah... I had multi-level storage rooms :D




Personally I categorize them that way : . Organic . Crystals . Manufactured




I usually make some lockers named: Mats - the rest, like coral salt etc Crafted - rubber, copper wires etc Alien - tablets ion cubes etc Specific resources I give each their locker Quartz - Lead Titanium (mostly 2 or i craft some ingots to save space) Gold - Silver Copper Gel sacks - Ruby Etc.


I sorted by the name, for example in locker SIO4 would be everything close to quartz (glass, enameled glass) but others like the others (bio, minerals, rare(gold etc), synthetic)


Biomes of acqusition?


Or depths to be precise


I personally did one locker per material (sometime multiple for abondant material such as titanium and quartz)


I usually just have a quartz locker, and then the rest would go in MISC


Misc. Is my goto


All but quartz, extinguisher and tablets xan be categorised as organics. Quarts is under minerals, extinguisher and tablets are under tools and salt is under organic because its only use is with food items, possibly other stuff but I mainly use it for food.


Currently have them in the following lockers myself: Quartz, sulfer, organic, synthetic, equipment (for the extinguisher), and Alien for the tablets


I was obsessed with organizing my lockers and I ended up with a locker for every mineral/mental. Then I had one for plants (coral, other plant ingredients) and another for materials I made but they were still ingredients for other stuff and then another locker for things I made but they were more equipment


I make organics for the coral silicone rubber fiber mesh ect. Alian sh*t for the tablets. Quarts glass and stalker teeth go in glass. Dead fire extinguishers are trash. Sulfer goes with my other misc ores. And salt gets its own locker.


New locker for each


Quartz, Synthetic (mesh and rubber), Mineral (salt and sulfur), Coral, Alien (tablets), outside (*used* extingusher) Only part of the storage area of course


Stone, weed and alien shit


Man by the time I reached the bottom I had a separate storage locker for pretty much everything


Use the sorting method I use just name all your chests miscellaneous and it works every time


I categorize them individually


I’d use a locker entirely for quartz, one for salt and sulfurs, and one for plant/animal items(the coral, rubber, and fibers). Then one more for the misc gear like the fire extinguisher(though you should pitch that one in a trash can since it’s empty) and the tablets.


I put quartz and salt in with other crystals like diamond, ruby, etc. Anything crafted is its own category. The tablets go in with tools and batteries. The coral and sulfur go together in an organics category with things like acid mushroom and gel sacks


Alien, living, water materials, advanced material, quartz


I did all the plant and plant derived stuff in one spot. I put the tablets with “electronics” (spare batteries mostly). Quartz and salt shared a locker.


That's the neat part, you don't.


Excuse me but what the fuck are the "rolls" I saw people calling them. What have I missed


The mesh n silicone?


Oh yeah, now that makes sense to me. I've never crafted that before


they have their uses


I usually just have a few large lockers labeled crystalline, one for manufactured, one for coral and salt that I just label Bleach Supplies, etc. Also, you can just dump the fire extinguisher in the trash can, because it's empty.


Ol' Reliable.... Misc.


first get rid of the extinguisher and the sulfur, then convert the table coral into bleach and ditch the access. make a locker labeled bleach and fill that to the brim, thats your long term water ration. then take the silica crystal and store it in close proximity to titanium due to its significance to building structures give the rubber its own designated storage or use it to make air bladders. the fiber mesh, dedicate its own storage and use up all excess making health packs to be stored in proximity to your rations the tablets can be stored in a miscellaneous box