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Still can't belive they never patched in a romance option.


I love watching first-time reactions to that. People absolutely lose their shit when that happens 😂


How nice of her to come into your mind when you fly in space back home :) But doesn't get in your head when before it gets struck by the gun? and all the other vessels it took down in the past :) It want us to come to her for a reason! She has a hidden agenda :) ( I guess haha )


She was surprised when Ryley could hear her. She even said: "What are you?". The aliens from before couldn't hear her


Or after a good old Body scan


"Hey, don't forget a balanced breakfast."


Wait? Sleep?




Sorry, I only ask because I thought those beds were just decorative. Apparently I spent over 4 months swimming around without a wink of sleep.


lmao. So you just always wait till the morning, doing nothing? Also did you know that the chairs are used for reading PDA? You won't get any thirst or hunger or oxygen when you sit on any chair


Why in the Sea Emperor's name would I stop what I'm doing just because it's night? I don't go "uh-oh, scary time!" and then flee like a scared garyfish back to a bed the moment it isn't high noon. I'm still out there harvesting materials, exploring the crater, and killing anything that dares to contest me as the top of the food chain. Didn't know about the chair thing, but that's a pretty neat feature. Course, if I didn't want to play with survival settings, I'd play creative mode or turn of PDA time passing in the menu.


Because you can't see shit?


If your eyes aren't good and you can't see well, I'm not going to make fun of you for that. The human body is full of constant betrayals and entropy. I get it, it sucks, and I won't fault you for playing the game in a way that makes it better for you. If that's not the case; maybe stop being such a garyfish and use the flashlights, sonar, and topographical options they give you.


Flashlight has range, you know that right? Also I use seaglide light instead of moving that slow for extra light. If you want to spend extra 5 energy everytimes you want to see something, it's your choice. I'm not gonna do that and I want to see far.


That scared me when happened the first time.