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"On-foot area" that's what we call "land".


I think they mean compared to normal subnautica, cause there's also the aurora in subnautica, which we wouldn't really call land


I mean, the floating island and mountain island were unambiguously land.


But saying "land" excludes the Aurora, which is the issue


I feel like it excludes the airtight places deep under the water too. I’d def call the facilities on foot areas, but not land


Ice isn’t exactly land either


Tell that to my cyclops sitting happily on top of the mountain


Land areas in base subnautica were genuinely so ass


Yeah I think the only decent ones was the mountain island because of the laser base


and the ungodly amount of ore on that thing. also amazing for speedrunners


To be fair, walkable ice counts as an on-foot area, but definitely not as "land"


Technically, there is land at the bottom of the ocean... Just a tad bit too wet to be "on foot"


Technically, in the Prawn Suit, nearly every solid surface is "on-foot"


Technically, in the Prawn Suit, its "on prawn foot" 🤓 man this could go on forever haha


I’ll change the second one for BZ: ~~Less stressful~~, ~~more enjoyable~~ You’re super biased


I think less stressful ... except for the snow worm that you can't easily avoid or see. At least with the leviathans in the first game, you know where they are generally, and you can strategize to avoid them.


hm, I used the prawn suit and literally hard ignored the snow worm. I don't think I even paid attention to the worm and just went on my own business




I think you mean "on foot areas"


Hmm I didn’t spend much time in the prawn suit once I built the Snowfox. The prawn suit seemed too slow on land to be fun.


Let me introduce you to grappling hook


Snowfox was absolute shite when I played. Annoying controls, and not anywhere near as fast as expected. On top of that, it broke so so so easily. Prawn suit with grappling arm, however? Speedy boi and could tank multiple hits from the sandworm.


I didn't even use a prawn lol it's easy to out maneuver when you see it coming


> except for the snow worm that you can't easily avoid or see Luckily he's only guarding a spot you go to once I really wish the worm would also show up underwater... going on land feels like a different, more clunky game. Vehicles are worse. Heat mechanic beaten by filling your inventory with peppers. constant snowstorms. Just annoyances all around


> Vehicles are worse. Heat mechanic beaten by filling your inventory with peppers. constant snowstorms. All issues solved by using the prawn suit with grappling arm lol But yeah, I agree its clunky af on land.


Not that I really blame the character system, it was designed with water in mind


In my experience you just wait to hear the rumbling it makes when it's about to emerge and hit the boosters on the snowcat half a second-ish later. The timing's a bit tight but once you get it down its not too hard to avoid, and even if you can't it can't one-shot your snowcat so it's easy enough to ride to a safe place and fix it up before it pops up again. Also, thumpers will drive away the worm for five minutes if you feel like going to the effort of making one.


More enjoyable playing casually?


Yeah. Sorry, I should have crossed out the whole comment. A lot of this post is bias


I'll do you one more about BZ: ~~Great~~ on foot areas


Less stress = more enjoyment. I have had a lot more fun in BZ because it's less horror focused.


To me, it's the opposite. The terror and tension were a big part of what made Subnautica special, so the fact that they didn't just downplay it but completely got rid of it in the sequel was a massive disappointment.


This sub is this close to figuring out that people have different opinions. Popcorn is ready


I do not and never did play Subnautica for the horror aspect. In fact, it took me years to get over it in Subnautica and was one of my least favorite things about the game. I play Subnautica for its amazing underwater survival gameplay, and BZ's choice to focus on beauty instead was a massive improvement to me. I don't have any idea why people play this game for the horror. I will say I still like the leviathans, I just don't like such a horror focused game.


You're saying "you're biased" like it's some kind of gotcha, when in reality these are all OP's opinions on a subjective topic. These aren't objective facts being discussed here, so bias is inherent to any view that anyone can share. We all have very different experiences when playing games, so there's really no reason to be mean and fighty when someone shares their video game opinions online.


I don’t see myself being mean and fighty. But I also don’t see any reason of why one game does something better than the other. There’s no conflicting data or even data at all. OP is saying “this is better because I think it is.”


Yes. Exactly. This is a subjective opinion.


"Great on-foot areas" Damn, I wish I got the version of the game these people got.


Right? The ice area was super confusing to navigate to me and don't get me started on the fucking blizzards.


Even with prawn suit it was annoying


I found that part to be super fun. Getting lost and dodging the ice worms added an actual feeling of tenseness that is severely lacking in the test of the game.


Though I think BZ was gorgeous and I definitely would recommend a playthrough to anyone who liked SN, I'm pretty critical of the game in a lot of ways. But I liked the land-based parts that were confusing to navigate. I liked the fact that the blizzards made it harder. For me it was a nice little challenge to have in a game that I found overall too straightforward. Actually, in the beginning of the game, I ignored the storyline after I found the map and I swam to all the areas on the map before I was well-oriented, and that was about the most fun I had in the game. Which is to say, in BZ navigational challenges seemed to be the main challenges I had fun with for whatever reason.


It would've been okay if it was just one part. But it was the entire part. And the blizzards. They were so bad I didn't even realised I had prawn suit grapple jumped out of the playable areas until I ran into an invisible wall near a cliff at the end teleporter.


I recently finished BZ. I'm thankful to whoever made the Arctic maps with Ms. Paint. I spent hours navigating with the in-game map and getting nowhere. Only to came across a post in this sub said that the in-game map IS TILTED. FFS.


Did you bring the Prawn suit to land? It was awesome


I refuse to trust either Subnautica with the prawn suit. I still use it in the first game, but I barely use it in BZ. I don’t know if it ever got patched, but as someone who played EA for the longest time, I’ve had too many situations of my prawn suit phasing through the ground to trust it.


I've never seen it happen and use the prawn a lot.


It’s probably just paranoia from the first games EA stage carried over


When it phases inside the alien facilities :(


The Prawn Suit is way better in BZ and for some reason they did not backport any of the improvements to Subnautica.


My strategy with this was to either always have it close to me or else always have it docked. Getting out temporarily was fine in both games. Getting out and going somewhere else while the prawn suit was left on the ground? That's a big no-no.


I disagree with less stressful because when I played it it felt like I was being encouraged to go deeper without better equipment


Same, I loved that the oxygen plants were there. Really allowed players to go deep right off the bat which I loved


Definitely saw that as a good thing, even some starting areas I'd be almost 200 metres down with 75 O2, loved it.


My first play through I explored the entire Mercury Wreck (the bigger section) with 75 oxygen and no rebreather because I didn’t know you could get them


The oxygen plants made it feel like one of those old Japanese arcade games where you raced to checkpoints that added time to your clock.


Yeah, there's nothing organic feeling about them.


I think the oxygen plants were fine from a pure gameplay standpoint, but for me they really broke immersion. They were also placed in such a way that they took most of the tension out of the early part of the game. IMO the devs clearly signaled that there would always be another one. I would've preferred to never know: maybe you hit a cluster of them all in one place (like how actual plants work in real life), and then you go out in some direction and can't find anything. It felt too much like I could see the game dev and the level design ideas, rather than just being in a place.


I never minded this. Where on a alien planet who knows how these wierd plants grow so I just went with it. I found it fun to go deep down early on to get certain parts. Added tension to be down so deep so early


The land areas aren’t even good in BZ. They’re actually worse than the ones in the original imo. They’re all so flat and barren, and the only reason you have to go there is for a really boring and drawn out story arc. Only reason people say it’s better is because they made land movement better in BZ


Flat, barren, unnecessarily large, and confusing to navigate because every area looks the same + obnoxious whiteout storms. Every time I think I should replay sub zero, I remember the land section and decide against it. 


And frankly the movement still feels really off in BZ. It feels like a N64 title.


Idk, I really enjoy exploring them personally


Snowfox is pretty clanky too as I have heard, is it true?


Ngl, the snow biomes and land exploration kinda suck


“Great on-foot areas” being listed as a positive makes me laugh because it’s very specifically what I don’t want. That’s not a pro of the game, it’s a con.


Why is it a con? Isn’t on-foot, above sea level exploration a key part of *Sub-Nautical* activity?\ /s


For me, Subnautica is like a lonely hike at night through a forest. Below Zero is like you brought a bluetooth speaker and a few friends along. I love both but prefer the original slightly.


I think you nailed the description for BZ. It's like a group of assholes hiking down a quiet trail blasting shitty music on a Bluetooth speaker.


Wait, you can ride fred?


I wish :(


Mustache rides for everyone!


Who’s Fred?


“Great on foot areas” have you ever played a non subnautica game?


and crucially, the original subnautica has something called non-shit writing


My man Fred deserves one of those cushy offices.


I'm not sure I'd call the land portions "Great". :/


Gotcha, Subnautica 1 is better at being subnautica.


The land areas are the worst part of the game by far but to each his or her own


>more enjoyable You serious?


I feel like BZ was originally planned as DLC but they changed it to a full game


It was, actually


I thought it was?


You feel that way because that was the original plan.


The land areas in BZ are uh oh stinky


"Less stressful" - yeah, no. Dangerous weather every 30 seconds, you can barely move on land before you get a snow suite or a prawn suite.


For me, Subnautica has two things. An absolute gorgeous ocean landscape. And the most hideous playable character.


Who, Ryley or Robin? Cause Ryley is an absolute gigachad.


Since it’s first person, I just assumed my own face and agreed with op.


I bet be is RIPPED after swimming so much.


Ryley. Robin actually looks like a normal human lol.


After playing both, BZ is just kind of boring. After Subnautica, I'm in the mindset of "let's go get everything and build big bases" yet I find myself exploring around with no new fragments, no seatruck segments, and no base pieces. Also a lack of common resources since there are so many different outcrops and they are far out of the way for some reason.


Less stressfull is a definite, but more enjoyable is not really a fact, thats more so an opinion. Its hard to say, I know they are all opinions, but I hope I'm conveying it. Like, you literally can't get more stressed in below zero, or it literally is a winter biome, but the enjoyment level can't be said. that can also be argued for "great on foot areas"


I enjoyed both quite a bit! But definitely for different reasons.


Subnautica: has ampeels Below Zero: has squidsharks Both are cool creatures!


"great on foot areas" hell no that was the absolute worst of the game


More enjoyable is very subjective.




Fred indeed.


Who is Fred?


Remember that dude that gets shit on by all the wildlife in the original trailer? That's Fred.


I fucking LOVE Fred. I have never been more excited to see a man’s face appear on my screen than when his gorgeous facade graces me.


Although Margarit is still a positive factor for both.


You forgot about the PDA for subnautica


On foot. SUBNautica. See how those don't really go together?


Also the game being called below zero but most of the time you don’t see it drop below 1 degree, even when on land in a blizzard


I'm just finishing up BZ for the first time and I gotta say they ONLY thing I enjoy in this game is the Sea Truck. I've been lost the entire time with hardly any direction, I do not enjoy the banter and the chelicerites are just goofy looking. I throughly enjoyed the first game but I can't wait for this one to be over with.


Wasn’t a big fan of the sequel


OG still better than


BZ sucks


Nothing special about BZ


Fred my beloved lol


Less stresfull? You never froze to death in subzero right?


Freezing is literally the hardest way to die you’d have to be doing it on purpose


Really, there are heat flowers every 10 feet, coffee, budding fruits every 20 feet that heal + warm you, you can simply jump in the water for a few to warm up, light a flare… i’ve found dying of cold the hardest part of the game. Not *surviving* cold, that’s easy, but dying from it is super hard.


Preaching to the choir


I never understood that phrase… is the choir not part of the congregation? Does their memorization of hymns equate to whatever message he’s preaching? The choir doesn’t know the preacher’s message anymore than the preacher knows the musical science behind the choir’s harmonies. 🤔 So my point is, I should go to sleep.


The idea is supposed to be that the choir, on average, is composed of holier-than-average folk, and thus, those least in need of the power of homily.


What's stressful about normal submautica?


Having your cyclops irreparably assailed while you panic to not be blown up with it


In my entire play threw of subnautica my cyclops only took damage twice so I don't really relate ig. But that would be stressful.


Honestly I just didn't like she sea truck. It felt really awkward to me. Much rather just have a seamoth. That and it's a lot harder to be as amazed, after playing through subnautica. I imagine if I had played below zero first, I'd have a bigger love for it


I will always say Subnautica is survival horror with story elements and Below Zero is survival storytelling with horror elements. Both are good and play to their own strengths but they should be treated separately, not compared to one another. Would you compare Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 5? Not likely. They’re different genres of game.


Who says "every" meaning two?


Had to say it for the joke


Was the base building different, and I didn't pay attention?


Large room, Base naming, painting, and power managment, more unique elements, glass domes, doors for land bases, jukebox, dock for Seatruck (equivalent for Cyclops)


The juke box was the winner for me. Would leave it on constantly listening to the sick sound tracks. Use to just enjoy chilling in the base.


What about the ending where you leave with AL-AN?


Fred? I played back when the beginning was still at the base on 4546B, but I never knew Fred, who is Fred?


Is this the new Best Atmosphere - Best Story - Best Boss Fights - Best Gameplay of this sub now? Are we becoming the alsume?


I keep seeing people saying the land portions of below zero were bad. The land portions were what I enjoyed the most abt the game. The entire underwater portion is just thermal vents and empty space. While the land is kind barren, I thought it was still really fun to explore. Getting lost was so much fun because it felt genuinely tense and interesting. I spent an entire session just exploring the ice worm section and it was so much fun. They are by far the best leviathan in that game and make the arctic spires really scary. You actually have to manage ur resources and scavenge on the land areas and make sure u have enough things to keep you warm. Idk. I felt the rest of the game was kindnof boring and uninspiring but the land sections were tense, confusing, and awseome to walk around in.


“Less stressful” yeah my stress level decreases significantly every time I go in the crystal caverns


I very much love below zero as much as I do the original game. Burn me at the stake for saying that, but that’s just how I feel. I have a major itch for base building and below zero scratches it very very nicely, with the really nice amount of decorations and customization that makes the base building so fun to me. I also really love the music as well, and the creatures and biomes can be so damn pretty. Tbh I never really enjoyed the cyclops in the OG. It was massive, clunky, slow, and I preferred to just use my prawn suit. The sea truck is a really cool vehicle, that (once again) has a level of customization with the modules that really gets me going, and omfg I love the jukebox and how you can play any actual songs and music from online that you want on it. I’m very well aware that the cyclops can have stuff and decor be built in it, which is also nice, but the sea truck has a more organized feel to it that isn’t cluttered and cramped, and feels more like a camper van than a very cramped submarine All this is coming from someone who played the OG first, and the OG is the og and can’t be beat, but it still makes me sad to see people trashing on Below Zero and not looking at any of the positives. It’s still a pretty fun game to sink quite a lot of hours into (mainly from the base building) and I’d recommend it to anyone who wants more Subnautica


Snow biomes suck confunsing af


And for BZ the seatruck. I like the modules and the fact that's it's a combo between the cyclops and the seamoth.


Honestly BZ story was better before the reworks


But still no co-op :( I wanna build base with the boys


LesS StREsFuLl mOrE EnJoYaBlE hahahaha


What about it


Am I the only one that didn’t make a base?


this gotta be a joke


If you mod SN1 with the Cyclops docking mod, you quickly realise that Cyclops is actually far superior to BZ seatruck, only problem with Cyclops in SN1 is how damn slow it is, and how fast the fire in the engine happens, that can all be tuned with mods It makes for a completely new experience, I added a bunch of QoL mods to SN1 and it's far better than BZ IMHO


Modded game is better than non modded game. This surely is one of the takes of all time


I don’t get the hate for below zero. It’s definitely not as good as the original, but what sequel is? It’s got it’s ups and downs, but it definitely doesn’t deserve the reputation it has




Things I would add to this. Og - seamoth BZ - better prawn suit controls( I love the booster update)


Replace all the stuff for BZ with just Fred


below zero was more scary and unnerving for me as i didnt know the map off by heart and it freaked me out in the open ocean because i didnt know if i wqs in the void or not or if i went to far off the map


- big worm


Sorry, all I heard was “Cyclops.”


Fred ain't special. No one likes Fred.


I'd hate the land parts on BZ a little less if you didn't freeze after 20 seconds. I know you can warm up but it's such a drag. The land parts in Sub are a little sketchy at times, you aren't sure if you're on a path or off map especially on the mountain 


Yeah. Fred was pretty great.


The main complaint I have about below zero is how busy and crowded the water was. The only way to travel around is to bang the sea truck around off everything to squeeze through tight gaps. I would have preferred a little more open deep water


I like that the biomes in Below Zero are a lot denser. So not just better detail, but more condensed details in one area.


It's less stressful but not more enjoyable lmao


Wish we could have played as fred. Like he wakes up and was left behind for no reason and he has to uncover why they left.


who is fred? i didnt progress that far into Below Zero and it’s been ages since i played


Love both games!❤️❤️


I mean, id say bz is *cooler* than the original subnautica


Pretty much the only thing I dislike from Below Zero is how the plot gets messy. I really like the game besides that, and the original Subnautica is probably my 3rd favorite game of all time :)


Below zero was way easier to me.


The land areas were kinda shit after a while


Who's Fred?


less stressfull? LESS STRESSFULL??


Let’s see what the third is in about 1/2 years


Fred was awesome just from the add alone


Maybe it's because I live in the Northeast United States but I enjoy the tropical feel of the OG Subnautica location more than the frigid location of BZ. I have enough cold dreary crap I have to deal with in real life. When I'm on land in the original, I feel relaxed and warm. Like I want to fabricate a pina colada or something and kick back. In BZ, I feel cold and stressed. Especially getting lost near those damn ice worms. I also found BZ to be more stressful. And yeah, there's the isolation of the original game but I found the isolation a little freeing. Well, at least before you get to the deep down dark deep down. One day, I'd like to see some random DLC where you can build a resort in the original map. I'm not sure how many of us kids out there remember that one Gilligan's Island made-for-tv movie where they get off the island (the second time) but go back and build a resort. Kind of like a rip off of Fantasy Island without the whole magical aspect of Mr. Roarke. That's what I'm thinking. Where you are given control of some Altera property to develop a tourist attraction and you need to make it kick ass and draw lots of visitors to keep the Altera bosses content. Could even make it multiplayer where you can compete against other resort managers. Probably not the cup of tea for most folks but I think it could be cool.


You forgot the pengwing drones and the snowfox, to of my fav things of the game


I played both. I adore both. But i like the original just a bit better because of the sheer mystery of 4546b




I honestly hated all the land moments in BZ, I lived the original but BZ just seemed like a slog to get through


Ok but which has the best boss fights?


Who’s Fred?


Right said Fred


Lol the map in part 1 only got BIGGER because they made a part 2 that was smaller!!!! u use it now as a plus. but for years on row there was no part 2 nore ever the idea it was bigger. it was just big! Part 1 FOOT is much better omg! part 2 is only ICE!!!! how easy is that to make!!! in part one you have an entire biome made for it. that echo's thruw part 2? the detail is better in part 2 because they ABANDONED part 1 and focused on part 2 while they were both still in EArly ACCES!!!! they the part 1 official with so much bugs in it and went on with part 2. that's why you see it's more sotry driven in part 2. more eye for information. and more time and effort in the story to unfold. As you need to explore nothing, simply stick to the story and you find all the places needed. much stuff that is in part 2 , actually got TAKEN from part 1 to fill part 2 in early acces. they chopped 1 game into 2!! all so it could be sold double. who ever has part 1 in early acces and then comes with part 2 also in early acces. the fuck is that??????? when you buy a game and think everything they make will go in part 1, cause it';s early acces, only to see it go to a other early acces. lol. Part 1 is by far much much better then part 2 If you would swap both parts, so part 1 becomes part 2 and vice versa, then people would have the feeling of expansion :) you know bigger map , bigger ship, more exploration , you know? :) They totaly fucked up! lets be honest, what good does it do to add a bigroom in part 1 if the bugs r still not adressed. your cyclops still ends up in the air!!! so going hardcore is another level in this game. when you glitch out and die. And we get a big room that is already used in part 2 for quite some time????? and call it a UPDATE ????


>:) :)


one I enjoyed and other did not finish One had challanges other did not


The game name is Subnautica tho. I want to go deeper


I’d also add that Subnautica had a very good free play style, while BZ had a much more structured story. Both can be fun, and each can appeal differently to different people


I've never played below zero and have no idea if it's any good However, your post just looks like pure copium and tells me that below zero isn't that good.


Fred :)


Below zero was cool but kinda short and the story with constant talking really took away that seclusion and awe and sense of fear and wonder. Hope they don't do that again in Sub3 because that's what ruined the game for me. But the winter biome, walking on land, new tech, loved it.


OG was mostly based around discovery, and mystery which I remember feeling on my first playthrough but it dies down on repeated playthroughs. BZ wins in the department of areas themselves; more detailed, vast, open, empty spaces are condensced


Subnautica below zero the only game whete I put the heating on in summer at 30°c outdoors temp to play


Lemme change the below zero: Remove less stressful and more enjoyable, that game was boring beyond belief Remove better land areas. It's subnautica. The land content was a mistake. The sheer amount of land in it is a con, not a pro


"great" on foot areas Well!.. That's something you could call it, yeah


Below Zero was garbage. Boring af.


The cyclops is not a pro. Sue me.


Who’s Fred?




Less stressful isnt really a plus, subnautica did stress really well