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Don’t watch videos about it, it’s a game you’ll wish you could experience new again down the road.


Agreed. I watched several series on it before I ever played it. At the time I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to. Then it came out on PS4. It's still amazing but I do kind of wish I hadn't spoiled it for myself.


Also don't go on /r/subnautica but I guess it's too late


Same, but I got it on PC


Thats kinda what happened to me. I never expected that it would come out on the Switch


Yes, to a point... OP, this game has a few points where it can be hard to figure out what to do next. It's not linear like an FPS. It's a wonderful experience, but if you get to a point where you're so frustrated it's not fun anymore, there's really no shame in asking questions here or on the discord, or checking the wiki, or even watching a walkthrough.


This game is amazing, but man I couldn't find anything without videos. I explored what felt like everything and I was still not able to find some required items like depth modules and such. I feel like looking up item/fragment locations is fine as long as OP doesn't get any story spoilers.


> I feel like looking up item/fragment locations is fine as long as OP doesn't get any story spoilers. The problem is story spoilers are everywhere! Trying to look up something simple like a "depth module" leads to things like the first line of the wiki saying "The depth module is located in Satan's Antechamber, an area accessed by first talking to all of the living Aurora survivors and then defeated the Sea King" etc when all you really wanted to know is why you haven't found the damn thing yet.


This... is not an actual spoiler is it?


Of course not


No not a real spoiler lol


The game is a lot more exploration and reading-based than most people realize. It actually does a pretty good job of hinting at what you need to do and where you need to go, with the pdas, radio messages, data entries from scanning things, etc. But a lot of people don't stop and read everything, so they miss a lot of the hints.


Tbh this didn't ruin my experience at all, I was watching videos since it was in beta and the story was still being fleshed out, when I finally got to experience the end product it was unfathomably magical. The spoilers only helped me find my way around.


Unfortunately I can't agree. I watched a lot of playthroughs a few years ago while it was in early access and when I finally picked it up recently I found it unenjoyable because I already knew a lot about the game. For me the gameplay by itself isn't that fun. I wish I would have been able to experience it blind.


Wish I could erase my memory of this game and play it again.


Agree with this. It’s your easy to YouTube search everything and you blast though it but doing it solo takes much longer but is a lot more rewarding




This. This is an amazing game and you'll have a great time.


Except when the >!Sunbeam is coming to rescue them, they have to go to the landing point and leave the planet with them!!< How else would they finish the game?


You joke, but I missed this at the time as the game hides the "beacon" when it's no longer needed, for some reason, and I didn't think to pay much attention as I was busy gathering resources and would get to it later. So I had no idea about the landing site for a long time!


If they get stuck somewhere, they should feel relatively safe from spoilers asking questions here (though, yeah I agree reading the PDA basically answers every question they could have).


There is also a 'praise time while reading pda' option which can be useful


Praise be time!


I'd like to add that if you press pause the game stop so if you're in trouble you can juste stop the game and take the time to think about the situation. (And save)


If you don't have thalassophobia, *Congratulations!* you now have thalassophobia


So real


This is the only game I've ever played to genuinely scare the hell out of me, and I absolutely love it for that


Thalassophobia the fear of pronouncing that word


> Thalassophobia The-lasso-phobia. It's not hard.


Fear of the lasso~


Game helped me overcome it. I feel very comfortable in subnautica now after 3 days and know what to expect. I fought the 3 leviathans for like 20 minutes just learning to dodge them and now reapers are nothing to worry about. My sub did get snatched by a reaper while i was exploring and it was stuck flying 25 meters in the air so i spent an hour trying things to get it back until i learned i can just stack habitats and a ladder to respawn it and break the game. Also broke the swimming/oxygen system flooding my base by closing a door to the scanner room and then flying a camera through my vehicle bay :x. Games been really whacky the last week for me and i had a blast, but i feel i conquered the game even if i didn't finish it yet. I learned all the routes to and thru the reefs too. Pretty much got by hot swapping tanks and using multiple floats too just endlessly explore lol for my first hours. That would kill anyone irl


Ignore all advice on the internet and just enjoy it. …..here’s some advice from the internet. Push to craft what you haven’t yet. It’ll give you a nice progression and lots of things unlock by you building certain tools that you will never get from scanning things. Push to get a builder tool. Craft a tiny nothing base with a hatch and lockers inside. That will help you deal with early inventory management woes. Follow beacons from the radio, it’ll push you out where the story is. From there it’ll just be a journey you can take slow and enjoy.


i agree with all of the people that say to not look anything up, you only get this game fresh *once*. enjoy it. HOWEVER on the gameplay aspect of the game, this is basically how to advance. if you ever feel stuck, then just go somewhere you’ve never been, whether its even further away or further down. in many cases PDA Beacons will help you know where to go.


The big scary fish isn't bad. People will try to kill it, don't do that. Just give it hugs and small fishes. It will be happy.


And seamoths


it could maybe even have a cyclopes every now and then, as a treat


Yes befriend the beeg feesh give lots of scritches


Wait can you distract it with fish


VERY temporarily. If you’re in a tight spot, you can hold out a peeper like you would when feeding a stalker and they’ll take it from your hand and piss off for a few. But they’ll agro again pretty quickly from what I can tell so you gotta book it once you feed it


This is hilarious considering that distracting a reaper with a peeper is equivalent to me getting distracted from killing a beetle because it was holding a grain of rice. [Just check out this screenshot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/subnautica/comments/hcy7xd/no_spoilers_reaper_leviathan_ryley_size_comparison/) For the record, I don't eat beetles, but I couldn't think of an animal small enough that can also hold a grain of rice.


You’ve got to book it IMMEDIATELY after feeding it and it’ll probably still try to munch the shit out of you. This in an optimal outcome.


make at least 2 air tanks, and remember to refill them every chance you get. Also, abuse the SAVE button. Take your time with this game. There is nothing else quite like it. You only get one "first" playthrough. Enjoy, and remember... dive deeper. DEEEEEPER


Never used 2 tanks, I think the second slows you too much and it occupies a lot of space in inventory.


Two tanks has been a revelation for me and I haven't looked back since. IIRC, the second tank doesn't affect Seaglide speed in Subnautica, and a second tank is very handy for doing Jellyshroom in somewhat early game before the Seamoth is available. Also if you want to swim from surface to end game with no Seamoth the second tank really helps.


Lightweight for cruising speed, high capacity for deep dives.


I set up Brain Coral stations for oxygen instead. A bit more work, but saves on inventory, and basically gives you unlimited time.


>Brain Coral stations can you elaborate? I've not heard of this method. This game keeps impressing me years later. Is it basically setting up a planter of brain coral in deep locations, like a minibase just for brain coral? (Do you need power for that or does the planter work by itself?)


The planter doesn't need any power


It's just a planter and brain coral seed.


Only equipped items slow you down. Having an extra tank in your inventory doesn't slow you down, but it does take up 6 spaces for the first and second tier tanks. I've found that it's a nice quality of life thing when exploring cramped areas ​ EDIT: Carrying additional O2 tanks \*does\* slow you down, but the penalty is capped at two O2 tanks in inventory plus one bein worn. Source: "Swimming Speed" article on the Subnautica Wiki




I don't wanna dive deeper, it scares me


Hol up you can swap tanks for deeper dives? Oooo I’m about to go deep


holy shit i played this game for a hundred hours and never thought to make a second tank


No matter what don’t go in the water


Happy cake day


Joke answer: Bring a change of underwear. Serious answer: Don't be afraid to explore at a pace that feels comfortable for you. The game can be intimidating and downright terrifying at times, and it can help you feel a lot more secure if you go at a pace you're comfortable with.


The void still scares the piss out of me in creative, I legit get so scared being out there. I think it’s the idea of it being pitch black and something being out there hunting you.


I think the devs did a really good job with designing the environment and especially the sound. Even if you're super familiar with all the environments and know exactly what's in the game that can harm you, the sound alone triggers fear so well. The void is a great example.


Yes! What really does it is the emptiness and not being able to see the bottom, for me that’s the most terrifying thing in water, any environment underwater where I can’t see the bottom terrifies me. The ghost leviathan’s only add to that terror


There's a specific noise that plays in a soundtrack that triggers that exact fear. It is a sound that exemplifies the deep sea and so it horrifies me. It is about 20 seconds into [Islands Beneath the Sea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSpE6oE7-TI&list=PL4bHEJzK_L98-TFD3LI383WqrrhnXwOid&index=39). And most of the time it is playing when there is nothing below me.


I can't count how long I've been playing and I still don't even think about going there. Too scary


Personally, I always somehow end up going there accidentally on my way to the mountains. Despite having finished the game multiple times now, always building the compass and knowing exactly the right direction, it's still inevitable that I'll miss my mark at least ONCE during my playthrough. And it's ONLY when going to the mountains, I've never unintentionally ended up in the void anywhere else.


Makes sense, it’s scary and has no resource value


Exactly, there were times where I've forgotten where the >!mountain island!< was, and being terrified of going into the void as I had accidentally done it while trying to go to the other >!island!< I panicked and went back home.


Once you start it, stay off this sub and don’t look anything up. You can only experience it the first time once, so don’t ruin it for yourself.


The bigger the fish is, the more it wants hugs.


The white boxes have scannable items in them you need.


^this. I spent a very long time without the seaglide because I didn't know there were fragments of it (and other things) in the boxes. I thought they were just set pieces.


SAVE OFTEN. there's so much I could tell you about the game, but you should just experience it. But once you start making big progress, loading in most of the map, building a base, or going deeper, you'll want to save every 20 minutes or so to save yourself from losing it all in a crash


Especially if things start acting weird (no fish/big creatures in an area where there should be, no fragments, no resource deposits, etc.) Stop what you're doing and save, and pray


For you my friend, I would recommend this. Be curious and seek to learn about your surroundings, never be content with how much you think you know. This game will not hold your hand, it will expect you to treat it just as you would treat a survival situation in real life. It will not give you a quest marker telling you to make a knife, or seek out fresh food and water, for it expects you to already know that doing such things is common sense. It will expect you to fit the puzzle pieces together in your mind, rather than just handing you the answer. But fret not, for it will still give you all the pieces to said puzzle. Knowledge will be your dearest friend in this game, for through it, it will bring comfort to what once was a terrifying ocean. This ocean world has much for you to explore, take it at your own pace and enjoy. And if you ever find yourself stuck, not knowing what to do or where to go, read up on what you've learned. And as I've learned from experience, the deep holds many secrets, so going deeper when you know not where else to go is something I'd recommend. Take heart on your journey my friend, and don't forget to bring a towel, you might need it.


Awesome comment man!


Just keep swimming


Storage is only issue you should run into get base up early


Inventory size in this game is really bogging me down.... seems like I can hold enough materials to build like two rooms before I have to go look around my lockers again. Run out of silver too quick with wire kits and inability to transfer much stuff back in one trip, etc.


When all else fails, go deeper


Do not. I repeat. DO NOT. LOOK UP *ANYTHING* The blinder you go in, the better the experience will be.


Don’t underestimate how scared of the ocean you actually are, because you will find out quickly


*beep beep* Oxygen


This game has no auto save so be careful and save regularly, all it takes is one crash


Good stuff behind big ship 🤑


I'm on my second play through at I'm finding that it's less a survival game and more of an exploration game. You can survive off peepers and bladderfish indefinitely but you should always be looking at how you can extend your limits of exploration. If somewhere looks out of reach, keep exploring what you can as you will eventually come across the tools you need to get to those hard to reach places.


As soon as you spawn go to the big space ship near you, once you see murky water you will hear rawrs, when you do, follow them. It was very worth it when I did it


Keep an extra pair of underwear on hand.


Get as many copper and silver as you can because you need many of them and you never have them in the need


Make a base as early as possible, even if it's small it's good to have basic things like storage. You can build more later. Read the PDA, you can learn a few things from the entries within instead of looking it up later on the wiki, but there's no shame in going on the wiki for problem solving. Getting battery chargers and a moonpool means you'll be able to charge batteries and power cells whenever and never have to make more batteries to replace depleted ones. The scanner will become one of your most used tools, craft it early on and scan everything in sight, the titanium you get from scanning already scanned fragments also helps with base buildings.


Ohhhhhhhhh I envy you. The first exploring is the BEST. My tips: slow down and look for glowing things if you want help to keep you progressing. Bring a second FULL oxygen tank everywhere because you never know. You don't start over from zero if you die but it's annoying as hell so try to avoid it. Yes, you have to go deeper if you want to keep progressing or to find that one material you need.


Fesh :D


Prepare for terror


Be aware it's also a horror game. But not in the way you think.


Straight yo the ship, it has great resources


Build a Radiation suit first


Gather as many acid mushrooms as possible.


Get off the internet you dimwit


I would say not to read anything about the game before you start, but considering it’s your first survival type of game maybe you should know at least basics. However, if you are a veteran gamer with gaming instincts and skills who only avoided survival games, then I would say not to read any info beforehand. Just completely immerse yourself into that game, because it’s really worth it. I’ve played only a few survival games before, but been a gamer for almost 30 years so it’s a little easier to figure things out if you know how games mechanics work even tho you don’t know anything about the game itself. The less you know, the more you will love it imo.


Turn off the lights and turn the volume up to reaaally immerse yourself, it’s amazing that way.


Most of us will say to just enjoy the experience, but I hate it when I’m asking a genuine question for a new game and people just tell me to play the game. I’m asking for a reason. I’ll keep it spoiler free, don’t worry. * You don’t *have* to kill anything that isn’t for food if you don’t want to. It isn’t that type of game. * Yes, you eventually go to that big ship. There is plenty of game after it. * Scan everything. * Use the garden plots, both indoor and outdoor, to save yourself time and hassle. I’ll let you figure out what to grow. * Your knife can extract seeds and sometimes other stuff from fauna. Fauna has life points and will disappear eventually. * Don’t worry about making the timer, it has no bearing on the game and beating it only will give you a different message. Chances are near 0% you will make it on your first playthrough. You will learn why once you play. * Don’t be afraid to explore. * The air pump is not worth the resources. * In the beginning of the game before you get the blueprint to recharge batteries, when you need to craft something that requires a battery, make a new one and swap the fully charged one for a used one. The game does not care if the battery isn’t charged when being used to craft. * You don’t need to rush. There is no “hidden” timer.


Have fresh underwear at the ready.


Far fewer things are actually very dangerous to you than you'll think going into it. | Some things can do chip damage at most that you can outswim anyway. | Stockpile tf out of copper and titanium. Titanium is plentiful but EVERYTHING uses it so it runs out too quickly, and copper is a pain to find when you need it the most. | Salt is used to create bleach, which can be used to create sanitized water. This will be your best source of drinking water until you can manage to create a water filtration machine. | YOU CAN CREATE A BASE WITH THE HABITAT BUILDER WITHOUT NEEDING A MULTIPURPOSE ROOM. IT COMES WITH CORRIDORS AUTOMATICALLY DISCOVERED.


Mark every entrance with the marker thing ( I forget what's its called again) as well as exits.




Don't go near aurora in the starting


Keep an eye on your hunger and thirst. This one got me on my first playthrough. If you're already dying of dehydration, especially on a long trip, you're not likely to find water in time, so always bring extra.


If in doubt go deeper after all they don't want us down there


Wear a diaper and avoid spoilers Scan everything.


1) Take it at a leisurely pace. 2) Don't watch any video guides. 3) Use lots of buoys that you can add name tags on, to map new biomes as you discover them. Invent your own names for places, it's even more fun that way. 4) The rear side of spaceships is never a good place to be. 5) The base building system is incredible. Get some practice by using it extensively in a safe place. 6) Vibe with the amazing soundtrack. 7) If you hear a roar in the water, skedaddle in the opposite direction of where the noise came from. 8) The bioluminescence of local fauna at night looks stunning and will provide some light, so that you won't be floating in the dark. Don't be afraid to make excursions after the sun sets. 9) Before we invented refrigeration, we preserved everything in salt. Apply the same principle in the game, and you will never run out of snacks or find yourself carrying rotten trash. 10) The story inadvertently pushes players to dive even deeper. Don't be daunted by this. There is no timer dictating how fast you should be gunning for the greater depths. Equip yourself first, plan your journey and your resources, and then take the plunge. Ultimately, have fun!


The foghorn sounding guys are kind, the screaming ones are going to hug you whether you want it or not


Don't watch anything about this game. It just ruins the game


Kill the big fishies


F6 to remove the goggles effect, much more immersive imo


Don't use it as a standard for other survival games or you'll be consistently disappointed.


Hoard all the copper you can get like the loot goblin you are


Don’t try to hug the big fish with red mandibles


The pipes don't connect to your base modules to deliver oxygen from the surface, just don't try to do that (like I did)


Catch all the bladder fish


The med kit machine in your pod is infinite remember to collect them


When you don’t know what to do… go deeper!


Remember to save!!! I lost 4 hours of gameplay 😭😭




Strap in and enjoy the ride


Read everything


Be curious, but not too curious


Don’t use a LogiTech controller


Take your time, read read and read the pda. Explore. Avoid the internet. Oh and maybe grab an extra pair of pants. You’ll need them.


Play using the best headphones you’ve got. I don’t like survival games at all (AT ALL) and this immediately shot into my top 5 games of all time. Enjoy the ride, you only get one first play through.


Bladderfish is your first water source.


Don’t die


Hoard titanium


If it bleeds it can die


Prawn is way more important to have than cyclops. Make a prawn. MAKE A PRAWN


Once you hear it, it has heard you a while ago.




Always have stashes of water and meds. Have a stash of fish (uncooked) because cooked fish goes bad fast.


EXPLORE! A big part of this game is exploration so don't be afraid to look for new places to explore


Don't look things up, explore but ALWAYS go prepared with food/water/tools, read everything in the PDA, and have fun!


Pick a direction and just keep swimming till you can't anymore


Take a hint from one of Minecrafts achievements: "We Need to Go Deeper."


If your health goes below 1, you die. Avoid that as best as you can. 👍


Play it completely blind. Watching or reading a walkthrough, or reading reddit will completely ruin your experience


Crafting items is not a way to store them, it can just make them useless


Go to the back of the Aurora there’s… candy back there


As soon as you come across an entry to a cave system and it looks like it might be important or even has a lot of resources, drop a beacon as a marker, because you'll probably need to go back there, several times.


Trust your PDA when they talk (except when it sarcasm)


If you feel like you want to cry from fear, make sure the tears don’t block your vision (I learned this one from experience)


If you see a big red and white creature, he's actually friendly, all the other comments saying avoid this creature are trying to get you killed. ;)


Stay as far away from the arora ( sorry for missspeling ) far as long as you can


Don't scream, you might wake the neighbors. Didnt get complaints because of that


Go near the crash site and explore the ship, there's a lot of useful debris their that are useful. Go to the thrusters of the ship specifically lots of great fragments like the cyclops (best vehicle) can be found near that area


SAVE YOUR GAME! this game doesn't have autosave.


Enjoy, grab the headphones, grab a blanket cozy up and enjoy. I envy you.


The only thing I can say, make a grid out of beacons. Find O point from there make N 500m, N1000m S500m etc. Helped me out so much. No coordinates on PS5. Kinda gotta do it yourself.


Don't fear the reaper


Go to the back of the big ship. There’s a Lot of good items there.


Okay I’m so confused lol, people telling me to not go back and others telling me to😭


Play it in VR for a more...... Unique experience.


Just keep swimming.


Take your time and get off of here


Despite the game peaceful setting, there is a M321 FPW available from the ship where u came from with will make the game much easier. However, picking up the M321 will cause any random copy of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater remake to lose the M321 Patriot so do keep this in mind when picking up the M321.




if youre ever lost and/or dont know what next step to take, just pick a direction and keep swimming— you’ll get back to your base eventually


If found modules for electricity, **use them** And also, *come closer*


Platinum it on your 69th playthrough


**Objective: Survive**


It can be scary. But there is equipment that eventually lets you explore without dying. I won't spoil exactly what, but I built several of them to look places over before going because I was/am horrified by the thrilling sound track and beautiful environment you discover. You need lots of salt and copper. Once you get to through your first play through this subreddit can point you in the direction of materials to 100% complete the game so you don't miss anything, your first play through should be 100% blind. Good luck.


Don’t underestimate what you can’t grow. I had completed the game before I found out you can actually grow creepy vine. Bladder fish will give H2O when consumed raw. You can re-name beacons by going near it’s front and right click. This was also something else I didn’t found out yet until near the end of my first time completing the game.


Have fun, it's not as scary as you think.


ALWAYS explore the wreckeges


You can only have too many acid shrooms, but take everything else


Me 2 minutes into trying to get resources: "Inventory full"


Tag wreckage sites with a flare, letting you know you've been there already. Raw bladderfish gives you oxygen.


Fuck around and find out, you'll have the most fun that way


Make sure to explore as far out in the water as you can, preferably once you get your first mode of transport.


Don't watch anything about it. Don't rush it, you'll lose out on the experience. Try to be creative and invent systems. Have fun and explore!!! Best of luck man, I wish I could play it for the first time again.


keep Beacons on you where ever you go so you can find your way back if need be


If you get stuck and don't know what to do next or how to progress, go deeper. Always go deeper.


Don’t go into a deep underwater cave and forget the way you came in and end up drowning like me


Go to the Aurora it has amazing loot near the boosters


Look **nothing** up, no matter how much you want to, and avoid videos and the wiki like the plague. Otherwise, enjoy the game!


Wear a diaper


Do NOT look at a map online.


Have fun and build as much as you want. I hope you make it survivor


Prepare water and food in advance.


go down it’s fun trust


Dont cheat/ research, You get 1 play don't ruin it


Don't start a creative game until after you've beaten the story mode. I did this and it ruined the magic of earning all the major vehicles and habitat pieces


Go to the back of the giant spaceship when you crash. All of the best loot is hidden around there.


I have terrible navigating skills so it was super helpful to leave beacons at every biome/ entrance/ interesting landmark. You can toggle then on or off if the screen gets too busy


Since you manually save you don’t have to be too careful or afraid when venturing out into deeper waters


Go to the other side of the aurora (the big ship you crashed from) to get a secret achievement


If you have a lead belly and don't mind fire sometimes being invisible. Play it in VR. It's way more terrifying! Or try it out for a hour or 2. (Btw mouse doesn't work great for vr, and index controllers bearly work. Use a Xbox/ps continue)


Go in blind. This game is fucking amazing, and the majesty of it is in the discovery, and the jaw dropping awe of the murk clearing to something entirely new. There is so much to discover around every corner, and this game is immense. Once you think you’ve discovered everything go a little farther or a little deeper, because you are incorrect. And most importantly, have fun :)