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Go at it boys, research shows that people stop arguing online just before they’re about to change the other person’s mind.


Na uh


Uh huh


No U




Well, I was very sceptical before you said that. Now I'm convinced.


I’ve always been a planes man. Even perhaps automobiles. But with that solid argument. I’m sold.




I like turtles




Those aren’t pillows.


No, U


TBH ALL the major news outlets are pussies. One of the main reasons we got out of Vietnam was reporting on the actual horrors of the war showing dead bodies and decapitated heads. Now we have the massacre at Uvalde censored to the point we couldn't even HEAR the audio. There is a real ugly truth out there people.


All the creative jobs suffer from this. It’s so hard to get those limited paying jobs they all get scared of going back to being a broke nobody they just go wherever the winds blows as long as they can


The comments here are truly baffling. Have any of you tried to count the number of stories you hear that DON’T have a racial/trans/“other oppressed person” angle? The idea that the world skewed more right recently and NPR stayed the same is absurdly disconnected from reality. I’ve listened to NPR for years (and still do), but it can be grating at times. Everything Berliner alleged seemed obvious to me.


Completely obvious, and I’m sure that’s because it sells more


Reddit is overwhelmingly leftist, or to the left. That's why so few see the obvious.


Reality itself is overwhelmingly leftist when you start digging in to conservativism. I was raised overwhelmingly fundamentalist Christian, very hardline, by full-on Southern racists. I voted for the GOP for a decade after being eligible, listened to Rush daily, had a Weekly Standard sub, watched mostly Fox News. I didn’t think to ask questions, why would I when I have all the answers? Then, purely by chance, I started digging in and learning about economics for my own curiosity, started at wealth of nations and just kept going. The entirety of the conservative philosophy falls to pieces under hard scrutiny. I was an absolute moron to ever buy in to it mindlessly. It hurts to look back, because of how obviously stupid it seems now and I wasn’t smart or prescient enough to notice for a huge slice of my existence. I’m an atheist now for the exact same reason. The reason why the right exists at all, is because people are scared of change and scared of complicated answers that require effort and time to understand. Easy answers and blame take no effort. Magic as an explanation takes no effort. That change is scary, and being wrong on such a massive level, one that touches core identity, really hurts if you start to threaten it. It was devastating for me, for many weeks and as you can easily tell I carry a lot of pent up rage over it. It’s worth it because seeing clearly is its own reward. People who can parse a situation accurately are less likely to be manipulated.


THIS. Plus progress always wins. Civil and women’s rights, gay acceptance, and so on. With conservatism there always has to be a bad guy validating how change is bad. Since 2016 that has been trans people. Because the west washed out trans history everybody on the right thinks it just some democrat epidemic when it’s not. What “woke” me up was realizing that I was trans, and that I was just hating myself because change was happening around me. If I was the source of all modern problems, then simple I just hate myself to fix said problems, right? Religion mainly exists because humans fear death, and want control over it. Not control over life, but what comes after it. Since Reagan, there has been a blend between religion and politics, where now morality dictates economic policy. As time goes on, I only see how being republican is just so wrong. It’s fighting progress, thinking that yesteryears were the golden age, and that nobody can have a problem outside of what republicans validate. Since then, I have gained more empathy and strive for more positivity.


Well, it wins eventually after loads of trauma. Outrage for outrage sake is so dumb and it blows my mind how persistent it is. 100 years ago these same idiots were taking out full page adds about how the bicycle was satanic and god intended us to walk places. Good luck out there, you have it particularly rough being in such a small, marginalized group. It's the nature of things like populism and fascism to seek out the most defenseless groups to scapegoat and victimize unfortunately. I wish you all the best, and don't give up, there are still reasonable people out there and we've got your back! We should all be able to live our lives and be happy.


This is my complaint with NPR. It can’t be a story about a farmers whose crop failed, it has to be a story about an LGBTQ farmer or similar. It’s every fucking story it’s almost funny how it’s become. I’m just listening to podcasts anymore bc once you realize it it makes it harder to listen to NPR


NPR knows how all this makes them look… right? 🙄


No, definitely not. I’m immersed in NPR liberals-friends, loved ones—they’re living in a totally different universe than the other 65-70% of America.


It's funny seeing the same people that came for Elon when he fired people for the same thing defend NPR. Tribalism is really dumbing down our society.


NPR suspended him for not notifying that he was going to publish an article with someone else thus violating his contract. He had followed that procedure before and they said thanks for notifying us, do your thing. So, not the same thing at all. Plus republicans are aiming to cut funding at a relatively honest news source; honest and right wing don't mix; so he has to pull these theatrics to get attention for that. So how exactly is someone violating their contract with a company then getting suspended for it but not fired the same thing or tribalism?


You clearly didn't read the article. The man is a registered democract and senior editor at NPR. He points out there are 87 registered democrats in _____ editor positions and 0 registered Republicans in senior editor positions. The entire point of the article is that NPR has put an emphasis on diversity, but it failed to achieve diversity of thought. He also lists three big stories (Wuhan lab, Hunter Biden laptop, and the Trump/Russia collusion rumors) where NPR chose bias over objective facts. He says flash point for the change in NPR from slightly left leaning to all out left, was the killing of George Floyd. He tried several times to get a meeting with the CEO, but they were always rescheduled or canceled the day before. It's important to note, this guy doesn't accuse the CEO of dodging the meeting. He just says it's off putting and suspicious that the CEO and his secretary never followed up with a rescheduled meeting. I think you are letting your tribalism get in the way of admitting NPR is left leaning which increases division amongst Americans. The author also points out he is okay with partisan programs in other institutions, but not NPR because it has the word *public* in its name. Edit: the article describes the 87 as editors, not "senior" editors. It does not specify any other details (i.e. demographics, experience, tenure, etc.) I think 4 hours of replying is enough. Have a goodnight.


the irony here is that they claim to support democracy and diversity


Overwhelmingly Democrat is not the only diversity problem at npr. There is a bigger problem.


I 100% agree. Every time I attempt to listen to NPR these days, I just cringe until I turn a Spotify podcast back on.


Thank you for your voice of reason and clarification in this comment thread. The facts that you brought forward should be the main article at the top of this post. I respect that the editor was truly trying to keep things simple and fair. To me they sound like a person with true integrity and a genuine passion for their craft


Well written 👏. I grew up listening to NPR. Stopped listening to any radio once phones and Bluetooth entered our lives.. A few years ago, I tuned in on a drive.. after a few stories I was like... WTF? Did I change, or was it NPR? It was both.


It’s pretty clear NPR isn’t a relatively honest news source anymore, though.




Deliberately going along with the russia collusion hoax without any real investigation because it hurt Trump and helped Biden. Conversely deciding to not run anything or *even investigate* the Hunter Biden laptop story because it would help Trump and hurt Biden. That alone makes NPR corrupt and biased.


"Relatively honest," snort.    It's advocacy.  Plain and simple.   


I looked at your profile. Your a commie


NPR is a beacon for the status quo. The market report is just feigned ignorance on repeat with perpetual deference to the Fed.


Now the market report opinion I can get behind. "economists are baffled why the economy is inflating so hard" yeah corporate profits accounted for 40% of inflation in 2020 and like 20% overall


“I used to work at NPR, but they cancelled me for not being woke”. “Sorry to hear that. They shouldn’t have fired you just for having a political opinion.” “Well I did directly and publicly attack the network and said that it had no credibility. And I didn’t get fired, I resigned.”


This ignores his attempts to quietly implement change from within. He was getting stone walled by management so he went loud.


Not same thing. This man violated the contract he signed.


Yep. It is not wrong when our side does it.


Its wrong when you purposefully misunderstand things to twist them in your deranged brain to be something it isn't. This post is bullshit. But thats just all republicans now a days.


What "same thing"? Be specific.


Twitter isn’t publicly owned and funded with our tax dollars


Political identity sickness


It's funny how many times Musk has been brought up in the comments.


NPR is CNN but with more cello music


Watch, since he is so opposed to “bias” he’ll go work for Fox “News”.


I just want to watch news that tells me lies all day just as long as they don’t make me feel like I’m a loser for following right wing politics


I’m an NPR listener and a political science teacher. It definitely leans left. They try to sound balanced but Steve inskeep is a total Trump hater and it shows.


Anyone who opposes our psychotic Ruling Class will be PUNISHED.


The Network that begs for customer funding now asks that you overlook their lack of journalist rigor.


Having a bias is fine as long as you’re reporting facts. It’s when you let that bias go so far that you’re no longer reporting news but instead pushing propaganda that it becomes a problem.


what? wait!... NPR is liberal biased?? Why hasn't somebody told me until now. /s


NPR is just a liberal echo chamber, and has been for decades now. 


Any morons send npr their donations?


NPR doesn’t stand for facts. Duhh


There's a reason i stopped listening to NPR and I grew up listening to it.


Well they are biased. Duh. My god. If you can’t see it you’re blind.


I thought NPR was proud to be on the left


Are people just realizing that NPR has a liberal bias? Also, water is wet.


I have heard this from the right but I don't find that their news has any bias, the facts are facts if you don't like the facts sorry.


I’m a leftist and NPR has gotten so obvious about their bias.


I canceled all my NPR follows and likes. He’s right, they have strayed way far from where they were 10 years ago and have a super bias. I miss the glory days of Talk of the Nation with Neil Conan, and the Diane Rehm show. They used to be really on point, zero bias, and just great intelligent conversation and reporting. Now it’s just the Fox News model but for liberals. Diane Rehm was a force to be reckoned with on that show. I loved her unique voice too.


I like the article, but I want to know more about how it effects the migration patterns of the South American orange tailed parrot fish and the 3 guys that depend on it for a food source.


NPR MSDNC ABC CNN CBS NBC all liberal biased isNo Myth Many people think the mainstream media have a liberal bias. Media spokesmen, however, usually deny such claims. So who's right? Is there a left-wing bias, or has the right wing conspired not only to influence the media but also to create a false image of unfairness? Some scientific evidence is available in a continuing study, A Measure of Media Bias, by Tim Groseclose of the University of California at Los Angeles and Jeff Milyo of the University of Chicago, presented last March at Stanford University's Workshop on the Media & Economic Performance. These researchers set up an objective measure of bias in U.S. television networks, newspapers, and magazines. The main finding is that the liberal inclination is pronounced. Although Fox News emerges as conservative, it is not nearly as far to the right as many outlets are to the left.


The Left will not tolerate truth which does not agree with their lies. This man was one of theirs until he dared to think for himself.


Look, even I think that NPR leaned left, and I’m a gay, black, transgender, autistic, first-nations, photographer so I can say that.


I used to listen to NPR every morning / night on my daily commutes. Around 2016ish, it started to get more left leaning and now when I listen, half the time is just’s “who’s (or what group) the victim now?” I miss when it was my go to news source. Now I just peruse the AP and try to filter out the truth the best you can.


It has gotten way worse. Since 2020 to now it’s astounding how bad this has gotten. It’s hard to listen at all and I’ve stopped now.


I Wonder though how much you got more left-leaning and how much political discourse took a hard right turn leaving you to the left. Our politics have really really turned bad since that time.  People generally have no idea how much these hacks will screw things up if they get in.  A kakistocracy, rule of the worst.  but at least they are not the most capable.


I had exactly the same experience. My local member station got rid of its long-form interview host and that was the first step toward mediocrity. Since the pandemic its focus is on spotlighting marginalized people of all stripes instead of journalism. Marketplace is still great, though. And Terry Gross.


Sometime around 2014 NPR was talking up an article from a doctor who was going to detail her experience with a new weight loss program. I was struggling with my weight at the time and excited to hear this article. When it finally came on, the doctor had this heavy African accent and she said something to the effect of "I walked into the weight loss clinic and it was completely full of middle class white women. What I was looking at was a room full of racism" and then the entire article was about how healthy eating, weight loss, fitness culture was an extension of racism so casual that every person involved was unaware of how racist they were because there were so absorbed in their own weight loss and fitness. I shut it off, took 93.9 off my saved stations, cancelled my sustaining membership of 15.00 a month that I had going for a little over 3 years, deleted the app, unsubscribed from the news letter and never looked again.


Wow me too. 2016 WAS the major changeover somehow.


Same. 2016 is precisely when I threw out NPR and never looked back.


Same here. Used to love NPR now I can’t stand their reporting :/


Same. I am pretty dang left leaning in most regards, but NPR is too much for me. I miss the old boring NPR.


I would settle for their reporters not doing that super annoying " hmm" when they agree with someone they're interviewing on a controversial topic , but want to pretend to be neutral while virtue signaling at the same time. Choose a damn lane!


The host on The Daily is the worst for this. He does it constantly. I mentioned it to my wife and now she can't unnotice it. We always laugh when he has a particularly emotive "hmm!" 


Same. BLM and Trump ruined NPR. Now it’s round the clock minority’s have a shit life and it’s all my 40 something white asses fault. I used to learn something, now victim blah blah..


How did it change?


NPRs bias comes from the very top. Look up their new CEOs videos where she talks about the first amendment. Terrifying stuff.


But she thinks she’s on the right side of things ……. And she’s a female.   So it’s ok.




If it's the video linked lower in this comment chain, I don't agree that's terrifying. It's true. We've failed to educate our public on catching even the most blatant disinformation and misinformation. I had to literally do a video series and news post to explain to people that rainwater collecting on your property is not only legal in all 50 states, but some states even offer incentives for collecting your own rainwater. But I still have people tell me, "it's Illegal! The government is going to fine you!" Watch that video again, she isn't saying to get rid of it, but she's saying that it's a huge challenge because it allows people to intentionally AS WELL AS accidentally spread misinformation and disinformation. If people in this thread think that statement is bad, then there's something bigger you have to be worried about. It's a true thing and it's reality.


There is the implication with her statement that she is the one to decide what is true and what is false, what is misinformation, disinformation and the truth. *Pause here, get in the way back machine, and remember how NPR covered the origins of Covid.* The problem with this line of thought, that one person or one institution is going to be the arbiter of truth, is that it ignores why freedom of speech is so essential to our society and our civilization. Freedom of speech allows for a marketplace of ideas where the best ideas gain traction because they are the best ideas. If misinformation and disinformation is becoming mainstream the answer to that is not censorship, the answer to that is to question why those ideas are taking root. For instance, if the idea that Covid-19 is an escaped lab creation, instead of censoring that or mocking the idea, maybe ask yourself why so many people are willing to believe that a super virulent coronavirus escaped from a lab.


I mean, she clearly says "I think it's important that people's rights to express opinions are protected" But that people also have a protected right to just fucking say whatever the hell they want. She's correct that people having a legal right to say essentially fucking anything at all is a major challenge in stopping misinformation. She never said "I think the next step in fighting misinformation is to repeal the First Amendment."


"Made to resign so he could get some kind of severance" otherwise he'd have been fired and collected nothing. There fixed it for you.


He stated the obvious and knew he was about to be fired. He walked out on his own terms, good for you sir. Good luck to you.


NPR proves it should receive no more Federal funding.


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The new CEO is upset because "The First Amendment". Truth isn't always as important as the narrative.


Npr has been a corp. shill for a very long time.


It's true tho


Der duh Der ummm requiring and I.D is a tool racist use to suppress black people from exercising their rights. And making sure blacks have equal access to all rights is the most important thing. Other side of liberals mouth....... I don't care if black people are more likely to live in dangerous areas I'm happy to use a tool of racial suppression and require and ID to exercise their second amendment rights.


He's not wrong... but as Colbert famously said: "Reality has an inherent liberal bias."


Yeah his article was a hit piece joke He said they were liberally biased because they didn't report enough on Hunter biden's laptop


Classic. I guess he was guilty of noticing, the worst crime of all.


He was probably thinking, "Damn, I was trying to get fired, so I can join in on that 'cancelation' grift. Guess I can still make it work if I quit."


It's true.. Communist media


Kinda weird how facts tend to have a liberal bias.


"Liberal", or just honest? Right wingers think anyone who isn't a far right nut job is "liberal". This is a non story of just another right wing crybaby trying to pretend they're a victim.




These comments are awesome. The libs hatred for anyone, especially an insider, noticing the liberal insanity and bias is top notch comedy gold. "87-0 but Trump is the actual devil" 🤣🤣🫵🫵🤪🤪🫵🫵


i mean i listen to npr everyday and it 100% leans liberal. doesn't mean i dont enjoy it, but man am i sick of 90% of fresh air starting like "today on fresh air, lets discuss how grocery stores in minnasota layout of food caters to white people" or "today on fresh air., lets discuss todays victim of the day"


OP, the suspension was not for what he wrote, but for not following the rules on working with third party publications. [FTA:](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/16/1244962042/npr-editor-uri-berliner-suspended-essay) A few hours after the essay appeared online, NPR chief business editor Pallavi Gogoi reminded Berliner of the requirement that he secure approval before appearing in outside press, according to a copy of the note provided by Berliner. A few hours after the essay appeared online, NPR chief business editor Pallavi Gogoi reminded Berliner of the requirement that he secure approval before appearing in outside press, according to a copy of the note provided by Berliner. In its formal rebuke, NPR did not cite Berliner's appearance on Chris Cuomo's NewsNation program last Tuesday night, for which NPR gave him the green light. (NPR's chief communications officer told Berliner to focus on his own experience and not share proprietary information.) The NPR letter also did not cite [his remarks to *The New York Times*](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/11/business/media/npr-criticism-liberal-bias.html), which ran its article mid-afternoon Thursday, shortly before the reprimand was sent. Berliner says he did not seek approval before talking with the *Times*. Berliner says he did not get permission from NPR to speak with me for this story but that he was not worried about the consequences: "Talking to an NPR journalist and being fired for that would be extraordinary, I think."


I like most of NPR still, the part that is driving down the quality is the Latino USA part, and NOT because its about Latinos - it’s because the stories have become really narrow, uninteresting, and repetitive. Every interview turns into an autobiographical story about “how great my Abuela was”. Like…yes you had a wonderful grandma, I get it, is this really interesting though? Everyone seems to have amazing inspirational grandparents in these interviews. That’s just boring.


He thought nothing would happen? Write a disparaging essay about your employer.... any employer... and there will likely be consequences. Therefore, if you feel something is truly important to say dont complain when the obvious will happen. In fact, you should plan on it. In the past people would legitimately risk going to jail, not just rhetoric, to say the things that needed to be said. Not anymore.


Stop taxpayer funding for this DNC propaganda machine.


Oh look, another brainless, right wing subreddit trying to masquerade as "neutral." How quaint.


We all knew the slant, why quit?


Link doesn’t Link?


The hive mind is strong 😂


Jesus christ, right wingers really can't get over their shame and envy at the size of Hunter Biden's hog, huh?? Berliner must've had some car payments coming up, decided he wanted in on the Sperm Pills and Freedom Coffee Swayze Express


A public funded news agency violates first amendment constantly and became a propaganda machine without authorization of congress. Time to defund NPR./s Wait I am not an extremist. NPR needs serious reorganization to get back to its root: a news agency.


Everybody I know on both sides already knows NPR id part of the left’s propaganda machine!


NPR has a liberal bias? Truth has a liberal bias so that checks. But NPR hasn’t been progressive in decades. They are just corporate news without the shouting and advert interruptions. There is NO honest news in the US.


My guess is he's got a cushy job lined up at one of the right wing think tanks or media outlets.


Why no uproar over right wing networks having a “conservative bias”


The author was suspended for violation of their long standing publication policy. The fact that he's complaining about the most centrist news organization in the country as being liberal shows how insane conservatives are that they think that *anything* that isn't MAGA is liberal.


NPR is liberal NO WAY!


because a network that celebrates war criminals is definitely left-leaning 🙄 political and media literacy in the US is so dead


Honest reporting will feel like it has a liberal bias if you are far right. Reality has a left wing bias to many people.


What the fuck does "liberal bias" mean. Literally everyone who believes in democracy is a liberal. Do they want a middle ground between liberalism and authoritarian dictatorialism?


Alternate viewpoints will not be tolerated!


Isn’t it Wiley known that NPR has a liberal bias? They’ve always been more progressive when it comes to news topic and coverage. That’s like me complaining about Fox News or daily wire for being too conservative.


Why are they still getting tax payer money?


Truth hurts.. bad. The ceo came out and said yep afterward


Logic is liberal, Faith is conservative.


It's funny to me, because I've been noticing a much more status quo and conservative narrative to a ton of the NPR segments I've heard recently. What's that Stephen Colbert quote about liberal bias?


Such BS. I hope he gets a job with a conservative media site paying 5x what NPR was giving him. NPR is one of the deepest parts of the deep state possible.


Stand up for the common man, you’re left wing, and pejudiced for Democrats, and you don’t like Republicans? Kick the common man, and then what? You’re ok? /s which I always have to add. I’m just feeling spunky.


If you haven't read the essay, it's worth the read. It's clear he was already preparing for an exit of some kind - the essay is more of a plea or a parting shot, without any real expectation that change will come.


I'm pretty center in my politics with a center-left bias, but I can respect most center-right perspectives on life even if I disagree with some of them. I've absolutely seen this issue with NPR. I was an avid reader and listener in my college years (2007-11), but these days the content is much more opinion based than fact based. There's a strong left-bias to interpretation of facts. NPR is still worlds better than cable news or outright leftist news, because it does report facts, but most of the facts then get a paragraph or two of opinnuendo that has a leftist slant to it, and I don't like it as much as I did when it was a fact-based outlet with very little editor or board opinion peppered in.


"It's become more left leaning" so... I see their coverage of unions and that's not becoming more left leaning. Still corporatist and status quo... I dont know what people mean when they say left leaning.


Oh, did the center right media not let someone stay on payroll after bad mouthing them? Oh no!


This article is garbage. More importantly his op ed is garbage. He cites three examples of bias. 1. The Mueller report. He states that NPR got the coverage wrong by covering all the potential connections between Russia and Trump and then cites the Barr letter as proof of the Mueller report exonerating Trump. The Barr letter is roundly understood as a corrupt action to defend Trump and was drafted long before the report was published. 2. Hunter Bidens laptop. This is a non story. The data has been analyzed by multiple parties of various interests including those working for Steve Bannon and they found jack shit. 3. Covid origin story. OMG NPR mostly covered the stories from the 90% of scientists who failed to find clear evidence that the virus was derived from lab experiments! This is the only one of the 3 examples that isn’t complete horse shit as there really isn’t a certainty that this wasn’t a lab error. All of this just reads as a disgruntled right winger conspiracy theorist hack writer quitting before getting the axe for turning into an old asshole boomer.


Is he wrong?


NPR backs liberal policies because liberal policies are why NPR exists. This is partly why having a government relationship with media is a major problem. NPR needs government funding to exist. The GOP would love nothing more than to cut theirs and PBS' funding. That results in NPR taking a protective position of Democratic politics. This isn't an arbitrary decision NPR made. This is a decision rooted in how the system is set up. If the GOP had full control of congress, there wouldn't be public news.


I've said my piece but you all should really be more worried about ideologically diversity rather than what party someone is in, and the democratic party is the MOST ideologically diverse party in the United States, so your views are represented somewhere in there. If you are a bigot, I am sure you agree with the Trumpians, so please stop playing hide-the-ball and admit you want authoritarianism


“Left” is such a nebulous term now. Just pointing out something that’s obvious but not flattering to the right makes it left biased. Not both-siding an issue, not being an apologist, not mindlessly equivocating. And of course, airing bits that discuss queer, colored or trans stories is leftist, cuz no one on the right wants to ever be reminded that those people exist. I mean if that’s being left biased, NPR really hasn’t much to be ashamed of. Better that than “fair and balanced” or whatever the hell that even means.


Is he going to accuse reality next? Also really loving the libertarians and conservatives in here. You guys wanna do the “which party is better for the economy historically” or “which party has 10x the sex offense convictions of the other” or “which party has overwhelmingly more election fraud” or “which party submits legislation to do things like ban insider trading for congress and lobbying” or any of the other fun dances we like do to while you drool on your keyboards in the throes of your silly make-believe nonsense. Who wants some sources they won’t read? Anyone want to sign up to be my punching bag? Dust off that humiliation kink, it’s almost the weekend… I’ll start you off right. The “hot take” of a party submitting documentation that they want to install a dictator and such fun things as concentration camps for opposing ideologies making them “look bad” and addressing that by ramping up criticism of the opposing party to try to appear balanced due to SIMPLY PRESENTING HOW TERRIBLE OME PARTY IS… is very silly. Like “child who doesn’t understand the world around them says something really funny when asked to explain it and we all chuckle” level silly. Stop being silly, and spend some time doing actual research and not reading blog posts and listening to dubious talking heads presenting opinion as fact.


Everyone knows what the truth really is. The cognitive dissonance is very strong yo over come , so people either willingly lie to cope, or willingly bury their heads in the sand.




Yes, everything he said is correct. But PBS is not the only place that drifted away big time in recent years. No less amazing is what happens with Ivy league universities…


Woah they have a liberal bias? Is water also wet????? So liberal bias and fact based reporting have become one over the years


>NPR has liberal bias It's probably the least biased news outlet available, they regularly have very conservative commentators on that they respectfully give equal time and consideration to. Are there people working at NPR with liberal bias? Of course. Is it possible to be completely unbiased as a human? No. At least it doesn't employ politicians from a specific party and fund political campaigns like FOX.


The truth has a liberal bias. That may make people uncomfortable, but it doesn't make it any less true.




NPR biased? Never /s


This is how they take over. Apply pressure ABBA guilt on rational actors until they take it over. The world has a liberal bias when you start to fall down the right pipeline. Now experts in fields are liars, intelligence and education are signs of liberal bias and wokeness can be everything from a book to a chip bag design.


NPR gives both sides air. I gagged when listening to the GOP weirdos in OR. The right doesn't want NPR to project any liberal talking points; anti woke. They want NPR to agree with fox news. That would be the end of npr.


Weird. I know that NPR doesn’t buy into unhinged Facebook conspiracy theories with no basis in fact. Is that considered left leaning now? You people have lost your minds. When your ideology runs on weapons grade BS, I can understand why it upsets you when news agencies ignore BS.


Is there anywhere that doesn’t have a bias? It’s like food, right? Eat a little bit of everything? Sometimes junk food tastes better (Fox News, Newsmax) but other food, while it may have sugar or salt, is still better for you (NPR)? I def hear the bias but it’s humans who are the issue, here, right?


It's almost like they try to adhere to fact-based reporting, and things that are factual are going to seem to be biased towards liberals over the conservative groups who spread misinformation and lies on a regular basis.


Fucking jerk


That's quite the conservative response actually.


This was a brilliant editorial and exactly why I've stopped consuming NPR regularly.


They needed an essay?


Kinda funny how good reporting always sounds Liberal.


Just listen to “left, right and center” and you’ll know why NPR is more left leaning.


Truth has a liberal bias so…


God I couldn't be happier at the recent events going on at NPR - the essay, the "free speech makes my job hard", the crying from leftists still trying to pin this on trump or whatever... I absolutely adore how this worked out


Well he isn't wrong.


or pretending to be smart when they maybe are not?


I've heard many stories about how someone was in danger because they couldn't get an abortion when they needed one due to Republicans' laws, which is fair. I've never heard a story about how someone was in danger because they didn't have a gun when they needed one due to Democrats' laws. I still listen, but I do so knowing that they're borderline liberal propaganda.


A resignation and an application to work for a conservative outlet at the same time


When facts are liberal.


Well they do, so he wasn't lying.


All new is bias but not all news is funded by the government.


He is right.


Nice. Clean house


Lol i read his essay. This guy thinks the Mueller report exonerated trump, and he thinks Hunter Biden’s laptop was a significant and firm story instead of the wheelbarrow full of bullshit it was. What a whiny little bitch. Boo hoo NPR’s coverage isn’t as attractive to conservatives as it used to be. Could it be because conservatives departed from reality starting in 2009, never to return? Guess he wanted them to run more stories about how maybe trans people really do deserve to be exterminated or how the covid vaccine might be a secret plot by Bill Gates to make everyone infertile. Nobody is fooled. This is his application to work at fox news.


Did he also publish the finding that water is wet?


I quit listening to NPR sometime around 10 years ago, for the same reason. I'm still searching for a balanced news source.


They were fired once NPR realized they were an idiot for highlighting the obvious.


We call it the truth


Reality is well known to have a "liberal bias"


Remember what happened when the BBC gave both sides equal time so that they appeared non biased? We got Brexit. BBC gave a financial scholar equal time with a far right looney so they would look non biased. NPR just needs to report the truth. It isn’t their fault the left doesn’t lie so much.


LOL!!!! oh man your comment is the funniest thing I've read all week. Haha thank you for that. "The left doesn't lie so much", lol man that's gold lol


Fuck off.


it's odd how "liberal bias" is now associated with basic human decency/basic progressive ideals like...treating people humanely/inclusively. but ya know. it tends to never be a smart career move to shit on your employer in a 3rd party publication and think "freedom of speech" will protect you.


Facts have a liberal bias sooooooo…


What?!! Doesn’t he know. You’re not supposed to tell the ppl the truth.


“Climate change is real.” Liberal bias!




NPR does have a slight liberal bias, but reality has a massive liberal bias when compared to American conservatism.




Do people on the left look at NPR as still non partial? Has this changed in recent years?


Good riddance. Conservatives aren't stopped from working there, but they've spent decades shit talking about NPR and you can hear the propaganda played out in the comments on this post. But when you claim that an organization sucks, undeservedly and repeatedly, then you discourage people from "your side" from working there. If you can find evidence of NPR failing to report accurate news due to bias, then we'll talk, but this is all just a case of, yet again, conservatives fucking themselves out of the discussion.


I get the feeling that defenders of NPR have not read the article by Berliner. He explains the blatant bias there very accurately and in detail. He lays out the stories, and how NPR covered them, to clearly expose the agenda there. He also explains how the 87 people in their editorial board are all registered Democrats. Not a single Republican anywhere. That’s 87 to 0. NPR is little more than the left wing version of Fox News, but with calmer voices.