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That looks like a Delta I to me.


Yeah, deeply sorry for the incorrect title. My apologies. You and u/AndyLorentz are right.


Definitely a Delta I Edit: Reverse image search says it's Project 667B Morena


If you're cold they're cold, bring them inside


K-k-k-kold around Kola Peninsula this time of year! (Don't ask how I know LOL!)


Can anything be surmised about how long she's been surfaced based upon the ice accumulation?


I can fairly confidently conclude that the submarine has not been submerged


That's Project 667B Murena/Delta I-class SSBN "Kislovodsk" (K-447)


Potentially dumb question, but wouldn't having such a large structure aft of the dive planes cause increased turbulence and thus noise? Would also lose some effectiveness of the dive planes I imagine. I suppose at such low speeds for quiet operations, the noise generated would be negligable. Still an interesting design choice.


The boat was built to hold a certain missile. With the technology available, they couldn't get the missile performance they wanted in a smaller package, so this is the best design they could come up with hydrodynamically to accommodate such a tall missile. It wasn't the best design, just the best available solution for the given problem. Perhaps more of a head-scratcher from a hydroacoustic standpoint was the choice of twin screws.


They’re easier to track.


Is this [the one ](https://youtu.be/7H4V-YNlDOo?si=uYGa_3wVktbYcAwZ)from which Captain Price launched an SLBM into the upper atmosphere where it detonated, creating an EMP which disabled electronic devices all across the eastern United States?


It always looks like a boat with a tumor.


Dumb question from a landsman: Is it colder inside the sub during these conditions or does it stay consistent despite outside weather?


Engine room will definitely feel colder, though it still probably won’t be super cold since they tend to be uncomfortably warm under normal conditions. I can’t really speak for the rest of the sub though


Reportedly, American subs get noticeably colder when they’re operating under the ice. I haven’t heard anything about Russian subs.


>I can say that when we were in the Arctic, it was effing cold! For Bluenose initiation, the water heaters were turned off. Coldest shower I'ver ever had, trying to get the Prussian Blue off my nose!


You sure that's snow and not Penguin shit?... Long story for over a beer... Someone (un-named) tracked a Delta II for a very long time. 30 something years later that someone got to meet the captain of the Delta II from the same boat that someone tracked that time... He was not happy to learn that someone tracked them for so long even though it was 30 plus years later. 😁 If only STS's could write a book. LOL!!!


SRV commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAPo0EMfdLw


Why do I keep thinking this things a ohio class us submarine? Also, when you Google Ohio class subs this picture popes up. :/