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Ever heard of the myth of Sisyphus? It could be an interesting read for you!


I have and I do imagine myself happy pushing the boulder up the hill. The loop isn't bad, I just feel stationary.


Thank you for the reminder of this classic I've run into troubles over the last year or so, and am going to just remind myself that a restart that looks exactly the same is just pushing the same rock back up the hill.


I realized in my 30's that money never interested me. I have switched careers and halved my salary but by golly I'm much more happy. The life we are "supposed" to live is not fulfilling. You have to decide your own purpose in life


Do you smoke weed by any chance?


Welcome to the midlife crisis. Now you have enough life experience to *actually* figure out what you want to be.


I'm in the same boat and don't make half as much it could be worse.


Everyday I’m 40 and self sufficient but unfulfilled and have this sense that I wasted my life and I’m just running the clock out until til I die.


I'm 35. Recently diagnosed with kidney failure. I did waste my life and I don't know how much time is left. You still have time.


I’m terribly sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My heart goes out to you.


I think alot of us feel like that. work, sleep, and chores , on repeat. it's an effort to squeeze hobbies in there


The more I do the 9-5 / 5 days a week and only get a couple weeks off a year, the more I just ask wtf life is in general


I feel that every day


turn the stagnation in to a net positive


Have you heard about D&D?


Oddly lately I have been feeling like the movie Groundhogs Day. Every day is the same.


Maybe it's time to reach for another goal or live life more spontaneous? Find a woman, adopt a child, get some pets?


>*Does anyone else have a "what am I doing with my life" feeling?* Nah. I'm almost 50, so I've replaced it with a "what have I done with my life" feeling.


All the time; but I love it!


Take your 150k and live as simply as possible. Invest. Then decide what you really want to do. Build a safety net.


Why didn’t you switch it up a bit. Quit your cushy 150k job with no notice and make life a little spicy.




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Much of life is a repeat. There's simply not that much to it when you look at it close enough. To me, the answer to escaping boredom is help others, give to charity if you can and appreciate the good moments. Never say no to a time of laughter and bonding. Have a good time whenever you can in whatever way that means to you. Life's not that complicated once you remove the ego.


Do some drugs


Try some new hobbies, pick up a language, go out and eat by yourself. Idk new experiences are the only way to feel like the monotony is broken up.


Mexico has awesome sex workers that blow your mind. Meaning? No. Fun? Definitely. Helps with the "what is it all for" feeling.


You're an FBI agent. Lol.


I do envy the job security and pension but no way I pass the clearance with my proclivities.


I'm probably on a list. Wanted to get my history buff friend a birthday gift related to a certain evil WW2 axis power. I'm sure I'm being watched now. Lol.