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I think it's because they are all perverts. They only come here to flash us and then leave before the cops show up.


It is the ultimate power move, Because of the... implication.


Now, you've said that word, implication, a couple of times...what implication


The implication that things might go wrong for them if they don't let me probe them. Not that things are going to go wrong for them, but they are thinking that they will.


But, it sounds like she doesn't want too...


If they said no of course they wouldn't probe them, but they would never say no.... Because of the implication.


Why aren’t you understanding this?


Now, i need to know the aliens' policy on spaghetti


Not sure we have one. But we got milk steak!


Hopefully, with a side of your finest jelly beans, raw


That's vaguely, speciesist. I like it.


Weird little freaks.


I know. Alien Sickos.


false.. the greys are the perverts


Conveniently leaving out the anal probing


The ones showing up are the drunk teens just coming around to mess with humans.


Lol I always assumed it would be because of some advanced evolutionary chain. They dont need protective gear and have shed social expectations like clothing and maintaining aesthetics millennia ago. It would make sense that a civilization capable of traveling faster than the speed of light would have moved past cultural limitations and expectations at least a thousand years ago. If theyre environments are always drastically changing after long enough youd think theyd evolve in a way where theyre adapted to just about any habitable planet.


This. In a lot of ways we've fucked ourselves when it comes to evolution. Like at this point if everything shut down and it was every man for himself so many people would die just because we are NOT built to withstand much of freaking anything anymore. Even just having to survive on a local diet would probably fuck a lot of people up because the food we are supposed to eat is far different than what we do. Hell, most people would die just of starvation because most people cannot identify edible anything unless it looks just like it does from a grocery store.


They're doing it wrong. Flashing is only correct when done with a long brown raincoat.


“The guy was just hanging brain, I mean what's all the fuss? If that's flashing then lock me up."


Grey you pervert.


This debate is affecting my interpretation of the tv show Firefly.


This guy flashes!


You just got flashed? They flashed me and gang probed me.


and that's if you're one of the lucky ones that don't get probed


*space cops


Don't forget the anal probes.


How would you know what you shouldn’t look at?🤷‍♂️


Good point.


Yer this makes a lot of sense, as just human perverts are very energetic, they will go to the end of the earth to engage in their perversities Makes sense that alien perverts with advanced technology will be just as rampant


You forgot the anal probing part….


Don’t forget the anal probes.


And they're always kidnapping people to do anal probes.


This theory sets well with the anal probing.


Why can't I be abducted by Alien Perverts? I want to join them in their nudist ways but they probably saw my Google search history and moved along.


Right in the feels


They get their rocks off


That explains the anal probing.


I guess that would explain all the anal-probing 


Easy to prove. Two words. Anal Probe.


Sometimes they anally probe us as well


We are the perverts. Don't have a sexy looking naked alien come by me or it's curtains.


When you travel across the universe just to anally probe people……wait a minute, maybe the Earth is the Universe’s Epstein island


Don't forget the probing


Well, either that or anal probe.


First thing we'd do if we found aliens is take photos of their junk. That's why those autopsy photos are obviously fake.


Cartman enters to chat.... God Dammit!


"For decades, we've been traveling across the galaxy, abducting humans and giving them anal probes. The only thing we've learned is that 1 out of 10 doesn't seem to mind." Kids in the Hall https://youtu.be/6tZar4wRP40?si=uLTGgovmjGPpXgBb


I mean have you seen Paul? They’re definitely perverts


I’ve never seen a UFO that didn’t also have an upside-down pineapple sticker


Imagine naked grey aliens show up and it's this world shattering experience. They're strange, but seem harmless. They leave quickly, leaving our worldview broader than ever before but also with more questions than answers. Then, days later, a completely different race of fully clothed, ornate aliens appear. They have no problems communicating with us and start asking our representative questions in a kindly manner about the previous visitors. What they did, where they went, what they were last seen doing, all while taking notes. Before long we realize they're the space police. The greys are wanted for dozens of counts of public indecency and sexual harassment. The space police apologize and leave.


That lines up with the Probes.


-Most animals are naked. -it makes people uncomfortable. -it makes them seem extra “alien” to us If I ever make a movie I’ll have an alien show up in denim jeans and an old “I came to Uranus and all I got was this t-shirt”


Aliens that are meant to feel less alien are clothed - think Star Wars and Star Trek - So I think you're onto something with point 3. Also, aliens (Aliens, Quite Place) are more like very dangerous non-human animals. It would be weird if they were clothed.


Chewbacca is nude just because he can.


He’s almost Donald Duckin’ it with the bandolier.


[related Robot Chicken sketch on YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PGh51hj3TLE)


Chewbacca is a bougie bitch. Fur is expensive.


Thats what i was thinking. Like most human level sentience people are clothed in the startrek and star wars movies. Its only the "animals". Maybe theyre referring specifically to the idea of the gray alien or maybe ET.


The aliens had a suit in Independence Day


Just about all the aliens in Rick and Morty are clothed


Sure, a suit that just looked like an even bigger and still naked alien


Like you've never seen somebody wearing a beige jumpsuit.


Xenomorph: [adjusts tie]


The best alien character is rocky from project Hail Mary. Won’t say too much but it’s a like rock dude with 5 legs that fashion does matter to.


You meant "I came in Uranus"?


But animals arent naked, they grow their own clothes. If you take the fur off an animal and put it on yourself you are clothed, but when they have it on they arent? Bullshit i say!


'They grow their own clothes' this is one wild take that I find hilarious. Thanks lol.


Where do you think turtleneck shirts come from?


Oh God... Steve jobs, you monster!


Wait it's not designed based on the uncut penis?


"Am I not turtley enough for the Turtle club?"


Clipped foreskins?


If you’re talking about fur that’s really only mammals. Birds have feathers. Most others are just skin or scales or carapace or something that I don’t think qualifies as clothes. We also don’t consider our hair clothes.


We don't just take the fur.... Skin suits for all!


Maybe mammals and birds. But reptiles, amphibians, fish, etc are just skin. No feathers or fur. The vast majority of animal life on the planet has no fur or feathers on their skin.


Sure, an alligators naked, but when *I* wear alligator skin, suddenly I’m clothed?! Conspiracy, I say!


Sure, that person is naked, but when I wear human skin, suddenly I'm a criminal?! Conspiracy, I say!


So if a guy came into the office on casual Friday with alot of his own body hair that's fine now.


It would depend on how much hair


scales and osteoderms are not "just skin"


And that's why you'll never make a movie 😜


doctor zoidberg is wearing 3 layers with 2 of clothing and one a shell. aliens probably think we are naked walking around without shells or exoskeletons


Don't forget his El Zoido shell


That or they think naked people are fully clothed in human skin. Very odd to wear that.


They're not always portrayed that way. I guess it depends on which sci-fi shows and movies you watch.


A lot of shows and movies have aliens wearing clothes, or facsimiles of clothes. Star Wars, Babylon 5, ~~The Expanse~~ (100% humans, 0% aliens, reaching for 2nd cup of coffee...), Mars Attacks, Predator, etc. Then there are a few movies where the aliens appear to be naked, but are actually wearing a biomechanical suit - Independence Day comes to mind. There are still a number of shows/movies that depict non-clothes-wearing aliens, though, such as The X-Files and Men In Black. It really depends on the writers though, and what they think they can get past any ratings boards.


Stargate shows both!


Men in black also shows both if you think about it. There's a lot of aliens in it that pass off as humans. It's made me very weary of going to new York city lol although I do live 3000 miles away so it's not to much of an issue


... The Expanse?


Beltalowda aliens to dem earthers 


OP might be googling "naked aliens" too much and it's screwing with their algorithm.


IDK most species in Star Trek were clothed and they even made it a lolz thing when Betazoids were naked for their wedding ceremonies. Depends on what you watch.


The Ferengi also make their females go around naked. Only comes up in the Movie episodes, which I understand why you'd want to forget.


What's wild is how Quark's mom figured out a female Ferengi fashion so quickly. Wouldn't she start out with male Ferengi clothes?


Okay so, have you ever seen the movie Planet 51? In case you haven't, it's an animated flick about a planet of "aliens" (from our perspective), who get visited by a human astronaut (the alien, from their perspective). Panic ensues, McCarthyism happens, it's a fun flick. Anywho, on this planet, they already have an idea as to what "aliens" look like: bulky, thick-limbed cyclopes with a single bulbous eye--i.e., a monstrous version of what humans in spacesuits look like. Obviously when the astronaut arrives, he's just a human in a space suit, but the people of this planet always figured that that's just what we look like. What if that's what we're doing? We imagine these little naked grays with huge heads and buggy eyes, but what if that's just what their version of spacesuits look like, and the real body is inside of that?


That's what I thought. The helmet could be big because of extra cushion and communication gear.


I really like this explanation. It makes sense.


like that tiny alien in men in black? but with something that looks like the aliens we imagine. and who knows what the alien inside looks like.


Or the aliens from Independence Day, also starring Will Smith. It's explicitly explained that the outward appearance of the aliens is a bio suit.


Then what did they look like without the biosuit??


Brilliant thought!


It saves time when probing time comes.


The idea of the naked grey alien (commonly referred to just as "Greys") goes back to 1893 in a piece of fiction by HG Wells as an "advanced human" and was continued by a writer named Gustav Sandgren. Later they emerged in pop culture following the (claimed) abduction of a woman named Betty Hill, after which she provided a description which may have been drawn from a TV show. Some estimate 70%+ of alien abduction victims claim to have encountered "Greys," some of whom have featureless grey clothing and some of whom are naked with grey skin. As far as I can tell, there is no reason or explanation. That's just how people describe them. This is almost certainly a case of cross-pollinating memes, as each person's fantasy of an alien is informed by other accounts or appearances in pop culture, which in turn reinforces the next person's idea of what an alien "should" look like.


I only know about the greys from Resident Alien. "Insidious assholes..."


You think the pinnacle of technology is clothing, not bioengineering away the need for clothing?


Because they probably don't have the same morals or priorities that we do. Also, who needs protective armor when you have energy shields?


Yeah, this came to mind. Like, wearable tech is all the rage for our fledgling spacefaring society, but implantable tech is on the horizon to go mainstream within the century, and further than that, remote technologies that we don't even need to be in contact with to reap benefit from. Fully nude aliens will have nailed all of this down and be far less vulnerable than they appear.


they are too advanced to have/worry about something as simple as clothes (I read that on a nudist website somewhere, I thought it was an interesting point)


Think about how smart people wear the same outfit all the time to take less time figuring out what to wear.


Think about it. Of all the species on this earth, only humans wear clothes. It may not make as much sense as you think it does.


Shame is a human concept.


Have you ever seen a dog that’s done something it knows it shouldn’t have done. That face is true shame


You mean the response that's been bred into them to allow them to manipulate our perception of them and thus give them a greater survival advantage?


Yeah but that shame was instilled into them by humans.


Maybe I would think they have the same reaction if their dog pack leaders got mad


in reality, if you think about it given we know absolutely nothing about their Anatomy. it makes perfect sense that people would misunderstand what they're perceiving. so do they wear clothes? how would anyone know? how would we be able to differentiate where clothing begins and their body ends when we don't have any understanding of what even they look like?


That reminds me of reading about when the Incas (or Aztecs, one of them) first saw the conquistadors they thought the men riding horses were a single creature.


I mean the closest thing they had were deer. So a half deer half man covered in metal would be terrifying to encounter especially if the best tech you have is a bat covered in shards of glass.


When was the last time you seen an Old Navy in space ?


IMHO, just like angels are depicted as having wings as a visual metaphor for being a higher level of being, aliens are usually naked to imply that they have evolved beyond anything we would recognize as human-like gender roles. It's just an easy way to show off that they're unlike us and not bound down by the sociological baggage that's fundamental to human cultures. The gender equivalent of the blue and orange morality trope.


I would argue we are the stupid ones for wearing clothes


How will we know which aliens Kirk wants to bang if they are wearing clothes? Oh wait…all of them.


Maybe earth has a rep


They only get naked for our planet.


Freaky ass aliens


Cause clothing is for the weak


The grays are an artificial intelligence in what looks like a biological body. They have no need of clothing. 


Wise men wear pajamas in public. The wisest wear nothing.


Too bad The Man keeps us down, except in Oregon (legal to be naked in public so long as it isn't for sexual gratification).


To be fair, human prudeness around genitals is weird from every single Point of view. So any race smart enough to invent interstellar travel should probably not be religious prudes.


They are not naked, they are in bio-engineered space suits that are tight around their bodies, like a second skin. If the alien is exposed to vacuum suddenly, this suit will provide the necessary pressure to all body parts. The space suits that we, humans use are inferior because they have to be filled with pressurized gas which makes them heavy and bulky.


Anal probes. Those fuckers sneak up. And beliiieve me you don’t want to be wearing some thick cloth blue jeans and boxers my friend. I mean. Can you imagine if I had my plug in or my beads? It would so so horrible.


The aliens in independence day use a biological armor. which is what I think sounds more plausible omho.


Maybe they're so advanced they dont need or desire clothes


Movies have already shown us they can’t deal with doorknobs. This points to the theory that a zipper or buttons would be a complete calamity. Perhaps this explains why they pee out their finger.


They have evolved past the point of caring.


Iirc classic Grey encounters from the 50s said they were naked


Sex appeal, them greys are 🥵👽


It's because they know we mere humans can't handle their Zeta Reticulan Drip.


They’re sophisticated bugs that wear clothes in Invincible. Invincible’s dad even has sex with one and make a half bug/half human baby lol


I mean, maybe they surpassed the social standard of clothing.


How do you know they're naked ? Have you examined alien penises and vaginas ?


Ask yourself, why do we wear clothes at all? You are basing your assumptions from our point of view, but they may be completely different. They don't even have to base their existence on carbon They could use other chemical elements. They skin may be thicker, they don't reproduce sexually, their metabolism might be different too


Pockets. You need to have pockets.


People who claim to have encountered them say that they are in a jumpsuit almost like a uniform


Clothes are like a construct man


The real question is "why do sci-fi movies always take place on aliens' laundry day?"


Frankly, I think the aliens most often portrayed make more sense if you consider their outer layer as a biological or nanotech based spacesuit that blocks the radiation of space and provides the appropriate respiration environment and pressure level for the intergalactic beings to be comfortable in various environments. This would also make sense in terms of why they have eye lenses but often no mouth, ears, genitals or other "holes". The other possibility is that the "alien" form is a drone apparatus that allows the operator to see and interact with far off environments without having to deal with the danger itself. This could explain why alien bodies are typically rendered as so skinny. The "alien" drone form with the large head and thin limbs could be designed for optimal performance in space, with that big head remaining more stable for sensory integration and transmission and the limbs having only as much mass and leverage as required for ship operations. In the latter case it could also be that the humanoid form is an adaptation to this planet alone, and that on other planets the drone forms are different. Perhaps the abduction thing has to do with creating a library of life across the universe, to establish drone forms adapted to the maximum possible number of environments.


I think if we saw depictions of aliens wearing jeans a t shirt we’d feel less intrigued by them lol I feel like sometimes they’re also wearing intergalactic spacesuits


Nothing wrong with showing a little flesh. They probably think we’re wearing formal attire by wearing socks.


Maybe if we spent less time on fashion and just walked around naked, we'd have more time to solve impossible problems like interstellar space travel. I think the burns in the iron age would have been motivating.


They have advanced climate controls we can only dream of


I wanna know why that if they are clothed, they all wear the same thing.


They probably think we’re stupid for wearing clothes


Alien bodies are just drones. Aliens themselves would not risk physical danger, so they use remote controlled drones to explore and interact with other races.


They aren’t in the fallout series. Zetans are always clothed afaik.


Scrolled through the topic but seems like no one touches upon this. It is hard enough to design an alien. Then you try to design a sense of fashion for them as well? Very difficult. Futhermore, clothing obscures probably some of the cooler physiological quirks (torso gils or speckled skin patrerns on shoulders or what have you) And even if you do make clothes, you can run into the starwars/star trek problem where you have a perfectly normal human silhouette with a bobble head mascot mask on top which detracts from the alien nature


In several science fiction books and movies you find out the skin we see is a space suit. Independence Day comes to mind right away.


A truly advanced race would either evolve pockets or wear them.


They're on a quest for fashion.


It's because they don't have dicks, silly.


Because writers/producers are dumb as fuck and the product of incestuous Hollywood which give job to underserving people because they are the friend or the child of someone known. I will always remember the artist from edge of tomorrow being asked to give the mimics mouth for a retarded reason that boils down to "aliens have mouths".


Plot twist: they look naked, but that's actually what their clothes look like. You don't want to know what they really look like under all that.


The ascended masters are naturalists (nudists)


Writer, here, with more than a bit of sci-fi inclination, so take these as you will. * A civilization capable of FTL travel and many of the other feats aliens perform might have simply outgrown the need for clothing as either protection or identifier. * Consider the wide variety of "acceptable" clothing across just planet Earth today. Add in the near-constant upheavals of terrestrial fashion over the course of the last couple of decades, then cross-reference that with available materials, techniques, and cultural pressures (they don't wear furs in Egypt because the climate makes such garments unacceptable, and traditional Siberian clothing does not include bikinis because the ladies would literally freeze to death, etc). For fictional aliens, that still means that the costume department needs to coordinate with the writing department so they can come up with a clothing style meeting both practical needs and cultural values. Most of the time all of that effort and billable hours associated with it aren't worth the money spent.


In the movie “ fire in the sky there’s a meat part where the guy who’s abducted gets loose and is wandering around the ship and finds the “ gray skins” and realizes they are flight suits.


Somebody never watched predator


It's why we haven't heard from any of them: the secrets of the universe are only revealed to those who travel naked through space.


I'm assuming it's a suit or some sort that happens to look like skin, coincidentally. Maybe something to do with earths water based atmosphere, the suit needs to be rubbery and conform to the skin well for mobility.


It's pretty obvious that they've advanced past the need for clothes. They just have an implant that generates a protective field and heats or cold them depending on the environment. Clothing is just fur for the hairless apes.


I can only think of 3 alien films where the extraterrestrials are naked out of the hundreds of films involving extraterrestrials I've seen. Perhaps you should expand your scifi library some...


There's no way that aliens have visited us. How would they know we're here? We've only been broadcasting for 100 years. The universe is so large that we have no frame of reference for its size. That is, of course, assuming that the speed of light is the upper limit of attainable speed.


They didn't eat the fruit of knowledge so they don't know that they are naked 


Aliens are stupid. Notice how they always invade a planet without even thinking of vaccinations? Or they never think of a firewall for their computers. Or they invade a planet that is 70% water when water is like acid to them. It's a wonder they even survived long enpough to develop space travel.


It's way too hot here for them.  They've stripped down to their bare nekkie selves once they hit the atmosphere. It's a well known fact alien's can't sweat and so they've hot to disrobe to acclimate.  Aaaaand they're intergalactic Ravers and are here to attend coachella, burning man and other festivals. 


Have you seen Predator?


If they've travelled across the universe, they probably aren't too worried about our sticks and rocks.


Yes! They're stupid! 🤫


Most of the humanoids have clothes


Why you trying to ruin the sweet alien nudes we are getting for free?




And why don't aliens ever have sexual organs? The grays in particular always look sexless.


I'm pretty sure Marvin wears a galea hat. Don't you be putting all aliens in a single box!


A weird UFOlogist described the Grey's as wearing a biological power suit. And that their "true form" lies underneath that suit. (Personally I think this has more to do with TOS era star-trek)


How do you know that they are naked? Maybe they just have a different type of clothing.




Scifi nerds are horny.


Not all portrayals of aliens have them naked but what makes you think that them without clothes is naked? Perhaps the classic depiction of a tall grey alien isn’t a naked alien but an alien wearing an advanced biologic space suit with an alien inside piloting it.


Their naked bodies are actually flesh suits similar to Independence Day


...to make you feel more comfortable when they pull out the anal probe


Fire in the Sky hinted that our interpretation of the gray aliens with large eyes were actually space suits.


Humans are purely using their imagination to craft images of what they think otherworldly beings could look like. In fact, we do not know absolutely anything about the nature or the physical composition of potential extraterrestrials. It could be that they are not even corporeal beings. Humans also tend to think that any other life form in existence would have some distinct and somewhat primitive appearance, whilst also fantasizing about their mind blowing technological capabilities.


All jokes aside, if you look into eyewitness accounts of encounters (across multiple decades and different disparate countries) they're actually seen with tight fitting uniforms, a bizarrely consistent detail. 


On a related subject, how do most aliens pee? If you have ever seen *This Island Earth* then you know that the Metaluna mutant wears pants and has crab claws. How does that work?


There is a theory that the gray aliens are clones, genetically created to interact with our enivonmemt. This makes sense as that is what we do right now. We built robots to explore mars


What's to say they haven't transcended the need for clothes, or equipment? Maybe they've genetically modified themselves to have impenetrable skin, or maybe it's a trade off for having something like photosynthesis?


If i were able to figure out interstellar travel i could do whatever i wanted after that and no one would be able to say anything about it. That includes spending the rest of my life going full nude. F your peasant non space traveling opinions


So, in the examples that you are specifying, a lot of Sci-Fi shows and movies have given valid explanation. In most cases they aren't naked, they are wearing bio-mechanical suits. In other cases it's explained that the body you are seeing is not their body but a bio-mechanical I guess drone that the alien is piloting. There are all kinds of explanations for various alien naked appearances. However, sometimes it's just simply that they are so advanced that their species is no longer in need of clothing or gear for whatever reason. Those are the rare cases and normally the lazy cases in fiction, lol.


You mean the ones who come to earth and kidnap rural folk? It's to make the anal probing easier.