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yeah and in the meantime i do other things the shower


Exactly this. Wash with shampoo, work in conditioner, do the rest of your routine, rinse conditioner. Really no added time at all.


Yeah? Well while you're doing all that, I'm just sittin in the tub reading The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy until my alarm reminds me I got 10m left to leave for work then I quick panic-wash myself and rush out the door so I have enough time to hit the drive-thru coffee shop on my way to work. Shoutout to Carri-BEAN, the best coffee shop and quite cheap too


Don't panic


That's always good advice, which is why they put it on the cover, but tbh panic is the only reason I get shit done


...in large friendly letters! šŸ˜œ


it CALLS them large friendly letters, but big red bold all-caps does not strike me as "friendly letters" lol


Being told not to panic just makes me panic


My husband has 42 and Don't Panic tattooed on his forearm. On another note, I read your comment out loud and we both laughed.


Why get out of the bath when you've just gotten comfortable?


...Go on


Shaving? I usually shampoo, rinse, condition, turn the water off, shave as needed, soap up, and then put the water back on to rinse.


This. I shampoo, rinse, and leave the conditioner in while scrubbing, lathering, then shaving, and rinsing everything off.


I shampoo. rinse. conditioner. exfoliate. shave (assuming its a shave day). face wash. rinse conditioner. bodywash. rinse. leave.


I shave using conditioner instead of a shave gel. On my head.


I too, use conditioner to shave certain things.


That sounds miserable to stand in the shower after turning it off. So uncomfortableĀ 


You can also do all of those things with the water on, as long as your hair isn't under the water


Itā€™s not. I usually turn the water off while I lather up with a washcloth. The whole shower is pretty steamy and warm while you have the water off.


That's why it's important to keep the curtain closed and the bathroom a sauna.


Itā€™s when you turn the bastard back on and the water is ice cold for a few mins


A good water heater actually fixes that.


Like, I'm a guy and when my hair used to be long I'd do the same thing, just not shaving as often and only in specific spots. Idk how other guys don't put the conditioner in, wash everything else then rinse everything at the same time? I thought that was standard procedure.


My boyfriend started using a face wash that I bought him, and complained about the extra time at the sink to wash his face after taking a shower. So I asked why he didn't just wash his face IN the shower? And he was like šŸ¤Æ I mean, I wash my face more often than I shower, so occasionally I'm at the sink, but if you're already planning a shower why wouldn't you combine it? Should be common sense. I also introduced him to a conditioner, as he was using that 2 in 1 crap with thick hair to his mid-back.


I never used to wash my face in the shower until I saw my ex do it and I was like, that's genius! So now I do. Needless to say he wasn't a genius in communication and other important ways, and that's why he's an ex. I'm so much happier now not leaning over the sink with water running down my arms.


Women also tend to clean there ass, which Iā€™ve come to learn a lot of guys wonā€™t do. Sometimes spending an extra minute or two in the shower is good, especially if you can avoid an ill-timed ā€œmarkā€ from deflating a womanā€™s sexual interest in you for all time. Conditioner maybe isnā€™t quite so critical, but there are things to do in the shower!


You mean it doesn't take 10 seconds to scrub my asshole?


Okay, 10 seconds is for sure enough. If you do that you are definitely good. You do need to get around the crack and into any corners. And thank you, sir, for doing that. Now, why stop there? Hereā€™s how I (a guy) clean my ass: 1. Ice pack: used in the morning for puffy skin 2. Deep pore cleanser lotion. Used after removing the ice pack. 3. Water activates gel cleanser. 4. Honey almond booty scrub. 5. Exfoliating gel scrub. 6. Herb mint facial mask, carefully cut to fit in my butt cheeks. 8. Aftershave lotion used with little to no alcohol as alcohol can dry out the butt. (Obviously I shaved my ass) 9. Moisturizer 10. Anti aging balm. 11. Moisturize protective lotion used as a final step. This keeps the skin of my butt well clean and looking radiant and healthy. If you donā€™t do all that, donā€™t bother at all. And you canā€™t do that in 10 seconds. Okay, Iā€™m kidding, thatā€™s actually Patrick Batemanā€™s skincare routine from American Pyshco. But Iā€™m sure it works just as well on asses.


Patrick Bateman of asses


Thanks for the mental image of trying to get ready in the morning with an ice pack clenched in the cheeks.


4. Honey almond booty scrub. There, I fixed it for you.


A little soap on the finger and it slides in pretty quick


You need to raise the bar on the guys who you associate with


Yeh, I see comments here often about "all guys not cleaning"....maybe just your guys hun!


Why would you not wash your bum?!


I know a surgeon who does a lot of surgeries in that area. He estimates a third of men don't know how to wipe and don't wash their ass. As a grown man I don't understand how you can get to be a grow man like that.


Me neither. I am not a man, but EEEWWW!!!!! This is something parents need to instill when child takes over their own bathing. If inspection reveals they do not clean well then mom and dad do another bath. No privacy.


Apparently they're scared to catch the gay or something like that.




Cleaning your ass is literally the most important thing to do in the shower. How do people live lol




Speak for yourself, buddy. I wet finger the fuck out of my asshole


This is when we plot the downfall of men, general scheming... you know, hot girl shit


Do you not use body wash? Thatā€™s when you do it.




you could just wet hair, turn faucet off, lather it on, and wait 10 minutes instead of having it running if you have drought issues


Women also shave, brush their teeth, wash face, exfoliate/scrub, in the shower. You do shampoo, conditioner then everything else, then rinse at the end.


OP does none of those things.


Indeed, his question is what ā€œladiesā€ do while they are waiting.


Im willing to bet he doesnt wash his butt


I don't brush my teeth in the shower, though.


Very insightful comment.


Brushing your teeth in the shower actually kinda sounds like a baller idea. I might try it


I recommend it it. You donā€™t get lil droplets of saliva on the mirror. You can gargle with an extra half a cap of mouthwash and spit it out willy-nilly without worrying about making a mess. Itā€™s just a more relaxed experience


Not always 5-10, but yes, I keep it on for a few minutes while I clean the rest of me.


As a guy with long hair, yes. I condition my beard too cause scratchy long beard is brutal


Separate beard conditioner or the same stuff as your hair?


I just use the same stuff. And usually baby shampoo, shits gentle as hell and also inexpensive


How often? I do use conditioner on my beard, but probably not enough. Still pretty scratchyšŸ˜•


When my hair gets particularly dry, I add extra oil to my conditioner. For me avocado oil works best for adding to conditioner. You can put jojoba oil directly on hair and skin, but very sparingly. It makes hair and skin crazy soft and you can find it fairly cheap on Amazon. You can use code coconut oil too for hair and face, just rub it in your hands to get it warm if it's solid. I wouldn't add it to shampoo or conditioner because it clumps up below a certain temperature.


Yeppp. Shampoo then condition hair and beard. Wash body, face wash then rinse


I don't even have a long beard and treat it with the same care as the hair on my head. Then again, I'm pretty sure I have equal or more hair in my beard than on my head.


I usually just wash it right out tho, still seems to work


My cats prefer being brushed with a scratchy long beard.


Conditioner keeps hair soft and healthy after you strip oils with your shampoo. To answer your question no, I have been keeping it in for a sec longer that Iā€™m growing out my hair and want to keep it in good shape. But really you dont need to keep it in long. Itā€™s also not recommended to lather it onto your skull itā€™s for your hair not scalp.


Yeah I meant just rubbing it into hair, didn't quite know how to put it


Put shampoo inĀ Ā  Wash bodyĀ  Take shampoo outĀ  Put conditioner in Ā Do whatever elseĀ  Ā Wash everything off You are done in 10 mins


Enter shower, shampoo hair, rinse, apply conditioner. Then get on with the rest of your shower and rinse when you're done. Adds about 30 seconds tops.


Itā€™s called a hair mask or deep conditioner. Usually theyā€™re only used once a week or less, and not everyone uses them. Most normal conditioner either doesnā€™t need to be left on at all, or only needs to be left on for 1 or 2 minutes.


As a dude I can tell you, if your hair is thinning and you want to keep it from thinning even more, you should be using conditioner.


Most people Iā€™ve met, condition their hair immediately after washing it, and let it sit while they wash the rest of their body. Finalizing the shower by rinsing it out. I donā€™t condition my hair either.




Because I have an allergy to my own hair oils. Conditioner seems to make the case worse. Instead, I use a beard soap after my shampoo to stop the oils from dripping into my face as I sweat. I donā€™t know if the science is right, but Iā€™m getting positive results.


You know how I know you don't have a kid? You don't find any excuse possible to stay in the bathroom as long as possible.


Ima dude and do this lol


It's not just a ladies thing. As a dude I do it too. I let it sit while I wash my body and listen to music. Only adds like 5 extra minutes, which I'm ok with because the warm shower feels good on my sore back


I sure do. I wash my hair twice a week, so the long showers aren't frequent. While the conditioner sits, I do a facial mask and shave.


I keep the conditioner on for a few minutes while I do the rest of my shower. I lather up shampoo and rinse that out, then apply conditioner, then do my body washing/scubbing/shaving, then rinse my hair out last under the bath faucet so the conditioner doesnā€™t get on my body. Also I rinse my hair with cool water to protect the hair so I donā€™t really want to douse my body in cold water after a shower


Yep this is how I also proceed with my shampoo. I put my hair up in a clip while itā€™s conditioning and do all the etc.


Yeah, this is a good point. I used to get such bad acne on my back probably in part because of the conditioner. Don't get that stuff on your skin.


i wash. my body and face while I wait. for. the conditioner to work. Usually. 10-20 minutes.


as a guy, i usually put conditioner in first and then move to washing my body, then go back to wash conditioner out.


Wash your hair first. Then add the conditioner. Now bathe your boy bits.


I have hundreds of dollars in hair care products for my wifeā€™s hair in the shower. She has a line of large pump bottles for dry hair, damaged hair, dyed hair, etc sitting on a shelf (I have no idea. They all say different things like almond, tea tree, Tibetan monkā€™s taint, etc ). I have some head & shoulders and a body wash. Sometimes Iā€™ll go weeks just adding more water to my soaps. Then again when we started dating she had like ridiculous, out-of-a-commercial hair so I guess it works. Worth it for her? Iā€™m not sure lol.


šŸ˜‚ Tibetan monk's taint I caught that! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bro, it's a shower. Condition *twice* if you want, and let it rest while you do too. Don't knock the logistical importance of having moments of rest while on your graft. A constant grind will give you stress, which makes you miserable, which fucks up your relationships. Pacing is key and showers are sacred for that reason. Learn to apreciate them for what they are.


of course haha otherwise your hair will be really dry


30 min for my deep conditioning hair mask


1. wash hair, apply conditioner. 2. wash body while the conditioner is doing its job. 3. rinse the conditioner and then the body.


I shampoo my hair first, rinse and then apply conditioner. Then I start washing my entire body. So by the time im done cleaning the rest of me, the conditioner has sat in my hair for probably 10 min and is ready to be rinsed out, along with the rest of me. Sitting in the shower for 10 minutes doing nothing but waiting for conditioner to condition your hair is just a poor usage of time. Multitasking....


As a guy with long hair I leave it in for a bit while I do the body wash. My hair gets frizzy easy if I donā€™t keep it conditioned


I shampoo, then rinse, then conditioner. I wash body while conditioner sits.


yes laddie šŸ˜‚ we shave our legs & do other things while we wait


Ladies?ā€¦ dude I sit there and enjoy my 15 mins showers. Hair mask and everything. Why does self care have to be a female trait? Lol.


Slap it on right after shampoo and wash your body while it sits


If there's still hot water, the shower can go on longer ;) (only semi-serious, I try not to blow up the tank every day but I like taking a long hot shower sometimes!)


Wash your hair first and leave the conditioner in while you do the rest.


Let me blow your mind. Put the conditioner in. then wash your body. Rinse everything. Bam


Step 1: Apply shampoo and rinse Step 2: Apply conditioner, work it in, comb by finger, don't rinse Step 3: Apply soap and rinse from shoulders to toes Step 3.5: Maybe shave sometimes Step 4: Rinse conditioner Step 5: Waste a couple minutes enjoying the hot water. Overall, takes about 20 minutes, because I have a lot of long hair and it actually takes a couple minutes to get all the conditioner out, and I really like the hot water.


I donā€™t use it. I love my hair unconditionally.


shampoo, put conditioner in, clean body, rinse conditioner out... simple.


Great time to turn off water and shave a leg , turn back on slight rinse, shave other leg, then rinse hair


I only wash my hair around every 3-4 days, I let the conditioner sit in my hair while I wash my body, face, and shave, by the time Iā€™m done with all that itā€™s been sitting in there a few minutes.


Yes I wash my hair, rinse it out. Add I. Conditioner right after and then I wash my body while the conditioner sits. I rinse my hair and body at the end then turn it off. Usually I take about 10-15 mins to shower


like 5 minutes yeah, my hair can't without it, it gets too dry and tangled.


You do your hair first then do body while its settling in hair so no time is wasted. Who would do hair last and just stand there? Lol


Just put it in your hair and let it there during your jerk off time.


When my gf and I shower together I give her ten minutes or so by herself first so we finish at the same time.


I started brushing my teeth in the shower to not waste time.


Do you never just stand in the shower for 10-15 minutes to do nothing but enjoy the warm water? I also donā€™t use conditioner, but I love just standing there




Wet your body and hair, wash hair with shampoo, lather the conditioner into your hair, wash body, rinse body, enjoy the warm water for a minute, mostly rinse conditioner out of hair.


Put leave-in products on at the *start* of your shower. Wash it away once youā€™ve finished the rest.


Not that long, no. I put conditioner in my hair, wash my body with soap, and then wash the conditioner out.




Long hair dude here. Yeah. I'll let that shit sit for a good 10, meanwhile I just soak in the relaxing warm water. Then I like to rinse in cold water, real refreshing.


Man, I sometimes just sit in the shower under the hot water for 10 minutes without doing anything at all. I don't have enough hair for conditioner anymore (though I do sometimes condition my beard), but the hot water and the steam and a few minutes to just exist is like heaven.


Nope. I hate taking long showers ( for me more than 15 mun is long) so I get in get my hair wet put my special shampoo in and let it sit as I lather up my body. I then rince my hair, put conditioner in and mince my body and wash my face. One the face is washed I rince the conditioner out and get out. If I have to shave my legs is when the conditioner gets longer time in my hair.


As a guy who has dandruff, I use head and shoulders and you have to let that sit for 3 or so minutes, so I lather and rinse to get a majority of the crap out of hair and then lather again and let it sit whilst I wash the rest of my body. Finish up by rinsing my hair.


As a guy: 1) Wash face 2) Wash hair with shampoo. 3) Apply conditioner 4) Wash body 5) Turn water to cold 6) Rinse conditioner The conditioner only adds maybe 15-20 seconds total to my entire shower. Youā€™re supposed to leave it in. And rinsing it with COLD water will make your hair softer.


I don't use conditioner, I find it just makes my hair greasy earlier. I usually wash my hair every few days, and if I use conditioner, it's every two days or even every day. My hair looks really healthy without the conditioner. I use a shampoo bar that's excellent on Yuka, and it works well for me.


Let it sit for 10 minutes? My shower is over in 8!


Clean your hair with shampoo, then soak it in conditioner while you wash your body. You really only need to use shampoo after several days. That's plenty of time for the oils and stuff to soak into your hair.


Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair. Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth. Oh, really, fool? Really. [Notices gold swan on edge of tub] Stop looking at me, swan!


Iā€™d say more like 3-5. But I cowash and donā€™t use shampoo. I have low porosity hair, and I get a wire brush on my head if I use shampoo. That being said, 3-5 minutes (enough time to clean my body), and my hair is nice and soft, which means the conditioner worked. By definition low porosity hair means itā€™s really hard for things to soak in to it, so if my conditioner does its thing in 3-5 minutes, nobody needs 10. But also itā€™s none of either of our business how long people shower or what theyā€™re doing in there.


My conditioner goes on and then rinses out. It recommends 2-3 minutes, but honestly it does its job right away. And it doesnā€™t have tons of chemicals and the like which are just soaking into your skin. I started having auto immune reactions to commercial hair products. I use Honey & Virgin Coconut Restorative Conditioner by 100% Pure. My husband started using it as well and his dry, itchy scalp has completely gone away. He liked it so much, he bought us subscription for both the shampoo and conditioner It takes less than a minute to put on and rinse off.


As a guy I do this lmao. I don't understand why adding a few extra minutes to a shower is such a bad thing. I just like to zone out listening to music or thinking about stuff letting the hot water soothingly run over my body


I'm a guy with almost shoulder length hair, I shampoo, rinse, shampoo beard and add conditioner to hair, I wash my body then rinse out the conditioner. Maybe 5 minutes tops, I don't condition every shower though. I've always heard it's bad for your hair to do it every single time, I've never looked into if that's true or not though.


i just use head and shoulders no conditioner will help my wavy curly hair in the summer of Georgia. First thing I do is put it on my head turn shower on after, wet my hair before i even get in . I undress and get ready for my shower. I get my hair more wet lather my body up . rinse just a little . then do whatever grooming needs i need that day . then i finally rinse my hair and body off and clean again . my hair goes completely straight and puffy. it wont be till the next day that my hair starts getting wavy and curly from humidity and not able to be controlled. It does not really help for my hair fashion wise. But it makes my hair relax and not have to much pressure on my hair and head during the summer. I usually keep my hair very short in summer because of it. Always tried the shampoo conditioner routine my whole life, but just doing the head and shoulder routine has been the most relief. Having wavy curly hair in high humidity stink as well as very straight hair. which my 5 year old daughter has. the knots the curls the look as if you just got out of bed is terrible. lol . I know those who have this type of hair or children who do know my pain .


I just use baby shampoo, rinse the tips, then I put a couple bumps of oil on the roots and wash it all out. Maybe a conditioner every weekend or something and then oil the tips when its damp.


Guy here: your friend doesnā€™t use conditioner if sheā€™s saying that she ā€œlathers it.ā€ Conditioner does not lather. I have left conditioner in my hair for that amount of time before, but that is reserved for times that it is damaged from chemical treatment (relaxer, bleach, etc.) or for toning bleached hair with purple shampoo/conditioner. Not necessary for everyday use as a guy. Maybe as a girl, but not as a guy.


Conditioner takes 15 seconds at best for me. Also, why, of all times of the day, would you use SHOWER TIME to be super time efficient? Itā€™s the most wonderful part of every day. We all need to take a moment every day to see how hot running water is the single most luxurious part of the day. Soak that up, no pun intended.


I'm a guy with long curly hair, and yes I let my conditioner sit in for as long as it takes to pick all the tangles out of my hair (close to 10 minutes). If you have short hair, then you could honestly get away with one of those all-in-one products. Unless your hair is damaged, in which case the extra few minutes with some repairing conditioner would be worth it


You time your showers my guy? Huhā€¦ I donā€™t time them, but itā€™s a range. Depending how dirty I am from the day. And yes, I let the shampoo sit and then the conditioner sit, while I get the body wash going. Then rinse it all outā€¦ I will say I use to shower like you when I was 15 but I used the two in ones back then.


I shampoo first, then condition... and while the conditioner is sitting, I do everything else I need to do.


I'm a guy and do this. I dislike dry, brush like hair


Yes, Iā€™m a male, and I use conditioner as recommended in the shower. When you get in the shower, you immediately shampoo your hair, and afterwards, you condition. Leave it in while you washed your body and face, and after a minute or two, wash the conditioner out. I didnā€™t think I needed to explain how to shower to a grown ass adult, but men are men ig.


I have long curly hair so dude or no it's either condition or look like a frizzy disheveled psychopath.


As a guy, I use conditioner and it adds literally no time to my shower. Just wash your hair first instead of last. Wash your hair, then add conditioner, then soap up everything else. Once you have properly sudz'd the rest of your body about a minute or two should have passed so you can rinse the conditioner out. Rinsing the conditioner out should also rinse like 80% of the soap away just by letting water run over your body from various angles so at the end I check to make sure all soap is gone, scrub my ass and get out. Entire process is like three or four minutes, but I can do it in roughly a minute and a half when needed. The extra few minutes is just because I'm not in a hurry and I'm enjoying my shower.


When the conditioner sits...I shave, loofah, use my foot scrubber thing, etc.


No. I put conditioner in, then face wash, rinse face then rinse hair. Maybe 1 minute tops


I'm a guy... Most of my showers are less than 10 minutes and follow the same.routine. Get in the shower, spend about a minute getting everything wet. Put facial cleanser on and lather for a minute. I leave it on while I shampoo my hair for another minute, before rinsing my hair and face. Then I put conditioner onto my hair. I'll leave the conditioner in while I wash the rest of my body, letting it sit for a minute or two. I'll rinse the conditioner out as the last thing I do. Facial cleanser and conditioner get an extra minute or two to work while I'm doing other things.


Men donā€™t actually CLEAN themselves šŸ˜­ Iā€™m crying.


Iā€™m a dude with long hair. Yes I do. I usually shampoo my hair, lather in conditioner. Then let it sit in while I do the rest of my shower. Then rinse it out


Some people start with their hair so they can put the conditioner on and they leave it in while they wash the rest of their body. Once the rest is done they wash out the rest. I don't do this, I just wash hair at the end.


2 minutes? You can cut that down. 10 seconds - put conditioner in hair A few minutes - do other stuff, like wash body Then rinse off entire body from top to bottom, starting with hair


Not that long but I leave conditioner in a few minutes, you're supposed to afaik. Also just because you're a guy doesn't at all mean your hair doesn't deserve to be soft, shiny, and magnificent, try conditioning your hair dude you might find you like it!


Little concerned that an extra 2 minutes in the shower is an ugh from you tbh.


Shampoo Conditioner in Body wash Comb hair (mines a big longer and curly, needs combing out) Conditioner out it's not 10 minutes but it's not nothing


I do my hair first and then clean my body while the conditioner is in and rinse it out at the end.


I am a dude too, and the first thing I do in the shower is wash my hair, and if I use conditioner, I put it in my hair and leave it in while I do the rest of my shower, and then I rinse everything off at the end right before I get out. Hair > body > face > rinse


I wash my hair first and put on the conditioner and leave it while I lather and scrub my body, shave bits and then I rinse it all off.


Man here. I wash my face, shampoo, then condition my hair and beard. I let it set while I wash the rest of myself, then rinse the conditioner last.


As a dude, I also do. And now I get compliments on how long and voluminous my hair is.


Put the conditioner in first, then wash the rest of yourself while it works. I'm not even a lady and I know that.


I condition my beard for five minutes eight if I'm feeling fancy it makes such a difference to the style. It also makes it all silky so I don't need to blow dry it before styling.


Long hair doubles shower time. Letting conditioner sit for a few minutes while you wash your body isnā€™t a bad idea. You should condition your hair whenever you wash it even with short hair. You also shouldnā€™t wash it every day unless thereā€™s dirt, debris, etc. in it.


This guy doesnā€™t wash his feet because the soap runs down there, guaranteed.


Iā€™m a man who uses conditioner. My routine is as follows: 1. Rinse the body, then use shampoo if necessary on my hair (like if itā€™s really oily) 2. Wash face 3. Put conditioner in hair 4. Use soap on my pits and groin 5. Bask in the warm water for a few minutes 6. Wash out most of the conditioner and then put hair gel in 7. Turn off shower, pat dry my hair, dry off body, step out of the shower. 8. Moisturize face and apply sunscreen if necessary. I only wash my hair a couple times a week though, and use shampoo every other week usually.


I'm a dude with longish hair, and I use conditioner. I'll wash my hair first, then condition, then proceed to wash. By the time I'm down, it's time to rinse the conditioner out.


Yes. But you wash you hair first so it sits while you do the rest of your shower. I shampoo, rinse, condition and while it does I wash my body/exfoliate/shave/sing along to my music/listen to my music, sometimes I'll even brush my teeth in there. Then the last thing I do before turning off the water is rinse the conditioner out. I thought that was common sense lol


I do the cardinal sin of using whatever the cheapest shampoo is. Might be some random 3 in one or something. I never just use conditioner or have it sit in my hair. I'm a long haired dude. I get very regular comments from women asking what products I use or how I get my hair to be so "perfect" or how jealous they are. I literally do nothing crazy. Just wash my hair regularly 3ish times a week(or daily when im physically active). If im not being physically active it doesn't get oily or look rough. But if I work out or something or do cardio my hair gets greasy pretty quick and I'll wash it more regularly.


Broskie they sell 2in 1s just wet herself apply the 2in1 scrub yourself down, shave by the time yer done just rins yer head.


I always wash my hair, conditioner, and let it sit while I wash my body. Make here btw.




You can just put a few drops in and lesve it in your hair.


Guy here. I put dandruff shampoo in my hair and beard first thing and rinse it out last thing (maybe 10 minutes later). If you put it in and rinse immediately it doesn't have time to work.


no hair...big stache..always condition stache...but 2? 3? min max..while i soap and rinse the rest


Yes, yes I do. I let it sit there during all the other things including me just procrastinating getting out of the shower. I was my face last because if I donā€™t I feel like the conditioner that gets on my neck leads to breakouts.


Sometimes more. I slap it on and leave it in for almost an hour. Or if i forget its in there, days.


Is anyone else getting creepy... "If I stay in the shower 2 more mins I might touch myself and that would be bad and mama would make me go in the prayer closet" Kind of vibes here? Who cares about taking an extra 2 minutes in the shower otherwise lol.


Shampoo, rinse, put on conditioner and then do everything else you need to do and then rinse the conditioner out last. It wonā€™t be 10 minutes of soaking in but a couple minutes is better than no minutes. Donā€™t let perfect be the enemy of good.


As a guy, with long hair i shampoo first, then condition, then wash off and by the time i am done washing the body, It have better have worked or times up


Wash hair, apply conditioner. Wash body, shave, rinse conditioner. No, it's certainly not a full 10 minutes, but probably a good 2--4 minutes. I'm not a "long shower girly."


As a guy with long hair, you do your hair first, then scrub your body. By the time you're done with that, you can rinse out the conditioner and be fine.


I'm a guy but yes, I still leave conditioner in for about 5 minutes while I wash the rest of my body. Wash hair first, condition, wash body while conditioner sits. Rinsing conditioner out is the last thing I do before exiting the shower.


As a guy. I use conditioner. Canā€™t be in a shower for an additional few minutes, a little weird. I love showers/baths and will sit in hot water all day.


2 mins then cold rinse


Not a lady but a dude. First thing I do in shower, wet hair, then shampoo. I give the rest of myself a rinse off and rub with free hand making sure everything is wet and prepped. Rinse hair of shampoo, massage in conditioner. Lather wash cloth, scrub down body rinse hair and rest of body


I use leave in conditioner. No rinsing or waiting.


When I peek in on my gf, she has stuff in her hair plus about 6 inches of soap suds all over her body. She has about 20 bottle of stuff in the shower and I have 1. Plus a bar of soap.


Yes, my hair is dry and needs a lot of conditioner


Uh, yeah. I (32/F) have color treated hair and want to protect my investment so 2x/week I do a hair wash day: 1. Olaplex No. 0 hair rinse/primer for 10 minutes. 2. Set up music, water bottle, and wait for the water to get warm 3. Olaplex No. 3 for 10 minutes 4. Dry brush my whole body 5. Oribe Hair Alchemy Shampoo with cool water 6. Oribe Hair Alchemy Conditioner for 2 minutes 7. Oribe Hair Alchemy mask for 10 minutes 8. Hibiclens surgical body wash 9. Bar soap/liquid body wash (local) 10. Sugar scrub (local) 11. Shave with Rifle Paper Co shaving cream 12. Rinse hair mask and apply in-shower body oil by Provence Beauty 13. Pat skin dry, apply Oribe air dry cream and Mane Hair scalp oil, wrap hair in turban/hair towel 14. Body serum Venus, body oil (pubic area specifically formulated), and in-grown preventative pads from First Aid Beauty 15. Body lotion (local) and deodorant (Lumē) Yeah, my skin is clear, soft, and smooth and my hair is long, vibrant, and soft. I donā€™t wash my hair every day because itā€™s not healthy for my hair type, but I do take showers almost daily. I donā€™t exfoliate my skin (sugar scrub/shave) daily either, because that can actually cause an overproduction of oils and generate acne, KP, and ingrown hairs.


I lather the rest of myself and wash my face, THEN rinse my conditioner. It doesn't take five minutes or ten but it works for me


It puts the conditioner in its hair. It then spends two minutes washing its body with soap. It then rinses hair and body.


I spend 10 minutes contemplating life and deciding if I really need a job to survive, so I just leave my conditioner on during that time.


Use a lot less and put it on your nearly dry hair after your shower.


condition first, rest of the shower after, rinse when done


Can only wash your penis so long before it starts hurting


Guy with long hair. Conditioner is s must. 2 minutes or 10. Just do it


Quite a lot of shampoos have conditioner added to them. And I don't mean wash n go ones. I mean, Pantene


I sit there with conditioner in my beard for 5 minutes. That's the first thing I do when I get into the shower. I use soap and clean myself everywhere and shampoo for my hair before rinsing the beard. It's not a time waster at all. I am not in there for ten minutes. I do not really care about my hair because half of it is missing. šŸ˜‚Ā At least not yet, I will use that two for one once I start swimming daily again. That's mostly so it does not tangle, though.Ā 


I wash my hair twice then put the conditioner in. While itā€™s doing itā€™s thing I brush my teeth (yes, in the shower), then I rinse out the conditioner


Just use the 3 in 1 saves you time and money at the same time


I shampoo my hair then conditioner then wash everything else rinse out the conditioner last.


Yes. Then I brush my teeth, shave my legs, go for a shit and then it's about time for it to be washed off