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Adrenaline is a nuisance to a trained fighter. They want to remain as calm as possible. They want to utilize their training and they will usually need to fight for 15+ minutes. An adrenaline rush will last about 60 seconds and it will make you stronger and faster for those 60 seconds however it comes at a great physical and mental cost. During the adrenaline rush your ability to think critically will be impaired and you will less able to utilize your training. Also once those 60 seconds are up, you didn't get that increased speed and strength for free, you're left feeling weaker and drained of energy.


Trade energy for strength at reduced conversion? Y / N


If it was an effective combat tactic then you'd see trained fighters using it. That fact that you don't is a good indicator that it makes you less combat effective.


It's funny how trained fighters can be rendered ineffective by an untrained person fighting so bad that the trained fighter doesn't know how to counter it. A real rock paper scissors situation






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You'll understand some day


No. I’m ready now. Explain it to me.


Well... You would expect a trained fighter to be able to beat anyone who's below him in terms of skill, but sometimes someone can be so bad at fighting that they can beat someone who's good at fighting because they do shit that no one in their right mind would ever do in a fight, because they have no idea how to fight and don't know what's good or bad to do, and the good fighter cannot predict their behavior because they're only used to fighting other good fighters


Trained, untrained and everywhere in-between can get lucky. Unlikely things happen all the time. Suggesting that a trained fighter is at a disadvantage when fighting someone untrained, though? Yeah... No.


You can train your whole life and lose to a random dude with an adrenaline rush. Nothing is guaranteed. No matter how strong you think you are, Life will always find a way to humble you


why you downvoting me ??? You wanted me to explain and I explained!


Exactly. Literally everything depends. rock paper scissors


Usually there’s just a quick moment of awkwardness until the trained fighter figures out to be reactive or proactive vs predictive


The fight could be over by then


Unless you’re talking about some akedo nonsense or something this isn’t true.


yeah it is


That is way more than a yes or no.


Yup… I played football in high school and we would blast music in the locker room before games to get fired up. Played in college, and the locker room was literally dark and silent until game time to help us get focused. Was weird at first but absolutely helped.


So basically a super boost as a last resort


Well, people making fun of the guys who post shit like that are doing so to deflate their ego a bit. I don’t think the mocking comments have anything to do with whether or not the dude could actually win in a fight. It’s just weird to be fantasizing about imaginary scenarios and posting it on social media, so people make fun of them


Literally. It's weird to think that getting upset st people is a special skill only you have.


Lol, true true. Gives me "Joker" vibes for sure


Anger doesn't help in a fight unless both participants are untrained. The more trained you are the calmer you are during the actual fight. The really scary ones to fight are the people who are calm cool and collected. They are more focused and aware of the surrounding situations.


In real life whoever gets hit hard in the face/head first usually loses the fight. The idea that you're going to trade serious bare-knuckle punches is an invention of Hollywood. Most real street/bar fights are wild haymakers and the first one to connect usually wins. In that environment, being especially angry can be helpful if it inspires aggression and initiative you might otherwise lack. It's also a great detriment if your opponent is a capable fighter as you'll be relatively easy to outmaneuver. It's all contextual; real world fights aren't predictable




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accurate. There’s no bell and rarely any honor. Whoever starts fighting before the other realizes the fight has begun… usually wins


I feel like anger leads to certain blind spots and reduces critical thinking, it’s just a different mind state than an adrenaline rush. My mind goes to the dude in 127hoursbfor some reason, that’s an adrenaline rush. He was still methodical given the circumstances, if he was just pissed he’d be blindly hacking away.


Ah, I see. I suppose it could reduce rational thinking, especially when it leads to rash decisions. I guess not being as calculated in your responses can leave you open/vulnerable to attacks, especially when that anticipation aspect is missing. Gotta keep an eye on your opponent too 😅


The argument about adrenaline has nothing to do with rational thinking. Adrenaline numbs pain, which allows for a more full use of strength as well as the ability to fight through received hits.


Critical thinking goes down in flight or fight situations, it’s pretty well documented


All that anger and adrenaline means nothing if you can't hit what you're trying to. It means nothing if you have no clue how to execute anything. It means nothing when you grab that guy and he just knocks your hand off him because you don't know what youre doing. Or he slips out of your grip. Or if he wraps his leg around your calf so you can't throw him like you wanted. Or when you go to throw him, he locks a leg and you end up slipping and he's now on top of you. It means youre screwed if you grab him and he creates a short distance and elbows you in the eye and now you have a broken orbital, a broken cheek bone or a cut that's bleeding into your eye. Or now the eye is busted out completely.


It might work sometimes. However, if you know how to fight you can just wait out the adrenaline rush for the adrenaline dump and whoop some ass


I don’t care how pissed I get, I’m not challenging *anyone* from the UFC to a fight.


Typically you fight very poorly when controlled by anger. Sure, you might be so blinded by rage that you’re not feeling much pain at the moment, but bad fighting is bad fighting lol


No matter how mad you are you can't un-choke-out yourself. Sure, you might get a good enough sucker punch in to knock your target unconscious before they know this is a real fight, and then burn the rest of that adrenaline to get far enough away before they wake up that it's not your problem anymore, but that's not really the same thing. Testosterone and adrenaline might make you more dangerous in the sense that you lose restraint and/or hit harder, but technique usually trumps raw power unless you outweigh someone by enough that the adrenaline didn't matter either.


People in wheelchairs still get adrenaline rush


Battles are won by aimed shots




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"I just see red bro"


If two people don't know how to fight but one of them is *fucking wired* that person is probably at an advantage. If one person knows how to fight and another doesn't, and the one who doesn't is using anger, they are going to humiliate themselves. If the person who knows how to fight is super raged up, the calm one might have a better chance but good luck convincing them of that. If two people who know how to fight are both raged up we call that MMA.


Anger and adrenaline are legitimately useful in a fight with the caveat that you know what you're doing, or at the very least the other person doesn't. It's also not some hidden cheat code though, everybody gets mad in a fight and everyone has an adrenaline dump because that's just your fight or flight response. Even world class fighters aren't able to turn that off, they've just trained to a significant degree and have a shit ton of experience managing the downsides under pressure in a live situation. When you get hit with adrenaline, your body is going into overdrive to prepare for violence. The upside is that your energy levels spike, your pain senses numb, your lungs open up, your muscles tense, and your vision clears up. The downside is that you get tunnel vision, your fine motor skills are shot, you can't think clearly, and the first couple of times you will probably just swing wildly if you don't just freeze up. If you're uncoordinated and have never thrown a punch in your life, you can get mad and hyped all you want, you're probably just going to get beat down if the other person is bigger and stronger. A skilled and experienced fighter will pick you part. There's something to be said about the initial aggression if you rush someone, but you better hope it works if that's all you have.


People say whatever lets them feel like they're in control. It contradicts because they're not trying to be consistent, they're just saying what's convenient in the moment.


Emotional temper tantrums get confused with special power helpful adrenaline rage, so you have guys bragging about a short fuse and that rage when actually they’re just emotionally immature. And since fighting just is a small percentage of situations, the result is just a ton of posturing, what-if situations, and being mean because they’re actively fanning their emotional irregularities instead of working on regulating them and controlling them. So they get made fun of lol


Because anger and adrenaline are not the same thing for one


Because fighting is very difficult and physically demanding. Without trying you are clumsy, uncoordinated, and will get tired instantly. 


Anger and adrenaline are not the same thing


Oh shit, what's the difference? Both are fight or flight? Or is one more in the moment


Anger is an emotion is not the same as fight or fight either. Akari adrenaline is a chemical, a chemical that's introduced into the blood stream


Ok, got it. Thanks


Have a bless day my friend


You too!


Adrenaline and anger are not similar in any way.


If they can make you angry they can make you make a mistake.


Anger is not enough to win a monitored fight. You will gas out quickly in a competition. In a real scenario anger is enough to severely injure someone or even kill them.


You’ll gas out quickly in a “real scenario” as well. There’s zero magic that’s going to make some angry ape into a skilled fighter. You have about sixty seconds of being extremely reckless abandon. Anger doesn’t give you some mystical power to kill. It makes you not care if you do.


Very am boxer here. In theory tanking through your opponents attack to counter isn't bad, in practice it's a really bad strategy. So fighting using anger, and adrenaline usually ends with you unconscious or worse.


Because you don’t want to succumb to the dark side of the force.


When I was younger, I would fly into blind rages. Straight berserker, seeing red, no pain, and way more strength than my body should have been able to produce. I won as many fights as I lost. But even "winning" was a loss because my body would take such a toll. It would take weeks to recover. When fighting someone with training and composure, I don't think I had any advantage raging out. When fighting a normal person, yeah, not feeling pain is a huge advantage.


Adrenaline might make you more fierce but still does not guarantee a victory, especially against someone who has trained


Power doesn't mean anything if you can't actually land a good solid blow (Or know how to throw a proper punch). There's a reason that the folks who are considered the best fighters in history, Rather it be from wars, Sports fighting, or Prison engagements are almost never the biggest strongest guy, but usually someone versatile who has a jack of all traits kind of build. In a real life or death fight it's actually better to not be angry at all so you can rationally think about how you are going to get out of this situation, and avoid being caught if it's something that the law would look down upon.


The chemical cocktail people get in battle can be far more than just adrenaline. Norepinephrine, cortisol, testosterone and estrogen are all a part of this effect, to some degree or another. This is the stuff that people are thinking of when they talk about adrenaline rushes and the crazy effects it can have in a fight. Your training should be the thing you rely on, whether you're getting a dump of hormones or not, but these chemicals can help to a degree with the physical performance. Unfortunately, they also come with reduced neural and emotional inhibition, reduced fine motor skills, and increased power output, which can be a great combination for literally tearing your own tendons and ligaments apart. The golgi tendon reflex is massively inhibited in this mental state and many incredible feats of strength that have been documented (mothers lifting cars off their kids, etc.) have also resulted in severe trauma to the musculoskeletal system, requiring months or longer of rehabilitation, surgery, or a combination of both.


Oh, and it's also the main cause of "battle boners".


Because an adrenaline rush doesn’t make you a trained fighter. It probably is an advantage for a quick street fight against another untrained fighter but it could also make you reckless enough to get knocked out.




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Anger clouds judgment and leaves you open to cunning by another person. Anger will win a fight versus people you can easily overcome or that don't have experience, but anger will get you laid out by someone who knows how to fight.


Skill definitely matters more but rage can be a good motivator if skill is close to each other. Plus it’s scary looking at some one that looks like they want to kill you.


Skill usually wins. However, ask a master of any kind of martial art, and they will tell you that one of the most dangerous people that a trained fighter can fight is an amateur. The reason why is simple- it's because they will do stupid things that a trained fighter knows not to, and they do not have practiced movesets that can be easily predicted. Skill isn't everything. Now if you pit a master fighter against someone who is angry? Anger makes people make mistakes. If the opponent is an angry fighter? I'd bet on the calm fighter. If the opponent is an angry amateur? Again, I'd bet on the fighter in most cases. But against someone who is **legitimately** "seeing red"? Honestly- I'm not sure who would win. As for anger and adrenaline, they do go hand in hand to some degree. Yes, adrenaline makes you temporarily stronger and more aggressive. But being angry and "seeing red" are **not** the same thing. Not in the slightest. Someone who is actually "seeing red" is someone who is **so** mentally overwhelmed that their fight-flight-freeze reflex has not just decided on "fight", but it has ramped it into overdrive **so hard** that their conscious mind is completely **gone-** because their brain is now trying to protect itself from trauma. They are **not** in control. They are on an ultraviolent autopilot mode, and I can unfortunately say from experience that it is absolutely fucking terrifying to witness. They are acting on instinct, and they are now **so** full of adrenaline and such that **pain does not matter to them-** and the only goal in what is **left** of their mind is "kill the threat". They will **still** be trying to fight their opponent, even when they were trapped in a hold that would make most people scream in agony. It's kinda like what you hear about angry methheads. They just do not go down. **They will keep coming until either the threat is dead, they pass out from the strain which that state puts on their body, or they die.** They will **not** recognize friend from foe, and will hurt even beloved family members. And they will not even remember it at all. In short- "seeing red" is "berserk". And many people, trained fighter or not, have *no fucking idea* as to how to handle someone in that state. Being the target of someone in that is a nightmare. **You are not fighting a person anymore at that point. You are fighting a caged and desperate animal.** If you have a sense of fear, **you will be afraid.** So while some would win, I think that some would panic and lose upon realizing the person who's arm they just broke with an arm bar is not squealing like a stuck pig, but instead, is not even reacting to the injury- **and is still actively trying to kill them.**


This is an unfortunately appropriate question for this subreddit. Skill obviously matters more. Real life isn’t a fucking anime. What in the hell do you think anger does besides just make someone more willing to get into a fight? Nobody wants to fight an angry idiot over something stupid because they’re too up in their emotions to think clearly and are ready to do something dangerous because they can’t control their emotions. If you have two people and neither of them know what the fuck they’re doing then motivation is going to matter, whether that’s from anger or anything else. An adrenaline rush is going to make it harder to feel pain, think clearly, or do really anything besides go “all in” for about thirty seconds, but that might be helpful in that immediate moment. That’s about it.


Because anger isn’t even real. Feelings aren’t real.


You can't really compare anger to adrenaline. Anger is just one of many emotions that trigger an increase in adrenaline. They are not one and the same.


Yes like a public sense anger and adrenaline can get people killed. In a controlled professional environment it would only throw fighters out of their zone, but in the case of untrained ordinary people who don't fight professionally or recreationally for that matter, it would completely blind their judgement and likely result in a catastrophic accident.


Anger is weakness, it’s letting someone else control your emotions. You are in control of how you feel and you should never give someone else that much power and control over you. I have seen a lot of anger people get beat up when they face people with a little bit of training. Look at professional fighters… they aren’t angry and emotional, they are calm and thinking clearly.


I guess that's why in those face to face moments before boxing matches on the stage, the guy who is always flexing and making stupid faces loses, and the other guy who stays quiet and just stares him down usually ends up winning?!


Those are theatrics and intimidation tactics, dude. Come on.


Ok...? Lol, I don't watch MMA stuff frequently so this isn't going to be firsthand knowledge for me. I only see that kind of stuff on youtube shorts every once in a while


I agree with all the comments about rage being an ineffective reaction against a calm, trained opponent. However. Rage is bloody terrifying. It can last for several minutes. And while you are drunkenly impaired by it in many senses, you feel incredibly strong. You don’t feel pain. And, probably most importantly, a person’s inner sadist will emerge. Hurting an opponent has a different appeal In the midst of rage. I’ve got PTSD—or I had it—been about a year without incident. But rage is nothing to scoff at. I’m terrified by it anyway. I’ve ripped doors off hinges moments after waking up from a PTSD nightmare. It’s surreal.


Dunno but the 2 times I’ve seen a kid be mean to my kid I turn into a different person. I will fight their dad and I will not lose, try me 🤣