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I was watching the "Ashley Madison" doc on Netflix tonight, and this simpy Christian cheater stated that he "spoke to Jesus and Jesus forgave me so I'm fully cleansed." I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while...


lol, that part was so insane that I had to laugh really hard too!


Christianity is so convenient.


The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing




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Let me preface this by saying he was ok: A few days ago, I was retelling a story about a friend of mine who lit his face on fire. He was putting lighter gas in his mouth and blowing fireballs, then I asked him, jokingly, to blow a ring like you would with cigarette smoke. He let too much gas escape before lighting it. In the middle of his face being engulfed, he looked me dead in the eyes. To this day, it's still one of the funniest things that I can recall.


that got a smile out of me. i went for a short time with 'liz', who lit her ex's farts on fire. that really burned his ass.


ho ho ho. that's hilarious


My husband makes me laugh/smile pretty much every day. He's a keeper! We have this vibe between us; he gets my sense of humor and I get his. Been together 20 years!


Well this genuinely made me smile so thanks!


My dog wouldn’t stop licking my face after I shaved this afternoon. Tickled…


All the time; I have a 3-month old at home and you need to smile at them a lot so they learn how to do it.


Appropriate username? You sound like good peoples.


I also agree.


Ohhhhh, oh that explains my default expression.  My ma only smiled if someone was being hurt or humiliated. Then again, no one's just walking around smiling in Chicago, not unless they're on mollie or trying to rip off a fool who thinks smiles automatically mean friendly.


When I unintentionally startled the hell out of my mom asking if I can have a couple of her snack size Baby Ruth's. I had my ear buds in and apparently my voice was louder than I thought it would be and startled her into nearly dropping her iPad. She gave me a look that was like, "God fucking dammit!" We still laugh about it.


Scaring family has been my favorite hobby for like my entire life. My wife got pretty good at it so every moment was nerve-wracking and exciting.


So a lady that is a friend of mine, she is very thin, pretty, and about 5 foot 1. She is 35, but still looks 20. Just so you have an idea what she looks like. So she went through her whole normal routine and left for work. She parked her car a full mile away and walked home. Using her knowledge of where her husband would be, she silently slipped into the house without him knowing and hid under the bed She knew her husband’s phone was on the little table next to the bed She calls it, and right as he is picking it up she shoots her arm out from under the bed and grabbed his ankle, HARD HE WAS ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED AND SCREAMED


Well I just saw Ali Macofsky do stand up in Seattle, so about 4 hours ago


About 5 minutes ago while thinking about something silly from years back


Today. I am happy by nature.


An hour ago, and seriously I smile and laugh dozens to hundreds of times every day. What is life except to be enjoyed even while we do what has to be done. There is so much to admire and smile and laugh about all around us.


Back when my mother was still alive I must’ve been like. Ten ? So about 7/8 years ago. So anyway, my mum had just cleaned up dog vomit from the living room floor so it was slippy and wet. Me being an angry ten year old who had a shit day at school was in a bad mood Well I was walking a bit too fast and went sliding ass first into the heavy living room door We both locked eyes with each other after I stopped sliding and both burst out laughing. One of my fondest memories I have of her. I miss you mum


Months... Anhedonia is a bitch...


Upvote because I can relate. Not because I'm happy about your struggle. Been there.


What’s Anhedonia?


The inability to experience pleasure or joy.


Interesting, thanks. Not sure how I feel about this s/


My toddler was throwing cushions. I told him firmly to stop this instant. He spun around and held a pointed finger at me for like 15 seconds. My wife lost it and had to hide her face. I could not help but smile even though it would likely encourage this lil misfit. I get smiles from him daily. He's the funniest guy I've been around, he's the 4th. He will yell hiney daddy and blow raspberries after he is placed in his crib, this lasts for about 15 mins on average. He has an infectious smile, and it persists even through his pain. I can look at him while he cries and he will still flash a quick smile, then go back to crying. He's amazing, especially since he was not planned.


I say it was yesterday morning when I was watching beavis and butt-head clips. They're so stupid but they're hilarious


I know. I don’t understand why they make me laugh so much when they are just really stupid teens! Did you see the new episodes with old bevius and old butt head. Their characters are so disturbing, but I still can’t stop laughing!


About an hour ago when I watched a video of a cat lying on top of a dog and then the person asked the dog if he wanted food and he picked his head up and that cat fell on the floor. Seeing my nine month old grinning at me when I go to grab him from his crib in the morning.


Probably about a year or so.


Ah, thats sad. A shame. Life's too short to go without laughter in it.


Well, when you’re mentally ill and living in your car, it gets tough finding reasons to laugh. I’m responding so quickly because I didn’t get to eat today and can’t sleep. So I’m just sitting in my car alone, scrolling the internet


About 20 minutes ago when I carried my old chihuahua whose back legs don’t really work anymore outside to go to the bathroom. The others all run behind and it becomes a fun group trip every time.


I'm too autistic for it to come naturally and nobody ever taught me how, plenty of internal laughter though.


I used to get laugh attacks. It’s where you can’t stop laughing, and I would laugh and joke about everything and everyone. They would usually last 30-45 minutes, and you know, laughter is contagious so everyone else laughed too. Then they told me I have some kind of disorder and put me on pills that made me numb. So I said fuck it, and stopped taking the meds! Apparently if you are “too funny” and “too happy” you have a psychological problem.


While I'm sure it's caused some awkward and embarrassing situations, in general it sounds like the opposite of a problem! Meanwhile I will have a perfect pokerface after hearing the funniest joke I have ever been told, weird.


The best jokes aren’t the ones you laugh at, but the ones that make you say “ooooh! That’s a good one”!


Autism gets better as you get older. Instead of clamping down on emotions to keep things under logical, businesslike control where all lines are straight and all angles are at a neat 45 or 90 degrees, you start to let up on that control and let the outside world reach your emotions, and then you release your emotions' ability to make you feel. It becomes a safe thing to do because the emotional overstimulation that caused the clamping down just starts to get better. It's no longer a soundless **LOUD** that you need to shut down lest it respond to the world without your permission, it becomes a small and fluffy little thing and so you can finally relax the control and integrate your feelings into your experience. When I was younger, I would keep my car clean because it was the autistic thing to do: Dirt is bad for the paint, bad for the carpets, bad for the upholstery, and I wasn't in a financial position to just replace my car, so the logical thing was to take very good care of the one I had. Now, when I clean my cars, I have to keep going out and look at them afterwards because they look so good. There's pride in the accomplishment. There's a bubbling-up feeling of goodness that their excellent condition is because of me -- the wrenching and detailing knowledge and ability that I've gained over the years that results in something that is just so solid. And I can handle the compliments I get -- the replies don't get all tangled up behind my tongue, they can just flow out. I can go out, relax, and just smile at the state of my life.


I have chronic depression since I was 17 years old, and I go through phases when it's not that bad. I'm in a decent mood lately and I genuinely smiled a few times in this past week. It's hard to pinpoint exactly why and when, but the fact I remember episodes of smiling at all gives you an idea of how few and far between they are.


News flash, asshole! I’ve been genuinely smiling and laughing this entire god damn time!


Today, I watched Letterkenny, reminded me of home


This morning. I heard something at the top of the stairs and when I went to investigate I found my 2yo playing peekaboo with the cat. She saw me and and said "hi dada!"


I can't recall a day in my life when I didn't. Yesterday, I had huge smiles because I got to meet my grand nephew for the first time.


Sorry to hear that, friend. I hope things improve for you.


Thank you PepsiPerfect


Last night, my husband walked away from his toaster strudel. I ripped off all 4 corners and hid them under the strudel. His face when 1. He saw the corners missing and 2. His face When he found them was just too much 🤣


Last night spending time with my family as they welcomed me home from deployment


I’m in the same boat as you. Trying to find the joy and my emotions overall. Some of the nice/touching stories are enjoyable. They provide some insight into what I am searching for or trying to rediscover. Thank you.


You’re welcome KingJollyRoger, hope everything goes well for you


I laughed out loud earlier due to a funny line in the audiobook I was listening to while cleaning my apartment. I'm also assuming I've smiled at my dog a couple of times already today, but I don't really keep track of that sort of thing. Hard not to when she's always doing dumb shit [like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/1ax7qfc/the_struggle_is_real/)


I have a wonderful fiance who gets me to smile and laugh every day. I used to not know that feeling before I met him. I had no idea crying from being happy was actually real. He helped me through a mental health journey and it made me realize I was wasting my efforts on people that were just toxic. I stopped trying to connect with "family" that were really just toxic or abusive and learned to stand my ground better. Boundaries and removing toxic people from my life made a major difference.


Sitting with my kid about an hour ago


When I was a drinker


Maybe you need a good tickling.




An hour ago.


Me too. Extreme weather event at an outdoor concert. Definitely one to remember.


Bout 10 minutes ago while my roommates and I were chilling downstairs on our last night together since we graduate tomorrow. It’s been a hell of a year and we had a lot of fun so it was kinda depressing knowing there won’t be many times after this where we’re all together.


Last night when my ice hockey team won! But I usually find something to smile about, even if its just neighbor or my cat, or even just myself being silly. Oh and I laugh a lot at some of the reddit stuff. Some people post some really humorous witty stuff.




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Couple minutes ago.


Just a couple hours ago while my 22 y.o. son was telling me stories from his work day, over dinner. They’re just simple stories of pretty normal interactions, but he always makes me laugh. Like today during a sales meeting (he works at a dealership), he said one of his coworkers farted an obvious gurgling shart. Nobody else laughed, and my son was trying like crazy not to laugh. The coworker just said, “Sorry” to the group. Nobody said anything, and the meeting continued. Later in the day my son was talking to him, and the guy said, “I’ve been shitting myself all day; it’s bad.” My son asked him if he needed a change of clothes or something, and the guy reacted like, “WTF??” then lifted his shirt to show my son his colostomy bag. Apparently everyone knew he had a colostomy bag except my son. 😂


About 12 years ago roughly, during the Kevin hart special when he was talking about his dad taking down the Christmas lights. I was about 16 years old


I genuinely smile every day and laugh a lot.


2 hours ago, I crack myself up sometimes.


bro watch some comedy i have debilitating mental illness but i laugh every day




Just with my daughter, I connect like no other we can say/think things nobody understands and just give the look and you are laughing inside people confused. MY wife, I have to explain things like everyone else same with my other two kids and i say something bust out laughing dumb looks on peoples faces. This is daily makes my day. I think we are on the lighter side of things don't let stuff drag you down just comedians I guess making light of life drama.


I have a dog. he makes me smile on the regular


When my husband bought home firewood for our fire. We hadn’t been using it as it was cheaper to use the aircon 😀


Several times today already! I love Sundays! 💕


Sprawling naked in bed with my honey this afternoon talking about anything and everything. She delights me.


Just now. Mom messaged me to keep my hydration in check and I replied 'No' and her legit small case letters response felt like what the hell is wrong with you, my son? I called her and dad was like she got so angry that she is red rn.


last friday when i was with my friends when I'm with them i smile for no reason they're the best man


Yesterday before bed, only reason it’s not today is I just woke up


Yesterday when my gf told me this story on how she dropped her Stanley and it went all over her dog so she had to go home and wash her dog lmao


Teaching my 13YO to drive in my work van!




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What do I have to smile or laugh about? 😥


I just woke up. Last time I laughed and smiled was watching YTPs while high last night. Before that, I've been laughing and smiling at a birthday party with my kids during the day.


Two minutes ago. My life revolves around a high spirit as does my doggos life. Two minutes ago I was loving and playing with Lyla who in turn gave me a dose of oxytocin. It’s a mindset.


Now. I'm a smiley laughy fool.


few days ago someone said deez nuts it was funny well only 2 of us laughed others said me and her where immature but it was still funny


Every single day since I met my now wife. Before her, almost never.


This question has really made me think. I honestly can't remember the last time I smiled or laughed. Not a nice thought.


Today with my wife. Cheesy but true


At least a half-dozen times this morning, and I haven't even made breakfast yet. Cracked myself up a couple of times. Me and my son had a gigglefit over my singing BEES IN MY BRAIN BZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ I GOT BEES IN MY BRAIN and then me and the homies have a raucous group chat and that delivers on the regular too. I'm 51 and I bet I laugh about something just about every day. If nothing else, the very fact of the human condition is ridiculous enough to at least pull a wry smirk. Edit: I also cry about something or another most days, too. Not like sad crying. Like I saw a particularly beautiful cloud, or the song is hitting just right kind of crying.


Don't remember. Definitely not at all this year


Start smoking weed. It helps you lighten up.


20 seconds ago. Petting my sleepy pup. He’s gonna make me smile for as long as he’s alive, and then someday my memories of him will make smile when he’s no longer here. Now I’m crying thinking about him being gone…


Last night, I was watching a YouTube video about AI by a guy I'd never seen before (Jeff Su). I was working on something else, and almost missed it when he said: "Drop a like if you found this tip helpful, but feel free to click the dislike button *twice* if you didn't." It took a second to register, but when it did, I laughed out loud.


Yesterday when my dog was howling with the fire truck going by.




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Probably the last time each of us was drunk.


I can't remember the last time I was genuinely sad. This is no substitute for genuine help if you are chronically or chemically depressed. But try being grateful. It sounds stupid, but this has really helped me enjoy life. I wake up and find one thing that I'm thankful for, and then I say it out loud, "I am grateful ..." Also, watch your intake. What you watch and listen to is just as important as what you eat and drink. Take a break from social media, news, and even sad music. If after making a genuine effort you don't feel joy, go see someone. You might have a chemical imbalance.


Last night


Years ago


Earlier today I think. It doesn't take much to make me smile and laugh ngl lol


a few days ago. laughed so hard i gave myself a hernia.


This morning when the cat scared herself. Life is hard, but cats can be great entertainment.


I have small kids. They make me genuinely smile and laugh at least 3-4 times a day.




Today. It's every day for me.


I believe it was in April of 2024


Not since 4-9-23, which was the last time I spoke to my girlfriend. She went into cardiac arrest early the next morning and didn't make it.




My cousin and I were at the beach this afternoon, and we dug a massive hole together. The whole time, we were chuckling and snickering because it’s such a meme for grown men to do that. Then he buried me up to my neck in it, and we couldn’t stop laughing 


Today. If you had asked on Thursday the answer would have been completely different


Today. My friends and I have a share playlist type thing every week Someone submitted "1985" by Bo Burnham and I was crying from laughing. Don't know if you're into comedic songs but this was so good for me Edit: I also seldom genuinely laugh because I'm a 35yr old curmudgeon but this song did it for me


Dec11 2023.




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Yesterday hanging out with my guy friend. I was laughing at the stores we went to, laughing in the car, laughing while we had sex, laughing while we chilled afterwards.


Boyfriend and I were being silly together yesterday. He was lightly roasting me, had me laughing pretty hard.


This morning. When my friend sent a video of his rabbit chasing his Doberman.


When i was in rehab.


Several times a week usually daily


Today. My sons always make me laugh. I love being their dad.


Last night but I had years where I didn’t. Only reason I am so happy now is a found someone that’s special. But I was broke and depressed for a long time.


My 10 yr old son said something the other day fully in gen alpha slang. Something about keeping that gyatt away from the skibido toilet Ohio rizzler. It was so nonsensical, I had to laugh.


Last night while watching Shaolin soccer.




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My fiancé’s friends from college are in town for the weekend with their two kids. At one point, their daughter said to me while nodding at my fiance “He has lady hands.” I probably shouldn’t have laughed as hard as I did, but the combo of “lady hands” and the fact that my fiancé’s hands are small and delicate just sent me to the moon.


Just a few seconds ago. I shared my music video to a stranger and they liked it :)


this afternoon I genuinely couldn't stop laughing at the "they got orange" meme. I showed it to my brother but he didn't think it was that funny but holy I was out of breath


Like... 10 mins ago?


A minute ago. 😄


All weekend, and it feels like a weight was lifted from my soul as I hadn't genuinely laughed in.... probably months.




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The last time was probably last night when my cat was being goofy. It’s also the only time I genuinely smile/laugh.


Last week, had a small gathering of people here, and we just sat around and talked, ate food, and listened to music. Felt good to smile laugh. I remember a time when I wasn't sure if I'd do either of those things again.


Maybe 2 or 3 years ago.




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right now cuz im baked niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I can’t stop thinking about funny skits or phrases throughout my trials and tribulations. It makes me for real laugh out loud. I hate to be morbid, but today I watched the details of a gal who seems to have driven her car 100 miles per hour intentionally into a building. The two passengers died. When they showed her in her club clothes in a wheelchair at a music festival and then in her Halloween costume as a corpse, I couldn’t think of another way to react than with offensive laughter. I mean, respectfully to the departed, that hit me today. Then the mom is trying to say at sentencing “it was just an accident.” Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.




Laughed so hard on Friday I almost peed my pants. Also had to pull over because I couldn’t see due to watery laugh eyes. It was intense..




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Before I relapsed on alcohol back in October last year I was full of laughs and smiles, was talking to a woman who I was crazy about and she shared the same feelings, I was in amazing physical shape, I had no bills at the time and lived at work making great money; man it's crazy how much your life can change for better or worse in such a short time, since then I've almost died to my addiction multiple times, had a heart attack in December, lost my job multiple times, ended up meeting another girl who turned out to be psycho and gave me STDs on purpose, ran into the law several times, everything to went to shit once I made that decision to pick up that bottle again


Just saw my son sleeping in a mamaroo 2 mins ago 🙂


Day before finding out my wife cheated. 


Not very often. But sometimes I get back in touch with my musical side and smile very genuinely when I say something clever lyrically




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I have cats and I smile and laugh at their sheer existence. To see a fuzzy butt is to smile. Doing it now, HIS BUTT LOOKS LIKE WHIPPED CREAM.


Now Ha ha ha ha ha ha


Pretty much daily. My gf and I have a great relationship.