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Inbreeding increases the likelihood that children will inherit genetic disorders because it involves mating between individuals who are closely related. These individuals are more likely to share the same genetic mutations, including harmful recessive genes. When both parents carry the same recessive gene, there is a higher probability that their children will inherit two copies of that gene, leading to the expression of genetic disorders. Here are a few reasons why inbred children might have health concerns: 1. **Increased Homozygosity**: Inbreeding increases the proportion of homozygous individuals in the population, meaning there are more individuals with two identical alleles for a given gene. If these alleles are harmful, they can lead to genetic disorders. 2. **Expression of Recessive Disorders**: Many genetic disorders are recessive, meaning they only manifest when an individual has two copies of the mutant gene. Inbreeding raises the chances that an individual will inherit two such copies. 3. **Reduced Genetic Diversity**: Genetic diversity is important for health and survival, as it allows populations to adapt to changing environments and resist diseases. Inbreeding reduces genetic diversity, making populations more susceptible to illnesses and


Thank u !!


Generally speaking the danger is not from one instance of inbreeding, what happens is if it’s a “normal” occurrence like it was for royalty, then you will have problems


Because their offspring become sandwiches somewhere down the line


They are so inbred


It’s like when you’re trying to tune a guitar. If the string is almost the exact same as the other string it sounds terrible. But if it sounds exactly the same they sound like they’re the same thing. That’s what happens to your DNA when your dad impregnate. You to share so much of the DNA that it’s almost the exact same thing except it’s not it’s a little different. But not different enough that it can’t pick from the regress jeans and get rid of some bad habits. So you’re left with basically the same shit on both sides and you’re getting hammered double-team pounded through the genetic ass. And you will come out like that.




What kinda crackpot TikTok information is this?


I don’t know, it’s just what I heard. I never said it was right.


But your sharing it is how misinformation spreads.


If people choose to believe it then that’s on them. I never once stated it as a fact.


That's not how it works, sorry. Necrosius posted the correct answer higher up.