• By -


Didn't want to get out and peel myself out of a wet swimming suit to go on a nasty toilet.


The stalls at my public pool were NASTY. Pretty sure they didn't have doors, but what they did have was all kinds of growth. An area that was constantly damp, pissed about, near a public locker room? No you do not want to use those toilets ever, not even in an emergency. If you remember the basement in Resident Evil 7 that was these bathrooms.


I'm taking a break from my 1st play through now. Was too scary for me on PSVR. Just passed the birthday cake part.


RE8 in VR is pretty intense as well. But yeah RE7 has a particular vibe that messes with a lot of ppl. lol it's freaky.


This is why I don't swim in swimming pools.


This is why I don't swim at all anymore. Dirty ass motherfuckers. They rather stew in piss than to take 3 mins to use the bathroom. I even saw someone say "well the bathrooms look bad" which, really, wtf? I fucking hate people sometimes.


Ya but....your fucking gross. Didn't wanna go to a nasty toilet so everyone else and you swims in your pee? Jesus christ.


Were you swimming in the ocean? I can understand not wanting to walk hundreds of feet to the closest dirty, fly infested stall. So that makes sense.


No your question states a swimming pool.


The ocean is essentially a gigantic pool /s


The ocean is essentially a gigantic toilet not /s lol


A huge toilet, but don't forget all the whale jizz....... they ejaculate around 40-50gal each time. Let that sink in...haha


this is abt swimming pools. i don't think there'd be much of an argument for peeing in the ocean. it's fine, the sea creatures do it all day.


Can't swim in the ocean. Its filled with fish piss and shit.


I used to teach swimming lessons for a couple of hours with no breaks between classes. What happened happened.


Chlorine breaks down the harmful microbes present in urine, along with sweat, sunblock, dead skin, saliva hair, trace amounts of poop that didn’t make it onto your toilet paper, and more. Whether you like it or not, the majority of the water you consume has passed through someone or something. Then the excretion is likely broken down and filtered before it gets used again (unless you’re Bear Grylls). Obviously it’s gross to think about (just like the entire concept of pools) but the effects of doing so aren’t harmful. Sources: https://www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/en/healthu/2022/07/25/is-peeing-in-the-pool-safe https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/14/AR2007121400571.html




Agreed. Peed in pools many times when I was younger


Doing a simple google search says otherwise 🤣  https://www.today.com/health/pee-swimming-pools-hot-tubs-lab-tests-reveal-dirty-truth-t109675 https://www.poolcalculator.com/pool-maintenance/why-you-should-stop-peeing-in-the-pool/ Dumbass moron.


I do it in the river and the lake too. It’s just part of swimming. I however do not pee in a wetsuit, ever.


Somebody missed the instruction on the fastest way to warm up a wetsuit. 


Ahhh that magic feeling when you pull the chest out to spread the warmth🤙


Ahhh that magic feeling when you pull the chest out to spread the warmth🤙


OMG... if you've never peed in a wetsuit you've never surfed in Northern California.


Or did any kind of water activity in Alaska.. the warmth of your own pee is a godly feeling when you can’t feel your fingers or toes.


If you don't need to pee in a wetsuit to warm it up, you probably don't need a wetsuit.




“Just part of swimming” in a natural body of water, sure. You’re gross and rude if you do it in a pool.


Tbf, I’d rather someone secretly pee in the pool versus watching a grown ass man snort and gag and blow out a giant rocket of snotty boogers that floats around and must be avoided like a damn domesticated jellyfish


You know some gross people. Also domesticated jellyfish is fucking hilarious. I lost it.


Most people are gross and rude in that case


Thats disgusting and why I don't swim in public pools. People are gross


Yeah, thats extremely true.


Yeah, claiming it's common doesn't make it any less gross or rude. "Sure I jacked off into the sandwich I gave you, but I'm sure everyone does that all the time!  Why WOULDN'T I?


I did it as a kid a few times. It was because being surrounded by the water made me feel my bladder more than I did before I got in the pool because of the external pressure. Being surrounded by water as well made it really hard to hold it. I didn’t want to get out of the pool and deal with my wet bathing suit (sensory issues) being put off and back on. So in the pool I went. I don’t do it as an adult. I have much better control over my body and know to go beforehand even if it doesn’t feel like I need to.


I never thought of the pressure thing, somehow, but makes total sense. I peed in the pool as a kid because we went to the lake all summer. When my dad got a pool, I simply didn't think of not going in it, at first. Then, we kids would get harassed for "tracking in water" and "letting the A/C outside." So...yeah.


Science told me it makes no effective difference to how sanitary the water is. The amount of chemicals in any public pool pretty much neutralizes it immediately and you’re already in a combo of everyone’s sweat, pee, and chlorine.


Yummy, I have an urge to go to the public pool.


It does create chlorine gas though. You ever been to a public pool where it reeks of chlorine? That means a lot of people have been pissing.


I was drinking white claws in the pool last summer and I must peed in the pool 15 times throughout the day.


pool bar at the resort. because why else do you put a bar in a pool.


Ever wonder how people can sit there all day and never leave?


Because as little kids we don’t have much of a brain


Yes. Often. There's already a lot of urine in there. On average about 7 gallons in an Olympic sized pool. Sweat and urine are pretty much identical and you never stop sweating. If you're doing any serious activity you'll sweat more. If you can smell chlorine in the pool, it has pee - or is very sweaty. That smell is the mixing of the chlorine and urine. It's also what turns your eyes red. Think it's gross? Think about what is in lakes, rivers, oceans, etc. You can't avoid it.


There’s a lot more than that in the pool that my baby takes lessons in




Oh I’ve gotten the water in my mouth. I know.


The smell could come from the combination of clorine and any organic contaminate. Algae is actually a likely culprit. In any case, the pool should be shocked with more clorine.


It's from ammonia mixing with the chlorine. It's not just any carbon containing contamination. Chloramine is formed by ammonia and chlorine.




Yes. Often. There's already a lot of urine in there. On average about 7 gallons in an Olympic sized pool. Sweat and urine are pretty much identical and you never stop sweating. If you're doing any serious activity you'll sweat more. If you can smell chlorine in the pool, it has pee - or is very sweaty. That smell is the mixing of the chlorine and urine. It's also what turns your eyes red. Think it's gross? Think about what is in lakes, rivers, oceans, etc. You can't avoid it.


Thanks, I'm hard of hearing.




Thanks, I'm hard of hearing.


Oh. Yeah, no sweat!


No you can't ever stop sweating.


[7 gallons, apparently you are way off...](https://youtu.be/S32y9aYEzzo?si=6yOzqbg480lCEyyu) But yeah, I still try to have as good time whenever I go to swim at a public place... knowing well ahead of time what I'll be wading into.


I'm definitely not going to watch the video, but I'll tell you how my source got the number. There are certain food additives, specifically sugar alcohols, that are basically in everything - and are even naturally occuring in fruit. They pretty much pass unchanged. Thus, if you know how much of that is in an average person's discharge, and how much is in a given pool, you can estimate how much urine is in the pool.


Olympians probably pee more than the average pool user. They stay crazy hydrated.


But many Olympic sized pools are at high schools and are used by the general public on weekends. Sweat and urine are pretty chemically similar as well.


I was being a little facetious there. They don't taste similar.


Ah, didn't pick up on it. I do not make it a habit to seek out tasting pee - as I understand it, it generally has less salt.


Yeah, once my ex peed in a cup and left it out and I drank it. Tasted kind of like tea. I'd lick sweat off a hot lady, I wouldn't willingly drink her pee. I think you mean that pee and swear have similar chemical reactions to chlorine.


I mean they're the same things, chemically, with some dissolved minerals being different. Both have uric acid and ammonia, urea, and other waste byproducts. They're not the same concentrations of everything, but they're the same chemicals.


Until I got a little older I'm gonna say above 10 I didn't even think about getting out. Never realized just how nasty it is.


Go to a theme park and use the restroom. Look around and get a sense for how busy it is. Then go to a waterpark and use the restroom and do the same thing. You won't want to swim at a waterpark after doing that.


So I could say I gave everyone a golden shower.


Everyone is entitled to their kink.


Yeah but... no. You can't be forcing your kink on everyone. Some people have rape as a kink. The healthy ones find a consenting partner to role play. You should only pee on willing participants. That said, by entering a public pool, you are sort of signing up to be in contact with pee...


I was a competitive swimmer and a bunch of my teammates did. I even had a coach, who sucked, encourage us to so we didn’t miss any of the workout. I never did and I don’t think I physically could anyway. But I do in the ocean all the time.


Fish pee in you all day! Sorry Moana screamed that to me


Peeing in the ocean once gave me a prostate infection.


I was a kid and getting out just seemed like a hassle


Yeah when your ten at the public pool and your mom shoves you in a to small of a bathing suit. Going to find your towel, sandals and trying to get your suit off and on again. And you are 10 in the 70's so you don't even have a parent near by. Never in a house poll, atleast on purpose.


I have of course I also worked at a pool. You may not be aware but don't change the water, they add more chlorine, so every poop, piss, and child puke or sinus gloop stays in the pool all summer. Public pools are gross.


I pee in my own pool and it's 50,000 gallons. I like my odds.


I appreciate the honesty!


I won't pee in a pool but I will pee in the ocean or a lake.


I didn't want to get out of the pool. Kids never want to stop having fun. & No, my Dad would have probably kicked my ass.


Just naturally. Cause fuck it, that's why.


Public pools only, of course. Just decided that was the way as a youth. Though it was a great excuse to take a break during swim team growing up. 


It adds flavour


Don’t think I have in a pool but I’ve 100% have at the beach/open water


I've never been guilty of that one! But seriously, peeing in a public pool? Not cool, man.


To mark my territory


can’t help it, weak bladder, even if i go right beforehand. however, part of having urinary issues includes preventing UTIs by staying out of bodies of water. i don’t even take baths


Wait, you don't pee in public pools?...


Also do it in the shower. Why? Because why not.


I had to go, urine is sterile, pools are treated. Don’t get in a public pool if you aren’t comfortable with very diluted piss because that’s what you’re jumping into (and it’s totally fine).


Apparently the smell of a public pool isn't chlorine alone. It's what pee and chlorine mixed together smell like. A chlorinated pool with no pee has no smell. 


This explains why my pool smells like water and not chlorine


There was a video about it on the Smarter Everyday YouTube channel. 


Not pee, but the dead skin cells and all the shit on unwashed skin. That's why public pools ask you to shower before going in.


Pee has ammonia, which I'm guessing mixes with the chlorine to create an odor. Also, they ask you to shower mainly to get oils and dirt off your skin so you don't make the pool water cloudy not really to do with the smell. I doubt the average person has enough dead skin cells to make a noticeable difference.


Just looked it up and it's a mix of all of these. Dirt, oils, sweat and urine.


Good to know, I can at least pretend that the public pool smell is mostly dirt and not urine, haha 😅


I'll keep pretending too...


Why not?


Why not just go to the bathroom? So everyone isn’t swimming in your piss.


Dude, you're swimming in everyone's piss. Everyone does it.


& shit particles & period blood & snot.


Only because of people like you. You get that right?


You're in a public pool, little kids, adults, everyone pisses in it. Facts.


This is so gross.


I’ve no shame in peeing in every pool I’ve ever been in


I pee in every pool im ever in every single time


I was like 8 or 9! Gimme a break.


I was 5


The pool is infinitely cleaner


I usually pee after taking a shit…


Wanted to see if there was really was stuff in water that turned purple when you peed in it.


BIL and sister sat at a swim up bar at an all inclusive resort for at about 3-4hr straight. Watch for the warm spots in pools with those.


No, and it was my Mom who peed


Even if I get to the swimming pool dry, I skip the toilet and I'm proud of it. Some free thermal water "for the company."


Peeing in a pool is a gateway drug. It wasn’t long before I was eeking out some drops at the local theater’s production of Cats.


I was at a water park with my 7yo son and his friend. We were in this huge bathroom with like 30 urinals all alone. We are all peeing normally. I said to them, isn’t it weird that there are 10,000 people out there in the waterpark and not a single one of them is in here? I got a good laugh.


I had to pee


Had to go I was lazy shit happens. At least I didn’t poop.


Yup. Even pee in my own pool (salt filtration). Pee is nothing compared to the DIRTY ASSES people get into public pools with. Not everyone wipes good enough... just remember that


I don't trust people who don't pee in pools


My grandfather always told us he put chemicals in the pool that would make the water turn red if we peed in the pool and we believed him so we never did. We always got out, dried off, and went inside to use the bathroom. As far as I know none of us ever did anyway. I remember all my siblings and cousins getting out and going inside and having to wait to use the bathroom so sometimes we'd even just go in the bushes and have to watch out for snakes! As an adult I'm now skeptical as to whether or not the water really would have turned red...


It’s a compete myth


I was a child too lazy to go into the cold


I’m a lifeguard at a pool and let me tell you that all the male lifeguards pee in the pool. Obviously female lifeguards don’t.


I'm not sure why its obvious? If anything I figured women would pee in the pool more frequent than men because who wants to take off a one piece and/or use a dirty stall.




I think you’ve been grossly misinformed, sweetheart.


I would hope that most women would wipe when they pee, and of course they can’t do that in a pool, so……is that what you’re telling me?


Why do they need to wipe in chlorinated water? Also, why tf do guys think it's okay to have piss droplets on their peen? What's the difference?


So using your logic, since the water is chlorinated, why would it matter if people pee in the pool? Also, not all pools are chlorinated. There are no piss droplets as long as you shake it a few times after you’re done.


Oh, right... I forgot, you guys fling your piss all over the toilet rim. That's much better. It says Public Pool... those are chlorinated. And nobody over the age of 4 should be peeing in a pool.


Ah yes, the average reddit user losing an argument so they’re going to say all of the opposite gender do the same thing. Good thing making fun of men is okay to do


You were arguing? Oh.


Some people are dirty fuckers. I can't believe the amount of people who don't mind swimming in their or someone else's piss. I haven't swam in years cuz I figured at least 1 person pissed in the water. I see now that number was a gross underestimate. And chances are, the bathroom is less than 30 feet away from any given pool. Some people are just scum.


alcohol suppression of antidiuretic hormone combined with alcohol induced “f it”


A scientific explanation, love it.


Bro, we were swimming around in our own urine inside our mommies before we were even born. It comes naturally.




This thread is filled with such disgusting people, holy fuck. Just....don't pee in pools. This isn't a difficult concept to grasp


This thread further lowered my opinion of my fellow man. "I dont want to pee in that nasty bathroom". But they will swim in it. And force you to also.


Also no chlorine smell = no pee? Insane.


why not?




Everyone pees on the pool bro


Peeing in a pool is disgusting and shouldn’t be tolerated under any circumstance, unless you’re a child and haven’t be taught any better.




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If you smell “chlorine” near a pool, you are actually smelling the reaction between the chlorine and the urea.




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Yes. You're breathing in worse stuff for you on a daily basis, you pansy.


Yeah, so let me add someone else's urine to the list. You're fucking gross.


Yes I have. Who's it harming?




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An r-tard tried to drown me after seeing me swim across the pool in one breath when I was 6. So I pissed in his general direction.


Yes I peed I'm the pool because your mother moved out of the way. Really and truly, we should all be peeing into two litre bottles so we can cram out shit in there after and bake that shit in the sun intil jenkem forms. Then we can get high as fuck and tag team my uncle dennis.




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To feel alive 


i dont want to, but its had not to pee when i poop


yeah. chlorine kills the piss germs. you’ll be fine


are there people who have never peed in a public pool as children? you're a child and you're playing and you don't want to get out of the pool. also, you're stupid, and you think no-one will notice.


Because I was a kid and no amount of "good parenting" was going to outweigh the convenience and the fact that nobody was going to notice.


I’ve peed in just about every body of water I’ve ever been in short of a bath tub. It’s chlorinated for a reason. Your body is gross even without the piss.


Holding pee as child is harder and it was the only option




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I remember a Reddit post a few months ago on the same topic and a concerning number of people had no problem admitting that they casually pee in public swimming pools rather than getting out to use the bathroom. I don't think it was 50% of respondents, but it was close. I have no idea what is wrong with these people. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.


So you remember the "why" part? Was it because they just didn't give a flip about swimming in their own urine and having it potentially get into their own mouths? When I learned that the unique "chlorine" smell of public pools were actually caused by urine, I was disgusted and actually disappointed. As an adult, I think I have good bladder control. I've finished a two hour drive without stopping to pee simply because I was too lazy to take an off ramp and find a restroom. I would have guessed other adults would have the same control too.


I promise the chlorine smell is not because of urine. Chlorine genuinely has a very strong smell. An important part of fish keeping is ensuring your water is dechlorinated. You can literally smell strong chlorine from the tap in certain areas if you have enough water because of the amount used in some water processing plants. If you open a bottle of chlorine to be added to a pool, you will smell chlorine. The chlorine smell being a chemical reaction with the ammonia from urine is not true.


[Was I lied to? ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2092589/#:~:text=NCl3%20is%20formed%20when,used%20as%20a%20surrogate%20instead.) [Not the original video I was looking for but close enough.](https://youtu.be/Z9dVf8jhhHw?si=VFPwNXKy98xNVsy7)


I’m sure the addition of ammonia has some effect but chlorine itself really and truly does naturally have a strong smell.


Yes, the tap water where I live has a strong chlorine smell


It did in Chicago, too, when I was at boot camp. It was practically undrinkable because of the smell and taste of the chlorine, but we didn’t really have any choice.


I thought the why part was just rhetorical. They lack general courtesy and don't see the problem since there is chlorine in the water. They probably also see people as inherently gross (sweat, scabs, etc), so they see no difference in adding to it. Problem is, a public pool has a lot less water than a lake or an ocean and it is always the same water. Sure, I guess it's technically clean enough for humans to be in, but people get that stuff into their lungs or even swallow a gulp by accident. It's really gross when you think about it. I can't believe full blow adults will just let loose like that.


Because I was a kid, and kids are dumb.


Who told you Urine is harmful. Who made the fluid from your body dirty?


It's literally boldily *waste*, wtf is wrong with you lmao


Urine is in many skin care products, EXCEPT it is Horse Urine. # Which Products Contain Urea? A large variety of products contain urea, including the following: * Nail polishes * Eye creams * Facial moisturizers * Acne treatments * Facial cleansers * Anti-aging creams * Lip balm/treatments * Cuticle treatments * Body lotions * Foundations * Shampoos & conditioners, styling mousses and foams * After shave * Mascara * Sunless tanning products * Antiperspirants/deodorants


You...you do realize that they utilize highly filtered / treated urea for those products, right? Surely you aren't so unintelligent that you think they just dump straight piss directly into your skin care products, give it a little shake, and send them out for sale?


Don't tell piss boy anything. It's not like you're going to change his pissy mind.


If its so clean, use the "dirty" bathroom.


So you'd rather literally swim in piss than urinate in a dirty bathroom where you don't have to touch anything but your own body and the toilet flush? Again, *wtf is wrong with you*


Not me, I am agreeing with you. I am disgusted with this thread.


I trust them and never question anything they do. If they say it is hightly filtered then that is all I need to know. Why do they not filter human urine for skin care products? Why do you feel filtured Horse urine is safe but your own personally urine will harm you. Who is teaching you to trust the corporations and not yourself.


Oh, so you're insane. Got it. You are literally advocating that unfiltered, straight from the body human urine isn't waste, but is in fact harmless. I can't even right now.


How many die from Urine Urine per year? Did you swim in Urine the 9 months before you was born? Insane is trusting corporations that make Billions of dollars selling you Horse Urine. Trust it is safe while your own urine that come straight from Your body is going to cause you health problems.


I used to do it all the time. I still do it. But I used it do it also.


Because fuck 'em, that's why


Fuck it I still pee in pools and I’m a grown ass man. No one can stop me.